de (daniel ewen)
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I know nothing. I now know something...
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With the [global] cost of living crisis only set to get worse, I now choose to stand in #solidarity with my fellow citizens. Those who are being forced to choose between heating and eating, who cannot afford food and live day to day using #foodbanks, whose children go hungry because we are being driven into food #poverty. I can no longer justify living in a world that displays such excessive #decadence, whilst so many others still experience continual #suffering.

I cannot change the world, but I can change myself. I am the change I wish to see in the world.

To be that change I first need to #wakeUp to the suffering being endured by my fellow beings. Then I can change my thoughts, feelings and actions and become mindful of my choices, and how they directly or indirectly impact on the suffering of others.

As far as excessive and unnecessary consumerism goes, I'm out! and I hope my friends are listening to what is going on around us. I choose a simple and humble life.

You may not like what I am saying, I honestly don't expect you to, but maybe you should question that sensation by first asking yourself why? I am not an idiot, and just because others do not see what I see, their ignorance does not make me wrong. All I am asking for is that we wake up and acknowledge reality and stop living in phantasy.

In an #enlightened and #compassionate #society, where we value and care for one another as equals, we do not celebrate our good fortune in the very faces of those who might die from a basic lack of water, food and adequate shelter. We stand with those who do not have the privileges we have, because it is the appropriate and the just thing to do.

Ultimately, if we do not all stand together and rise as one, sooner or later, there will be no one left to stand at all...
