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237 years ago the Treaty of Georgievsk was signed between the Russian empire and the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti (East Georgia) according to which Russia took the latter under its protection.

This was done following the request from King Heraclius II who apprehended annexation by Muslim countries

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237 лет назад был подписан Георгиевский трактат между Российской империей и Картли-Кахетинским царством (Восточная Грузия), согласно которому Россия взяла его под свое покровительство.

Это было сделано по просьбе царя Ираклия II, который опасался аннексии Картли-Кахети мусульманским государством.

#RussianHistory #HistoryofRussia #Russia #Georgia
Historical fact (often deliberately forgotten in the West) - On 9 August 1945 the #USSR launched massive offensive against Axis #Japan, which led to a complete victory over a million-strong Kwantung Army, liberation of Chinese Manchuria & ultimately forced Tokyo to surrender.

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Исторический факт (часто сознательно не вспоминаемый на Западе) - 9 августа 1945 г. СССР начал крупное наступление на союзницу "Оси" Японию, которое закончилось полной победой над миллионной Квантунской армией, освобождением Китайской Маньчжурии и в конечном итоге капитуляцией Токио.

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#OTD in 1945, 76 years ago, the Red Army launched South Sakhalin Offensive against the Axis Japan. In 14 days, Soviet 16th Army of the Far East Front & Northern Pacific Ocean Flotilla liberated Sakhalin Island from Japanese forces.

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В этот день 76 лет назад Красная Армия начала Южно-Сахалинскую операцию против союзницы Оси - Японии. Через 14 дней советская 16-я армия Дальневосточного фронта и Северная Тихоокеанская флотилия освободили о. Сахалин от японских войск.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #Sakhalin #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
#OTD 78 years ago the Donbass Offensive of the Red Army during WW2 commenced.

During the operation, the Red Army advanced westwards for 300 km all along the 450-km frontline and defeated 13 German divisions. The liberation of Donbass was accomplished and Soviet soldiers approached the Dnieper. The loss of the important region, rich in coal, had a negative impact on the Third Reich’s economy.

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В этот день 78 лет назад в ходе Второй Мировой войны началась Донбасская наступательная операция Красной Армии.

В ходе наступления Красная Армия продвинулась на 300 км на запад на всем 450-километровом участке фронта, разгромив 13 немецких дивизий. Донбасс был очищен от нацистов, советские солдаты вышли к Днепру. Потеря важнейшего региона, богатого углем, имела негативные последствия для экономики Третьего Рейха.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Ukraine #Donbass #Donetsk #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
#OTD in 1812 Battle of Borodino took place: one of the most famous battles in Russian & world history, the largest battle of Patriotic War 1812. Its result paved the way to Russia's complete victory over Napoleon, whose Grand Armee failed to destroy Russian army & thus was doomed


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7 сентября 1812 года произошло Бородинское сражение: одна из самых известных битв в российской и мировой истории, крупнейшая в Отечественной войне 1812 года. Исход этого сражения проложил дорогу к полной победе над Наполеоном, поскольку его Великая армия, после того, как ей не удалось разгромить русские войска, была обречена

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⚔️ December 24th is the Day of Military Glory in Russia, established in honour of the capture of the Ottoman fortress of Izmail by Russian troops in 1790.

This victory was the high point of the Russo-Turkish war of 1787-1791 and a true testament to Alexander Suvorov's military genius. 

This was one of several conflicts between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, this time sparked by the latter’s attempt to regain Crimea and other territories that had been acquired by Russia in the previous war. Despite a series of brilliant victories by the Russian forces, the Ottoman Empire was still reluctant to accept the peace terms proposed by the Russian Empire. 

🏰 In order to finally defeat the enemy, Russian commanders decided to capture the fortress of Izmail, the stronghold of Turkish rule on the Danube that was considered impregnable in Europe. The Russian army, consisting of 31,000 men, faced a garrison of 35,000 defenders, half of whom were Janissaries, the Sultan’s elite infantry.

✉️ Suvorov sought to avoid bloodshed and sent two messages to the fortress defenders, offering honourable terms of surrender. “Rather would the Danube stop flowing and the sky fall to the ground than Izmail surrender,” was the reply. 

Early in the morning of December 22, Russian troops launched a simultaneous assault on the fortress from three directions, disorienting the enemy. By 8 am, they had captured most of the outer fortifications and began pushing the enemy towards the centre of the city. By 4 pm, Izmail had fallen. Suvorov's disciple Mikhail Kutuzov was appointed the commandant for displaying exceptional special courage during the battle. 

☝️ The capture of Izmail had a decisive impact on the course of the war. In January 1792, the Treaty of Jassy was signed, solidifying the incorporation of Crimea into Russia. The entire Northern coast of the Black Sea, from the Dniester to the Kuban, was assigned to the Russian Empire, while Izmail itself was returned to Turkey. 

📆 #OTD, on 15 February Russia observes the Day of Memory of the Russians who performed their duty outside the Fatherland or Day of Memory of Warriors-Internationalists.

🌟 It was established to commemorate all Russian/Soviet servicemen who participated in armed conflicts outside the country including those in Southern Africa.

☝️ In order to support the liberation struggle of the peoples of Southern Africa, in 1970s – early 1990s, about 14.000 Soviet military specialists were deployed in Angola and Mozambique, who were involved in organizing army and training African militaries.

🇿🇦 South Africa remembers Soviet contribution to the liberation struggle.

🕯 The names of 67 Soviet officers who helped fight apartheid regime are engraved on the Wall in “Freedom Park”.

Annually in December, a floral tribute ceremony is held on the site to provide people in South Africa, especially youngsters, with information about the deeds of their ancestors.

#Russia #SouthAfrica #SharedHistory #HistoryofRussia #RussianHistory
📆 #OTD 106 years ago, the Soviet leadership decided to move Russia’s capital to Moscow.

WWI was still underway, and German troops were too close to Petrograd (current St.Petersburg), then capital of Russia, which could effectively spark the counter-revolutionary movement.

🇷🇺🌟 In fact, Moscow was Russia’s capital twice: in 1389-1712 and since 1918. Unlike St.Petersburg, Moscow never gained this status once it was founded.

The XIV century, when the Moscow Principality could unite Russian lands to withstand the Mongol-Tatars, saw the rise of Moscow as the political, cultural, religious and economic center of Rus.

In 1547, when Ivan IV was crowned, he made Moscow the official capital of the Tsardom of Russia and it remained so untill Peter the Great’s epoch.

👉 Prior to that, in the VIII-IX centuries Staraya Ladoga and later Veliky Novgorod were designated capitals of Rus, in 882-1243 – Kiev, in 1243-1389 – Vladimir.

#HistoryofRussia #Moscow
📆 133 years ago, #OTD in 1891, Russian emperor Alexander III issued an order on the construction of the Great Siberian Route, nowadays known as the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Various projects of a railway to Siberia had been considered in Russia since the late 1850s, but could not be implemented due to their high cost and harsh environment conditions. Finally, in May 1891 the construction started.

🛤 Tsarevich Nikolay, the future Emperor of Russia Nikolay II personally laid the railway’s foundation.

🇷🇺 The Trans-Siberian Railway has connected Moscow with Vladivostok since 1916 with expansion of the railway still taking place today. With total length of 9288 km it spans a record seen time zones, taking 8 days to complete the journey from Moscow to Vladivostok.

#DiscoverRussia #HistoryOfRussia #TravelRussia
📆 79 years ago, on 4 April 1945, Bratislava was liberated from the Nazis by Soviet troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front and Romanian Army under command of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky during Bratislava-Brno Offensive.

The city was prepared for defense by the enemy, with eastern suburbs of Bratislava being the most fortified area. In order to prevent destructions in the city Marshal R.Malinovsky decided to go around it and attack from the northwest but fighting in the city couldn’t be entirely avoided. Street battles continued for two days before Bratislava was totally purged.

💫 Local population greeted the Red Army soldiers as their liberators. Dressed up citizens of Czechoslovak towns and villages left their houses to take part in spontaneous rallies and festivities honouring Soviet soldiers.

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📅 85 years ago, on 11 May 1939, the Khalkhin Gol conflict started involving the Soviet Union, Japan, Mongolia and the puppet state Manchukuo.

The reason for the conflict was a dispute over the border between Mongolia and Manchukuo supported by Japan.

Having occupied Manchuria in 1931, Japan turned its military interests to Soviet territories that bordered those areas. The ultimate Japan’s purpose in the conflict was capture of territories and creation of a bridgehead for attack on the USSR allied to Mongolia.

⚔️The conflict ended in defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and signing of a ceasefire agreement.

This victory also deterred Japan from launching an offensive against the USSR during WW2.

#WW2 #WWII #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory #KhalkhinGol
📅Today Russia’s Baltic Fleet marks its 321st anniversary.

🛳 It is considered one of the oldest Russian Navy formations. #OTD in 1703, during the Great Northern War against Sweden (1700-1721) Russian flotilla under the command of Peter I (the Great) won its first victory over Swedish ships in the battle in the Neva delta. All the participants of the battle were awarded medals saying “the impossible is possible.”

⚔️The fleet valiantly defended the Baltic coast during the Crimean War (1853-1856) and successfully disrupted the Swedes’ attempts to seize Kronstadt, Gangut and Sveaborg.

❗️During WW2, the Baltic Fleet participated in the Defence of Leningrad (1941-1944), supported the Red Army’s offensive in the Baltic region (1944), East Prussia and East Pomerania (1944-1945) having destroyed over 1,200 enemy’s warships, transport and logistics vessels as well as over 2,500 aircrafts.


#RussianNavy #RussianArmy #military #army #RussianHistory #HistoryofRussia #RussianMilitaryGlory #defense
📆Today Russia observes Northern Fleet Day. It commemorates the forming of Northern military flotilla based in Murmansk on 1 June 1933, though the history of Russian Northern Fleet starts as early as 1733.

🛳 In 1733, the Arkhangelsk dockyard was founded by the order of Russian empress Anna Ioannovna. It were Arkhangelsk-built ships that formed the backbone of Russia’s first warship unit in the North. The Arkhangelsk squadron’s areas of responsibility were the White Sea and the coast of the Kola peninsula.

☝️Today’s Northern Fleet consists of nuclear-powered missile and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and antisubmarine aviation, missile, aircraft-carrying and anti-submarine ships. The flagship of the Russian Northern Fleet - heavy battlecruiser Pyotr Veliky.

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