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Today Russian Airborne Troops also known as “blue berets” celebrate their professional holiday. 91 years ago, for the 1st time in USSR, airborne troops were landed as part of the exercises of Moscow Military District.

We sincerely congratulate the “Winged Infantry” on its professional holiday and wish them further success in serving peace and the security of Russia!

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Сегодня Воздушно-десантные войска России, известные как "голубые береты" отмечают свой профессиональный праздник. 91 год назад была осуществлена первая в СССР парашютная высадка десанта в рамках учений Московского военного округа.

Искренне поздравляем "Крылатую гвардию" с праздником и желаем дальнейших успехов в служении интересам мира и безопасности России!

#NobodyButUs #AirborneForces #RussianArmy #military #army #defense #НиктоКромеНАс
Today Russia celebrates Aerospace Forces Day! The Staff of the Aeronautic Unit of the Russian Army General Staff was established #OTD in 1912 marking the birth of Russian military aviation. Proud for its long-standing traditions, heroic pilots Nesterov, Chkalov, Kozhedub and the likes.

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Сегодня в России отмечается День Воздушно космических сил! В этот день в 1912 г. был введен в действие Штат воздухоплавательной части Генерального штаба Российской армии, ознаменовав рождение российской военной авиации. Мы гордимся ее многолетними традициями и подвигами летчиков - П.Нестерова, В.Чкалова, И.Кожедуба и других.

#AerospaceForcesDay #AerospaceFroces #RussianArmy #military #army #defense
34 years ago, #OTD in 1987, Russian Su-33, a carrier-based fighter aircraft, performed it maiden flight.
It was developed for the Russian Navy in “Sukhoi Design Bureau”.

As of today, Su-33 remains in service, and in 2016-2017, it flew numerous sorties against Islamic State positions in Syria from the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”.

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34 года назад, в этот день в 1987 г., российский палубный истребитель Су-33 совершил свой первый полет.
Самолет был разработан для российского ВМФ в ОКБ Сухого.

В настоящее время эти истребители по-прежнему в строю, а в 2016-2017 гг. Су-33 авианесущего крейсера "Адмирал Кузнецов" наносили многочисленные удары по позициям ИГИЛ в Сирии.

#aircraft #aircraftlovers #plane #aviation #RussianArmy #military #army #aviation #su33 #defense #shoigu #aerospace
📅Today Russia’s Baltic Fleet marks its 321st anniversary.

🛳 It is considered one of the oldest Russian Navy formations. #OTD in 1703, during the Great Northern War against Sweden (1700-1721) Russian flotilla under the command of Peter I (the Great) won its first victory over Swedish ships in the battle in the Neva delta. All the participants of the battle were awarded medals saying “the impossible is possible.”

⚔️The fleet valiantly defended the Baltic coast during the Crimean War (1853-1856) and successfully disrupted the Swedes’ attempts to seize Kronstadt, Gangut and Sveaborg.

❗️During WW2, the Baltic Fleet participated in the Defence of Leningrad (1941-1944), supported the Red Army’s offensive in the Baltic region (1944), East Prussia and East Pomerania (1944-1945) having destroyed over 1,200 enemy’s warships, transport and logistics vessels as well as over 2,500 aircrafts.


#RussianNavy #RussianArmy #military #army #RussianHistory #HistoryofRussia #RussianMilitaryGlory #defense
📆Today Russia observes Northern Fleet Day. It commemorates the forming of Northern military flotilla based in Murmansk on 1 June 1933, though the history of Russian Northern Fleet starts as early as 1733.

🛳 In 1733, the Arkhangelsk dockyard was founded by the order of Russian empress Anna Ioannovna. It were Arkhangelsk-built ships that formed the backbone of Russia’s first warship unit in the North. The Arkhangelsk squadron’s areas of responsibility were the White Sea and the coast of the Kola peninsula.

☝️Today’s Northern Fleet consists of nuclear-powered missile and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and antisubmarine aviation, missile, aircraft-carrying and anti-submarine ships. The flagship of the Russian Northern Fleet - heavy battlecruiser Pyotr Veliky.

#RussianNavy #RussianArmy #military #army #RussianHistory #HistoryofRussia #navy #NorthernFleet #RussianMilitaryGlory #defense