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📆#OTD 166 years ago the settlement of Khabarovka was founded by a detachment of Siberian troops under the command of Captain Yakov Dyachenko in Russia’s Far East which later became the city of Khabarovsk. It bears the name of the renowned XVII-century Cossack leader Yerofei Khabarov, who explored the Amur region.

🌊Khabarovsk is a city of two great strategic rivers: the Amur and the Ussuri. Their confluence near Khabarovsk and the state boundaries they define created one of the most important geopolitical zones in northern Asia. The city emerged as a result of the Russian-Chinese Treaty of Aigun according to which the territories on the north bank of the Amur river became part of the Russian empire, and those to the south – part of China.

🔹The devastation of WW1 occurred far from Khabarovsk, and the city actually grew with expanding military production. But the Russian Civil War and foreign military intervention in the Far East caused major damage and disruption.

❗️It lies closer to major Chinese cities than to Moscow. By rail, Khabarovsk is a 6 day 5,300-mile journey from the capital. The city is linked to the European part of Russia via the Trans-Siberian railway.

#Russia #Khabarovsk #RussianHistory #discoverrussia
📆#OTD in 1988 the INF Treaty between the USSR and the US entered into force. It was signed in December 1987 in Washington by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and US president Ronald Reagan.

✍️Under the INF Treaty, the parties eliminated two classes of nuclear armaments: land-based intermediate-range and shorter range missiles. The missile launchers and all the associated support facilities and equipment were also destroyed.

In 2019, the US unilaterally withdrew from the Treaty under a far-fetched pretext terminating it for all the parties. A great blow was dealt to the arms control system, which took decades to build. The USA is to be held responsible for the far-reaching negative consequences for the entire architecture of global security and strategic stability.

🇷🇺For its part, Russia did its best to save the Treaty as well as to ensure predictability in the missile area after its termination. President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced a moratorium on the deployment of land-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles as long as US weapons of similar classes were not deployed.

⚠️The US and other NATO countries were directly urged to announce a reciprocal moratorium but the Russian proposal was declined.

#Russia #USA #armscontrol #globalsecurity
📆#OTD 108 years ago, on 4 June 1916, one of major offensives of World War I started, referred to as the Brusilov Breakthrough. The operation took place in the area of the present-day western Ukraine, in the vicinity of Lvov, Kovel and Lutsk. It was prepared and carried out under the leadership of commander of the South-Western Front armies Alexey Brusilov, General of the Cavalry.

⚔️The attack of Russian troops began along the whole front at about 5 a.m. following a massive artillery barrage. During the battles which continued until mid-August 1916 Russian armies successfully breached the enemy’s defence in a 340-km section of the frontline.

✍️ It is often described as the worst crisis of WW1 for Austria-Hungary and the Entente's greatest victory. Austrian-Hungarian and German troops lost some 1.5 million men including almost 500,000 prisoners of war. Due to heavy losses, the enemy was forced to draw reserves from the Italian front to the East. Russia lost some 500,000 men including 62,000 killed.

🔹The success of the breakthrough was helped in large part by A.Brusilov's innovation to attack weak points along the Austrian lines.
📆#OTD Today marks 104 years since the birth of Ivan Kozhedub, a Soviet fighter ace and military commander, three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

✈️ He made his first steps in aviation having entered the aeronautic club in Shostka. In 1939 he made his first flight and later mastered his skills on Polikarpov U-2. In 1941 he was admitted to the Military Pilots’ Aviation School in Chuguev. He was one of the best students and graduated as an aviation instructor.

🎖Credited with over 60 solo victories by most historians, he is considered to be the highest scoring Soviet and Allied fighter pilot of WW2. Having served as a fighter pilot in Steppe Front, the 2nd Ukrainian and the 1st Belorussian fronts, he claimed his 61st and 62nd victories – his final claims of the War – over Berlin on 16 April 1945.
📆187 years ago, #OTD in 1837, Ivan Kramskoi was born, a leading Russian painter and graphic artist, a master of genre, historic and portrait painting and an art critic.

🧑‍🎨He began to draw as a young child and at the age of 15 he became an apprentice to an icon painter. It was only in 1857, at the age of 20 that Kramskoy finally had the opportunity of obtaining a formal art education, when he enrolled in the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in St.Petersburg.

🖼Kramskoy was a prominent figure in a minor revolt by some of Russia's most talented art students against the conservatism of the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1863, which led to the formation of the Society for Itinerant Art Exhibitions. Its members travelled around Russia holding art exhibitions of works completed en route.

🎨Having succeeded in different genres of painting, I.Kramskoi became famous primarily as a portraitist. He created a gallery of portraits of important Russian writers, scientists, artists and public figures like Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Shishkin, Pavel Tretyakov, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Sergei Botkin and others.

One of his best-known works currently hanging in the Tretyakov Gallery is “Portrait of an Unknown Woman” (1883).
📆#OTD Today marks 104 years since the birth of Ivan Kozhedub, a Soviet fighter ace and military commander, three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

✈️ He made his first steps in aviation having entered the aeronautic club in Shostka. In 1939 he made his first flight and later mastered his skills on Polikarpov U-2. In 1941 he was admitted to the Military Pilots’ Aviation School in Chuguev. He was one of the best students and graduated as an aviation instructor.

🎖Credited with over 60 solo victories by most historians, he is considered to be the highest scoring Soviet and Allied fighter pilot of WW2. Having served as a fighter pilot in Steppe Front, the 2nd Ukrainian and the 1st Belorussian fronts, he claimed his 61st and 62nd victories – his final claims of the War – over Berlin on 16 April 1945.
📆209 years ago, #OTD in 1815, the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna was signed, which settled the issues resulting from Napoleonic wars. The settlement was the most-comprehensive treaty that Europe had ever seen.

✍️ Russia, Austria, Great Britain and Prussia, the four powers that were chiefly instrumental in the overthrow of Napoleon, had concluded a special alliance among themselves with the Treaty of Chaumont, in March 1814. It was stipulated that that all former belligerents should send plenipotentiaries to a congress in Vienna.

🇷🇺The Russian delegation at the Congress was led by emperor Alexander I himself who directed his diplomacy with the assistance of Chancellor K.Nesselrode and Envoy to Vienna A.Razumovsky.

The Final Act of the Congress of Vienna comprised all the agreements in one great instrument with all the other powers subsequently acceding to it. Aside from settling territorial disputes, it formed the framework for European international politics for the next 100 years which became known as “the Concert of Europe.”
📆 172 years ago, #OTD in 1852, Russian artist Karl Bryullov passed away aged 52. He was widely regarded as a key figure in transition from the Russian neoclassicism to romanticism.

🧑‍🎨 He was descended from French Huguenots, his father was a sculptor. K.Bryullov was educated at the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts. He studied in Italy from 1823, painting his best-known work, the monumental “Last Day of Pompeii” (1830-1833), while there; which brought him an international reputation.

👉The painting was compared by Pushkin and Gogol to the best works of Rubens and Van Dyck. It created a sensation in Italy and established K.Bryullov as one of the finest European painters of his day.
Today International Day of the African Child is observed throughout the world established by the Organization of African Unity to raise awareness of the challenges African children face on a daily basis including in the sphere of education.

The observation date was chosen to commemorate the Soweto youth uprising of 1976 in South Africa. #OTD 48 years ago, between 3,000 and 10,000 black schoolchildren took to the streets to demand their right to be taught in their own language. On their pathway they were met by heavily armed police who fired teargas and later live ammunition on demonstrating students which led to countrywide revolts against the apartheid government.

This year’s celebration is held under the theme “Education for all Children in Africa: the time is now”.
📆#OTD in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova of USSR became the world’s first and youngest woman to travel into outer space with a solo mission.

🧑‍🚀The decision to select women for female cosmonauts group was taken in 1961. Having passed a number of rigid tests, V.Tereshkova was enrolled in the group. She embarked on her space flight onboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft. Her call sign in this flight was “Tchaika” (Russian for “seagull”).

She orbited the Earth 48 times and spent 2 days, 22 hours, and 50 mins in space. Her mission was used to continue the medical studies on humans in spaceflight and offered comparative data of the effects of space travel on women.

The next woman’s spaceflight took place only 19 years later with the second female cosmonaut also being Soviet citizen Svetlana Savitskaya.

#spaceexploration #USSR #Soviet #Russia #firstinspace #Tereshkova #firstwomaninspace