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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-08

#Bylaws :
-- M --: "Why do the Chief Delegate proposed Bylaws include elements of the Peace Treaty? Is a version of the Peace Treaty not in effect?"
-- CD Responses -- :
"Dan's proposed version was never ratified, we're working from the original. Bylaws and peace treaty are non-different at this point."
"We haven't changed anything. We've only issued a proposed set of changes. And Dan claimed a year to do as he pleases with this initial set of rules, . . "
"We're following 99% of the rules and have only asked for exceptions to a few that would have prohibited Eden from adopting a new election cycle."
-- M --: "I do mean to argue, I just want to be clear about what the situation is." - "Haha, subconscious typo?" "Of all of the things this organization is about... Our simple governing docs should be easy to understand and follow."
-- M1 --: "This conversation might seem redundant to some, but I applaud the efforts of those willing to make sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed."
-- M2 --: "We're coming to the end of a really long tenure that had the CDs go over many of the philosophical incompletes they were left with, painstakingly, but successfully. It's a time to celebrate their grit and tenacity in getting the rest of Eden this far in preparation for the upcoming election this Saturday."

#Author_Comments to above few snippets. They are from a very long and detailed discussion on the CD proposal of bylaw changes. All Eden members ought to read the full discussion and become aware from where and how #EdenOnEos was "birthed". Similar words would apply to the item "Eden_future" here below.

#Eden_future : Only few snippets from words by member posting his "Next Steps of Eden on EOS" which was discussed and worked on:
"For your consideration as we go into the next election this weekend."
"One thing that may not be clear in that checklist is the intention of establishing a value proposition and business model that includes selling our software as a service."
"Updated the image and added on to the existing bullet:
Make improvements to the site & portal (develop features for dispute resolution)."
"Updated it again to add these points as well. I propose that EOS Support is the custodian of most important things. Becuase of how reliable and trustworthy the organization is/has been."

#Accountability :
"I know I will be reluctant to vote for someone to move forward this Saturday who was a previous Delegate but didn't attempt to summarize their use of funds. It doesn't even need to be overly detailed, but a little effort here would go a long way in my eyes. Best of luck to all participating in the next election!!"

#Queries :
"Does anyone here happen to have the domain endao.io ?
Or know who does? It was registered in October 2021."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"Eden 1 - Chief Delegate Meeting #25 – The Last Hurrah!
Streamed live on 7 Apr 2022.
The first official Eden Chief Delegates will conclude their 6 month tenure by going LIVE on their final meeting before the election on Saturday April 9th.
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-15

#Eden_elections :
" Eden Election livestream (5hr 42m), 9 Apr 2022, courtesy EOS Nation BP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AweOIPNyEnw "

All Election results: https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/election/stats

Courtesy <Maplenut> short edits of new Chief Delegates expressing their thoughts: ""Chief delegates said a few words on being elected and I made subtitle in korean, Thank you, 단풍🍁Maplenut🥜 :

Head Chief - Edgar Fernandez - @edgarithm
CD - Gracie Lau - @GracieLau
CD - Chuck MacDonald - @ChuckMacDonald
CD - Brock Pierce - @brockpierce
CD - Michael O'Sullivan - @heavymossman
https://youtu.be/FDfQFBGaUIw ""

#Author_Comments : The elections had a few glitches but overall went well. The issues popping up were dealt with in swift manner thanks to good preparation and management of election by members from EOS Support and also Fractally (formerly Clarion). I hope and presume there is a follow up underway to try find cause of issues and work on these for an even smoother election next time around.

# Eden_Membership :
-- M1 --: "I'd like us to clearly define these roles and outline their basic responsibilities:
Eden Member - (pay member dues, participate in elections, etc.)
Eden Delegate - (represent interests of members that elected you)
Chief Delegate - (approve and propose changes to bylaws, etc.)
Eden Contributor - (member that's paid for work within the org)
-- M2 --: "The one thing that stands out (especially distinguishing a Contributor vs a Member) is permanence. I believe Eden Membership, once obtained, should be permanent. Now, in the case of bad actors, where suspensions are warranted, Membership is regulated as symbolic (for a time or eternally), even going as far as imposing the ban as a visible sanction on the account.
-- M1 --: "That's an interesting idea..."
-- M2 --: "Maybe anyone who participated in an election earns permanent status. Would like to see how that turns out. That a proposal for a bylaw?"

#Eden_future :
M1 : "I do think Eden + Fractally could improve on how we communicate at the very first level about what we want to do. Idea being the better it’s layed out the better it can filter up, perhaps not just on what is said in the group. We have pretty informed members in general here, especially after so many elections, so it’s not much of a pain point right now. But if we 10xed member size in one election, there would be a lot to process if you have all new members in your group."
-- M2 --: "Indeed, right now we're small enough to contend with radically shifting agendas. And then there's laying a foundation and allowing Eden and Fractally to establish their own identities. I also think it'd be nice to have an idea or current initiative supported by each participating member whether planning to run or not."
-- M1 --: "Came to my attention Eden lacks clarity in mission, currently just to create value, but that ignores process. I submitted suggestion for a new mission statement."
-- M3 --: "<A group of independent minds finding action in consensus achieved through fractal democracy.>
I presented this as a place holder mission statement under your git post. Obviously I agree with you. Just don't think the time is right yet."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"" Watch the new Season 2 Chief Delegates' kick-off meeting!
They discuss: -Introductions, Meeting expectations, Chairing Meetings, Traditional organizational roles, The lack of continuity & The proposed set of bylaws from EDEN 1 CDs. ""
#Eden_future :
--M1-- : "hmm so is Eden for projects or leadership?
Really was pretty sure after talking to everyone last election we were going for leaders. Haven't seen any direction besides "value". Maybe the bylaws should explain what value means and how the process increases value. Value is subject to a person who values it. Collaborate systems work when focusing on one goal, and I hope to learn what that goal is in more concrete terms."
--CD1-- : "It's still not formulated to anyone's satisfaction. You know how hard a bylaws change is. The bylaws can't explain what value is. The subjectivity of it is what gives Eden members full latitude to pursue/fund any project that they want. If it turns out that they squandered their resources (AND TIME!!!) then Eden members should step up and be vocal about it."
--M2--: "Once we've achieved measurable results, gained the respect and trust of the broader community, including BPs, then we can broaden our horizons and our mission. If we were to follow this with any level of real commitment, I don't think it would take longer than a year for Eden to achieve immense results."
--M2--: "I suggest we come up with some definable ways to measure "value" as I absolutely agree that focus is often critical to success."

#EOSIO_future :
--M1--: "The new coalition of EOS, TELOS, WAX and UX already has a budget for professional rebranding of EOSIO. I recommend we waste zero time duplicating efforts there. We desperately need pros to do this stuff for us."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
VIDEO: EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #3 - Thursday, 28 April 2022
DOC: The Meeting Minutes from 3rd Eden #2 Chief Delegate meeting can be found here : https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-3

= END =
#Eden_future :
--M1-- : "I don't believe Eden or EdenOnEOS needs a name change. The following are my opinions and understanding:
- Eden is the head organization.
- There is also the Eden Process utilized to reach consensus.
- EdenOnEOS was/is to be a Fractal of the above, as were/are other EdenOnEOS language groups.
- Other Eden Fractals may develop for whatever other businesses, non profits, sports organizations, schools, or whatever else. These would derive funding from other than the ENF.
- Developing and facilitating the use of the Eden Process software can increase adoption and membership."
--M2-- : "Eden Treasury currently allocates small amounts of funds to Delegates.
What are the Delegates expected to do?
What are unelected Members expected to do?
What are the definitions and expectation of these various roles?
What if the Chief Delegates decided to reform the entire organization?
There seems to be an opportunity to do so given the current situation."
--M1-- : "I believe Eden is in need of reconfiguring it's fund allocation strategy. This would really help in allowing for Eden to be effective in bigger ways."
--CD1-- : "Eden has been trying to articulate the various ways in which it can positively impact the EOS Network. We have a pretty good idea of some starting points. It's time to set up the organizational structures for these efforts to take shape. The first official 'sphere' is Technical... What's the next one?"
--CD2-- : "This is interesting posts. I may address some of these issues during my chairing of the CD meeting next week."
--M1-- : "I need to watch some of the CD meetings before I can reply, I've been out of the loop for a while and feel like the discussion has advanced, and even now feel like I'm half speaking out of turn honestly."
--M3-- : " I prefer following the split consensus and use eden to fill the quick gaps and votes on pomelo, than trying it to centralise for bigger Jobs"
--M2-- : "I think Dan’s original intent and hope was to select leaders via elections and for Eden to function like the ENF. Eden Members have strayed away from that intent since the first trial election due to lack of funding options and also lack of adhering to the original intent. The EOS landscape has changed and that’s why Eden’s role is up for debate."
--M4-- : "This instantiation isn't chiseled in stone. It's maliable and as I understand we are still trying to find out where we fit in between Helios' and the ENF's roles. I am going to keep asking the question in reference to available funding, the current CD's are the ones to make this call., and according to one CD in this last CD meeting feels we should be unlocking more funding. There are also many others who are in favor of modifying the allocations or funding abilities of the Eden/the CD's."
--CD2-- : "But in reality (pragmatically), it should oversee the ENF, providing the EOS DAO with democratic oversight on how the network is funded, grown, and run, with a fair and transparent, and crucially, renewable electoral process. Free from incumbent advantage. Proving this model, creates demand for Eden as a service, and off we go. Add in Respect tokens etc, Defi, innovative marketing campaigns based upon data driven experiments, and then we have a powerful formula for exceptional growth across all major KPIs."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-20

#Author_Comments : The latest CD meetings been setting the tone for much of discussions in the Eden Member group. The quality, or rather lack thereof, in some EOSIO BPs and the voting for BPs became main topics through this week. This recap just a very tiny fraction of the rich and "deep" discussions.

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
--M1--: "I think it would be awesome for either Eden or the ENF to establish a fund for attracting projects from other chains and facilitate porting over, or them being multichain, especially once the EVM is up and running. A Committee could be created by interested Eden Members and work with Eden Funding or apply to the ENF for funding from them."
--M2--: "To attract other chain Dapp developers we need to have a large user base, to get that we need just 1 killer Dapp, who’s building it? Easy onboarding free to use."
--M1-- : "I take your point though, that some Dapp Developers depending on what they're building will be looking to come on board an ecosystem with users. If that's the case, this is where we need to sweeten the pot/temporarily subsidize them to use the EVM and discover the benefits of utilizing EOS first. This can grow our users/onchain transactions and can save them some cash at first, and jumpstart the network effect."

#Eden_future : (referencing EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Sat. May 14, 2022):
"This weeks @EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate meeting is not one to miss! There is a bold vision being formed, and the #EOS community is likely to have an opinion! Let's see what the @EosNFoundation makes of the CD's latest democratic overtures! 😉 $eos"

#ENF_Eden :
--M1--: "ENF serves the network and the network needs to be optimized"
--M2--: "if members who want to run organizations and initiatives want to do so to better the network then they should go for it."
--M1--: "ENF can also delegate voting to Eden and/or to a proxy".
--M2--: "👎we are about to destroy EOS"
--M3--: "ENF may of course vote with their own tokens... nothing wrong there.
If BPs want money to run infra, they could pitch to ENF to get some funding, but I don't see why ENF would proactively go looking for BP candidates to fund.".
--M1--: "ENF is currently our best bet for cutting the deadweight BPs".
--M2--: "they are. they are really doing a great job".
--M3--: "It's a difficult question as these are tokens being allocated to the ENF by the network. Conflicts of interest arise. What if the current BPs asked that IF the ENF votes it's only allowed to vote for the current top 21? giving way to further centralization."
--M1--: "If EOS doesn't prioritize having amazing (above and beyond) BPs, then it will likely be outcompeted by networks who do prioritize it. And rightfully so. I'd like to see where seriously addressing this BP thing is on the collective roadmap for the EOS network."
(Part 2 of 3)

#Chief_Delegates-meeting #11: [2022-06-28 04:02 UTC] :
"Notes & video link - https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-11 - Topics covered: ▶️ New bylaws were proposed for Eden ▶️ Eden's Mission Statement was improved
▶️ Eden account permissions nearly transferred ▶️ Should Eden use @HyphaDAO tooling
--M1-- : "This piece from your document is something I hope might eventuate into action and a way to improve Eden way of getting things done! ""Hypha DAO as a tool for Eden: . . "
--M2-- : "Brock nailed it really. If Eden chose to adopt Hypha it would save us a year of development work. All we'd need to do is simply add the political playoff consensus mechanism to Hypha."
--M3-- : "I feel like we've been saying this for a year now. 😅 But yeah."

#MSIG : [2022-06-28 14:05 UTC] :
"The Chief Delegates now have owner & active permissions for the .eden account, set to a threshold of 4/5." - https://bloks.io/msig/costaricamae/edenownkeys2

#Eden_future : [2022-06-28 14:10 UTC] :
--M1-- : "Hypha DAO is a tool for organizations to support similar structures. Eden is a process to distribute money with fractal democracy. That's my opinion."
--CD1-- : "It was always about more than just distributing the network's resources."
--M1-- : "I agree to disagree. In my understanding, it has always been about distributing inflation to the community through the fractal democratic process."
--CD1-- : "I am convinced that most Eden members want to see the process shared among more communities and organizations. And it makes sense that Eden as an Organization take on that role."
--M1-- : "When I read through everything again, I found the vision to be quite complete. EdenOS, on the other hand, was never completed. We have an incomplete EdenOS (software).

#Dan_Larimer : [2022-06-28 20:28 UTC] :
""With many lawsuits against specific #DAOs today, "...one can accidentally form a partnership just by the manner in which you conduct business. Even without any written or oral agreements...".
- What is the Legal Standing of a DAO? - An in-depth analysis of how governments may classify unincorporated associations of people interacting with a DAO and the resulting risks and liabilities to the various parties."" - https://twitter.com/gofractally/status/1541878347537457152
--M1-- : "Super... Dan... tough but necessary tackle/lead... I'm also thinking its time for the crypto-legal debate to hit talk shows / news desks."
--M2-- : "Thank you for this Dan. I know how much work was put into this and it's by far the best existing reference on the subject I've come across and I've been reading and researching these issues for 5 years now. You make so many clear points, but it's such a complex subject in many ways, that it, opens a ton of new questions!!! hahaha"

#Vitalik_tweet : [2022-06-28 22:11 UTC] :
--M1-- : "Have you checked out Vitalik's co-authored paper on "Souls" and how they see them as a reputation system and more?"
--Dan Larimer-- : "link?"
--M1-- : "Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul" - https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4105763 ""Oh and I must ask you @bytemaster7 was that tweet about EOS being the the superior smart contract platform in the space from Vitalik genuine?""
--Dan Larimer-- : "I have no idea if it was genuine, . . "

#Fractal_Democracy : [2022-06-30 26:47 UTC] :
"Has anyone written a more comprehensive introduction to Fractal Democracy than @James_Marts article on Medium? I find that this is still the best place to send people for an overall view of what's being contemplated. Am I missing something else?" - https://james-mart.medium.com/fractal-democracy-a-primer-c5b1726e8c3a
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-07-09

#Author_Comments : Elections Saturday 9th the primary topic through the week. Congrats for election completion, some glitches and cumbersome registration but overall a good and credible result.

#Eden_future : 2022-07-02 :
--M1-- : "Hey EDEN community! The Bees will be running in the upcoming election. We feel the best way to increase membership is by expanding the focus of EDEN to become a crypto networking group."
--M2-- : "You have all my support for this on next Saturday."
--M3-- : " This is a very creative approach that is certainly worth exploring! I also really like that you've incorporated the Eden Member Services/Circle thing into your proposal."
--M2-- : "My next Saturday pitch is aligned on marketing circle & edu circle. "
--M4-- : "" I love the idea of Eden as a network of crypto workers. The way the ENF has used open standards and best practices to identify needs and then award contracts for work, Eden can do something similar; forming circles with goals, and then building consensus on how to reward workers.
--M1-- : "I also imagine it as non-crypto workers looking to learn more, find mentors, etc"
--M4-- : "All skillsets, exactly. A 'real people network' with something for everyone."
--M5-- : "It's a great idea! Hope it gains traction, we could see people from all blockchains joining and collaborating here."
--M6-- : "I have been working on the same concept for a few years now and refining ideas around a new type of professional networking community. I’d much prefer collaborating rather than launch 2 competing networks."
--M7-- : "If i get selected, I will run for CD on a premise that my team can build and run an opensource telegram bot that will help distribute people in pre-made telegram groups, where they just join the video chat and click record. On politics side, i will support ad-hoc just giving money to person/group that; . . ."
""I will not give money and will generally argue against any semi-permanent positions (the circles or similar ideas). Of course none of my business if other CDs still want to finance that from their allocations.""
--M6-- : "I think it's good to have opposing views. That should lead to an effective middle ground."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-08 - Eden & EdenFractal synced? Feedback sought!
--M1-- : "A vision for how to integrate EdenFractal and Eden, avoid legal issues that come from being a typical "DAO" and influence EOS BP selection: https://peakd.com/eos/@sim31/my-vision-for-edenoneos . EdenFractal is a key peace of this vision. Looking for feedback."
--M2-- : "I think there are parts of fractally that are complementary to Eden, but see far more power in the organizational structure of Eden, however incomplete. However, that doesn't mean we can't fill in the gaps and continue building on his initial work here, taking from what he's building in Fractally."
--M3-- : "Is the idea of having weekly fractally style meetings in Eden still on the table? Maybe we can work something out. I think it would lead to more engagement of the members here."

#Eden_elections : 2022-07-05 :
--M1-- : "How does @everyone feel about limiting CD terms to no succession, no repeats? So a member can run again, just not 2 terms in a row. I'm going on record as for this. Hope every current CD will join me..."
--M2-- : "I suggest no as our current consensus protocol is designed to prevent collusion/corruption as it is. If someone is deserving as deemed by the community, then why force others into the role who may be less desirable or qualified? This isn’t designed to be “everyone gets a turn”. It’s designed to be a meritocracy."
--M3-- : "I'm a fan of less is more when it comes to rules like this. If we're to trust the process then as suggested, the election itself would limit terms if required."
--M4-- : "I agree, you will prob see it happen naturally, but adding it to bylines could be something for the next cds to ponder."
#Recap Eden Member group, up to & including Sunday 2022-07-24

#Author_Comments : A number of topics extensively discussed these past weeks and has been in area of fundamentals from a wide range of viewpoints. Among these #MyvoteEOS, #Inductions, #Eden_elections, #Infrastructure, #EDAO, #Funding, #Treasury, #Governance, #Bylaws and more. #Recaps do not reflect much, if any at all, of these intense discussions. This because it is quite impossible to give a fair balanced view of these discussions in the short #recap format.

#EOS_distribution? : 2022-07-10 :
--M1-- : "Is there anywhere one can go to see EOS distribution worldwide?"
--M2-- : "You can see geo distribution of inflation to BPs here - https://mainnet.eosio.online/rewards-distribution"
--M1-- : "Thanks, I'll check it out. Still having to make a series of assumptions here such as: . . "

#Eden_Delegates : 2022-07-10 : "Eden Season 3 Delegates channel has been set up, for current delegates to coordinate and stay in contact with other delegates of this seasons election."

#Eden_elections / #Accountability :
--M1-- : "Does anyone have an expense list for Eden elections? I'm curious where most of the costs come from. From first contact interview with Yves it sounds that it's really expensive."
--CD-- : "Here is a summary of the bids, . . "
--M2-- : "There was shockingly low participation from Eden members on that Vote.Eden Lead RFP."

#Dispute_Resolution / #Induction : 2022-07-12 : "I'd argue we need the dispute resolution before the removal/reduction of entry friction, depending on how much friction we're removing. We may also need a way to report people mid election if they won't/can't turn their camera on."

#FIO_Crypto_Handles : 2022-07-12 : "Wanted to let everyone know I added 123 more FIO Crypto Handles for Eden members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/29?u=lukestokes - They used to be called FIO Addresses). If everyone mapped addresses to various blockchains, we might be able to engage those chains to do Eden specific airdrops, knowing Sybil attack is impossible as it’s one handle per person."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-13 :
--M1-- : "Eden offers a process to distribute funds in a beautiful democratic way. This part is awesome. But I think the main problem with Eden is that it doesn't promote leadership for the community. During the election, many . . . "
--CD1-- : "Leadership over what tho. Over its own treasury? Sure, that much is obvious but when we try to govern other bigger system, while not proving we can even properly run eden, then... it looks like a naive proposition"
--CD2-- : ""Leadership" doesn't need to be interpreted as governing EOS, although that can certainly be a lofty goal that we can shoot for, and even there 'governing' EOS is full of nuance, and not binary."
--M2-- : "I would start by saying that there were a lot of concepts circulated in the community initially as to the vision for Eden. Then there wasn’t much follow up on some of those things and it all sort of took a life of its own. The biggest . . "

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-13 : " What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" :
--CD-- : "Join us for a manual Eden-style event on digging into why we're here. 🤔 We're looking to have the first of what will likely be a couple group calls on brainstorming what Eden is, and more importantly what can it become. 🚀"
--M1-- : "I expanded some ideas in the current election and will continue to advocate for a product management approach to Eden’s evolution. This morning I published an article on governance largely in reflection of the recent Eden election, available at linkedin or medium:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-govern-your-self-others-world-web3-gavriel-shaw or
https://medium.com/@gavriel/how-to-govern-your-self-others-and-the-world-in-web3-a3bb82a07ea2 Very much looking forward to facilitating these workshops."
#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-19 : "Want to see the output of last week's session, please check out the doc. If you want to add to it, or have your voice heard, we'll be doing the second session this week at the same time."

#Mission_Vision? : 2022-07-19 : "I believe the disagreement here is actually indicative of a much more fundamental difference in what people's view of Eden is, or what they think it should be. Some think it *should* simply be an actual organization, with shared property, not incompatible with corporate personhood or limited liability. Others think it should simply be a process to identify and fund leaders by their alignment with a shared vision/mission."

#Eden_Infrastructure : 2022-07-15 : "Eden Hand Off and Software Support - A quick background, update and details from Fractally (formerly Clarion) aimed at ensuring everyone knows what’s happening with respect to Eden infrastructure being handed off to Eden members."

#Funding : 2022-07-19 : ENF's Yves La Rose :
"Re: Pomelo funding Eden. CDs should go back to Eden CDs season 1 and the hours spent talking about it. . . "
""Re: costs for code changes / running the election. For reference; There was a bid . . ""

#Eden_Chief_Delegates : @Eden_EOS_Chiefs : 2022-07-15 : "The newly elected #EOS Chief Delegates had a handover discussion with the previous term CDs" - https://bit.ly/3Prr4W0

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 1 : 2022-07-12 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #1 - Monday, July 12, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-1---Odysee:4

#Cheif_Delegates-meet 2 : 2022-07-18 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #2 - Monday, July 18, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-CD-Meeting-2:5

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group, incl. Saturday 2022-07-29 (Post 1/2)

#Interviews_CDs : 2022-07-23 : "SPECIAL Eden On EOS - Chief Delegates [#3] Interviews : https://bywire.news/articles/special-eden-chief-delegates-interview-by-novacrypto :"
- Luka Percic - (https://youtu.be/XwZ1Yq-kEVw)
- Hahn Ryu - (https://youtu.be/rEtsfhQ4O_4)
- Chris Barnes - (https://youtu.be/AGwfYN69YaI)
- Dan Singjoy - (https://youtu.be/Xeo7Tsvm56s)

#Eden_Innovation : 2022-07-23 :
--M1-- : "I'd like to see leadership push on innovation. What would those tools be? Who can help build them within the Eden community?"
--M2-- : "A lot of Eden's resources are currently going into Fractally R&D."
--CD1-- : "I am building the retention tool, that helps you lead through elections step by step. It will remove zoom friction as well."
--M1-- : "If someone wanted to build ancillary tool complementing members of Eden, how would one go about referencing those members?"
--CD1-- : "Its either contract directly (api node or dfuse), its history of actions (via something like dfuse), and then there is a this magic thing called subchain that offers an api, and its part of an eden deployment."

#Eden_Membership : 2022-07:23 :
--M1-- : "Once you're in Eden, you're in, join all the Eden's you want, as long as you can show up to decision making events and elections, you're fine."
--CD1-- : "The witnesses are supposed to be liable a bit for whoever they invite."
--M1-- : "I would recommend invitation and induction processes be standardized across all Edens. The actual sybil check are the elections."
--M2-- : "Who polices this?"
--M1-- : "It's always going to lead back to Eden Members, running elections, choosing delegates, running a reputation layer, placing bounties, establishing a dispute resolution system and people who participate, etc..."

#Bylaws : 2022-07-25 : #-# Author_Comments : Heated bylaw interpretation discussion continues! #-# :
--CD1-- : "Proposed "opex" bypass treasury drain is higher violation of the bylaws than potential disbursement increase. One is bypassing the bylaws completely, the other might only violate the order (proposal/approval)."
--CD2-- : "Can you point out what section of the bylaws are being violated by the proposed solution to pay for the OpEx?"
--CD1-- : "Yes, its not there, making a bypass of the current drawing method is complete violation. There is no line that talks about alternative drawing methods"
--M1-- : "Maybe call in L1 delegates to lend support to each CD position".
--M2-- : "The L1s bear the responsibility for the CDs already by putting them there."
--CD2-- : "I would love to hear from those that voted for me, what is their view on how OpEx is funded."
--CD1-- : "Not sure what's involved with operational expenses. Would like to see some sort of broad allocation plan."
--M3-- : "My hopes is that the operational costs have been blown out of proportion and we will get back a much lower number than what everyone anticipates."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-26 :
--M1-- : "If a community choose Eden and utilise the EOS software as well. Everyone create an EOS account and get started.Then win for Eden and EOS and therefore EdenOnEOS fulfill the duty."
--M2-- : "The new ground that Eden has broken is the use of EOS to automate and secure the process of local democracy. A lot of money and effort has gone into its development, and it is one of the best examples of what can be done with EOS smart contracts. What Eden has is the core component of the software to make the process simple and secure and scalable."
""Until we have a dapp that reproduces the Eden process, there's not much point talking about the concept of 'Eden' vs 'EdenOnEOS'. For now, they are exactly the same thing."

#Hypha : 2022-07-29 : "Progress has been made with the Hypha team and providing an opportunity for us/Eden on EOS to learn about and play around with their tool. Recognizing that this is purely voluntary at this point, opportunity for anyone to participate in a "DAO Activation Session" with the Hypha team." -
Tuesday @ 14:00 UTC.
#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-29 :
"What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" : "Our 3rd session of the brainstorming series next week, it will just be 1hr later than before, following the Hypha call on Tuesday." -
Tuesday @ 15:00 UTC.

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (week #31) incl. Saturday 2022-08-06

#Chief_Delegates-meet 3 : 2022-07-25 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #3 - Monday, July 25, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meetings-Week-3-Odysee:4

#Chief_Delegates-meet 4 : 2022-08-01 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #4 - Monday, August 01, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-4-Odysee:3

#EOS_Accounts : 2022-07-28 : How export EOS account history. :
--M1-- : ""Is there a way to export the entire history of an EOS account in CVS instead of page by page via bloks.io?
--M2-- : "Use the RPC API and traverse history until you reach the end and then parse the JSON to human readable format. Some examples: https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/1459/how-to-get-all-the-actions-of-one-account - You will need to learn some basic, but its worth it :)"

#Fractal_Fiction : 2022-07-31 : "The first ever Fractal Fiction creative writing event. https://t.me/EOSproject/1932678
2022-08-06 https://t.me/c/1791074150/124 -
Sophia K. wrote "Little update for everyone: the story is coming together! I’ve been having so much fun writing it and Farah and Oscar have been awesome supporters. Lars, I’ll send you a copy at some point tomorrow. 😊🐲🔮🌊🤘🏼

#Eden_Discord : 2022-08-01 :
Question : "Is the Eden Discord server reserved for Eden members only or open to all?"
Answer : "Open to all - https://discord.gg/PSE4TuCW"

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-08-02 : "The 3rd session for the Eden Brainstorming activity was moved to coming week. Gavriel is working on a summary in advance of the next step on this mission so a short pause between calls. Next session announced after summary is shared."

#Eden_future : "For Edens sake, Eden Needs To Value EOS Focussed Contributions" : "I’d like to think of Eden as the governance layer for the EOS blockchain, based on the principles from the book More Equal Animals. The further specifics of what “governance layer for the EOS blockchain” exactly means, need to be defined further. But I think for Eden to be recognized" - https://hive.blog/eos/@maximcincinnatis/for-edens-sake-eden-needs-to-value-eos-focussed-contributions

#Hypha : 2022-08-04 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34139 : "We had the meeting with the Hypha DAO team to work towards Eden taking advantage of their platform as a potential tool to help us better organize ourselves. This spreadsheet is essentially a duplication of a questionnaire that was requested for us to attempt to fill out. In addition if you'd like to watch the meeting the recording can be found here . . . "

#Fractally_Eden : 2022-08-04 : "Just a quick update, Eden: As you’ve known, we’ve been working to hand off Genesis Eden so it’s in the community’s hands. That work has just completed. We’ve been working with the Edenia team, who has spun up servers, taken over accounts, and replaced the frontend. So you are now running on your own hardware."

#Eden_future : 2022-08-05 : "I agree with sentiment that Eden needs to earn its governance power in the EOS ecosystem. That's why I propose a path in which Eden could leverage economic power it creates to influence EOS governance, in a way that does not require asking the current governance system to yield its power: https://peakd.com/blockchain/@sim31/albedo-whitepaper ."

#Eden_elections : 2022-08-06 : "Eden Election (7.9.2022) Post Mortem Analysis - "Eden is an EOS Community organization that uses a new way to elect representatives known as “political playoffs”. The community completed its 3rd election on July 9th, 2022. This analysis is part of the Vote.Eden.Lead RFP set of deliverables." - https://medium.com/@domenicthomas/eden-election-7-9-2022-post-mortem-analysis-8d2292949483
""Here is the published version of the final analysis of the Vote.Eden.Lead RFP with a link to the final version of the eden election documentation: https://medium.com/@domenicthomas/vote-eden-lead-rfp-final-analysis-1ff292501d6c""

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (week #32) incl. Monday 2022-08-15

#Author_Comments : The #Eden_Future in particular discussed at length past days/week with number of different views and perspectives raised.

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 2022-08-08 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34685 :
"View EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Monday, Aug 8, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-5-Odysee:0?t=922"

#Genesis_Eden_acc : 2022-08-07 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34285 : "The genesis.eden account is now under control of the current cds. The next msig(s) will be to level out the hcd pay and increase the distribution rate from 5% to 15% as per the newly ratified bylaws."

#Fractally_related : 2022-08-08 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34310 : "Genesis Fractal Data modelling and Simulation group just made significant discoveries . . "

#Discord_Eden : (https://discord.gg/CQU4s7gcze) : "Join the Eden Discord Server! Check out the Eden community on Discord"

#Eden_Updates : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34353 : Head CD - "Some quick updates for the Eden community; . . "

#Eden_future : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34376 :
--M1-- : ""I suggested a long time ago that we run an "election of ideas" simply have people prepare project pitches and use the eden election process to pick the pitches we felt should go forward. Then . . "
--M2-- : "I think experiment would not work if key condition is not met."
--M1-- : "How has eden proved its worth funding? I think we can point to a few things as being positive starts, but I'm not sure they have achieved measurable success to the point of justifying more funding."
--M2-- : "One way to figure out would be see outcome of spent funds. i dont know if the funds allocated could do anything more than operational things. At the same time, I think it has brought people who care about eos network together. created an enviroment for fostering positive discussions etc etc .. some unmeasurable things."
--M1-- : "There is certainly intangible value that has been created."
--M3-- : "If this is about Eden on EOS, it should really be the governance layer of EOS, the ENF needs to be democratic, and Eden on EOS was supposed to be that vehicle." - ""The community should have a referendum on it's purpose, and then just stick to it ruthlessly."
--M1-- : "This is absolutely the winning strategy IMO." - ""We gain influence by being effective at something and creating value that all token holders or at least most consider to be worthwhile. This will drive membership in time, but will also increase our funding, which is what will ultimately attract people.""
--M3-- : "Well said, but people are prob here for community and building a better world. I know most in this group are like that."
--M4-- : "My comment is basically directed at getting people who want and can donate their time recognition. That situation isn't one that can or should be indefinite, but this is also supposed to be built around a reputation system where when one goes above and beyond, it should be encouraged, and thus valued." - ""I encourage more people to show up to the brainstorming meetings and participate in shaping the future vision of Eden.""

#Hypha : 2022-08-11 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34584 :
- Question: What's the status with the Hypha situation?
- Answer: "Thinking we meet Tuesday 16th at the previous time, 14:00 UTC. Once done goes back to the Hypha team to then open up the site for us."

#EOS_Respect : 2022-08-11 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34606 :
- Question: "Is EOS Respect the EOS Support hosted / managed fork?"
- Answer: "Yes looks like it" (Author Comment - Read more here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dx_8WtHU9O4pgFcb2xjek79-a3cF2FKz/view?usp=sharing)

#EOSCommunity.org : 2022-08-14 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34666 : Head CD - "Time has come to pay/donate for the code powering EDEN. Delegates (L1 and CDs) are asked to donate . . "
#Recap Eden Member group (WK#33) incl. Saturday 2022-08-20

#-#-# Author_Comments
: Level of friction upped a bit discussing treasury distribution to the delegates and the payment process related to work done for Eden. This and related topics dominated the week. "What ends well is all well" is a saying I value (at times) and is how I judge the conclusion of discussions held during this week. #-#-#

#Eden_elections / #Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34748 :
--CD1-- : "Friendly reminder to current Eden Delegates. 👋🏼 Considering your received funding went up substantially for this Aug Distribution
▶️ 683 EOS for Aug vs the 159 EOS received for July
It would be very much appreciated if you would be willing to donate half of your recent distribution amount (341 EOS) to the bucket (https://www.bloks.io/account/edenia4edens) for team Edenia that have successfully transferred Eden infrastructure over to Tech.Eden Circle."
--M1-- : "Happy to support Eden independence with the delegate funds."
--CD2-- : " . . to me only legit reason not to pay is not agreeing with the cost accrued . . "
--M2-- : "Can someone provide the invoice with cost breakdown. Would like to review first."
--Edenia-- " : We view Eden as a client and we pride ourselves in providing any supporting information to the work we do for our clients. You are in every right to ask for more information and I’m happy to do so. We . . " https://t.me/c/1186628781/34903
--M3-- : "Thank you for the explanation and itemizing the work that was done in a clear manner that I hope most of us can better understand."
--M4-- : "We talked about the need for a procurement circle, and then about the need for the same procurement process across all circles, which calls for a standard procurement system to be decided on and built. But in order to have fair, public . . "
--M5-- : "Given that we have a functioning smart contract and regular elections, we could pretty easily do everything else we want with a spreadsheet and public agreements. There will never be a perfect tool. It's just a matter of political will. There's really nothing standing in the way. I've been watching this discussion . . " https://t.me/c/1186628781/34979

#Eden_future / #Workshop : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34987 :
"Everyone is invited to carefully review the draft Eden position paper that is being community sourced out of branding workshops we have recently held. Once locked in . . "

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK34) posted Monday 2022-08-29

#Eden_Future / “Workshop : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34988 :
--M1-- : “wow... seemed to manifest out of the blue... I'm intrigued at what's possible
--M2-- : “I shared the workshop doc in the previous post. Here is the actual draft position paper. https://t.me/c/1186628781/35001 - “”Once we find the right balance (by consensus) of the various community interests and priorities, we can finalize the position paper accordingly.
* worker proposal system / * community delegate leadership voting system /
* community development and engagement system / * EOS blockchain governance system””
--M3-- : “That’s a nice list. great work by everyone. A small thing , maybe we can call worker proposal system as contribution incentivization system. Would it make sense to include building/maintaining bridge to hold cross chain assets? just some thoughts.”
--CD-- : “No, better bridges are being built”

#Spend_Explore : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35010 : “Sneak peak into the Spend Explore income tab. - EOSIO Spend Explorer is an open-source dApp providing tools to improve reporting and categorizing of multiple TXs executed by EOSIO accounts.”

#Permissions : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35017 : QUESTION: “Hey, quick question to the Chief Delegates in here...has the transfer of permissions taken place yet from the old CDs?
ANSWER: Yes that was done before the code changes at the beginning of the month”
--M— : “Eden namespace now under control of the current CDs.

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35060 : --CD-- : “General question for the group: If an individual has resigned from Eden Membership, should they leave this chat also?” “”OK so then the follow on question, if we agree they should leave here, how do we make someone leave . . “”

#EOS_Rate : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35080 : “We released EOS Rate 2.0, featuring the following improvements: 🔹Users can now add comments to their ratings / 🔹Users can like or dislike user comments / 🔹New homepage layout design / 🔹Significant performance updates & general bug fixes. Go to https://eosrate.io & start rating! Eden members that rate included in eden member proxy.”

#Miscellaneous :
https://t.me/c/1186628781/35057 : “If anyone know the person or people behind goldminerxxx, mgm.gm, mgmgmgmgm.gm or eosmadrinode I'd like to speak with him/her/them . . "

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meetings :
Meeting #6 - Monday, Aug 15, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-6-Odysee:a
Meeting #7 - Monday, Aug 22, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-7---Eden-on-EOS---Odysee:4

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK37) - posted Sunday 2022-09-18

#Basic_Eden_Infra : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35317 : *A post on discussions the method used to pay for “voting site” fix/work* :
--M-- : “I do remember the donation was voluntary. But yes, it is to be taken into account the reason for not donating and I think everyone who is a delegate is accountable for the funds received. I don't think there is a mandate to provide records or anything but I certainly won't trust someone who can't provide some records. And that is just my personal opinion.”

#Author_Comments : *Starting today any “author comments” in #Recaps will look as seen here in these few words!*

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35011 :*Considering the discussions for many weeks and months, as relate to accountability funds received by Eden delegates, an update on the “Spend Explorer” development would be of value.*

#Eden_Treasury : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35333 :
QUESTION 1 : “Can CD join forces and drain the Eden treasury if they wanted to right now ?”
--ANSWER CD1-- : “Yes”.
QUESTION 2 : “They don't have to wait to propose bylaws and then next CD has to ratify it etc. ?”
–ANSWER CD2-- : “Nope. Thats the process that expected of us, but we have 3/4 keys on the treasury”
--M1-- : “Vote well. Don't vote for anyone in round one that you can't see as HCD.”
--CD1-- : “Bylaws are a soft set of rules.There could be rules in the bylaws that says the CDs can't move the funds, but unless those bylaws aren't accompanied with code, they can be broken. And even then, the code can be . . “

#Eden_Future : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35361 :
--CD1-- : “Lots to do! On one hand a great opportunity, on the other hand a very difficult thing to progress as participation is minimal and the purpose of this community isn't clear to all.”
--M-- : “What exactly is Eden ? I think many have their own definition and no " correct answer" exist ?”

#Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35384 / https://t.me/c/1186628781/35385 : ” There's a whole section in the blog that discusses how this will impact Eden on EOS. TLDR; Awesome tools, unlimited users, same smart contract!” – “Through an $850k grant, Hypha DAO's “Organization-in-a-Box Solution” will be significantly expanding its feature set to establish EOS as the DAO of DAOs.””
--M1-- : “"Now we're talking"! It's all coming together nicely, bit by bit. 🙏
--M2-- : “More reasons to finish developing Eden🦾🦾🦾

#Marketing : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35409 : “With all EOS action around it is a pity outsiders would still have a hard time find the core project of EdenOnEOS the https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/ - It took me way to long using Google search. In end got to it but sure is hidden away. Searched . . “

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 – September 5, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-9:1?s=35

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK39) - posted Sunday 2022-10-02

#Chief_Delegates_meet #12 : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #12 - Monday, Sep 26, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-12:c

#Eden_future : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35950 : --CD1-- : “Trying to make a list of future opportunities for Eden...what can we as an org aspire to do/accomplish . . “  -  “”I've mentioned these before, but here's the list I've been thinking on so far: - Eden members to . . “
--M1-- : “I think eden needs to generate revenue by offering a unique service outside the governance process. The ideas so far: . . “
--CD2-- : “It provides distributed way to finance smaller teams and their projects , it self develops as  a possible future governance mechanism for eos dapps and eventually overall governance (either funding governance or block producing one). Eden is not for generating revenue, the people came together to ride this fractall governance experiment out”
--M1-- : “Without generating revenue, eden cannot become independent.”
--M2-- : “It should not exist as a way to generate revenue, but why let it’s assets sit idle?”
--M3-- : “I think EdenOnEOS is meant to provide value to EOS, there is no specific reason it has to be independent if it can prove to be doing just that, and a worthwhile investment to EOS. Eden needs to generate revenue so as to keep the experiment going if there's an interest in growing it.”

#Eden_Elections : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35980 : “October 8th is coming up fast!  Register to vote today! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/“  - 
“”Be sure to look over this document to prep for the election. EOS Support on Notion - https://eoscommunity.notion.site/Best-Practices-for-Election-Participants-2a49da390b634de4bf18b4320e11fec7 -  Best Practices for Election Participants. You can request support from our team . . “

#Eden_Elections bounty : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36005 - “Eden CDs are issuing 200 EOS bounty for technical support person for Eden members voting on the election day. Requirements;• Be technical enough and . . “

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35990 - “In an attempt to increase engagement and participation, as well as keep you all better informed of what is happening in the EdenSphere please fill out this questionnaire, it is really important that you do or you may miss out on important developments!

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK50) - Sunday 2022-12-18
(Post 1 of 3)

#Eden_Sybil protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39463 :
--M1-- : "QUESTION: "Whats the plan?"
--CD-- : "Contract automatically issues SBT when you vote"
--M2-- : "Created github repo for ntt and badge issuer. ntt repo is ... - ... and badge issuer repo is ... - ... . Working on hashing out further details in these."
--M1-- : "thnx, will check"
--M2-- : "This is the latest code - ..."

#Eden_future survey : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39547 : "Would you (or anyone reading this) be willing write out a short list of:
A. What you believed/expected Eden to be when joining vs what you experience it as.
B. What changes since Genesis do you disagree/agree with?"

#Eden_Horizons : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39620 : "For those wanting to just watch the "3 Horizons of Eden" part of last CD's session (*as I'm still looking for more feedback from members here*) - It's a first attempt at bringing together all the offerings of Eden into a simple format. - https://youtu.be/qj4ULqtfVNs - Let me know what I'm missing!"

#Eden_Poll 1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39550 : "Stance on the 500k EOS donation to Eden from B1 - *May select multiple options* - Any major stances missing?"

#Eden_Poll 2 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39845 : "Member dues are currently on the table for consideration for by-laws changes. - At Genesis Eden membership dues were ~$50. Today it's ~$3. What range should dues be? ... "

#Eden_Poll 3 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39853 : "Should polls remain anonymous? For: Decreases potential for retribution against members and their positions Against: Increases potential for non-members/Sybil/bots/etc to manipulate a poll ... "

#Eden_Poll 4 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39859 : "Should Membership Dues be charged: ... - *Choose multiple options you support*"

#Eden_Poll process : "You can always go back and change your vote if things change based on discussion :). Just click on the poll text and click "retract vote" and vote again. All polls in the "Eden Sense Making" channel will remain open for voting, so new members can go and add their sentiments when they join and existing members can go and update their perspectives at any time."

#Eden_UpVote_bot test 1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39582 : "I want to see how people respond when they are not prepared, its better stress test that way. Simulates chaos :). The links and all the instructions will be shared in tester group" - "The Up Vote Bot test was successful, thank you everyone who joined. ..."

#Dispute_Resolution : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39638 :
--CD-- : "Dispute resolution system - Recap: 1. Person A wants to remove Person B, 2. A finds 3 other members to endorse B’s removal, 3. A posts $ ... - ... 12. If defendant wins, B gets ... "
--M1-- : "I've not studied the proposed model in that much depth yet but what jumps out at me is that 2 weeks is too short a time period. No member should need to check in every thirteen days or risk being removed in absentia. At the very least, a month. I mean, you could go on holiday and be removed before you got back."

#Eden_Funds distribution : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39790 : "The last payments will be for the remaining time of Current CDs, so the payment will be pro rated to 1 day. After the election a new distribution for the next 30 days will be available for newly elected delegates. - https://t.me/c/1186628781/39800 : "Eden distributes funds in advance. You ... "

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39807 : "There should be accountability towards where the money is being put to use. Hopefully next set of CDs use the spend explorer tools - https://spending.eden.eoscommunity.org"

#Bylaws : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39810 : QUESTION: "Anyone have a handy link to current bylaws?" - ANSWER: https://www.edenelections.com/eden-bylaws"
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 5 of 7)

#Eden_future 21 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41443 :
--M1-- : ""... In my view the challenge to those who want to be CDs and leaders of Eden moving forward, how do you take this moment of divisiveness and find enough common ground to move this experiment forward with the needs, concerns and desires of both sides kept in constant esteem and consideration?""
--M2-- : ".. an excellent summary of where focus needs to be."
--M3-- : "Don't just think about the glorious accomplishments you will have, small things too are also worthy of our attention, and necessary for proper functioning of this org."
--M4-- : "To me Eden is a governance process that allocates resources towards projects that help EOS. Pretty straightforward."

#Eden_3_Horizons Dec 23, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41842 : "... What's currently being attempted with the "3 horizons of Eden" model is a start to clarify our shared compass (Where are we going and why would others want to join. And what's is the common thread behind the various projects and proposals seeking funding. Or simply, what is Eden?). ..." - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13MlKUPPs4zZFrFzIlQS9UnTcUwKNsSvFWIqBcmIxJLA/edit?usp=drivesdk

#Eden_Poll 4 of these from CDs : Dec 19, 2022 - https://t.me/c/1186628781/40865 : "#Recap partial repeat, for easy find, of these 4 member polls, just in case you not yet given your voice!"

#Eden_Poll - 22 Dec, 2022: https://t.me/c/1186628781/41551 :
--M1-- : " ... I think polling is an art and a science, and we may need to begin at the beginning to discern which questions need to be asked in what order, and ... "
--CD.. : "Good points. Hard to find a balance btw simplicity and details. Hopefully we can start a culture of polling in EDEN and no doubt we will get better."
--M2-- : "Polls currently are binary (yes/no), I mean that could be extended with some texts arguments . I think Consortium could be extented."
--M3-- : "Also we need to come up with ways for more engagement for a more accurate outcome, having 10 participants doesn’t tell you anything"

#Accountability_Transparency : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41577 :
--CD-- "If any Delegate would like to let us know here or in PM I will update this tracker with the results ... " - "If you were a previous Delegate and have a summary that is missing ... " - https://t.me/c/1186628781/43155
--M-- : "No excuse not to display how .. - https://spending.eden.eoscommunity.org/"
--M2-- : "Tried to use spend explorer yet?"

#Eden_Delegate_Roles : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41676 :
--CD-- : "What is CDs Job? Is there a clear job description somewhere? I believe it would be helpful to explicitly state in the bylaws what Rights and responsibilities we're expecting from each layer of delegates. ... "
--M1-- : "Fundamentally the role of CDs is to help the community fulfil its own defined mission as developed in our series of community workshops which ..." - https://t.me/c/1186628781/41428
--CD-- : "... What you're sharing here I believe is critical organising needs to help this community and I started with the assumption that CD's would meet this need as well (and why ... "
--M2-- : "If we are inserting personal preferences, I would much rather see teams coming to get funding for their specific piece of the puzzle, and get their representative voted in ... "
--M1-- : "Yeh perhaps a mix of CD focuses and talents. To be clear, which bit should CDs not all be doing?"
--M3 : "The challenge is how to design the long-term strategies that delegates and CD can align with constantly regardless of who makes it to the top"
--M4-- : "This is one of the best experiments in decentralization around. It's success is up to each of you/us. What should we be doing? This isn't the only place that argues. I think ..."

#Eden_Sybil protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39463 :
--M1-- : "QUESTION: "Whats the plan?"
--CD-- : "Contract automatically .. "
--M1-- : "thnx, will check"
--M2-- : "This is the latest code - ..."
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 6 of 7)

#Eden_future survey : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39547 : "Would you (*or anyone reading this*) be willing to write out a short list of: A. What you believed/expected Eden to be when joining vs what you experience it as. B. What changes since Genesis do you disagree/agree with?"

#Eden_future : https://t.me/c/1186628781/43235 : 100 Years ahead :
--M1-- : "100 years from now, what should Eden be?"
--M2-- : "A literal network of land-based Edens with .. ?"
--M3-- : "A federation of systems united."
--M4-- : "A worker proposal system"
--M1-- : "Lemme rephrase. 100 years from now what should THIS Eden be."
--M5-- : "in next 10 years generative ai will be too good for eden ... "
--M6-- : " ... a good time to plug in an attempt to do this again! ... " - https://t.me/c/1186628781/43306 - ""3rd horizon in the above""
--M7-- : "Looking at it now :)"
--M8-- : " ... able to gauge and follow what consensus is of its membership ... "
--M9-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/44695 - " .. We're very much still playing from behind and we need to use that to our advantage by avoiding mistakes and roadblocks that others have already faced or are facing. .."
--M10-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/45437 "One good way of setting organisational direction (purpose) is to find a shared-values-driven VISION of the future. The purpose and thus direction might even become obvious. (I would do a community-driven job of this via workshops ... "

#Eden_Poll 31 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/45766 : "Let's see if we can find a clear direction here... On chain poll here: ... " - ""In your opinion. What is the primary purpose of EdenonEOS?"" *(Not Eden itself, or the process. But the Genesis.eden community.)*

#Hotstuff_consensus protocol : https://t.me/c/1186628781/44942 :
--M-- : "Hotstuff is the consensus protocol that will be implemented on Antelope with the instant finality upgrade. I'm personally trying to learn more about it now myself."
--UX team-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/44979 : ""What we are really doing is, we are upgrading the consensus model to use the Hotstuff consensus. Hotstuff was originally developed by .. - .. It is state-of-the-art BFT state replication protocol. ... "
--M-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/44994 ".. If we want to talk about governance right now, why not get even more radical with it? .. "

#Eden_Knowledge_Base : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41241 :
--M1-- : "Would someone please run on creating and maintaining a searchable Eden knowledge-base? Sort of a one stop shop for all info related to Eden? We need better signal to noise ratio, better visibility into proposals, who ... "
--M2-- : "It is definitely needed! Even I get lost at times despite daily read many places including here in Telegram. The new web site ..."

#Eden_Fractal as Eden circle : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40539 :
--M-- : "I’d like to see more plans for EdenOnEOS to integrate or include Eden Fractal ..."
--CD-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40550 : "Eden fractal will soon have their circle represented as part of Eden on edenelections.com and have the oppertunity to request funding from CD's."

#AI_Chat_bots : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42637 :
--M1-- : "I can remove this ceaseless regurgitation of AI wordsoup, but I guess I’m not sure if there’s an operator behind it, or if it’s just pure AI run amok in here? Eden member with bot? or just bot ... "
--M2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42727 " ... bots not yet ready participate in discussion in a meaningful productive way. I would only consider allow if/when judged safe and silent so not disrupt or spam kind of."