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#Internet #addiction #antecendants: #Self-control as a predictor

Authors: #Mohammad_Sadegh_Shirinkam, #Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Leila_Moayer_Toroghi, #Mahdiye_Mahmoodabadi, #Alireza_Mohammadi and #Kolsum_Sattari

#Internet_addiction is a result of #penetration of internet #technology to the #modern #world and has inundated a substantial proportion of #human #societies, so that many of mental professionals have considered it as a mounting threatening issue of mental health. Many factors are suggested to be of capability of #predicting internet addiction, include #self_efficacy and #self_control, whose roles are evaluated in this study. This survey study was conducted on 395 female and male #university #students of SardarJangal University, Rasht, Iran. #Instruments comprised #Internet #Addiction #Test , and Self-Control Scale (Tangney, 2004), which were administered by all participants. findings of #regression analysis showed that self-control has #significant negative relation with internet addiction (p<.05) and male students gained higher scores in internet addiction than females. Moreover, no significant difference was found among students of different university majors in internet addiction scores. It appears that self-control abilities can reduce the rate of internet addiction in university students. Therefore, future programs and plans of tri-layer #prevention can focus on teaching for self-control among university students as well as school-ageed students and families to deliberately decrease internet addiction in various sectors of society.

Keywords: #Internet_addiction, #self_control, #internet_addiction_disorder (#IAD), #Problematic_internet_use (#PIU),
#internet_addiction_prevention, #university_students.

مقاله جدید👇🏻

کارآیی مدل ماتریکس 12 جلسه ای در کاهش وابستگی به متامفتامین (شیشه): شواهدی زیستی و گزارش های فردی

#Efficacy of #Regulated #12_Session #Matrix #Model on #restraining #methamphetamine_dependence: #Biological #evidence and #self_reports

#Zahra_Amiri, #Arash_Danesh, #Anoosheh_Tahmasebyshahrebabak, #Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Habibeh_Heyrati, #Kolsoum_Sattari

Introduction: #Substance #abuse is accompanied by a wide range of #psychological, #social, and #economic #adverse #outcomes and #damages. #Methamphetamine (ab)use is dangerous because of its wide range adverse outcomes and #hazardous sustaining #side_effects. Moreover, Methamphetamine-dependence is usually #treatment-#resistant. This study evaluated the Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model in treatment of outpatient methamphetamine-dependent individuals.
Method: 24 individuals were chosen according to #inclusion/#exclusion #criteria of the study and randomly assigned to equal #experimental (age range 19-41; mean age: 46.9) and #control groups (age range: 21-42; mean age: 27.8). Experimental group members partook Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model once a week in 12 consecutive weeks, while control group members remained at #waitlist.
Results: Independent t-test in 12th week showed that experimental group had lower methamphetamine use, comparing to control group (p<.05). #Phillai’s Trace, #Wilk’s Lambda, #Hotelling-Lawley's trace, and #Roy's largest root showed that there are #significant association between experimental and control groups in reduction of methamphetamine-use #lapse (p<.05). Within-subject F ratio revealed that “methamphetamine use” was significantly reduced in experimental group after clinical intervention (p<.001). Urine test showed significant difference in results of negative responses by the end of #intervention (p<.05) in experimental group, compared to control group, which was also significant from the results of both groups in pre-test (p<.001).
Discussion and conclusion: Efficacy of Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model in craving control and reduction of lapse and substance (ab)use in methamphetamine-dependent patients was approved with self-reports and biological #indicators. Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model has been proved to be beneficial in methamphetamine-dependencetreatment in #Iran and other alike #cultural and social atmospheres. Limitations and future implications are discussed.

Keywords: #Regulated_12_Session_Matrix_Model, #Methamphetamine, #substance #use #disorders (#SUD), #relapse, #substance #abuse, #craving, #lapse, #urine_test, #susceptibility.

کانال دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی


#سودمندی #آموزش های #روانی-#مذهبی در #بهبود #رفتارسازمانی و #سلامت #روان

#A_M_Shahsavarani, E. #Zoghifard, M. E. #Mishamandani, M. #Mahmoodabadi, A. #Mohammadi, K. #Sattari.

Introduction: One of the most important issues of organizations in the modern age is to maximize their #efficiency via #improvement of #organizational #behavior. Organizational behavior is #directly #linked to #mental #health and recent #studies have shown the major role of #religion in #maintaining mental health of people. The aim of the study was to #investigate the efficacy of #psycho_religious training on improvement of the organizational behavior and mental health.

Method: A group of 120 white collar #personnel (60 females and 60 males) chosen by #cluster #sampling & #divided randomly into two equal #experimental and control groups (n=60; 30 female & 30 male). The #experimental #trial was the #administration of the psycho-religious training for three weeks, which consisted of twelve 120-minute #discussion_group sessions during 12 weeks. In order to assess the mental health, #GHQ_28 was administered as pre-test and post-test in both groups.

Findings: The results of the #independent and dependent t-test indicate the #positive #effect of psycho-religious training on the mental health of the participants in the experimental group in indices of #anxiety/#insomnia, severe #depression, and total health (p<.05). There were no #significant #gender differences.

Discussion and conclusion: These #findings suggest that incorporation of #religious training within the usual #modalities of #psychological interventions would be beneficial and increase the levels of mental health and organizational behavior. Implications and suggestions are discussed.

#Psycho_religious #education, #psychoeducation, #health, #religion, #organizational #behavior, #mental #health, #white #collar, #labor #force.


کانال دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی

♻️تفاوت های #افسردگی در #مردان و #زنان

#Adolescent #Major #Depressive #Disorder: #Neuroimaging Evidence of #Sex #Difference during an #Affective Go/No-Go Task

در پژوهشی که به تازگی توسط متخصصان نوروساینس دانشگاه منچستر 🇬🇧 صورت گرفته است مشخص شد مغز افراد مبتلا به #اختلال #افسردگی #عمیق (#MDD) بسته به #جنس، تغییرات متفاوتی دارد.
📗اختلال افسردگی عمیق (MDD) که یکی از مشکلات عمده در #نوجوانی است، در حدود سنین 15 سالگی #دختران را دو برابر #پسران مبتلا می کند، دلایل بسیاری دارد که شامل مواردی چون #نوسانات #هورمونی، مسایل مربوط به #تصویربدنی، پیش زمینه ها و استعداد #ژنتیک است. بطور معمول افسردگی در زنان دوره ای بوده اما در مردان بصورت یکنواخت و پایدار است. اما تفاوت بین دو جنس، تنها به دلیل تفاوت در ریسک ابتلا به MDD نیست، بلکه شکل بروز و #فنوتیپ آن در دو جنس نیز متفاوت است.
🔬در پژوهش حاضر که شامل 82 زن و 24 مرد بین سنین 11 تا 18 سال مبتلا به MDD و 24 زن و 10 مرد سالم بود، با استفاده از #fMRI #فعالیت #مغزی حین اجرای #تکالیف شناسایی #هیجانی بررسی شد. تحلیل نتایج نشان از تفاوت های معنادار وابسته به جنس در بخش های #کرتکس شکنج فوق حاشیه ای و #سینگولیت پسین مشاهده شد. همچنین، مردان افسرده نسبت به مردان سالم فعالیت بسیار کمتری در #مخچه داشتند که بر حسب گروه های سنی نیز این تفاوت معنادار بود.

📚نتایج این پژوهش نشانگر دو نکته مهم در #پروتکل های #درمانی افسردگی هستند:
1. برای هرجنس لازم است رویه های درمانی کاملاً جداگانه ای برای MDD طراحی شوند.
2. تفاوت های سنی در برنامه ها و پروتکل های درمانی MDD هر جنس لازم است در نظر گرفته شده و ماژول های درمانی تغییرات متناسبی داشته باشند تا با سن و نحوه فعالیت مغز و مخچه منطبق باشند.

Compared to female major depressive disorder (#MDD), male MDD often receives less attention. However, research is warranted since there are significant sex differences in the clinical presentation of MDD and a higher rate of #suicide in depressed men. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first #functional #magnetic #resonance #imaging (#fMRI) study with a large sample addressing putative sex differences in MDD during adolescence, a period when one of the most robust findings in #psychiatric #epidemiology emerges; that females are twice as likely to suffer from MDD than males. Twenty-four depressed and 10 healthy male adolescents, together with 82 depressed and 24 healthy female adolescents, aged 11–18 years, undertook an #affective #go/no-go #task during fMRI acquisition. In response to sad relative to neutral distractors, #significant #sex #differences (in the #supramarginal #gyrus) and group-by-sex interactions (in the #supramarginal #gyrus and the #posterior #cingulate #cortex) were found. Furthermore, in contrast to the #healthy male adolescents, #depressed male adolescents showed decreased activation in the #cerebellum with a significant group-by-age interaction in connectivity. Future research may consider altered developmental #trajectories and the possible implications of #sex-specific treatment and prevention strategies for #MDD.

لینک منبع 👇🏻(further reading)👇🏻

(در صورت جذابیت و علاقمندی به موضوع، مطلب را برای دیگران نیز بازنشر فرمایید).

📢کانال #دکترامیرمحمدشهسوارانی