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#Social #Exchange #Theory and #Attachment Theory: #Combination of #Sociological and #Psychological approaches to form a #bio-psychosocial viewpoint to #human #social and #interpersonal #relationships

#Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Habibeh_Heyrati, #Mostafa_Mohammadi, #Sanaz_Jahansouz, #Azadeh_Saffarzadeh, #Kolsoum_Sattari

Human social life is mostly known by its communicative characteristic which is addressed as #social #relations. Nowadays a wide range of theories are concerned with explanation of such characteristic from various approaches. Authors and theorists of two major domains of social sciences, #sociology and #psychology, have tried to describe, explain and anticipate human #interactions and #behaviors in the context of social #life within social relations. From sociological point of view, the dominant theory of explaining social relations, up to date, is The Social Exchange theory (#SET). In psychological approaches, Attachment Theory has concerned with formation, development, and evolution of social relations in #ontogenic and #phylogenic aspects of human life. Each of these two theories has tried to describe specific dimensions of social relations. This paper tries to show that these two theories altogether can cover bio-psychosocial aspects of human social and interpersonal relations.

#Social_relation, #social_relationship, #social_interaction, #social_communication, #interpersonal_relationships, #social_exchange_theory, #attachment_theory.


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#Community #Capacity #Building (#CCB) for #Facilitation of #Marriage for #Young #Adults via #Social #Capital

#Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani [Correspobding Author]
#Kolsoum _Sattari

Abstract: #Community #capacity #building (#CCB) is one of the important structures in modern #empowerment area. Among #social #structures involved in CCB, #social _capital, according to the definition, is people’s #non_materialistic accumulation in their #social #relations #network that acts as a common good to expand the #capabilities of #individual in #societal activities. These two structures can be put together to form a solution within #marriage. This article studies the aspects of community capacity building (CCB) and social capital, the way they influence the process of mate selection and marriage, and how to improve the status of marriage through the social capital. The present #systematic #review including the review of marticles related to the community capacity building (CCB), social capital and marriage (with keywords, community capacity building, social capital, #social_trust, #social_networks, #social_exchange, #marriage, #fear_of_marriage, the effective factors in marriage, #social_facilitation of marriage, social capital in marriage) in scientific bases of Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science direct, Elsevier, Ebsco, Proquest, SID, IranDoc, PsychInfo, RoseNet, ISI Web of Science from 2000 to 20 January of 2014, was conducted in English and Persian sources. Entry criteria were comprised of the relevance to the keywords of the research, #quantitative aspects of the research, and a score of at least 2 in #Jadad_Scale. Based on research obtained from 658 sources, 141 sources were accepted and the main sources used in this article were 46. In this paper, after reviewing the basic concepts and definitions of community capacity building (CCB) and social capital, the role of social capital in marriage, the components of social capital (#social_sharing, #social_networking, #social_trust), ways of increasing social capital, and social capital facilitated through marriage have been examined.

Keywords: #Community_Capacity _Building (CCB), #capacity_development, #social_capital, #marriage, #social_communication, #social _trust, #social_networks, #socially _beneficial_behavior.

مرور سیستماتیک استرس و بررسی سازه ها و عوامل دخیل در آن

#Stress: #Facts and #Theories through #Literature #Review

#Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Esfandiar_Azad_Marz_Abadi, #Maryam_Hakimi_Kalkhoran

Introduction: #Human everyday life is full of #stress and strain, so that the present century is called stress era. Unfortunately, here is no literature integration about stress. The aim of the present paper is to make a theoretical integrative consensus in stress modalities.

Methods: The design of the present study was #systematic #review. #Inclusion #criteria were subjective relevance to study keywords (include #stress, #stress_control, #stress_reduction, #social_stress, #community_stress, #group_stress, #stress_increase, #stress_side_effects, #stress_resources, #stress_stages, #stress_types), being published by academic and/or scientific resource, and publication period (between January, 1, 1990 and March, 20, 2015). Using Jadad scale, those clinical trial papers with 2 and upper were selected. #Delphi_method used to form the structure of final results. Results were collected by content analysis.

Results: Eleven major definitions, three main classifications, three fundamental #explanatory perspectives, #occupational stress and related issues, #job #burnout and related issues, biological and #neuropsychological bases, related constructs (#anxiety, #homeostasis, #allostasis), #spiritual/religious/Islamic perspectives, stress outcomes, and multiple relations between stress and culture were presented and discussed.

Conclusion: The ppresent study was an effort to make a theoretical unity of thought in studies about stress. According to the results, it appears that stress cannot be investigated via unimodal studies, and there is a great need to incorporate #BioPsychoSocioSpiritual perspective in analyses and future frameworks of stress studies.

#Stress, #Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, #Homeostasis, #Allostasis, #Cultural stress, BioPsychoSocioSpiritual model, Systematic Review, #Jadad Method, #Delphi Method.

کانال دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی


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#Internet #addiction #antecendants: #Self-control as a predictor

Authors: #Mohammad_Sadegh_Shirinkam, #Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Leila_Moayer_Toroghi, #Mahdiye_Mahmoodabadi, #Alireza_Mohammadi and #Kolsum_Sattari

#Internet_addiction is a result of #penetration of internet #technology to the #modern #world and has inundated a substantial proportion of #human #societies, so that many of mental professionals have considered it as a mounting threatening issue of mental health. Many factors are suggested to be of capability of #predicting internet addiction, include #self_efficacy and #self_control, whose roles are evaluated in this study. This survey study was conducted on 395 female and male #university #students of SardarJangal University, Rasht, Iran. #Instruments comprised #Internet #Addiction #Test , and Self-Control Scale (Tangney, 2004), which were administered by all participants. findings of #regression analysis showed that self-control has #significant negative relation with internet addiction (p<.05) and male students gained higher scores in internet addiction than females. Moreover, no significant difference was found among students of different university majors in internet addiction scores. It appears that self-control abilities can reduce the rate of internet addiction in university students. Therefore, future programs and plans of tri-layer #prevention can focus on teaching for self-control among university students as well as school-ageed students and families to deliberately decrease internet addiction in various sectors of society.

Keywords: #Internet_addiction, #self_control, #internet_addiction_disorder (#IAD), #Problematic_internet_use (#PIU),
#internet_addiction_prevention, #university_students.

مقاله جدید👇🏻

کارآیی مدل ماتریکس 12 جلسه ای در کاهش وابستگی به متامفتامین (شیشه): شواهدی زیستی و گزارش های فردی

#Efficacy of #Regulated #12_Session #Matrix #Model on #restraining #methamphetamine_dependence: #Biological #evidence and #self_reports

#Zahra_Amiri, #Arash_Danesh, #Anoosheh_Tahmasebyshahrebabak, #Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Habibeh_Heyrati, #Kolsoum_Sattari

Introduction: #Substance #abuse is accompanied by a wide range of #psychological, #social, and #economic #adverse #outcomes and #damages. #Methamphetamine (ab)use is dangerous because of its wide range adverse outcomes and #hazardous sustaining #side_effects. Moreover, Methamphetamine-dependence is usually #treatment-#resistant. This study evaluated the Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model in treatment of outpatient methamphetamine-dependent individuals.
Method: 24 individuals were chosen according to #inclusion/#exclusion #criteria of the study and randomly assigned to equal #experimental (age range 19-41; mean age: 46.9) and #control groups (age range: 21-42; mean age: 27.8). Experimental group members partook Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model once a week in 12 consecutive weeks, while control group members remained at #waitlist.
Results: Independent t-test in 12th week showed that experimental group had lower methamphetamine use, comparing to control group (p<.05). #Phillai’s Trace, #Wilk’s Lambda, #Hotelling-Lawley's trace, and #Roy's largest root showed that there are #significant association between experimental and control groups in reduction of methamphetamine-use #lapse (p<.05). Within-subject F ratio revealed that “methamphetamine use” was significantly reduced in experimental group after clinical intervention (p<.001). Urine test showed significant difference in results of negative responses by the end of #intervention (p<.05) in experimental group, compared to control group, which was also significant from the results of both groups in pre-test (p<.001).
Discussion and conclusion: Efficacy of Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model in craving control and reduction of lapse and substance (ab)use in methamphetamine-dependent patients was approved with self-reports and biological #indicators. Regulated 12-Session Matrix Model has been proved to be beneficial in methamphetamine-dependencetreatment in #Iran and other alike #cultural and social atmospheres. Limitations and future implications are discussed.

Keywords: #Regulated_12_Session_Matrix_Model, #Methamphetamine, #substance #use #disorders (#SUD), #relapse, #substance #abuse, #craving, #lapse, #urine_test, #susceptibility.

کانال دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی


#مدیریت و #کنترل #خشم در #علوم #اجتماعی و #رفتاری: #مرور #سیستماتیک #ادبیات #پژوهش بر اساس #مدل #زیستی_روانی_اجتماعی

#امیرمحمد_شهسوارانی، #سیما_نوحی، #حبیبه_حیرتی، #مصطفی_محمدی، #علیرضا_محمدی، و #کلثوم_ستاری

#Anger #Management and #Control in #Social and #Behavioral #Sciences: A #Systematic #Review of #Literature on #Biopyschosocial #Model

#Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani, #Sima_Noohi, #Habibeh_Heyrati, #Mostafa_Mohammadi, #Alireza_Mohammadi, #Kolsoum_Sattari

Introduction: #Anger is considered as one of the most important and impressive #emotions throughout human #ontogenic and #phylogenic history. Anger management is one the main domains of #psychology which does not work on triggers, but on reaction to them, so that any given individual which is frequently excited with internal and external activating provocations, can restraint and control her/his anger. The aim of the present study was to #systematically #reviewing research #literature about anger management in order to investigating and identifying varied methods of anger management and control in #Persian and #non-Persian sources.

Methods: In the present systematic review,# keywords include “#anger, #anger_management, #anger_control, #anger_restraint, #anger_handling, #coping_with_anger, #anger_reduction, #anger_prevention, #anger_avoidance, #escape_from_anger” was searched in “#PubMed, #ScienceDirect, #Google_Scholar, #Google_Patent, #MagIran, #SID, #Proquest, #Ebsco, #Springer, #IEEE, #Kolwer, & #IranDoc” search engines and according to relation to study parts, academic publishing, publishing after 1990 and #Jadad system relevant sources were selected. The manuscript then, finalized by evaluation of five experts in anger domain via #Delphi_method.

Results: Systematic literature review of anger management revealed five major methods in #CBT, three #Islamic, and one #eclectic method of anger management in #clinical #settings.

Discussion and Conclusion: There are a few outcome and/or comparative studies about the effect size of varied anger management and control methods, and most of the sources comprise books, Book chapters, and/or instructions. It appears that in future studies, it would be better to include pre-test/post-test sections to assess and evaluate the efficiency of different anger management methods in varied population sectors.

Keywords: #Anger_Management, #Anger_Control, #Systematic_Review, #Jadad_Method, #Delphi_Method


کانال دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی

مقایسه ناامیدی و خودکارآمدی پناهندگان/مهاجران نوجوان افغان با همسالان ایرانی

#Comparison of #hopelessness and #self-efficacy of #refugee/#immigrant #Afghan #youth with #native #Persian cohorts: A #preliminary #study

Malek Bastami Katouli, Mostafa Ahadi, Javad Afzoun, Mahdi parooi, Habibeh heyrati, #Amir_Mohammad_Shahsavarani


Introduction: #International #migrations in the context of war, #civil #war, and #political #instabilities are increasing. #Afghan #refugees in #Iran have high levels of #susceptibility to psychological #difficulties like #dissatisfaction, #sorrow, #frustration, and #anxiety. The aim of the present study was to compare Afghan refugee youths with native Persian youths in #hopelessness and #self_efficacy.

Method: The population comprised all Afghan immigrant and native Persian youths who lived in #Karaj in year 2015. 32 Afghan refugee and 31 native Persian youths were chosen by #purposive #sampling and their hopelessness and self-efficacy were assessed.

Results: #MANOVA showed that Afghan refugee youths achieved significant higher scores in hopelessness (p<.001) and lower scores in self-efficacy (p<.024), compared to Persian native youths.
Discussion and conclusion: These findings indicate that Afghan refugee youths are in higher risk of mental problems than their native Persian cohorts. Therefore, social and psychological services shall urgently pay more attention to improve their specific psychosocial needs as well as #facilitate their #social and #life #skills #training for this #population sector in order to improve their #mental and #psychological #health


#Hopelessness, #self_efficacy, #migration, #refugee, #immigrant, #youth, #Afghan #refugees/#immigrants, #mental #health, #Iran.


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