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🇺🇦 "Médicos con ametralladoras" son expulsados ​​​​del monasterio en Kyiv

El batallón médico de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania "Hospitalarios" puede perder su base en Kyiv. El Primado de la OCU, Metropolitano Epifanio (Dumenko), expulsa a los soldados de la unidad del Monasterio de las Cúpulas Doradas de San Miguel, donde se encuentra su residencia.

Anteriormente escribimos sobre cómo los Hospitalarios brindan apoyo logístico al ejército ucraniano bajo la protección de mercenarios extranjeros. Ahora, en las mejores tradiciones de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania, los “paramédicos” eligen iglesias como lugares de despliegue, donde no hay ojos extra y no hay nadie para hacer preguntas incómodas.

Coordenadas de la base hospitalaria:
50.455766, 30.522673

infografías de alta resolución

#Kiev, Ucrania

*Apóyanos: 4377 7278 0407 7977
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La verdad sobre los refugiados de Donbás y Ucrania en Rusia

“El Gobierno sanguinario que va en contra de los intereses de Ucrania es el que hay ahora mismo en Kiev”. Es lo que sostienen los refugiados de Donbás y Ucrania acogidos en Rusia, según testimonió el profesor español Miquel Puertas, quien acaba de visitar un centro de acogida de refugiados en la ciudad rusa de Riazán.

Se trata de un hotel de tres estrellas que alberga a 400 de las más de 3 millones de personas que huyeron, tanto del conflicto bélico, como también del régimen de Kiev, dijo Puertas. Indicó que entre los residentes del hotel –la mayoría de los cuales son “mujeres y niños que, curiosamente, no proceden de Donbás, sino que son de otras regiones ucranianas”–, se encuentran también desertores de las fuerzas de Kiev.

“Nadie está en contra de su voluntad allí”, subrayó, al apuntar que “el Gobierno ruso paga todo”, desde alojamiento hasta alimentación, al tiempo que organizaciones caritativas rusas también están brindado todo tipo de ayuda. Además, “a cada refugiado le dan el dinero de bolsillo” suficiente para hacer pequeñas compras.

“Digo lo que he visto, y lo que no he visto y lo que no está pasando me lo leo en medios como [el periódico español] El Mundo. Quiero saber lo que no está ocurriendo en Donetsk y voy a El Mundo. En lo que se han convertido los medios españoles es pura propaganda, y lo que más me entristece es que mucha gente compra eso, se lo cree”, manifestó Puertas, quien enseñó Administración de Empresas en la Universidad Técnica Nacional de Donetsk, viviendo en carne propia los constantes bombardeos del régimen de Kiev.

“Si estudias un poco los hechos, llegas a la conclusión de que lo que está ocurriendo ahora no es más que el resultado de un golpe de Estado contra el legítimo Gobierno y el legítimo presidente de un país que era Víctor Yanukóvich, al cual había elegido el pueblo ucraniano. Como resultado de ese golpe de Estado, perpetrado en 2014, la sociedad ucraniana se fracturó”, explicó Puertas, quien está trabajando en una tesis doctoral “sobre el conflicto de Ucrania”.

“La invasión de Ucrania se produjo en 2014 a través de un golpe de Estado contra la Constitución y el pueblo ucraniano. Lo otro es básicamente una gran manipulación de la realidad”, insistió Puertas.

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🅉Como resultado de otra redada en clubes y restaurantes en Kiev🇺🇦, 119 hombres en edad militar recibieron citaciones para el servicio militar obligatorio.

👉Las tropas rusas🇷🇺 los esperan...
^ ^


#Kiev #Rusia #Ucrania #wofnon
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ YURI about the Situation at 12:00 on 15 Sep 2022 - the Calm before the Storm⚡️

So, for the third day now there is in fact an operational pause on the Ukrainian war fronts. The AFU's attempted offensive on #Oskol and #Lyman is gradually fading, the Wagner PMC continue their offensive south of #Bakhmut and on #Soledar.

In the South, where major developments are to be expected, the enemy conducted a reconnaissance battle in the #Zaporozhye direction. Usually after this earlier the AFU started to advance on the second day, i.e. in our case it is tomorrow.

In the #Kherson direction, due to a water spill in the floodplain of the #Ingulets river, after the Russian air force hit the dam of the Karachun reservoir, the AFU has fallen on hard times. Obviously, any offensive with strategic objectives in such a situation north of #Snigirovka is doomed to failure, and it is difficult to hit #Kherson head-on given the way the Russian Armed Forces army has fortified (although in the social networks the CYPSO bots have already taken #Kiselevka for the second time). Besides, the river spill gives our units a unique chance to finish off the Andriyivsky bridgehead in order to close the issue of the AFU offensive in this area once and for all.

Besides, time is playing against #Kiev, which needs to hurry before Moscow finishes regrouping its forces, based on the new reality after #Balakleya - #Izyum. Therefore, I can only welcome every day of calm in the south (except for the #Andreevska bridgehead).

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ WHERE WILL THE ENEMY ATTACK? By @epoddubny - 🇬🇧 English Subtitles⚡️

I think that he will hit both in the north of the #Svatovo region and in the south of the #Kherson region. The #Kiev Regime will also try #Zaporozhye.

🇬🇧 Subtitles provided by our Partners:

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#Kiev Air raids in several regions of Ukraine, sources report explosions in Kiev

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In the area of Vyshgorod to the north of Kiev there was a major fire. There were no air raid sirens, no sounds of explosions and blows in the city.

However, the Kiev hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper is also located in the settlement. And it is possible that it was there that the fire started, caused by power surges due to the consequences of yesterday's strikes.

If this is true, then another demonstration of a strong decrease in the reliability of the unified energy system of Ukraine is on the face.
#Kiev #Ukraine
Acusan al régimen de Ucrania de irrespetar e insultar a América Latina

Los héroes de las independencias americanas, entre ellos Simón Bolívar, José de San Martín, o Miguel Hidalgo, nunca apoyarían al régimen de Kiev, en contra de lo que sostiene el presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, según el intelectual brasileño José Alves de Sousa.

Según De Sousa, coautor del libro ‘Páginas Escolhidas’ sobre Simón Bolívar, y militante del Movimiento Continental Bolivariano, las mencionadas figuras nunca ayudarían “a un régimen como el de señor Zelenski”, un régimen “racista” y “derechista” que “asesina a inocentes, que bombardea ciudades ucranianas y mata a niños, y que masacra y fusila a opositores”.

“Es un régimen ilegal e ilegítimo, producto de un golpe de Estado y una dictadura racista y una dictadura que se inspira en colaboracionistas nazis”, agregó el analista, al subrayar que el Gabinete de Volodímir Zelenski está “profundamente vinculado a lo peor que hay en las oligarquías occidentales”.

Además, De Sousa se mostró indignado por los pedidos de Zelesnki para que América Latina, no sólo se sume a las sanciones antirrusas, sino que también ayude a su régimen con dinero, y hasta con armas, bajo el pretexto de la “defensa de los valores occidentales”.

“Habla de los peores valores occidentales. Además, demuestra con sus declaraciones un desprecio hacia nuestros países y nuestros pueblos”, enfatizó De Sousa, al mostrarse convencido de que los esfuerzos de América Latina deberían apuntar a lo contario de lo que exige Ucrania.

Es decir, en vez de “presionar a Rusia”, lo que se tendría que hacer es contribuir a que se acabe con la “hegemonía imperialista” y se establezca un orden mundial “pluricéntrico”, indicó.

Más información en este vídeo 👇

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 Outcome of RF Strikes on Energy System⚡️

Satellite images of Ukraine on February 3 (left photo) and October 17 (right photo) show that the use of precision-guided weapons could deprive the country's power system of not 30% of power plants, as claimed by the country's authorities, but a much larger number of facilities.

Night lighting remained only in large cities: #Kiev, Ivano-Frankovsk, #Khmelnitsky, where the nuclear power plant is located, as well as in #Lvov. The rest of the large settlements, including industrial centers - #Zhytomyr, #Vinnitsa, #Kropyvnytsky, Krivoy Rog and #Nikolaev - are practically not illuminated at night.

This suggests that generation facilities in Ukraine are not damaged, but power lines are guaranteed to be out of action. / /
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 @Rybar's Analysis: Russian Armed Forces Strikes on Ukraine's Energy System for 19 Oct 2022⚡️

🔎 Rybar's team continues its daily analysis of the consequences of systemic fire strikes on Ukraine's energy system.

🔻 Confirmed strikes:

▪️ #Burshtynskaya TPP - autotransformers struck. Located in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, the TPP supplies power to western Ukraine as well as Transcarpathia and Precarpathia. Depending on the severity of the damage, the entire southwest of the country could face significant power shortages.

▪️ #Ladyzhinskaya TPP - the facility was hit by three missiles, the exact extent of the damage is unknown. Together with the cascade on the #Dnipro River, the TPP feeds the entire south-west of the country, and a complete failure of the facility would increase the load on the grid and lead to power shortages in the region.

🔻 On Power Cuts:

Ukrainian authorities have announced rolling blackouts across all regions for 20 October, which will last from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. People have been urged to cut electricity consumption as much as possible. Street lighting will also be limited.

According to the deputy head of the presidential office, Kirill Timoshenko, if the power consumption is not reduced, it will be necessary to switch to temporary blackouts. First of all, businesses should reduce electricity consumption.

The Ukrainian energy system is experiencing a shortage of both generating and transmitting capacities. Autotransformers at substations and thermal power plants have been hit. And hydropower plants appear to have been switched to maximum electricity generation, but there is nothing to compensate for morning and evening consumption peaks.

🔻 So far it is impossible to confirm the degree of damage to the energy system at 30-40%, as #Kiev claims. However, the damage has already been quite severe, although not enough to cause a complete collapse.

The 750kV and 330kV switchgear of the remaining three NPPs could cause critical damage to the energy system fairly quickly. But they would also have a strong political cost.

Continued strikes on substations and thermal power plants would achieve the same effect. However, they would require more time and more missiles. / /#ENE/
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Occidente criminaliza la solidaridad con las víctimas de Donbás

Solidarizarse con las víctimas del genocidio del régimen de Kiev contra Donbás es un grave crimen en una España donde las prácticas cada vez más preocupantes de sus autoridades “retrotraen a las más oscuras etapas” de su historia.

Es lo que ha vuelto a poner de relieve el caso del aficionado Asier, objeto de la represión de todo tipo por haberse ‘permitido’ exhibir una bandera de la República Popular de Donetsk en el último partido entre Athletic Club y el Atlético de Madrid.

“A mí me tocó ser expulsado del campo”, dijo Herranz, a quien se le pide una sanción de hasta 10.000 euros, entre otras consecuencias que incluyen el brutal acoso mediático, donde las noticias al respecto están plagadas de frases como “la provocativa bandera ilegal”, al tiempo que se exige “una solución” a este tipo de ‘incidentes’ antes de que sea “demasiado tarde”.

Ante esta “represión social”, aficionados del Athletic emitieron un comunicado en el que se lee que el País Vasco sabe en carne propia lo que es vivir el exterminio por parte de un régimen golpista. “Tal y como hicieron nuestros abuelos y abuelas tras el golpe de Estado franquista de 1936, los hijos e hijas de Donbás han tenido que tomar las armas y sacrificar sus vidas tras el golpe de Estado ultraderechista surgido tras el Euromaidán de 2014 en Kiev”, reza el texto, donde se constata el incumplimiento por parte de Ucrania “de los acuerdos de Minsk para el cese de bombardeos y ataques con artillería sobre civiles”.

Herranz subrayó que portó la bandera de la República Popular de Donetsk en “solidaridad con las víctimas una guerra silenciada” por la “narrativa otanista”.

Una narrativa que tacha de “prorruso” a todo aquel que “se aleje” de “lo que afirma constantemente la Administración estadounidense” y sus súbditos, llegándose a una situación en la que se califica como ‘agentes del Kremlin’ a quienes critiquen abiertamente las facturas exorbitantes y otras ‘ventajas’ de la ruptura con Rusia promovida desde Washington y Bruselas, indicó en esta entrevista👇

⚡️🇧🇾🇷🇺🇺🇦 Situation in the Belarusian Direction until 15:00 on 27 Oct 2022⚡️

The Ukrainian leadership assesses a possible Belarusian offensive as serious.

▪️ In order to uncover the plans and movements of Russian troops, Ukrainian units of the TsIPsO (Centre for Information and Psychological Operations) are searching for Belarusian citizens who are dissatisfied with the presence of Russian Forces.

▪️ In the locality of #Derevnaya, one of the pro-Ukrainian citizens uses a satellite phone to report on the movements of Russian and Belarusian troops.

#Volyn Sector:

▪️ The AFU command moved two battalions to the Volyn Joint Force Grouping.

▪️ AFU personnel trained at the 184th training centre in #Starichi, including one battalion from the newly formed 67th Mechanized Brigade, will arrive in the Volyn region to reinforce the areas bordering #Belarus.

▪️ A company control post of the AFU's 1st Radio Technical Brigade has been established near #Lukov to monitor the air situation and launched missiles from the Belarusian territory.

#Kiev Sector:

▪️ The AFU command activates two reconnaissance groups in order to monitor the activity of the Belarusian Forces, one in the Rudnya-Ilyinetskaya area and the other near Kriva Gora.

▪️ Mobilised citizens are trained to work on artillery systems at a military training range near #Kiev.

#Chernigov Sector:

The AFU continues preparations for a possible offensive from #Belarus.

▪️ Reconnaissance units led by British mercenaries are being trained at the #Desna training centre.

▪️ At least two battalions of the Territorial Defence Forces have been moved to the areas of the #Bleshnya and #Mkhi settlements. The exercises are taking place from 25 to 29 October at military raining ranges in the area. / /#SMO/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦🎯 Battle for #Donbass - #Kaskad on the Hunt⚡️

Nazis are not welcome in the #Donbass. Servicemen of the DPR OBTF 'Kaskad' successfully identify and destroy the henchmen of the #Kiev regime in the #Ugledar direction.

⚠️ Verbatim Translation /@obtf_kaskad/#vid/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Situation in the Belarusian Direction until 18:00 on 13 Nov 2022⚡️

🩸 The Ukrainian command continues to prepare for possible action by Russian forces in the northeastern regions of #Ukraine and from the territory of #Belarus.

#Kharkov Sector:

▪️ A reconnaissance and sabotage group of the Russian Armed Forces made a a sortie on the positions of the 228th Battalion of the 127th Territorial Defence Brigade near #Ternova. During the ensuing battle, the Russian SRG failed to gain a foothold and withdrew to its initial positions.

▪️ Ukrainian reconnaissance groups are deployed to control the areas bordering the #Belgorod region near the #Uda settlement and on the #Mezenovka - #Slavgorod line in the #Sumy region.

▪️ In #Poltava, the 179th AFU training centre is recruiting volunteers for a two-month training course in the Marine Corps.

#Chernigov Region:

▪️ The 55th Artillery Brigade of the AFU is being trained at the 242nd Training Ground under the guidance of foreign mercenaries.

▪️ Over 30 armoured combat vehicles with personnel have been moved to the #Galaganovka and #Semenovka districts on the border with #Kursk Region.

#Kiev Region:

▪️ Several Ukrainian SRGs equipped with small UAVs are operating near Rudnya-Ilyinetskaya, Staryye Shepelichi and #Benevka.

#Zhytomyr Region:

▪️ Units of the 143rd Battalion of the 115th AFU Territorial Defence Brigade conduct reconnaissance on the activities of Belarusian soldiers near the border with #Ukraine. / /#smo/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 Massive Missile Strikes by the Russian Armed Forces in #Ukraine: What is known as of 18:00⚡️

🩸 In the afternoon, the Russian Armed Forces once again launched a series of strikes on targets across #Ukraine. The launches were carried out by long-range aircraft of the Russian Air Force and naval ships. As on previous occasions, the attacks caused electricity and water supply problems in Ukrainian cities.

Despite recent deliveries of Western-made air defence systems, the AFU was once again unable to repel a Russian massive air raid. So far, the following cities are reliably known to have been hit:

▪️ #Kiev: more than five cruise missile sorties. One five-storey building was damaged, which may be a consequence of Ukrainian air defence. Power outages have started in the city.

▪️ #Zhytomyr: two incursions into critical infrastructure, tentatively the Zhytomyrska 330 substation, which has previously been hit by missiles by the Russian Armed Forces. Electricity and water have been lost in the city.

▪️ #Kharkov: power cuts after incoming attacks, underground shut down. Local authorities reported hitting critical infrastructure in Chuguevsky district: probably the Zmievskaya TPP.

▪️ #Lvov: a series of explosions, power and mobile phone outages. According to preliminary reports, one of the targets was a 330kV substation.

▪️ #Sumy: explosions in the area and power outages.

▪️ #Odessa: at least one rocket flew in. Power outage in part of the area.

▪️ #Kirovograd: two sorties, power infrastructure damaged.

▪️ #Volyn: hit energy infrastructure in the region, tentatively a 330kV substation in Kovel.

▪️ #Rivne: explosion, city partially de-energised.

▪️ #KrivoyRog: at least two explosions after arrivals.

▪️ #Khmelnitsky: at least two explosions after incoming flights.

▪️ #Kremenchuk: incoming, infrastructure facility hit.

Although power cuts have begun in the country, it is not gone everywhere: this indirectly indicates that autotransformers, rather than general control points (GCPs), are once again targeted. This reduces the effectiveness of the impact on Ukraine's energy infrastructure. /@rybar/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 @Rybar's Analysis - Russian Armed Forces hit Ukraine's Energy System on 15 Nov 2022⚡️

🔎 Rybar's team continues its analysis of the consequences of a systemic fire attack on Ukraine's energy system.

#Kiev said today's raid was the largest such attack since the start of the SMO. According to Ukrainian resources, cruise missiles and kamikaze drones damaged 15 critical infrastructure facilities.

We have repeatedly written that strikes have a cumulative effect, with each successive raid resulting in increasingly grave consequences for the Ukrainian energy system. This is exactly what today's events have demonstrated:

▪️ Strikes on the #Zmiev thermal power plant in #Chuguev district temporarily completely de-energised the entire #Kharkov region.

▪️ Strikes on facilities in #Kiev led to massive overloads in the power grid and tripping of emergency frequency overload automatics, which was perfectly visible in the footage of pulsating power on and off.

▪️ Repeated strikes on the #Zhytomyr 330 substation resulted in power outages in this regional centre and areas around it.

▪️ Voltage surges and temporary power outages were reported in western regions of Ukraine after repeated strikes on the Lvov-South 330 substation in Lvov Region and the #Kovel 330 substation in #Volyn Region.

🔻 For the first time, #Moldova also experienced the consequences of Russian missile strikes: paradoxically, they were the consequence of the policies of the authorities themselves in #Chisinau.

Restrictions of gas supply to #Transnistria led to decrease of generation of the Moldavian state district power station that with its capacity stabilized the situation in the south of #Odessa region and fed the energy deficit of #Moldova.

Due to reduced capacity and increased consumption from Ukraine, exacerbated by a possible impact on the 330 substation in #Artsyz, an automatic protection was triggered at the TPP. The plant switched to self-powered operation, which caused consumers in Moldova and Transnistria to be disconnected.

Also, a section of the 750kV high voltage transit line in #Romania was disconnected, which may indirectly indicate a possible short circuit from the 750kV switchgear of the South Ukraine NPP.

🔻 The lack of objective data from most of the hit locations made it impossible to determine exactly which elements of the energy facilities were targeted in each attack.

However, dense black plumes could be seen in photos and videos from the arrival areas. This indirectly indicates that it is highly likely that the strikes were again directed at power and automatic transformers rather than general control stations (GCPs).

🩸 Their preservation would once again allow Ukrainian power producers to reassemble emergency circuits and eliminate damaged equipment in a relatively short period of time. Yes, it will cause even more severe restrictions, but power supply to consumers will be restored.

The absence of strikes on the General Control Stations reduces the impact on the Ukrainian energy system, although even then its resilience drops with each attack. / /#ene/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 @Rybar - Consequences of Tripolskaya TPP Fire - Analysis of Satellite Imagery ⚡️

Tripolskaya TPP is an 1800 MW thermal power plant in the heart of Ukraine, powering, among others, the city of #Kiev. There was extremely conflicting information on the impacts, so when the commercial Maxar satellites finally captured the square of interest to our team (and there was no cloud cover!), we immediately bought the image back.

🔎 Preliminary analysis showed that there were several potential missile and UAV locations.

▪️ Neither the switchyard itself nor the two 330 / 110 kV autotransformers located within the station were affected.

▪️ A close look at the power transformers at the rightmost transformer shows signs of fire on the ground and the power step-up transformer itself looks damaged by the fire. The power conduits to it, coming from the generator, are also damaged.

▪️ The last power step-up transformer is also damaged. Both incoming and outgoing conductors are also damaged.

▪️ The third point that caught our attention was the two demolished buildings on the edge of the fuel oil terminal of the power plant. As the purpose of these buildings is not fully understood, we concede that they may have been destroyed accidentally due to a miss on the main target located at the fuel oil facility of the TPP.

🩸 It is likely that Tripoli TPP's power generation capacity has been reduced by a third due to damage to the two power step-up transformers and is now at maximum 1200 MW of electricity.

Unlike previous energy facilities, the TPP neglected to protect the most important elements of the energy infrastructure with sandbags and additional fencing. Perhaps such measures are only taken at facilities owned by Ukrainian DTEK - this would explain such carelessness. / /#ene/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ #Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 17 Nov 2022⚡️

🩸 Russian forces have again carried out massive attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure today.

▪️ Energy facilities in #Odessa, #Vinnitsa, #Dnepropetrovsk and the #Kiev region were hit.

In addition, the Shebelinsky State Bearing Plant near #Balakleya in #Kharkov region, a mining facility in #Kiev region, a Yuzhmash workshop in #Dnepropetrovsk, a logistics hub in #Ochakov, and a military unit at #Zastava in #Odessa were also hit.

▪️ An unidentified object was hit in the #Stryisky district of #Lvov region.

▪️ Air defence systems were triggered in #Poltava and #Cherkasy regions.


▪️ In #Feodosia, an Ukrainian drone attempted to attack the #Kafa power substation, but the facility suffered no damage.

▪️ In #Dzhankoy, air defence assets went off in the evening, there is no information about the arrivals.

#Belgorod Region:

▪️ Ukrainian militants shelled the town of #Shebekino, wounding a fifteen-year-old girl.

▪️ The enemy also hit a power substation in the #Belgorod region, damaging two transformers. There were no casualties and power supply was restored.

#Starobelsk Direction:

There were no significant changes on the frontline.

▪️ The AFU tried to attack east of #Makeyevka towards #Ploshchanka, but came under artillery fire and withrew.

▪️ Similar attempts are repeated in some parts of the front.

#Soledar Direction (MAP):

▪️ Wagner PMC troops are actively conducting an offensive on the southeastern outskirts of #Opytnoye and near #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk).

▪️ The enemy in #Bakhmut tried to attack Russian positions in the city, but the attack was repulsed. In the city itself, Ukrainian fighters set up fortifications and firing positions in residential areas.

▪️ The 53rd Mechanized Brigade of the AFU suffered significant casualties, including the commander killed by Russian forces.

▪️ According to some reports, the enemy blew up a bridge over Bakhmutka River near Sol station.

#Lugansk People's Republic:

▪️ Ukrainian militants shelled the town of #Stakhanov with HIMARS, killing several people, injuring three and destroying an apartment building.

▪️ Russian air defences intercepted enemy shells near #Rubezhnoye and #Zimogorya.

#Donetsk direction (MAP):

▪️ The 100th Brigade of the DPR People's Militia established control over the key #Basseyn stronghold southeast of #Nevelskoye.

▪️ The AFU has tried twice to retake the place but was unsuccessful. The position makes it possible to keep the road from #Krasnogorovka to #Pervomayskoye under fire control.

▪️ At the same #time, Russian units were clearing the outskirts of #Opytnoye and #Vodyanoye.

▪️ Enemy militants again shelled #Donetsk, #Yasynuvata, #Gorlovka and #Ilovaysk, where a railway line was damaged.

#Zaporozhye Direction:

▪️ Artillery duels continue, Russian forces shelling targets in #Zaliznichnoye, #Olgovskoye, #Volnyansk, #Gulyaypole and #Gulyaypolskoye.

#Kherson Direction on Southern Front:

▪️ Russian missile forces and artillery hit AFU positions in #Kherson, #Chernobaevka, #Antonovka, #Kachkarovka and #Osokorovka. / /#smo/
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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Situation in the #North Ukrainian Direction until 11:00 on 21 Nov 2022⚡️

#Kharkov Sektor:

▪️ The AFU command is forming reserve battalions to reinforce the grouping of troops on the border with Russian #Belgorod Region.

▪️ In the #Kharkov region, the reorganization of the 47th Assault Regiment into the 47th Separate Assault Brigade of the AFU is being completed.

▪️ The AFU sabotage and reconnaissance groups are operating in the vicinity of Strelechya and Volchansk, while the 228th Battalion of the 127th Territorial Defence Brigade has been relocated to #Ternova.

#Sumy Sector:

▪️ The AFU engineer-sapper units have started to remove previously installed mine barriers near the border with Russia.

▪️ A group of US instructors will soon arrive in the region to conduct training for the mobilised.

#Chernigov Sector:

▪️ Ukrainian sappers have set up mine barriers at the #Khotievka - #Zarechye line, and an observation post has been deployed near the border with #Belarus.

▪️ At the #Desna training range, training of mobilised personnel continues. In addition, several units from the #Soledar area are expected to be redeployed in the near future to restore combat readiness.

#Kiev Sector:

🩸 A SRG of the AFU's 71st Jager Brigade crossed the state border with #Belarus near #Denisovichi. On the evening of 20 November, the group contacted the control point from the #Polessky Reserve area.

▪️ Another DRG operates a few kilometres north of #Yakovetsky and monitors the movement of Belarusian and Russian Armed Forces personnel using radio reconnaissance equipment. / /#smo/
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