Fatawa of Sheikh Muhammad bin Hizam Al-Ba'dany
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In the Name of Allāh, the Entirely Gracious, the Exclusively Merciful

📩 Question:

What is the ruling of women wearing adorned, decorated abayas which are tight on the waist, with the excuse that she will wear something on top of it which covers it?

📝 The answer:

If it will cover it, then there is no problem in this. If she will wear a jilbab on top which will cover the adornment, then there is no problem.

If, however she does not cover it, then it becomes like that which is called an adorned dressed, and it is not permissible for her to expose her adornment to the people.

So, it is not impermissible due to the fact that it is adorned and decorated whilst she will cover it by wearing a jilbab over it. This is not haram.

However, that which most of the people are upon today is that she leaves the house in this state. Beautified jilbab which is tight on the waist and decorated, so she trials the people by way of it, this is haram. It is haram for her to decorate her jilbab, and to leave the house in this state.

As for a woman who covers that with a jilbab worn on top, which is not adorned, then there is no problem in this, just like it would be permissible if she was to wear beautiful, adorned clothing (under it).

So this type of jilbab which is adorned, takes the ruling of the clothes which she wears in her house. And that which most of the people are upon, many of the women, that she leaves the house with an adorned, beautified jilbab which is tight on the waist, and trials the Muslims by way of it, and all aid and assistance is sought from Allah alone.

This is haram. Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) said:
﴿ولا يضرين بأرجلهن ليعلم مايُخفين من زينتهن﴾
“And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment.”

Look at this, Allah has made haram for them to just stamp their feet so as not to reveal what is hidden of their adornment. So how can she display her adornment in totality in front of the people?! we ask Allah to protect us. This is haram, and this is the cause of many of the youth being trialled, and the cause of many women being harmed.

So that which is incumbent is to take a large dress which is wide and has no adornment, and does not attract attention, this is what is obligatory upon the woman. And the Prophet (ﷺ) said:
(المرأة عورة فإذا خرجت استشرفها الشيطان)
"The woman is Awrah, so when she goes out, Shaytaan seeks to tempt her.”
Reported by At-Tirmidhi on the authority of ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud (رضي الله عنه)

And she is the reason and cause of fitnah (temptation) for many of the men, so the sin is upon her due to her being the cause of trial and temptation for the people. And the legislation has commanded with the jilbab to be worn in order for the woman to cover all of herself, and so that men will not look at her, and the situation today is the opposite of this. She dresses this way in order to attract people’s attention, and she tries to make herself as beautiful as possible.

In addition to this, some of the women do not fear Allah. They show some of their face whilst beautifying the area of the face which is on display such as her eyes and eyelids, and other than it. We ask Allah for protection.

Original Fatwa:


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