TRAVEL & CHRISTMAS TIME WARNING FOR FORMER GERMANY. The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Cologne warns Polish travelers and Poles who live in Merkel's former Germany officially regarding the utterly dangerous civil war style situation on streets, squares, events, Christmas markets: "Komunikat w sprawie bezpieczeństwa w Miesbach publicznych" 💣💥
#travelwarning #reisewarnung #germany #deutschland #diplomacy #diplomatie #aussenpolitik #breitscheidplatz #potsdam #willkommenskultur #welcomeculture #danger #gefahr #security #safety #defense
#travelwarning #reisewarnung #germany #deutschland #diplomacy #diplomatie #aussenpolitik #breitscheidplatz #potsdam #willkommenskultur #welcomeculture #danger #gefahr #security #safety #defense
Komunikat w sprawie bezpieczeństwa w miejscach publicznych
W związku z incydentem na jarmarku w Poczdamie oraz ubiegłorocznym zamachem na jarmark świąteczny w Berlinie należy zachować szczególną ostrożność w miejscach, które mogą być potencjalnymi celami zamachowców jarmarki świąteczne, koncerty, lotniska,…
ITB-SECURITY GREIFT ISRAEL-STAND AN. Ein guter Kommentar zum polizeilichen Un-Wording der "politisch aufgewühlten Männer", um einen Israel-feindlichen Angriff von Arabern im total falschen Job zu beschönigen. Aber er greift zu kurz. Was haben Moslems generell in der Security kritischer Großveranstaltungen verloren? Der Verantwortliche im ITB-Management heisst Dr. Buck
#itb #itb2018 #polizeiberlin #gdp #polizeiskandal #israelhass #judenhass #antisemitismus #security #sicherheitsproblem #standwithisrael #amisraelchai #widerstand
#itb #itb2018 #polizeiberlin #gdp #polizeiskandal #israelhass #judenhass #antisemitismus #security #sicherheitsproblem #standwithisrael #amisraelchai #widerstand
Antisemiten heißen jetzt „politisch aufgewühlte Männer“
Mehrere deutsch-arabische Wachleute haben auf der Internationalen Tourismus-Börse in Berlin den Israel-Stand bedrängt. Die Gewerkschaft der Polizei verharmloste den Vorfall. Das ist nicht neu.
SECRET SERVICE REBELLION. The German spy scandal exposes deep divisions in destabilised Germany's Merkel regime which got the potential to end Merkel's coalition government with the failing Social Democrats (SPD).
Reuters, 14.9.2018: "A scandal over migrants being chased through the streets has exposed a rift between Angela Merkel and Germany’s security establishment that is dividing her coalition and hindering efforts to contain the fall-out from her 'open door' refugee policy. The crisis blew up when Hans-Georg Maassen, chief of the BfV intelligence agency, said he was not convinced far-right extremists had attacked migrants in the eastern city of Chemnitz last month and a video said to show the violence may be fake [...] 'Maassen is not an isolated case. Maassen is part of the security community,' said Robin Alexander, author of ‘Die Getriebenen, or ‘Those Driven by Events’, an account of how Merkel and her lieutenants handled the refugee crisis.
'For this security community, autumn 2015 was a disaster - not just for Maassen, but for all of them,' he added. 'There is a deep alienation of the whole security community from the chancellor, and that was not the case in Germany previously.' [...] CSU leader Horst Seehofer, who had called Merkel’s handling of the refugee crisis a 'reign of injustice', was made interior minister. He gave Maassen political cover to push his security agenda, which he duly did [...] In a Sept. 10 letter to the Interior Ministry, seen by Reuters, in which he explained his comments on Chemnitz, Maassen said he wanted to shed light on events after the state premier of Saxony, where the city is located, denied migrants had been hounded."
#maassen #maaßen #wirsindmaaßen #wearemaassen #bfv #verfassungsschutz #intelligence #security #defendeurope #merkelregime #merkelmussweg #secretservice #sachsen #chemnitz #chemnitzrising #resist #resistance #abwehr #widerstand
Reuters, 14.9.2018: "A scandal over migrants being chased through the streets has exposed a rift between Angela Merkel and Germany’s security establishment that is dividing her coalition and hindering efforts to contain the fall-out from her 'open door' refugee policy. The crisis blew up when Hans-Georg Maassen, chief of the BfV intelligence agency, said he was not convinced far-right extremists had attacked migrants in the eastern city of Chemnitz last month and a video said to show the violence may be fake [...] 'Maassen is not an isolated case. Maassen is part of the security community,' said Robin Alexander, author of ‘Die Getriebenen, or ‘Those Driven by Events’, an account of how Merkel and her lieutenants handled the refugee crisis.
'For this security community, autumn 2015 was a disaster - not just for Maassen, but for all of them,' he added. 'There is a deep alienation of the whole security community from the chancellor, and that was not the case in Germany previously.' [...] CSU leader Horst Seehofer, who had called Merkel’s handling of the refugee crisis a 'reign of injustice', was made interior minister. He gave Maassen political cover to push his security agenda, which he duly did [...] In a Sept. 10 letter to the Interior Ministry, seen by Reuters, in which he explained his comments on Chemnitz, Maassen said he wanted to shed light on events after the state premier of Saxony, where the city is located, denied migrants had been hounded."
#maassen #maaßen #wirsindmaaßen #wearemaassen #bfv #verfassungsschutz #intelligence #security #defendeurope #merkelregime #merkelmussweg #secretservice #sachsen #chemnitz #chemnitzrising #resist #resistance #abwehr #widerstand