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MERKEL SICKNESS KILLS GERMANY. In 20 years ethnic Germans will be a minority in a Muslim country; this is demographics, not nationalist propaganda. The GATESTONE Institute, 5.10.2017: “If Merkel succeeds in forming a coalition, it will be a precarious and unstable assemblage that will keep Germany on the verge of paralysis and make the country the sick man of 21st century Europe. Germany actually already is a sick country, and Angela Merkel is part of the sickness [...] In 2016, almost half the crimes in Berlin were committed by recent migrants to the country. Jihadist networks took shape. Terrorist acts started to take place. Muslim anti-Semitism led to attacks on synagogues. The costs of welfare rose sharply. Merkel expressed no regret [...] She tried to impose her decisions on immigration on the reluctant European countries of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. She is still trying [...] Germany is today the most anti-American country in the Western world . Stern, Germany's most popular news weekly magazine, recently put on its cover an image of Donald Trump performing a Nazi salute while draped in the American flag [...] The capacity for receiving immigrants has reached its limits; living conditions in many shelters have become substandard: floors are not cleaned regularly and are soiled for days with blood, urine, feces, and invasion of cockroaches are frequent. The German Commissioner for Immigration recently said that only a quarter to a third of the refugees who settled in Germany could enter the labor market. The others will have to rely on government benefits for the rest of their lives. Diseases that were nearly eradicated, such as tuberculosis, made a comeback [...] Demographers say that unless the current trends are reversed, Germans will become a minority in their own country, possibly in fifteen to twenty years. Nothing at the moment indicates that the trends will reverse [...] Rolf Peter Sieferle, a former counselor of Angela Merkel, wrote several articles describing the self-destruction of Germany. "A society that can no longer make the difference between itself and the forces that dissolve it lives morally beyond its means," he said in 2015. Insulted and rejected by those with whom he used to work, he committed suicide in September 2016. A collection of his notes was published after his death, Finis Germaniae ("The End of Germany") [...] The AfD party is not Nazi, however. Its members rather seem to fear that Germany and Germans will disappear under the weight of Islam. The Nazis were anti-Semitic, militarist, socialist, and desired to conquer. The AfD is not anti-Semitic, not militarist, not socialist, and does not want to conquer other countries. Jewish leaders in Germany are frightened because they think that if the AfD is hostile to one minority, the Muslims, it could grow hostile to other minorities. They are probably wrong. There is no comparison between Muslims and Jews. The AfD has strongly supported Israel's right to exist and Israel's right to has to fight the Islamic threat against it [...] AfD is currently Germany's most pro-Israeli party.”
(The author, Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, is the author of 27 books on France and Europe)
#merkel #merkelregime #cdu #csu #fdp #gruene #spd #germany #deutschlandschafftsichab #guymilliere #gatestoneinstitute #finisgermania #islam #islamisation #islamisierung #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #defendeurope #widerstand
CZECHS WAKE UP, CONFRONTING MERKEL REGIME. Andrej Babis, candidate for prime minister of the Czech Republic: "The West European politicians keep repeating that it is our duty to comply with what the immigrants want because of their human rights. But what about the human rights of the Germans or the Hungarians? Why should the British accept that the wealth which has been created by many generations of their ancestors, should be consumed by people... who are a security risk and whose desire it is not to integrate but to destroy European culture?”
#babis #andrejbabis #ano #czech #merkel #merkelregime #islamisation #islamisierung #greatexchange #grosseraustausch #eu #europe #europa #politik #politics #mutbuerger #widerstand
KAPERT DIE SCHLEUSER. Die Berliner “Flüchtlingshelfer” bleiben unfreiwillig im italienischen Hafen. Gut gemacht, Italia!
Der Tagesspiegel, 24.4.2018: “Die italienische Justiz wirft Jugend Rettet vor, bei der Flüchtlingsrettung im Mittelmeer gemeinsame Sache mit Schleppern gemacht zu haben, um Flüchtlinge von Libyen aus nach Italien zu bringen. Die Organisation weist die Vorwürfe zurück. Das 33-Meter-Schiff "Iuventa" wurde Anfang August nahe der italienischen Insel Lampedusa beschlagnahmt [...] Im vergangenen Jahr war noch gut ein Dutzend Rettungsschiffe von privaten Organisationen im Mittelmeer aktiv, um Flüchtlinge auf hoher See zu retten und sicher nach Italien zu bringen. Die italienischen Behörden verschärften dann aber ihr Vorgehen gegen die privaten Retter, unter anderem durch Kontrollen, Beschlagnahmen und Anlaufverbote für Häfen. Viele Retter haben ihren Einsatz inzwischen eingestellt.”
#jugendrettet #iuventa #refugeeswelcome #schleusung #menschenschmuggel #humantrafficing #mittelmeer #defendeurope #fluechtlingshelfer #schleuser #schleuserei #ngo #umvolkung #grosseraustausch #migration #replacementmigration #grenzschutz #italien #italy #italia #widerstand
LIFELINE CAPTAIN HOLDS ONLY COASTAL LICENSE. Malta Today, 2.7.2018: “Claus-Peter Reisch, the captain of the migrant rescue vessel Lifeline, was charged in a Maltese court over the ship's lack of proper registration. He is granted bail as the ship remains impounded by the authorities. The captain of the Lifeline, a migrant rescue vessel that berthed in Malta last Wednesday, has a sea licence that qualifies him to sail boats in coastal waters, at a range of 30 nautical miles, the court heard [...] Taking the witness stand in front of Magistrate Joe Mifsud, police Inspector Mario Haber said Reisch's sea licence was limited to coastal waters. The Lifeline carried out rescue operations on the high seas, way outside the coastal waters of Italy and Malta.
In court, Haber said the ship was registered with a Dutch yacht club. The Dutch authorities had confirmed the Netherlands was not the flag state, as claimed by the captain [...] The court said it would carry out a site inspection of the vessel and appointed experts to survey the ship and its computers [...] The captain has been granted bail against a personal guarantee of €10,000 [...] The ship captain was accused by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of precipitating the Lifeline crisis when he ignored orders from the Rome rescue coordination centre during last week's rescue [...] The court appoints Pierre Zammit Endrich and Martin Bajada to inspect the contents of the vessel and its computers [...] The defence: ‘We aren't ISIS here.’ The prosecution: ‘We haven't excluded this… we cannot exclude adding charges in future.’”
#lifeline #valletta #malta #defendeurope #clauspeterreisch #frontex #merkelregime #grosseraustausch #noway #humantrafficing #portichiusi #asylumindustry #asylindustrie #ngo #coastguard #hilfsorganisation #resettlement #widerstand
WHY MERKEL MUST GO. The U.S. establishment put Merkel on the political death list. Even leftist, liberal American media. The NEW YORK TIMES, 5.7.2018: “Admirers still speak of Merkel as if she is Europe’s last lion, the only leader with the vision and capacity to save the E.U. There is much that is admirable about the chancellor, but as things now stand she is likelier to be remembered as the E.U.’s unwitting destroyer. The longer she’s in office, the more the forces of reaction will gain strength. And isn’t 13 years in office more than enough? [...] What’s the alternative? A passage from Norman Davies’s magisterial history of Europe suggests the darker possibilities:
‘Inter-war politics were dominated by the recurrent spectacle of democracies falling prey to dictatorship.’ He continued: ‘It cannot be attributed to any simple cause, save the inability of Western Powers to defend the regimes which they had inspired. The dictators came in all shapes and sizes - communists, fascists, radicals and reactionaries, left-wing authoritarians (like Pilsudski), right-wing militarists (like Franco), monarchs, anti-monarchists, even a cleric like Father Tiso in Slovakia. The only thing they shared was the conviction that Western democracy was not for them.’
The stakes are too high for a muddler like Merkel to stick around.”
#merkelmustgo #merkelmussweg #merkelregime #merkelmigration #umvolkung #resettlement #grosseraustausch #merkelterror #replacementmigration #regimechange #resist #widerstand
VON KLATSCHENDEN ÄRZTEN. Nach dem Verlust des öffentlichen Raums droht der Verlust der Sicherheit in den Krankenhäusern und das gewaltsame per Moslem-Mob Abgeklatschtwerden der ehemals von 2015-2017 freudig klatschenden Ärzt*innen, Krankenpflegern, Rettungssanitätern. Peter Hahne, 5.7.2018: “Doch was Ärzten und Patienten in der Bundesrepublik heute zugemutet wird, ist für unsere Vorstellungen sowie Ethik- und Qualitätsansprüche unzumutbar und einmalig: In Köln stürmte ein arabischer Familien-Clan die Intensivstation einer Klinik. Dort war ein Mädchen bei der Operation gestorben. Statt Trauer und Gespräche mit den Operateuren suchten sie pure Gewalt. Eine Hundertschaft der Polizei musste die Klinik schützen vor Merkels ‘Schutzsuchenden’. Von überall kommen ähnliche Meldungen, nur in den Medien vernimmt man davon kaum etwas. Pressefreiheit der besonderen Art in einem Land, das sich deren ja rühmt.
Ein Pflegedienstleiter in Frankfurt/Main berichtete mir, dass ein Gruppe von Zigeunern in der Klinik randalierte. Ja, sie nannten sich Zigeuner ‘und wir haben einen König, der unsere einzige Autorität ist’.”
#peterhahne #gesundheitswesen #hospitalsecurity #aerzte #notfallhelfer #krankenpfleger #sanitaeter #retter #buergerkrieg #civilwar #refugeeswelcome #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #umvolkung #gesundheitskollaps #krankenhaus #hospital #buntland #merkelregime #inneresicherheit #staatsversagen #staatszerfall #kontrollverlust #widerstand
DER ASB UND DIE BALKANROUTE. Der buntländische "Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund" (ASB) und die NGO "Help" wurden durch eine verdeckte Recherche in Belgrad, Serbien, der gewerbsmäßigen Schleusung von Iranern in die EU, in das ehemalige Deutschland und nach Österreich, überführt. Genau so läuft das blutige Gewerbe der Guti-Schlepper. Und jetzt, Herr Seehofer? Diese Organisationen gehören der organisierten Kriminalität an und betreiben Menschenhandel. Sie gehören verboten, zerschlagen und ihre Mitarbeiter abgeurteilt!
#asb #help #hilfsorganisationen #ngo #schleusung #schlepper #belgrad #serbien #menschenschmuggel #menschenhandel #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #umvolkung #crime #europol #frontex #intelligence #widerstand
EUROPE, IT IS A SHAME. Russia Today, 14.7.2018: “Europeans are losing their culture and identity by allowing an uncontrolled migrant influx into the EU, Donald Trump claims. He also blamed the Mayor of London for not doing enough to prevent the terror attacks on the city.
‘Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame,’ Trump told the Sun newspaper in Brussels, before setting off to London to begin his official visit to the UK. ‘I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way [...] The trend, Trump believes, is having an irreversible impact on European and British culture in particular.
‘I think you are losing your culture,’ Trump said, calling on politicians to act quickly to reverse the situation. ‘I think what has happened to Europe is a shame.’
The US president also brought up the issue of numerous terrorist attacks across Europe, especially in London, which suffered from four strikes last year alone. Claiming that London’s first ethnic minority mayor has ‘done a very bad job on terrorism,’ Trump accused Sadiq Khan of being indirectly responsible for allowing the Westminster, London Bridge, Parsons Green Tube station and Finsbury Park Mosque attacks to take place.
‘Take a look at the terrorism that is taking place. Look at what is going on in London. I think [Sadiq Khan] has done a very bad job on terrorism,’ Trump told the British publication. ‘I think he has done a bad job on crime, if you look, all of the horrible things going on there, with all of the crime that is being brought in.’”
#sadiqkhan #merkel #merkelregime #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #greatexchange #umvolkung #defendeurope #fortresseurope #festungeuropa #portichiusi #merkelmussweg #merkelmustgo #remigration #identitaet #identity #reconquista #trump #resist #widerstand
BACK TO AFRICA, WITH LOVE. Socialists kill, populists save lifes. Italy’s coast guard started to return saved migrants to Libyan ports. Breitbart, 23.7.2018: “‘If governments do their job, the dirty business of illegal immigration can be stopped,’ Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini announced Sunday. In an enthusiastic tweet, Salvini, the 45-year-old leader of the League party, said that the Italian Coast Guard had successfully saved the lives of 40 African migrants over the weekend by rescuing them at sea and taking them back to Libya. ‘Willing is being able, I am all in,’ Salvini concluded. Salvini also posted a video on his Facebook page Monday in which he expresses his hope that recent attempts to shuttle migrants across the Strait of Sicily represent the ‘last gasps’ of human traffickers and that this will be ‘the last summer of tragedies in the Mediterranean.’
Curiously, Mr. Salvini’s parting wish coincides exactly with a special appeal made by Pope Francis on Sunday, in which he, too, expressed his wish that the tragic migrant deaths in the Mediterranean would soon come to an end [...] Although Salvini and the pope do not see eye to eye on the immigration question, with Salvini pushing for an end to illegal immigration and Francis pressing for a more “welcoming” attitude toward economic migrants, they seem to have connected in a will to bring an end to migrant deaths. The question remains how best this can be accomplished, but for the moment it would seem that Salvini has the upper hand.
As Breitbart News has reported, recent immigration data released by both the UNHCR and IOM show a remarkable correlation between curbing immigration and curbing migrant deaths [...] In this light, Salvini’s tightened immigration policies would seem to be a much more effective remedy to migrant sea deaths than fanciful calls for open borders and open ports.”
#salvini #portichiusi #populism #populismus #marinamilitare #coastguard #frontex #noway #defendeurope #migration #immigration #umvolkung #grosseraustausch #greatexchange #replacementmigration #humantrafficing #menschenschmuggel #schleuser #schlepper #gutmenschen #gutis #resist #widerstand
SINTI UND ROMA IN BERLINER POLIZEI. Die neue Polizeipräsidentin von Berlin bringt jetzt auch z.B. bulgarische, rumänische, slowakische Sinti und Roma (“Zigeiner”) die dort “auf der Straße stehen” in den Polizeidienst des gescheiterten Stadtstaats. Im Einsatz zur Repression gegen die ethnischen Deutschen in der Bundeshauptstadt. Glaubt man nicht?
N-TV, dpa, 4.8.2018: “Angesichts des Mangels an Nachwuchs will die Berliner Polizei Bewerber künftig auch im EU-Ausland suchen. Potenzielle Kandidaten könnten über die Goethe-Institute in den EU-Ländern Deutsch lernen und Sprachtests absolvieren, sagte Polizeipräsidentin Barbara Slowik. Angesprochen werden könnten junge Leute, die in ihren eigenen Ländern auf der Straße stehen.
Es sei nicht ganz einfach, ausreichend geeignete Bewerber zu finden, so die Präsidentin. Die Polizei müsse attraktiver werden. ‘Im Kern geht es um eine bessere Bezahlung.’ Denkbar sei auch, Bewerbern günstigen Wohnraum bereitzustellen oder den Erwerb des Führerscheins zu finanzieren.
Eine weitere Idee sei es, ein Oberstufenzentrum einzurichten, das Jugendliche auf einen Beruf im Bereich der öffentlichen Sicherheit vorbereite. So etwas gibt es in Berlin bereits für die Branchen Bau, Handel und Sozialwesen. Slowiks Ziel ist es, wieder 19.000 Vollzugsbeamte auf die Straße zu bringen. Derzeit sind es nach ihren Angaben rund 17.000.”
#slowikmussweg #polizeiberlin #failedstateberlin #polizeiskandal #berlin #berlinistan #staatsversagen #staatszerfall #repression #umvolkung #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #merkelregime #buntland #slowakei #bulgarien #rumänien #r2g #resist #widerstand