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🤚 Acting at the behest of its political controllers and paymasters, the racist International Criminal Court [ICC], whose principal activity since its founding in 2003 has been the malicious persecution of black African leaders, now, for a change, targets for judicial abuse a distinguished Eurasian figure.

ICC is a disgrace to law in all its civilised forms 🤥

State parties should be encouraged to withdraw from it while it is still possible for them to avoid embarrassment by association.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#ICC #Russia #West

📮 Russian investigative organs have sent the servile colonial lackey Karim Khan a clear message that the party is over and that there is a steep personal price to be paid for recklessness and impertinence.

Russians are proverbially slow to react, but when they do get started … it is prudent to be careful 🤫

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#HagueTribunal #ICC #Nazism #Propaganda #WarCrimes

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🧸 Why can Khan argue with a straight and pompous face, that those children should not have been evacuated from this modern-day Stalingrad?

This article examines the war crimes’ charges the International Criminal Court has levelled against two Russian citizens, Russian President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, nick-named Mother Russia because of her child protection advocacy.

The levelling of such charges presumes there are charges to answer, that those so charged are horrible people of the calibre of an Eichmann or a Mengele and are definitionally more guilty and much more evil than others, in particular than those who level their j’accuse charges against them. This article decidedly rejects those presumptions as well as those who make them and concludes with some more helpful suggestions than those mooted by NATO’s paid apologists at the Hague.

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#Donbas #ICC #NATO #Ukraine #WarCrimes

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