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🗽 Whereas the U.S. requires other Governments to follow its instructions, and considers their own instructions to be moral demands, Russia and China and their allies reject — on principle — any country’s dictating to another.

The main ideological conflict in the world used to be between capitalism versus communism. After the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, that became replaced by the ideological conflict being between imperialism and anti-imperialism. With the expansion of America’s NATO military alliance against Russia, after 1991 — after the communist dictatorship there had ended — to include as new members all of the Soviet Union’s former Warsaw Pact allies in Europe, and with America’s aim now being to bring into NATO the former Soviet allies to the south of Russia, such as Azerbaijan and Georgia, American imperialism is viewed in Russia increasingly as an existential threat, which it certainly is.

The basic difference between the U.S. Government and its allies, on the one hand, and between Russia and China and their allies, on the other, is the same difference in either case: whereas the U.S. and its allies require other Governments to follow their instructions, and consider their own instructions to be moral demands (and thereby binding, actually commands instead of mere suggestions), Russia and China and their allies reject — on principle — any country’s dictating to another. They don’t consider it to be moral, at all, but instead profoundly immoral — they consider it to be imperialistic, dictatorial, bullying, hostile toward international democracy — and they simply won’t accept it; they reject it morally, outright. Iran, too, feels that way about the matter. So, too, do many other countries. That’s the basic difference: the imperialists versus the anti-imperialists.

In other words: the U.S. and its allies consider imperialism — the supposed right of a nation to command another nation — to be something that should be within the bounds of, and accepted by, international law. The U.S. Empire doesn’t call itself an “Empire,” but it is one, and its empire is therefore called instead “the Washington Consensus”, which is a “consensus” in hostility against whatever countries the U.S. Government wants to become regime-changed — to turn into an American colony. The “Washington Consensus” is actually an imposed ‘consensus’. It is a consensus against nations that disobey that ‘consensus’.

#Brazil #China #ClimateChange #Imperialism #UnitedStates #EricZuesse

🔗 READ MORE by Eric Zuesse
🇧🇷♻️🌎 With nothing to hold governments or the UN accountable, protection remains elusive when juxtaposed against the reassurance of neoliberal profit.

For the second consecutive year, Latin America has been established to be the most dangerous region for environmental activists. According to a recent annual report by Global Witness titled “Last Life on Defence”, 227 environmental activists and indigenous leaders were killed in 2020, with three out of every four killings occurring in Latin America.

Colombia once again led the statistics in the region with 65 environmental activists murdered, among them indigenous and afro-descent individuals, as well as small scale farmers. In Peru and Brazil, almost three quarters of the murders took place in the Amazon regions of the respective countries, indicating that indigenous populations remain in the crosshairs of attackers. Nicaragua’s increase in killings – from 5 in 2019 to 12 in 2020, made the country the most dangerous in the region per capita in terms of environmental activists. Read more by Ramona Wadi ⬇️

#Brazil #LatinAmerica #ecology #HumanRights #neoliberalism

⚠️ There is far more to the current multi-modal geopolitical war than just what’s happening in Ukraine.

This conflict has led to a myriad of downstream effects and moves which are just as important as what the encirclement of Bakhmut means.

For years the wildcard in the BRICS Alliance has been India 🇮🇳

💬 Read more by Tom Luongo

#India #Brazil #BRICS #geopolitics

🤑 Whether the Chinese want to eat them, use them as lab rats or put them into zoos, the sheer scale of this order shows that China is now a major player in the monkey business.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Brazil #China #Crisis #DeDollarization #Economy #SriLanka

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🇧🇷🇮🇱 Brazil and Israel are experiencing strong diplomatic tensions. In a recent statement during a visit to Africa, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva compared Israel’s practices in Gaza with the Holocaust against Jews committed by Nazi Germany. His words were extremely disapproved by the Zionist State and the Collective West, leading to a diplomatic crisis.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Lula persona non grata and summoned the Brazilian ambassador to Israel for clarifications. Then, the Brazilian government reacted by recalling its ambassador, leaving Brazil without diplomatic representation in Tel Aviv.

Brazilian President accuses Netanyahu of committing Nazi-like crimes against Gazans, leading to a diplomatic standoff 🌀

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#Brazil #Lula #Netanyahu #Israel #Gaza

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🇧🇷🇫🇷 In recent days, since Macron’s visit to Brazil and the excessively warm welcome he received at the end of March (which even prompted countless memes on the internet), there has been debate about the advantages and disadvantages of Franco-Brazilian relations, as well as Macron’s real purpose in this rapprochement.

With Brazil entangled in these various agreements and bilateral relations with Atlantic partners, it will be much easier to put pressure on Brazil at various levels, including key votes at the UN and the Security Council. Threats of sanctions, or even the breaking of agreements, will do “wonders” to convince “pragmatic” characters, but lacking in faith in sovereignty, of the “advantages” of drawing ever closer to the West and NATO.

And it’s also obvious that this is, to a large extent, the result of timidity in relation to the BRICS, the future role of the BRICS and Brazil’s role in the BRICS.

Brazil does not see the enemies of its friends as its enemies. And there’s no problem with that.

💬 Raphael Machado writes

#Brazil #France #West #BRICS

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🇧🇷✡️ Even with all romanticism around Holocaust, and an intense presence of the Left in cultural life, the issues of antisemitism and Zionism had to wait for Hamas’ offensive on October 7th, last year, to draw real attention in Brazil. During this short period of time, an attentive Brazilian gentile will have realized that the politicization of Judaism is particularly intense in USA, and that, wherever there be a noisy anti-Zionist activist, that’s probably a left-wing Ashkenazi jew – and not, say, an Arab. There is a huge Arab presence in Brazil, but it is not very relevant for pressuring for Palestine. On the other side, in USA there is a huge Ashkenazi Jewish presence, and it is at that country that students can draw people into camping for Palestine.

The explanation is simple: not every Arab country is an enemy of Israel, and Brazilian people of Arab ancestry are not claimed by national states on the other side of the globe. Brazilian Jews, however – specially Ashkenazi Jews, who invented the Zionist movement – have on the other side of the globe a national state which rests its legitimacy on claiming to be theis only safe space in this world filled with antisemitism.

Even though Jews have a propensity of keeping certain cultural unity in diaspora, Brazil gives them the freedom to be a just an individual person, reducing the group pressure over a Jew.

💬 Read more by Bruna Frascolla

#Brazil #Zionism

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🇧🇷 One of the most controversial issues in #Brazil today is the possible sale of Avibras (a Brazilian military industry company). The main candidates for acquiring the company are the Australian DefendTex and the Chinese Norinco. Faced with the almost inevitability of the sale of at least half of the company’s shares by the Brazilian State, Brasília is left to decide between benefiting an intra-BRICS strategic partner or a pro-Western power that serves as a pivot for American plans against Beijing.

The intention to sabotage the defense industrial triangle between Brazil, China and Indonesia would be behind the release of credit for Australia to buy Avibras.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

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