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🏰 Now the EU finds itself locked into:

💢 forever sanctions on Russia (with China to follow);
💢 a forever subsidy to ‘Kiev’;
💢 a forever cycle of NATO militarism; 
💢 an economy sliding into de-industrialisation,
💢 high energy costs and relative diminishment. 

The EU has not achieved its longer-for ‘global player’ status. By every measure, Europe has a diminished economy, and diminished agency around the globe.

For the last thirty years, neo-cons have dominated U.S. foreign policy. Europe is not ‘America’. The neocon trend represents but one facet to the U.S. that nonetheless has captured and held the commanding heights of U.S. policy-making for decades. 

It has failed in all that it has endeavoured, and has become increasingly detached from (even) the most basic interests of most Americans. Yet the EU leadership has made Europe subservient to this particular current – embracing it, and its inherent authoritarianism, with gusto.

Has this uniform ‘destiny’ benefitted the citizens of Europe? It has not. Have not its results proved unpredictable and different from that which was initially desired or expected? Recall: ‘Destiny can be a b*tch’!

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#EU #Prigozhin #RussianArmy #Putin #Wagner #NeoCons

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Forwarded from The Cradle
From Washington to Beijing and Moscow: Netanyahu’s quest for global relevance

As an Atlanticist colonial project, the state of Israel is now wrestling with how to engage with the multipolar east without losing its unconditional western support.
By MK Bhadrakumar
Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
In the West you won't hear talks of sending military aid to Palestinians to protect themselves from Israeli aggression.
⚠️ John Pilger was right. The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda.

It is quite extraordinary how so much of what we read in the UK press originates from a U.S.-funded propaganda bureau in Kiev so much so that it has become the norm for an event to be ‘reported’ based on what President Zelensky just merely says.

The contrast and hypocrisy are stunning 💢

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#NuclearWeapons #Propaganda #Terrorism #UkraineCrisis

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🚨 Western media are conditioning the public for a false-flag attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) to blame Russia. That would then provide the United States and NATO a pretext to directly intervene in their proxy war to support the Kiev regime.

The Kiev regime’s month-old counteroffensive is failing miserably to push back Russian defense lines. Indeed, if anything, it seems that Russian forces are turning the tables to gain more territory in eastern Ukraine. The military situation is becoming a fiasco for the NATO-backed regime in Kiev.

Months of much-hyped counteroffensive are delivering nothing but defeat for the Ukrainian forces despite massive supplies of weapons from the U.S. and its NATO allies. Western governments and media can barely hide the reality that NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is turning into a historic debacle. How long can the charade continue before the American and European public demand answers and accountability?

For rolling days, just turn off CNN, Fox, BBC, New York Times, Guardian, Times, and so on 🔕

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#MassMedia #NuclearWeapons #Propaganda #Ukraine #West

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Forwarded from Press TV
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▶️ "A historic moment"

Iran’s official membership in the SCO sealed the arrival of the country to its rightful place as one of the most important nations in the Global South, says Pepe Escobar.

@PressTV - @rocknrollgeopolitics
🇧🇦🇷🇸 This year, the annual July 11 Srebrenica remembrance ceremonies will be more subdued than usual. There are good reasons for that. The “Ukraine fatigue” which is spreading to many countries has now been augmented by Srebrenica fatigue. Both phenomena are a natural reaction to cynical deceit, in particular when the lies had been camouflaged with lofty ideals and high-sounding phrases. Once the truth becomes known, the game is up and then woe to the deceivers.

In the genealogy of major political hoaxes, Srebrenica slightly over a quarter of a century ago was a remote precursor to Bucha. But unlike Bucha, a fraudulent massacre that fairly quickly was deconstructed, Srebrenica long remained for the collective West a propaganda gift that keeps on giving.

Few people are aware of one of Srebrenica’s major benefits, if that is the appropriate word. It is the nefarious doctrine of R2P, or “right to protect.” NATO and subversive Western agencies have ruthlessly invoked it on numerous occasions to destroy disobedient countries and wreck their societies under the mendacious guise of preventing genocide. Srebrenica is the root of it all.

The human cost of R2P genocide prevention activities ultimately originating with Srebrenica has been appalling 💢

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Balkans #BosniaAndHerzegovina #Genocide #RepublikaSrpska #Srebrenica #WarCrimes

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🔕 Quando do caso Prigozhin, nos media perpassou uma alegre expectativa de “Moscovo já está a arder?” Um conhecido telefona-me em tom irónico: “Então o Putin está em fuga?” e “Agora a vitória da Ucrânia vai ser mais fácil.”

É a “guerra das narrativas” – a única que o ocidente tem ganho para mascarar as perdas reais – como escreve o ex-diplomata britânico Alastair Crooke: “Vivemos uma “guerra de narrativas”, como a insistência de que apenas uma “realidade”, a ideologia de “regras” liderada pelos EUA, pode prevalecer. A linguagem do ocidente abjura qualquer diplomacia séria e sinaliza que é imperativo manter a narrativa: a Ucrânia ganha, Putin perde. Washington (e a UE/NATO) não podem livrar-se da crença de que a Rússia é frágil, que suas forças armadas são pouco competentes, que sua economia entra em colapso, que Putin acabará por aceitar qualquer “ramo de oliveira” que os EUA lhe estendam”.

Trata-se de “acreditar no absurdo” 🛑

✍️ Daniel Vaz de Carvalho

#SC_Portuguese #Prigozhin #narrativas

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Why the US cannot force Europe to decouple from China...without destroying its economy.
🏆 Top 20 Countries by Gold Reserves

This infographic shows the top 20 countries of the world by gold reserves in tonnes as for March 2023.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

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#sc_infographic #Gold #GoldReserve

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🇵🇸 If there is a bright side to Israel’s current campaign of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank’s cage city of Jenin, it is that we can no longer deny this ongoing Nakba Palestinians have been subjected to since NATO imposed the state of Israel on them.

Here is a little girl from Jenin, just fresh from having her house demolished around her ears. In being frightened to death for her pet rabbit, she is trying to square in the circle of her childish mind the violence entitled foreigners are subjecting her to for no other reason than she was born an internally displaced Palestinian who has to run Forrest run, as does this little Jenin boy and his cat, whenever the Israelis get trigger happy or feel their ghettoisation of the Palestinians into 15 minute shanty towns is not proceeding rapidly enough.

Their cats and rabbits are testament to their parents trying to give these little heroes granules of normality in the human cage that is Jenin.

Those excluded little Palestinians, like Zelensky’s hapless prisoners, are not stakeholders in their sick societies and nor are any champions they currently have 💢

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Jenin #Globalism #Israel #Palestinе #WestBank

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🇷🇺 Cuando el rayo de la Historia golpea, es mejor ir al grano en nuestro primer borrador.

Aquí vamos 🙌

Luego de los extraordinarios eventos en Rusia durante el Día Más Largo, el presidente Putin gana de todas maneras.

Entre otras hazañas, ha convertido – una vez más – en asnos inter galácticos absolutos a todo el colectivo Occidental MSM.

✍️ Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Rusia #Putin

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💢 The American magazine Newsweek published a big “exclusive” report this week purporting to reveal the extent of CIA involvement in the Ukraine proxy war against Russia. It hardly merits the billing of “exclusive” since it is well known that the U.S. spy agency is up to its neck in orchestrating the conflict.

In truth, the CIA’s nefarious role in Ukraine goes back decades to the end of World War Two.

It should be remembered, that the CIA was borne out of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at the end of World War Two. One of its first postwar tasks was recruiting Ukrainian fascists and mass killers who had collaborated with the Nazi Reich in its genocidal Final Solution against Slavs, Jews, Poles and others. (These fascists like Stepan Bandera and Mykola Lebed are held up as national heroes by today’s Kiev regime, including Jewish Mr Zelensky.) Washington deliberately recruited and deployed those terrorists to attack the Soviet Union in order to advance U.S. imperialist hegemonic ambitions in Europe.

Not much has changed. Ukraine is ground zero for the CIA’s fascist origins 🛑

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#CIA #Biden #Ukraine #WarCrimes

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «💢 The American magazine Newsweek published a big “exclusive” report this week purporting to reveal the extent of CIA involvement in the Ukraine proxy war against Russia. It hardly merits the billing of “exclusive” since it is well known that the U.S. spy agency…»
💼 These Are Countries Where Less Than Half of Population Is Employed

This infographic shows the top 20 countries of the world by unemployment rate.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

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#sc_infographic #unemployment #society

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Forwarded from Pepe Escobar

I'm very pleased to present the full conversation between the ab fab Yuliana Titaeva and myself in the streets of Moscow slightly before Victory Day. We talk about geopolitics, multipolarity, Russia, China, the Global South and everything in between.

This is the final edit in Portuguese - Yuliana speaks EXCELLENT Portuguese - with English subtitles, reaching not only Brazilians and Russians but also global public opinion.

Yuliana is the head of a new Russia-Brazil Agency for Bilateral Cooperation. She recently graduated from MGIMO with maximum grades. This extraordinary young woman is the epitome of a generation of emerging Russian leaders.

Enjoy our geopolitical walk!