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What we have just seen is another example of the compulsion of America’s liberal ruling elite to make a sick, discredited joke of what is left of their own collapsing and totally bankrupt political system.

The first impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019 was no tragedy. It was always a farce. The second impeachment, in which Trump was acquitted on the night of Saturday, February 13 did not even rise to that. It was a hiccup, a non-event. The most solemn procedure in the sacred constitutional process of the United States did not even rise to the entertainment value of a bout of naked mud wrestling.

Washington during the week of the Second Great Impeachment Trial was a fascinating non-place to be. The skies were grey. It was quite cold: About minus Five Degrees Celsius most days.  There was a thin sprinkling of tired, dirty snow on the ground. The city was deserted. More virulent mutations of the COVID-19 virus from the United Kingdom and South Africa were said to be on the loose.

The streets were empty. There were no protests, wall graffiti, slogans or demonstrations either for or against Trump. Nobody cared. It echoed the empty deserted ghostly state of the city during Joe Biden’s non-existent presidential inaugural on January 20. Once again, all that happened was that someone taped a badly handwritten note on the Capitol saying “impeachment” and everything that followed was just a badly acted chaotic play performed by autistic children.

No real human being gave a second’s care for either convicting Trump or acquitting him. Not a single firework was fired off in celebrate his acquittal. Not a single liberal committed ritual suicide, tried to burn themselves to death in front of the Senate or even bothered to throw a rotten tomato or an egg at a single Republican Senator who voted for acquittal. It was never real. It didn’t matter. Nobody cared.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Sieff ⤵️

#Martin_Sieff #Trump #impeachment
🗽 Biden’s foreign policy is surprising, while his domestic policy, which is much easier to control, is completely in line with what we would expect. Millions of Americans are going to get the LGBTGreat Reset that they voted for.

Although predicting the exact future is impossible, we can certainly identify trends and try to make projections as to where they will lead. Going into the beginning of the Biden period after the most “unique” presidential elections in American history, the trends and signals seemed to be for a complete reversal or derailment of everything Trump attempted to do. It seemed evident that human-suit Biden’s job was to be an “anti-Trump”. But at this point we are sitting and looking at foreign policy actions from a Democrat White House that one would have expected from Trump. This is all rather strange. Read more by Tim Kirby @timkirbyhardcore ⬇️

#Biden #Trump #DeepState #UnitedStates

📢 💸 The soaring economic inflation and social woes under the Biden administration point to a disastrous outcome awaiting the United States.

The embrace of political extremism by the Republican Party in the United States has Constitutional historians worried about the drift towards fascism. If that’s the case then the hapless Biden administration may go down in history as the imitation of the Weimar Republic before the rise of American fascism.

This week saw two examples of how the Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln has descended into something of an extremist cult. Read more by Finian Cunningham 👇

#capitalism #Trump #RepublicanParty #SteveBannon #UnitedStates

🗽 Whether it is in the Ukraine, Western Sahara or now Taiwan, what we are witnessing are the early stages of a poorly construed PR campaign which will, in fact, reinstate Trump.

Joe Biden confirming that he will run as a presidential candidate in 2024 is disturbing on a number of levels. Chiefly, that it will keep the American people locked into a voting system which is entirely based on personalities resorting to the ‘voting out’ of one over the other – rather than a more intelligent, less binary preferred method of choosing a president. The same we have just seen in France with Le Pen beaten by Macron who will be grateful for the votes he wouldn’t normally have got, if it were not those voting against Le Pen.

In the case of Biden, it absolutely guarantees that Trump will run himself once again. This, in itself, is a divisive point as many will wonder if Trump came back, would he be the same as he was before on foreign policy or will he be bolder? Despite what many might think, his track record on foreign policy was very much despondent, even cowardly some might argue. Although he pulled America out of the JCPOA Iran deal, he decided most emphatically not to go to war with the regime in Tehran when provoked. Similarly, despite the war of words with China, Trump was not at all gung-ho with Beijing compared to the Biden administration.

And so, will a calmer, more sober approach to tackling America’s foreign policy black holes – Ukraine, China and the Middle East in general – be a winning ticket for Trump?

💬 Martin Jay writes:

#Diplomacy #Trump #Biden #UnitedStates

🗽 Donald Trump has become the first former U.S. President against whom a federal indictment has been initiated on as many as 37 charges related to the trove of classified documents he retained following his term in office which he then refused to return to the federal government.

Trump was dealt a damning verdict by ‘the evil elite’ in his election candidacy debate as early as 2016, due to his brutally honest criticism of the war in Iraq and destabilization of the situation in the Middle East 🤐

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#Trump #UnitedStates

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🗽 It is getting very messy. Verging on insanity. A new indictment with four charges in respect to the events of 6 Jan has been issued to former President Trump – who has now been charged with more than 75 crimes. These latest charges however are likely only to further eradicate confidence in the Federal Justice process, and in the integrity of the American political system itself. The indictment is to be heard in the District of Columbia which is notoriously politicised, and unlikely to empanel anything but a wholly hostile jury (the saying in DC is that the Justice Dept could convict a hamburger with a DC jury).

Charging Trump with conspiring to ‘steal’ the 2020 Presidential election entrenches more deeply than before that the country is headed for a great reckoning – in the courts and at the ballot box. It poses questions that cannot but further lead to an unravelling of politics in the U.S.

The entire American political set-up – with or without a FARA indictment, and with the 2024 elections looming – is fragile 🔮

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#UnitedStates #Trump #Justice #politics

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🗽🏰 Should western elites and even NATO itself be afraid of Donald Trump returning to the White House in 2024? It’s an entirely valid question given that the elites’ own ‘news’ website in Brussels – Politico – penned a piece recently which argued not only should they be bothered, but they should also prepare themselves for it right now.

Trump’s return as U.S. president is looking more and more inevitable by the day, driven by the nefarious meddling of the Biden administration and its determination to put him into jail, where they, erroneously, think his bid for the White House ends. Even the most obscure French MP which Politico wheeled out to endorse its article accepts this, so what would 2024 look like with Trump back in the Oval Office for Europeans?

The short answer is an unpleasant one 😵‍💫

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Trump #UnitedStates #Europe #politics

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🗽 As polls show Donald Trump has taken a broad lead over U.S. President Joe Biden in five battleground states, the Liberal media has shifted into full-panic mode, while making some not-so-subtle calls for the Orange Man’s ‘elimination.’ 👀

Whether real or imagined, Washington, D.C. appears to be heading for its own ‘Caesarian moment’ as the mainstream media is talking up the prospects of a dictatorship descending upon the fair land should a Trump restoration come to pass.

💬 Robert Bridge writes @russiawaytogo

#Biden #Trump #UnitedStates #elections

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🇦🇷🇺🇸 El presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei, se reunió con Donald Trump.

El expresidente de los Estados Unidos recibió cálidamente a Milei, llamándolo un "caballero excepcional". El líder del país sudamericano reaccionó muy emocionalmente ante Trump, expresando esperanzas por su victoria en las próximas elecciones en EE. UU.

#Milei #Trump

@SCF_Spanish via @Ch3AmericaLatina
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🇺🇸🇮🇱 Former American President Donald Trump, despite maintaining a reasonably lucid stance regarding the Ukrainian conflict, is a radical Zionist and has shown on several occasions that he is willing to support Tel Aviv in its genocidal war against Gaza’s Palestinians. However, the strategic errors committed by the Zionist regime are so serious that they are forcing even Trump to object to Israel’s practices.

Recently, during an interview with an Israeli newspaper, Trump warned that Tel Aviv is “losing international support” due to its war in the Gaza Strip. He advised the Israelis to “end” the military campaign as quickly as possible, thus preventing Israel from becoming even more isolated on the international arena. More than that, the former American president condemned the Israeli anti-humanitarian attacks, describing the destruction of residential facilities in Gaza as a “big mistake”, severely criticizing the actions of the Zionist regime.

In a way, Trump’s speech is hypocritical, as he criticizes the explicit aspect of Israeli actions. He does not seem to be really concerned with the crimes committed by Israel, but with the fact that such crimes are damaging the international image of the Zionist regime. However, this type of connivance with Israel’s crimes was already expected from a Zionist leader like Trump, which is why the mere fact of criticizing Zionist explicitness is actually surprising.

Former American president recognizes that the Zionist regime made a serious mistake in showing the results of its war campaign in Gaza.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#Trump #Israel #Gaza #Zionism

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🤡 Candidatos al trabajo más poderoso del mundo

#EEUU #Biden #Trump

@SCF_Spanish via @rocknrollgeopolitics
🦅 Former U.S. President Donald #Trump was attacked during a rally in Pennsylvania. A sniper shot at Trump, grazing him in the head and injuring other people attending the event. The American secret service quickly neutralized the shooter after the shots were fired, however witnesses on the streets said they reported to the police about the shooter’s position before the attack, with the agents apparently ignoring the reports.

Trump is fine, the injuries have not caused him any serious damage. More than that, Trump is politically stronger than ever. His image as a “survivor” and “martyr” gives him a great advantage in the electoral race with rival Joe Biden – who has been the target of criticism even by his supporters, due to his serious condition of mental weakness.

Some conspiracy theorists have spread fake news and fantastic narratives on the internet about Trump having orchestrated the attack just to improve his political image. Obviously, this type of speech makes no sense. From a rational point of view, there is no reason for Trump to organize an attempt on his own life just to obtain political gains in a dispute in which he already has every possible advantage. Trump is already recognized as the favorite in the elections, so there is no reason for him to take such a risk.

The U.S. is no longer the land of freedom and democracy, but an example of a failed state and close to absolute social collapse

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

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