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🇺🇦🦅The potential consequences from Stoltenberg’s ridiculous, appalling NATO policies and infantile wet dreams will be horrible, Martin Sieff writes.

Why was the storming of the Capitol “Shocking and Unacceptable” to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg when the violent coup toppling democracy in Ukraine with the open shameless support of the United States and the European Union was not?

“Shocking scenes in Washington, DC,” Stoltenberg tweeted on January 6. “The outcome of this democratic election must be respected.”

Yet hardly more than a month later, Stoltenberg personally welcomed with open arms at NATO headquarters in Brussels the prime minister of Ukraine, head of a government and political system that was established in 2014 with full NATO, European Union and United States support by toppling the genuinely democratic government of President Viktor Yanukovych.

Eager to stoke up thermonuclear tensions between East and West, and not caring at all if nuclear weapons fall on London, New York and Washington as a result, let alone Moscow, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyha proudly declared on February 9 that two new NATO naval bases would open on the Black Sea before the end of this year.


#Martin_Sieff #Ukraine #NATO
🗽🌎 Biden, showing exactly the same legendary independence of mind and intellect that has characterized him since he first became a United States Senator 48 years ago, is boldly going exactly where Bolton insisted on treading.

He is doubling down on backing Guaido and maintaining the embarrassing fiction that he is the true president of Venezuela.

Biden could easily have quietly dropped the ridiculous Guaido – who has also been enthusiastically championed by such Democrat bogeymen as former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham – right wing Republicans all.

Biden’s decision is at least totally consistent with his patterns of behavior in decision-making throughout his long career, past and present.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Sieff ⤵️

Biden’s Betrayal of the Western Hemisphere — Strategic Culture

#Martin_Sieff #Biden #Venezuela #LatinAmerica
What we have just seen is another example of the compulsion of America’s liberal ruling elite to make a sick, discredited joke of what is left of their own collapsing and totally bankrupt political system.

The first impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019 was no tragedy. It was always a farce. The second impeachment, in which Trump was acquitted on the night of Saturday, February 13 did not even rise to that. It was a hiccup, a non-event. The most solemn procedure in the sacred constitutional process of the United States did not even rise to the entertainment value of a bout of naked mud wrestling.

Washington during the week of the Second Great Impeachment Trial was a fascinating non-place to be. The skies were grey. It was quite cold: About minus Five Degrees Celsius most days.  There was a thin sprinkling of tired, dirty snow on the ground. The city was deserted. More virulent mutations of the COVID-19 virus from the United Kingdom and South Africa were said to be on the loose.

The streets were empty. There were no protests, wall graffiti, slogans or demonstrations either for or against Trump. Nobody cared. It echoed the empty deserted ghostly state of the city during Joe Biden’s non-existent presidential inaugural on January 20. Once again, all that happened was that someone taped a badly handwritten note on the Capitol saying “impeachment” and everything that followed was just a badly acted chaotic play performed by autistic children.

No real human being gave a second’s care for either convicting Trump or acquitting him. Not a single firework was fired off in celebrate his acquittal. Not a single liberal committed ritual suicide, tried to burn themselves to death in front of the Senate or even bothered to throw a rotten tomato or an egg at a single Republican Senator who voted for acquittal. It was never real. It didn’t matter. Nobody cared.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Sieff ⤵️

#Martin_Sieff #Trump #impeachment
🇪🇨 The hope of sunlight in Ecuador appears frail indeed, but let us be thankful for small mercies rather than none at all, Martin Sieff writes.

A shaft of still weak and vulnerable sunlight is piercing through the gloom that the new Biden administration in Washington has already spread over hopes for a revival of democracy across Latin America.


#Ecuador #LatinAmerica #Martin_Sieff
🔥California now fulfills Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s nightmare vision in his prophetic masterpiece “The Possessed” as to what unlimited liberalism must inevitably create – if not stopped in its tracks and rolled back.

Where California goes today, the rest of the United States and much of the Western world goes tomorrow. But what we are now seeing in America’s most populous state is the complete internal collapse of the entire liberal progressive civilization and the society that has most frantically tried to fulfill it.

For well over a hundred years, California, the self-styled “Golden State” has trail-blazed  the future of America especially through the two famously American industries of aerospace and motion pictures. Telecommunications, computers and Artificial Intelligence are now led from Silicon Valley and the state has dominated the national politics of the United States too.

California rapidly grew into the wealthiest and largest population US state. It has produced two two-term presidents (Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan), one of the most important Chief Justices of the Supreme Court (Earl Warren) and the likely next president – current Vice President Kamala Harris if 78-year-old Joe Biden cannot complete his term.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Sieff ⤵️

#Martin_Sieff #Greens #Biden
🏰 Trapped in the empty luxury of Versailles, the French ruling class could only see their illusions of power reflected in mirrors.

The Legendary Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles was built to display the wealth, power and glory of France’s most proud and spectacular monarch, Louis Quatorze (XIV) the Sun King. But a century later it became the opposite: making a mockery of his arrogance and pride when the thousand-year-old monarchy, the grandest in the history of Europe, was toppled in the French Revolution of 1789-93 and the king’s descendant, well-meaning, hapless Louis XVI, was beheaded.

Then, the Hall of Mirrors, created by the great king’s favorite architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart and completed in 1684, became a metaphor for the centralized system focused on pomp, circumstance and the arrogant display of limitless wealth that Louis Quatorze had created.

Trapped in the empty luxury and petty court intrigues of Versailles, the French ruling class could only see their own imagined beauty and illusions of power reflected in mirrors. They were ignorant and blind to the despair and rage building up against them among the ordinary people of France.

Today, old Reagan Free Market, minimum government Republicans and tree-hugging, coal, oil and natural gas-hating and abortion-loving romantic Green Democrats who hold the politics of Washington and its media in an iron (and rusting) grip are the true heirs of those decadent French aristocrats. Their Mainstream Media has become a 21st century Cybernetic Hall of Mirrors 2.0. Across the Atlantic the dark and doomed Spirit of Versailles has migrated from the outskirts of Paris to Brussels where it now resides in the European Commission.

History has repeated itself on a colossally larger scale.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Sieff ⤵️

#Martin_Sieff #Europe