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🗳 The great political crisis now is that a pandemic is being used to justify an end-run around constitutional rights, and so the mechanism that the general public might use to fight for their version of a ‘reset’ is on the verge of disappearing.

People living in the western world are in the greatest fight for the future of pluralist and republican forms of governance since the rise and fall of fascism 75 years ago. As then, society had to be built up from a war. Today’s war has been an economic war of the oligarchs against the republic, and it increasingly appears that the coronavirus pandemic is being used, on the political end, as a massive coup against pluralist society. We are being confronted with this ‘great reset’, alluding to post-war construction. But for a whole generation people have already been living under an ever-increasing austerity regimen. This is a regimen that can only be explained as some toxic combination of the systemic inevitabilities of a consumer-driven society on the foundation of planned obsolescence, and the never-ending greed and lust for power which defines whole sections of the sociopathic oligarchy.

#BorisJohnson #Elections #JoeBiden

🗽 The woke flag may be flying high inside of Democratic headquarters, but in towns and cities across America it looks every bit as ominous as the appearance of a Jolly Roger on the horizon.

The Democratic Party will be tempted to blame their recent crash and burn on the monument to national embarrassment that is Joe Biden, but that would be missing the wider picture, which is that most Americans find woke politics absolutely repulsive.

Just one month ago, few people believed that Republican Glenn Youngkin, a former business executive and newcomer to the political jungle, had any chance of beating Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Virginia’s high-stakes race for governor. But then McAuliffe laid his woke cards face up on the table and it was game over.

The revelatory moment came last month during the gubernatorial debate when the candidates were asked how much influence parents should have in their children’s education. Before revealing McAuliffe’s rather predictable answer (hint: he’s a woke liberal), it is important to note that school board meetings are no longer the monotonous cures for insomnia they once were. Rather, they have become major social events where parents confidently take the podium to harangue school officials over the progressive perversities now being taught in the classroom. Read more by Robert Bridge @robertbridge ⬇️

#DemocraticParty #Elections #UnitedStates #Virginia

🇹🇷 Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a third term as President of Turkey which will extend his time in power to a quarter of a century.

The authoritarian leader has won another five years at the helm of a ship struggling in a sea of economic woes, that has seen inflation rise to an annual 44%, and the Turkish lira devalued. Economic experts point the blame squarely at Erdogan who has refused to follow economic policy and raise interest rates.

Erdogan won just over 52% of the vote against Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the opposition candidate chosen to represent a consortium of six parties in the second round run-off on May 28.

The race was close, and that means Turkey is divided down the middle, with supporters of Erdogan, and the other half feeling desperate for change, unsatisfied with the state of the country, and fearful of where it is headed. The Erdogan-controlled media played a large role as they showcased Erdogan’s campaign ads, but gave almost no air time for the opposition.

Under Erdogan, Ankara is not afraid of being independent, or buying military products not “Made in USA”🤞

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Turkey #elections #Erdogan

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🇺🇸 Though the bookies now have Donald Trump a clear favourite to win next year’s U.S. Presidential election race against incumbent Creepy Joe Biden, Camelot’s Robert Kennedy Jnr is the dark horse to watch in what is currently a two-horse race between Biden on the Beltway’s inside track and Trump, who is the most boisterous of fillies.

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#crisis #elections #establishment #RobertFKennedy #UnitedStates

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🗽 As polls show Donald Trump has taken a broad lead over U.S. President Joe Biden in five battleground states, the Liberal media has shifted into full-panic mode, while making some not-so-subtle calls for the Orange Man’s ‘elimination.’ 👀

Whether real or imagined, Washington, D.C. appears to be heading for its own ‘Caesarian moment’ as the mainstream media is talking up the prospects of a dictatorship descending upon the fair land should a Trump restoration come to pass.

💬 Robert Bridge writes @russiawaytogo

#Biden #Trump #UnitedStates #elections

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🇮🇱 Israel’s failure to defeat Hamas in Gaza was expected; as is the settler escalation in the West Bank, and a switch to Israel taking action to try to change the status quo in respect to Hezballah. This too is anticipated. (The inhabitants of northern Israel will refuse to return to their homes without a change to the status quo in south Lebanon).

All of these putative Israeli escalations may materialise in the form of a concerted Netanyahu ‘distraction from Gaza’, as the Israeli public begins to doubt that Hamas is anywhere near to defeat, and to doubt too, whether bombing Palestinian civilians is putting pressure on Hamas to release more hostages – as the government claims; or rather may be risking more Israeli hostage lives.

Netanyahu is in the midst of ‘a campaign’. It’s not an election campaign, because he has no real chance of surviving an election.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Netanyahu #Gaza #HAMAS #Palestine #elections #war

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🇧🇾 On February 25th, the Belarusian people went to the polls to choose their new representatives in Parliament. The national and district legislative elections had massive support from the local people, taking place peacefully and calmly. However, the Western media insists on classifying Minsk as a “dictatorial regime” that carries out “orchestrated elections” to “disguise” a supposed totalitarianism.

Western accusations are marked by the absence of any evidence. The Belarusian government is accused of manipulating the elections to consolidate support in Parliament. Since Belarus is considered an “authoritarian regime” in the West, local elections are automatically considered “invalid”, being seen only as a disguise mechanism to camouflage the supposed dictatorial aspects of the Belarusian state.

The absence of OSCE observers is due to West’s hostilities against Minsk 💢

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz

#Belarus #elections #politics #OSCE

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👎 They Lost the Popular Vote but Became U.S. Presidents

In a United States presidential election, the candidate who gains the most votes nationwide is said to have won the popular vote. However, the popular vote is not used to determine who is elected as the nation’s president or vice president. Thus it is possible for the winner of the popular vote to end up losing the election. This is because presidential elections are indirect elections; the votes cast on Election Day are not cast directly for a candidate, but for members of the Electoral College.

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#sc_infographic #UnitedStates #elections

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