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🌍🦅The former UN Ambassador for the U.S. and first female secretary of state won’t be missed in the Middle East.

The link between her legacy in Yugoslavia and Iraq and the Ukraine will not have Gulf oil rich kingdoms lining up to write her eulogy.

With the death of Madeleine Albright being covered by much of western media, followed by the anniversary of the siege of Sarajevo we are reminded of her legacy in the former Yugoslavia and how she, along with Richard C. Holbrook, Warren Christopher and Peter Galbraith, finally convinced Bill Clinton to throw the lever on NATO airstrikes.

The events on the ground and across the diplomatic community involved in the Ukraine conflict are strikingly similar.

💬 By Martin Jay:

#MadeleineAlbright #FakeNews #Serbia #War #Yugoslavia

🇷🇸🇧🇦 Srebrenica has been an unmitigated human disaster because of the effects of its cynical misuse by the global powers that be, for the basest of purposes.

The phoney “genocide” in Srebrenica marks its twenty-seventh anniversary on 11 July this year. As politically convenient fabrications go, it must be admitted that it has been extraordinarily effective in serving the purposes for which it was created, but this year’s rather lowkey observances suggest that it is at the end of its cycle.

There are two heavy hints to that effect. The genocide resolution illegally tabled in the UN General Assembly by Bosnia’s sectarian central government representative Sven Alkalaj has gone practically unnoticed and uncommented by major Western media and political figures.

By contrast, in the past, it would have triggered unendurable evocations of the saga of “8,000 men and boys” and their unique suffering.

Concomitantly, as the narrative faces a deficit of global attention, this year simple mathematical realities are reducing the formerly massive funerals of exhumed “victims” to barely a trickle.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Srebrenica #Serbia #Bosnia #genocide #propaganda

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🇷🇸🇷🇺 Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin made a shocking admission this week, revealing that a major foreign agency has been pressing him to change his official stance on Russia and China.

A smear campaign in the media is expected to start against Vulin in the coming days.

Belgrade’s official position with regards to Russia is that it will not join any anti-Russian sanctions, arguing that Serbia will adhere to its own independent foreign policy while maintaining strong bilateral relations with Moscow.

The dark underworld of global politics, however, hellbent as it is on controlling all positions with regards to Russia, is having none of it.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#Serbia #sanctions

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🇷🇸 The Conflict in North Kosovo: A Background

After a US request, the authorities of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo postponed a ban on entry with Serbian license plates and documents for one month. The ban was supposed to come into force on August 1, and had caused an aggravation in the north of the region.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #Kosovo #Serbia

🇷🇸 The current EU ultimatum, delivered recently, to Serbia and Kosovo, whose exact content is unpublished (at the request of the EU delegation) is the result of more than 20 years of frustrations in the relations between EU and Serbia (and also between EU and Kosovo).

The essential reason are disappointed expectations. EU has less and less to offer to Serbia and other non-members simply because the membership cannot any longer be promised with any credibility and all other advantages are small. So, the EU can only offer sticks. No carrots. And in Serbia, the support for the EU membership is now consistently below 50%.

Serbia has thrice rejected similar ultimatums.

In 1914, when in fact it accepted 9 out of 10 points of the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum (and asked for the clarification on the tenth), only to be attacked by the Austrians. 

The second time it accepted membership in the Axis in 1941, for a grand total of 72 hours, and then, after a military coup, de facto rejected it. As a punishment it was brutally attacked by Germany, leading to massive bombing of Belgrade, occupation,  break-up of the country, four years of war, and more than 1 million deaths.

The third time Serbia rejected NATO ultimatum in Rambouillet in 1999, and was duly bombed for three months until it accepted another version of the same thing.

These are the antecedents one should keep in mind. They are not very cheerful 😖

💬 By Branko Milanovic

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija

🎞 Kustendorf, the 16th annual film festival at a time of the ‘new world insanity’ (around us), wars, the end of history, culture(s) cancelled, in the post-truth and post – justice world. Does it make any sense to go on fighting?

The original word in Serbian that Emir Kusturica is using here has multiple meanings: to go in fighting, struggling, campaigning and there lies Kusturica’s genius in the choice of words among other thing. Do the culture (and) the art make any sense… does Kustendorf make any sense?

💬 Read more Tatiana Obrenovic

#CultureWar #EmirKusturica #Serbia

🇷🇸 As the basis for the ‘new’ agreement between Belgrade and Priština, the German-French proposal should come in handy, the Collective West stakeholders tend to think.

What does that Scholz-Macron plan even mean? After all manner of agreements, non-papers and plans for thirty years so far, is there still a condition for Serbia to agree to the unrecognized pseudo state of Kosovo and its (im)probable membership in the UN? What is to change if the so-called Kosovo Republic becomes a UN member and/or NATO member? For which there is absolutely no realistic probability, because at least China and Russia shall veto it.

The German-French proposal should be used as the basis of the new agreement between Belgrade and Pristina – say Macron and Scholz in chorus. But let us look into what it entails.

The scenario offered with the Macron-Scholz cocktail for Serbia looks rather bleak and grim, which would cost us dearly historically, politically, geopolitically and economically 🤥

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija #Germany #France

🇷🇸 Serbia has no place in the EU and NATO in the company of enemies, murderers, and oppressors of the Serbian people, but in the organizations such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, and BRICS.

The best proof that the brutal sanctions of the collective West that calls itself the “international community” can be survived is Iran, which not only survived the western sanctions but achieved incredible technological progress in the same period.

Therefore, there is definitely another path for Serbia, and to claim that Euro-Altantian integration has no alternative is dangerous, irresponsible, despondent, and unpatriotic.

Should Serbia, even if it has no possibility of regaining control over Kosovo and Metohija at the moment, at least maintain its national dignity by refusing to ever sign the humiliating dictates of the West?

How much can the dignity of a small, defiant nation that loves freedom above all else cost? ❤️💙🤍

💬 Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich writes

#Serbia #EU #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija #West
