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🚫🌐 What Legal Sanctions Are Currently in Place Globally

Sanctions are imposed by the United Nations Security Council to maintain or restore international peace and security under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

What is often referred to as “U.S. sanctions” are unilateral restrictive measures inconsistent with the international law.

Today, there are 14 ongoing sanctions regimes which focus on supporting political settlement of conflicts, nuclear non-proliferation, and counter-terrorism. Each regime is administered by a sanctions committee chaired by a non-permanent member of the Security Council.

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🇬🇧🛑 In their latest round of sanctions, the British regime has sanctioned British subject Graham Philllips @grahamwphillips, as well as a number of Syrians, who sent Syrian fighters to Ukraine.

The main reason Syrians have to emigrate to kill zones is because Britain, working through her Muslim Brotherhood proxies, has destroyed the country and should be held accountable in a court of law for this.

If Europeans are short of food and heating this winter, they should remember that that is what their governments have been doing to Syrians for the last ten years. That the British regime would further penalize Syrian Christians for fighting fascists in Ukraine should surprise nobody.

Rather than use Phillips to build backdoors to potentially save the lives of Aslin and his fellow killers, MI5 cast Phillips out into the cold 🚷

💬 By Declan Hayes

#GrahamPhillips #UK #sanctions #MI5

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🇷🇸🇷🇺 Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin made a shocking admission this week, revealing that a major foreign agency has been pressing him to change his official stance on Russia and China.

A smear campaign in the media is expected to start against Vulin in the coming days.

Belgrade’s official position with regards to Russia is that it will not join any anti-Russian sanctions, arguing that Serbia will adhere to its own independent foreign policy while maintaining strong bilateral relations with Moscow.

The dark underworld of global politics, however, hellbent as it is on controlling all positions with regards to Russia, is having none of it.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#Serbia #sanctions

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🥶 The U.S.-led imperial warmongering against Russia is indulged by European political lackeys and clowns who are treating their own citizens with outrageous contempt.

The surging export of American fuel gas to Europe demonstrates the underlying motive for the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. It should be so obvious and brazen, yet Western media push the absurd charade of the U.S. and NATO “defending” Ukraine and “aiding” Europe.

US exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European Union are on track this year to double the transatlantic trade volume for 2021. Media reports express admirable surprise at the “unexpected” surge in American supply and how it has exceeded what U.S. President Joe Biden had earlier promised to deliver to Europe in order to compensate for a fall in Russian exports. Cuts in Russian gas supplies have been largely due to European self-imposed restrictions purportedly to reprimand Russia over the war in Ukraine.

The United States has marginal energy trade relations with Russia, unlike the EU which up until recently relied on Russian gas and oil for about 50 and 25 percent of respective supplies. Those average figures belie much higher reliance among some EU members like Hungary on Russian hydrocarbons.

In any case, shutting out Russian gas and oil was thought to be a relatively pain-free call made by Washington, although in the integrated global economy the repercussions are hitting home with soaring U.S. inflation.

The European governments have by and large dutifully gone along with the American madness to cut their noses off to spite their faces and in the process inflict extreme economic hardship on their citizens.

Just wait until winter comes! 🧦❄️

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#Europe #gas #sanctions

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🔐 Doomsday prophesising of how China’s days are numbered and that it is in the midst of an economic collapse could not be any further from reality.

The reasons for the spread of this sort of gossip is to keep up the belief (and thus investment) in the idea that the United States is secure in its alpha dog global status and that the world is better off siding with said alpha in its escalating and reckless, not to mention unnecessary, economic and geopolitical war against Russia and China. It is to intimidate any country foolish enough to throw too many of its eggs into the Russia-China basket with the thought that they will be left hanging in the wind once China collapses from the international stranglehold on its economy, which is touted as inevitable.

It is to convince the American people, that the further sacrifices they are about to make in their livelihood and standard of living will be worth it, perhaps to even go so far as to proclaim that this will be the necessary “new normal” all for the cause of world security, of course.

The reality of the situation which should be plain for everyone to see at this point, is that the United States’ sanctions and banning of various types of trade with Russia and China, meant to cripple their economies, is doing more damage to the world markets than anything else, including that of Europe and the United States

💬 Cynthia Chung writes

#China #sanctions #Taiwan #BigTech

🇪🇺 All Borrell actually does, in fact, is whine. He whines about his own failure. And he tends to do it quite a bit, particularly with the implosion of EU economies following EU sanctions against Russia.

What is wrong with the hapless Josep Borrell, a man so interminably boring that no one apparently takes him seriously or listens to his pathetic tirades.

Is this entirely ineffective cretinous EU diplomat really helping the EU develop an identity as a global player, or is he making matters worse and only ensuring that the bloc can never have a solid foreign policy and only talk of having one? In short, is he part of the problem rather than the solution?

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#EU #Borrel #sanctions

🪧 The price cap is a stupid policy implemented by people with a clear animus against humanity itself that they would drive the world to the brink of nuclear war.

It’s nothing more than the same scorched earth policy that’s been on display for years now.

If we can’t rule the world, we will burn it down 💥

All it’s really doing is accelerating the split between East and West. Russia is done with Europe. They have turned East and will wait for Europeans to come to their senses and find common ground. Both they and the Chinese realize now there is no return to normalcy without the West collapsing in a fit of rage.

💬 Read more by Tom Luongo

#EU #energy #sanctions

🤔 The Council of the EU has passed a new resolution on the restrictions of the Russian oil derivatives imports this month. Whether this measure will cause any disruption or damage on Russian producers or not, how will the decision by Brussels influence the energy security in Europe? Will that help them in their hybrid war against Russia?

They have been announcing that resolution much earlier when they passed their resolution on the restrictions of the price of crude oil. This is when the Council encountered a number of opposing critical views within the EU because in doing so new most probably dangerous precedents are being defined, possibly to be abused by other participants in the oil market.

The common market principles and market forces as we know them are being ignored and cancelled, the seller’s products prices are being restricted in that the buyer is literally blackmailing the seller now; if they continue applying such new random unfounded rules, it is debatable what this might lead to. European Union and G7 countries are slowly becoming a major obstacle for the unimpeded trade to occur in the global economy.

This resolution by the Council of the EU seems to be indicative enough in that it even made an exemption about said oil derivatives. What impact will this resolution by the Council of the EU have and what will the energy security in the EU look like soon? Will that help or hinder their hybrid war against Russia?

Meanwhile Russia and China couldn’t care less about their haters 🥳

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#EU #sanctions #oil #embargo #pricecap

🚢 Russian fishing trawlers are on stealth missions to spy on transatlantic communications and sabotage energy supplies in Europe, according to a coordinated “investigation” by European state-owned media outlets.

Excuse the pun, but there is something putridly fishy about this Russian trawler story 🎣

We are living in perilous times of war that could escalate into nuclear conflagration. The United States and its imperialist European vassals are pushing war as a last-gasp bid to prop up Washington’s waning unipolar hegemony.

What makes the situation all the more dangerous is that Western media are working shamelessly to promote the war agenda.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#West #UnitedStates #Russia #Cancelling #sanctions

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🏙 Russia’s economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies which held that Western sanctions would bring the Russian economy to its knees and force it to submissively “Cry Uncle”.
When the conflict in Ukraine escalated 16 months ago (after eight years of NATO-sponsored aggression using the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime), various Western politicians and pundits were relishing the prospect of the Russian economy collapsing from “Total War” launched against its international banking and trade.
Well, it didn’t turn out like that. Far from it. As the World Bank noted above, the Western sanctions have simply helped Russia boost alternative markets in China, India, and elsewhere around the globe. A principal earner for Russia is energy exports of oil and gas. Increased sales to Asia have maintained revenues despite the loss of European markets due to Western sanctions.
The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have actually made the latter stronger 💪

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#sanctions #war #economy

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🏚 Hundreds of Syrian men, women and children have drowned last week in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece after the sinking of an Egyptian trawler headed for Italy. It is being called one of the deadliest migrant ship disasters in the Mediterranean Sea. As many as 750 persons were packed into the boat, with women and children under the deck, which may be why the 104 survivors were all young men. 78 bodies were recovered 75 kilometers offshore Kalamata, Greece.

Nine Egyptian human traffickers have been arrested in Greece and blamed as part of a smuggling network which advertised on Facebook. The ads promised a better life in Europe and charged between $5,000 to $6,000 per person. But, Greece is also being blamed for their part as they were monitoring the ship but never took steps to stop the ship and off-load passengers. The Greeks say they were communicating with the ship, and the ship requested to be allowed to continue sailing toward Italy. After the engine stopped, the passengers panicked, and their sudden movements caused the ship to roll over and sink.

The U.S. and EU sanctions on Syria are to blame There is no war in Syria. The battlefields are long silent across Syria, but there is no recovery or rebuilding allowed in Syria, because the U.S. and EU sanctions prevent any rebuilding or foreign investments in rebuilding projects.

But the days of U.S. dictating to the Arab world, and U.S.-engineered wars for regime change in the Middle East are over 🇸🇾

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#crisis #economy #Idlib #MiddleEast #sanctions #Syria

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🏆 A psiquiatria prefere ignorar a possibilidade da insanidade em massa e concentrar-se em perturbações individuais, apesar de existir uma grande quantidade de provas históricas de que sociedades e nações inteiras podem ser dominadas por perturbações mentais de um tipo ou outro. Seja como for; o Complexo de Napoleão – assim chamado em homenagem a Napoleão Bonaparte, que era baixo demais para o líder nacional de seu tempo, além de incrivelmente desagradável e cheio de si para compensar – não é, em qualquer caso, um diagnóstico médico reconhecido.

A morte é certamente eficaz como tratamento para o Complexo de Napoleão, assim como para todos os outros complexos, síndromes e distúrbios. Tendo procurado uma terapia eficaz para o Complexo de Napoleão, não descobri nenhum bom candidato. A terapia da humilhação parece bastante útil para diminuir os seus efeitos na sociedade envolvente, mas também tende a levar à depressão e ao suicídio. A terapia de humilhação foi certamente eficaz para Napoleão Bonaparte, tal como administrada pela Rússia.

Os russos claramente não perderam a receita dessa pílula amarga e estão prontos para administrá-la a qualquer um que ultrapasse uma das suas invisíveis linhas vermelhas. É claramente melhor ser amigo da Rússia do que estar morto, mas a morte pode ser evitada se a terapia da humilhação for eficaz.

Para os EUA, a derrota retumbante na sua guerra por procuração com a Rússia na antiga Ucrânia, que está atualmente em preparação, poderia definitivamente fazer parte de uma terapia de humilhação eficaz, mas apenas para aqueles que têm prestado atenção, e o seu número é bastante baixo. Quantos americanos se sentiram pessoalmente humilhados pelo espetáculo da retirada precipitada e desordenada da América do Afeganistão? Muito poucos, ao que parece, já que saltaram direto para a próxima aventura condenada na antiga Ucrânia. Para aqueles que estão nos corredores do poder de Washington, nenhuma humilhação parece suficiente.

Na verdade, eles parecem prosperar com isso! 🤡

💬 Por Dmitry Orlov

#SC_Portuguese #EU #Napoleon #NewWorldOrder #Russia #sanctions #UnitedStates

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🇷🇺 Ten Years of Russia Sanctions: How the World Economy Has Changed

In 2013, Washington and Brussels started to introduce illegal restrictive measures against Russia, erroneously called “sanctions”, aimed at crushing the Russian economy. A total of 17,500 such measures has been introduced, more than against any country in history. Ten years later, Russia replaces Germany as the fifth largest economy, while the United States is losing its economic primacy to China.

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🚛 ‘Crippled’ Russian Economy Continues to be Among the World’s Top Exporters

Data released in the summer of 2023 demonstrate that Russia ranks as the world’s second largest exporter, while the United States is the largest goods importer globally.

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#sc_infographic #Russia #economy #sanctions #trade

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