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🗽Today many people remember Iraq, some have a clue about Ukraine. But Serbia, which preceded them, is off the radar screen of most Americans.

The United States approaches the November 2020 election with growing apprehension, even dread.
Among the possibilities:

👉 Protracted uncertainty about the presidential contest. Think Florida 2000 but with several states’ results unresolved for weeks or even months (“Experts held ‘war games’ on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess”)

👉 A disputed outcome, perhaps with Donald Trump and Joe Biden both claiming victory, compounded by a “blue shift,” where states are claimed by Trump on election night but flip over to Biden as additional absentee and mail-in ballots conveniently turn up days or weeks later

👉 Violent civil conflict, spurred on in the streets by goon squads mobilized and funded by Who’s Who of the corporate and foundation establishment

👉 A color revolution style regime change operation staged by groups like the Soros-linked “Transition Integrity Project” and managed by people like “legal hatchet man” Norm Eisen, perhaps culminating in a military coup to remove Trump and install Biden in the Oval Office (as detailed by former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General officer Richard Black)

For those who have followed events outside the United States during the past few decades, much of this sounds familiar. We’ve seen it before – inflicted on other countries.

#Iraq #Kosovo #Serbia #Ukraine #JoeBiden

🇷🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇷🇺 The U.S. has claimed that it is more equal than others, and it has acted on this claim to the detriment of millions around the world. The world is now pushing back against this.

In the following interview for Strategic Culture Foundation, Daniel Kovalik explains how the U.S.-led war against the former Yugoslavia in 1999 was a fateful and brutal assault against the international order.

It opened the door for the rapid eastward expansion of the NATO military bloc in breach of assurances to Russian leaders. And it thus created the conditions for today’s war in Ukraine. Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine is the culmination of U.S. and NATO aggression that can be traced back to their blitzkrieg against Serbia 23 years ago.

👤Daniel Kovalik is a world-renowned American human rights lawyer, author and commentator on international politics. He teaches international human rights at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law. He is a human and labor rights attorney who has worked on many cases in Latin America, including helping Colombian workers sue the Coca-Cola Company over alleged widespread abuses. He writes extensively for Counterpunch and Huffington Post. Kovalik is the author of several books including The Plot to Scapegoat Russia.

Read the interview:

#Kosovo #Serbia #Ukraine #UnitedStates #War

🇷🇸 The Conflict in North Kosovo: A Background

After a US request, the authorities of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo postponed a ban on entry with Serbian license plates and documents for one month. The ban was supposed to come into force on August 1, and had caused an aggravation in the north of the region.

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#sc_infographic #Kosovo #Serbia

🇷🇸 The current EU ultimatum, delivered recently, to Serbia and Kosovo, whose exact content is unpublished (at the request of the EU delegation) is the result of more than 20 years of frustrations in the relations between EU and Serbia (and also between EU and Kosovo).

The essential reason are disappointed expectations. EU has less and less to offer to Serbia and other non-members simply because the membership cannot any longer be promised with any credibility and all other advantages are small. So, the EU can only offer sticks. No carrots. And in Serbia, the support for the EU membership is now consistently below 50%.

Serbia has thrice rejected similar ultimatums.

In 1914, when in fact it accepted 9 out of 10 points of the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum (and asked for the clarification on the tenth), only to be attacked by the Austrians. 

The second time it accepted membership in the Axis in 1941, for a grand total of 72 hours, and then, after a military coup, de facto rejected it. As a punishment it was brutally attacked by Germany, leading to massive bombing of Belgrade, occupation,  break-up of the country, four years of war, and more than 1 million deaths.

The third time Serbia rejected NATO ultimatum in Rambouillet in 1999, and was duly bombed for three months until it accepted another version of the same thing.

These are the antecedents one should keep in mind. They are not very cheerful 😖

💬 By Branko Milanovic

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija

🇷🇸 As the basis for the ‘new’ agreement between Belgrade and Priština, the German-French proposal should come in handy, the Collective West stakeholders tend to think.

What does that Scholz-Macron plan even mean? After all manner of agreements, non-papers and plans for thirty years so far, is there still a condition for Serbia to agree to the unrecognized pseudo state of Kosovo and its (im)probable membership in the UN? What is to change if the so-called Kosovo Republic becomes a UN member and/or NATO member? For which there is absolutely no realistic probability, because at least China and Russia shall veto it.

The German-French proposal should be used as the basis of the new agreement between Belgrade and Pristina – say Macron and Scholz in chorus. But let us look into what it entails.

The scenario offered with the Macron-Scholz cocktail for Serbia looks rather bleak and grim, which would cost us dearly historically, politically, geopolitically and economically 🤥

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija #Germany #France

🇷🇸 Battered Serbia has just received even more nasty blows. Already traumatised by a multiplicity of psy-op and other assaults, the Balkan nation is now undergoing its bloody “Western values” rite of passage.

In the first week of May, in quick succession, events heretofore unimaginable in that country took place in the form of two grisly mass shootings. One occurred in a primary school in Belgrade and the other in a village in the interior, each claiming at least eight innocent lives.

Western countries have grown largely numb to such phenomena, which occur on a regular basis in their societies. But now the “values” which they eagerly export are coming to bloody fruition, in Serbia of all places. It used to be a country that could legitimately take pride in its safe environment.

Stunned and bewildered, Serbs are now struggling to find an explanation for the horror they just experienced 💔

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija

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🇷🇸 An intriguing paradigm shift is apparent with the onward marching multipolar world. It would surely be a shame for Serbs not to seize their opportunities with regard to righting the wrongs of NATO’s dismemberment of their historic lands and the illegal occupation of the Kosovo province in particular.

Historical bitter-sweet irony abounds in the following paradox: of all the countries in the world, it was the United States that orchestrated the quasi-self-declaration of independence by Kosovo in 2008; yet recent angry protests by the local Serb population amid a violent crackdown by the NATO-backed regime in Pristina necessitated Washington to censure the Kosovan regime – proving that Kosovo is not actually a sovereign independent state, but rather a NATO protectorate enclave of Serbia 🕹

💬 Tatiana Obrenovic writes

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija

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