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📋 C-reactive protein (CRP): The silent killer

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. CRP is a type of acute phase protein, which means that its production is rapidly increased in response to tissue injury, infection, or inflammation. CRP is often used as a biomarker to monitor disease activity, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and predict the risk of cardiovascular disease.

#AnabolicSteroids #Bloodwork #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CReactiveProtein #Cycle #HarmPrevention #Health #Inflammation #ProTip #Steroids #Testosterone

💊 ITPP 101: The Ultimate Endurance PED?

Inositol Trispyrophosphate (ITPP) is a synthetic compound derived from inositol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol. It was initially developed as a potential therapeutic agent for conditions involving inadequate oxygen supply to tissues, such as cardiovascular diseases. ITPP is believed to enhance oxygenation by facilitating the release of oxygen from red blood cells (RBCs), thus potentially improving endurance and performance.

For that reason, it is often used by endurance athletes to maximize stamina and cardiovascular output. In this article, we will explore the mechanism of action of ITPP, its pros and cons, as well as how to use it effectively.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cardio #CardiovascularHealth #Cholesterol #Endurance #FatLoss #HarmMitigation #ITPP #ProTip

How to Become Bane in 12 Weeks: Tom Hardy’s Insane Workout and Diet Plan

Have you ever wondered how Tom Hardy transformed himself into the muscular and menacing Bane for The Dark Knight Rises? Well, wonder no more, because we have the scoop on his insane workout and diet plan that made him gain over 30 pounds of pure muscle in just 12 weeks.

If you’re looking for a challenge and want to emulate the physique of one of the most iconic villains in Batman history, then this article is for you. But be warned: this is not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach. You’ll need to dedicate yourself to a grueling training regimen, eat like a horse, and supplement like a madman.

#Diet #ProTip #Training

💊 Ephedrine & ECA stack: The OG fat-burner

Ephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine structurally related to amphetamines. Ephedrine is found in Ephedra, a plant found throughout Asia, Europe and America.

Ephedrine is often prescribed for the treatment of Asthma and other respiratory diseases, and it’s also used to keep blood pressure from dropping during anesthesia.

#Appetite #Suppressant #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #Cutting #CuttingCycle #Cycle #ECAStack #Ephedrine #FatBurner #FatLoss #Nutrition #ProTip #WeightLoss

💉 Cerebrolysin 101: the ultimate nootropic?

Cerebrolysin is believed to act on various receptors in the brain, including those for BDNF. BDNF is a protein that plays a crucial role in the development and function of the nervous system. It supports the survival of existing neurons and stimulates the growth of new ones. By acting on BDNF receptors, Cerebrolysin may help to promote the growth and function of neurons (neurogenesis), leading to improved brain function.

However, as you are about to see, Cerebrolysin also appears to have benefits which can not be explained by the BDNF mechanism of action. More research is needed to fully understand how it works.

#BrainHealth #Cerebrolysin #CognitiveFunction #Focus #HarmPrevention #Health #Memory #Neuroprotection #Nootropic #PreWorkout #ProTip

💊 Semax 101 – a nootropic for bodybuilders

Semax is a synthetic peptide derived from the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a peptide hormone responsible for stimulating the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. However, Semax only constitutes a fraction of the ACTH amino acid chain, so its effects are vastly different.

Semax was originally developed by Russian scientists for the prevention and treatment of circulatory disorders like strokes and transient ischemic attacks, as well as neurodegenerative disorders. It is still prescribed in Russia and other post-Soviet states for treating the aforementioned disorders, but it is more frequently used off-label as a nootropic.

#BrainHealth #CognitiveFunction #Focus #HarmPrevention #Health #Memory #Neuroprotection #Nootropic #PreWorkout #ProTip #Selank #Semax

💊 Phenibut 101 - The Perfect Alcohol Alternative?

Phenibut (also known Anvifen) is, for all intents and purposes, the exact opposite of a stimulant. The latter stimulate the central nervous system, whereas Phenibut “suppresses” it and has relaxing, anxiolytic properties. However, Phenibut also has some “stimulating” properties, but not the ones you would expect. Phenibut is a synthetic derivative of GABA, a natural neurotransmitter that stimulates dopamine and serotonin production while also improving sleep quality.

Phenibut is often used in bodybuilding circles as an alternative to alcohol because it can improve mood, cause euphoria and generally provide the same positive effects as alcohol without causing dehydration, hangovers, liver damage, inhibiting protein synthesis or increasing calorie intake.

#Alcohol #BrainHealth #CognitiveFunction #Focus #HarmPrevention #Health #Memory #Neuroprotection #Nootropic #Phenibut #PreWorkout #ProTip #Sleep #SleepQuality

🏝 Muscle Loss on Vacation: How Much Muscle Do You Stand to Lose When You Jet Off for Fun and Sun?

Ah, vacation, that much-needed escape from the daily grind. Whether you’re planning to lounge on a beach, explore the mountains, or simply unwind at a spa, one nagging question might be lurking in the back of your mind: “How much muscle am I going to lose on this vacation?” Well, fear not, fellow adventurers, for we’re here to break it down for you in a friendly and slightly humorous way. Grab your sunscreen and let’s dive into the science of vacation muscle loss!

#Bodybuilding #ProTip #Vacation

💊 DMHA: Better than DMAA?

Bodybuilders are always on the lookout for new Performance Enhancing Drugs that can help them take their physique and performance to the next level. A drug that has grown in popularity in recent years is the stimulant / fat-burner known as DMHA (1,5-Dimethylhexylamine), which represents an incredible alternative to the now illegal (yet still widely available) DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine).

DMHA is a sympathomimetic compound, meaning it mimics the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. It was initially developed as a nasal decongestant and bronchodilator, but it is more commonly used for increased focus, energy levels and fat loss.

#AppetiteSuppressant #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #Cutting #CuttingCycle #Cycle #DMAA #DMHA #FatBurner #FatLoss #MaleEnhancement #MensHealth #Nutrition #PreWorkout #ProTip #PWO #WeightLoss

💊 Metformin: a bodybuilding tool?

Metformin is a popular medication that is commonly prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes and polycistic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is derived from galegine, a compound found in a plant known as Galega Officinalis.

This drug works by inhibiting glucose production in the liver and inhibiting the actions of glucagon, a hormone that causes an increase in blood glucose levels.

These properties make Metformin a useful tool for bodybuilders, who can use it to improve their health, lose weight and even extend their lifespan while mitigating the side-effects of many PEDs.

#Bloodwork #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cutting #CuttingCycle #FatLoss #GrowthHormone #HarmPrevention #Insulin #InsulinSensitivity #Metformin #ProTip #WeightLoss

💾 The starter nootropic stack

In today’s post, I will be covering a simple, highly effective, “unnatural” nootropic stack that can allow just about anyone to focus more, memorize more information and get rid of brain fog, all while protecting the brain from neurodegenerative threats.

This is a stack that benefits students, entrepreneurs, gamers, athletes, blue-collar workers, and white-collar workers alike. There is no context in which having improved cognitive function is not beneficial.

#AlphaGPC #BrainHealth #CognitiveFunction #Focus #HarmPrevention #Health #Memory #Neuroprotection #Nootropic #Oxiracetam #PreWorkout #ProTip

🍩 T3: a misunderstood fat-burner?

T3 (triiodothyronine) is a naturally-occurring thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism, digestion, cognition, immunity and even sexual function to a small extent.

This is a hormone that we all have and need in order to function optimally, but it can also be used exogenously to replace endogenous T3 levels in people with hypothyroidism, or as a fat-burning drug in a bodybuilding context.

The exogenous form of T3 is called liothyronine (brand name Cytomel) and is orally bioavailable. Even though this drug is safe and effective when it comes to fixing hypothyroidism, it can be very dangerous when used to speed up fat loss in a bodybuilding context.

#AppetiteSuppressant #Bodybuilders B#odybuilding #Clenbuterol #Cutting #CuttingCycle #Cycle #FatBurner #FatLoss #Nutrition #ProTip #T3 #Thyroid #WeightLoss

🤸 Training Through the Slump: How to Work Out with a Lower Body Injury

So, you’ve found yourself in a bit of a pickle, hobbling around with a lower body injury. The bad news is that you can’t engage in your usual leg day shenanigans, but the good news is that you don’t have to become a couch potato either. In this guide, we’re going to explore how to maintain your fitness, sanity, and sense of humor while navigating the treacherous waters of lower body injuries. Get ready to sweat, adapt, and conquer the world (or at least the gym) from a seated or horizontal position.

#AdaptedWorkouts #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #BodybuildingStrategies #FitnessRegimen #InjuryManagement #InjuryResilience #PainManagement #PhysicalTherapy #ProTip

📄 7 reasons why you should be tracking your progress

In order to accomplish fitness goals, whether it’s building muscle, losing weight, improving overall health, or simply aiming at better overall performance, tracking progress is a crucial aspect that is overlooked way too often. While workouts, healthy eating and a proper hormonal environment are all essential components, quantifiable data provides invaluable insights to your fitness journey. The premise is very simple: only what is measured and tracked can be managed and adjusted. In this article you’ll see 7 reasons why monitoring progress and tracking data are so important to achieve success in fitness.

#FitnessGoals #MonitorProgress #Planning #ProTip #Schedule #Strategy #Track

💊 5-A-1MQ: The fat-burner you’ve never heard of

5-Amino-1MQ is a short-chain peptide that has shown promising results in the treatment of obesity. It is slowly growing in popularity as an excellent oral fat-burner that can reduce body fat significantly without causing serious side-effects.

5-Amino-1MQ is a membrane-permeable peptide that works by inhibiting NNMT (Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase) and increasing NAD+. NNMT is an enzyme found in fat tissue that stops fat cell metabolism, making it harder for fat cells to be “burnt”.

#5Amino1MQ #AppetiteSuppressant #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #Cutting #CuttingCycle #Cycle #FatBurner #FatLoss #Nutrition #Peptides #ProTip #WeightLoss

💊 Bromocriptine: Better than Caber and Prami?

Bromocriptine (also known as Parlodel) is a dopamine agonist similar to Cabergoline. It was developed and is still being prescribed for the treatment of parkinson’s, prolactinomas, diabetes and addiction withdrawal.

Bromocriptine can be very useful in a bodybuilding context thanks to its prolactin-lowering and hunger-inhibiting properties, which make it a perfect addition to a Nandrolone, Trenbolone or MENT cycle. These AAS interact with the progesterone receptor and cause prolactin to increase, which can lead to the development of gynecomastia, lactation and sexual dysfunction.

#AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cabergoline #HarmMitigation #Nandrolone #Pramipexole #ProTip #Prolactin #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Trenbolone #Trestolone

🏥 Are statins worth using in bodybuilding

In the realm of cardiovascular health, statins have emerged as a controversial yet widely prescribed class of drugs. These cholesterol-lowering medications have sparked debates among healthcare professionals and patients alike, raising questions about their efficacy, potential benefits and potential side-effects.

After reading this Inner Sanctum article, you will understand what statins are, how they work, how they can benefit enhanced bodybuilders, what their adverse effects are and whether they are worth using or not.

#BloodTest #Bloodwork #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #Cholesterol #HarmMitigation #HeartHealth #LipidPanel PEDs #ProTip #Statins #SteroidCycles #Steroids

👩‍⚕️ How to fix your gut health

If you are a bodybuilder, chances are your gut health is suboptimal. Years of eating copious amounts of food can cause gut distension and mess up your digestive system. Pair that with the use of all kinds of supplements and oral PEDs and you’ve got yourself a recipe for constant flatulence, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, and most importantly, systemic inflammation which leads to skin problems, hair loss and other health issues.

Even though this is not a “hardcore bodybuilding” topic, I feel like it’s important to share tips on how to fix gut health because it plays such a big role on overall health and well-being, especially among bodybuilders.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #BPC157 #Digestion #DigestiveSystem #GutHealth #HarmMitigation #Health #Longevity #Nutrition #Peptides #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids

💊 Nattokinase: a supplement you should be taking

The use of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs leads to an increase in blood thickness. This is extremely dangerous, as it causes an increase in blood pressure that can cause dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds and other annoying side-effects short-term, but also cardiac hypertrophy and even deadly cardiovascular events in the long run.

Donating blood during and/or after cycles/blasts is one of the best ways to offset this side-effect, but preventing the blood from becoming thicker in the first place is much better, and that is where Nattokinase comes in.

#BloodPressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #HarmMitigation #Heart #HeartHealth #Nandrolone #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Testosterone

☝🏻 Understanding cholesterol on AAS

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can significantly impact cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you are an athlete who values health, longevity and being your best self, you must understand what cholesterol is and keep track of it…

#BloodPressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #Cholesterol #HarmMitigation #Heart #HeartHealth #Nandrolone #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Testosterone