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💊 Bromocriptine: Better than Caber and Prami?

Bromocriptine (also known as Parlodel) is a dopamine agonist similar to Cabergoline. It was developed and is still being prescribed for the treatment of parkinson’s, prolactinomas, diabetes and addiction withdrawal.

Bromocriptine can be very useful in a bodybuilding context thanks to its prolactin-lowering and hunger-inhibiting properties, which make it a perfect addition to a Nandrolone, Trenbolone or MENT cycle. These AAS interact with the progesterone receptor and cause prolactin to increase, which can lead to the development of gynecomastia, lactation and sexual dysfunction.

#AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cabergoline #HarmMitigation #Nandrolone #Pramipexole #ProTip #Prolactin #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Trenbolone #Trestolone

🏥 Are statins worth using in bodybuilding

In the realm of cardiovascular health, statins have emerged as a controversial yet widely prescribed class of drugs. These cholesterol-lowering medications have sparked debates among healthcare professionals and patients alike, raising questions about their efficacy, potential benefits and potential side-effects.

After reading this Inner Sanctum article, you will understand what statins are, how they work, how they can benefit enhanced bodybuilders, what their adverse effects are and whether they are worth using or not.

#BloodTest #Bloodwork #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #Cholesterol #HarmMitigation #HeartHealth #LipidPanel PEDs #ProTip #Statins #SteroidCycles #Steroids

👩‍⚕️ How to fix your gut health

If you are a bodybuilder, chances are your gut health is suboptimal. Years of eating copious amounts of food can cause gut distension and mess up your digestive system. Pair that with the use of all kinds of supplements and oral PEDs and you’ve got yourself a recipe for constant flatulence, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, and most importantly, systemic inflammation which leads to skin problems, hair loss and other health issues.

Even though this is not a “hardcore bodybuilding” topic, I feel like it’s important to share tips on how to fix gut health because it plays such a big role on overall health and well-being, especially among bodybuilders.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #BPC157 #Digestion #DigestiveSystem #GutHealth #HarmMitigation #Health #Longevity #Nutrition #Peptides #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids

💊 Nattokinase: a supplement you should be taking

The use of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs leads to an increase in blood thickness. This is extremely dangerous, as it causes an increase in blood pressure that can cause dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds and other annoying side-effects short-term, but also cardiac hypertrophy and even deadly cardiovascular events in the long run.

Donating blood during and/or after cycles/blasts is one of the best ways to offset this side-effect, but preventing the blood from becoming thicker in the first place is much better, and that is where Nattokinase comes in.

#BloodPressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #HarmMitigation #Heart #HeartHealth #Nandrolone #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Testosterone