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🍟 Yohimbine 101: eliminate stubborn fat

Yohimbine is an extract of Yohimbe Bark, belonging to a tree that can only be found in certain parts of Africa. This bark has been used by the local population as an aphrodisiac for centuries, but its properties go beyond just improving sexual function.

The selling point of
Yohimbine is that it can burn stubborn fat, so use it towards the end of your cutting cycles when it’s needed the most.

So what does yohimbine do?

#AppetiteSuppressant #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #Cutting #CuttingCycle #Cycle #FatBurner #FatLoss #MaleEnhancement #MensHealth #Nutrition #ProTip #WeightLoss #Yohimbine

🍰 Rauwolscine: the ultimate solution for love handles?

Yohimbine is a potent fat-burning agent that is known for 3 things: Being extremely effective at reducing stubborn fat, improving libido significantly and causing terrible fever-like symptoms in most users.

Rauwolscine (alpha-
yohimbine) is an isomer of Yohimbine that is slowly gaining popularity as a cleaner, safer yet more effective alternative to its parent compound. It appears to offer the same benefits without causing the same dreadful side-effects.

Let’s dive into it!

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #CuttingCycles #FatLoss #HarmMitigation #Health #ProTips #Rauwolscine #StubbornFat #WeightLoss #Yohimbine

🔬 B-AET: the fat-burner you’ve never heard of

B-AET, also known as Beta-Androstenetriol, is a DHEA metabolite that offers incredible health benefits, anti-catabolism, and fat-loss.

Unfortunately, chances are you’ve never heard of this compound before. Fortunately, the reason why you’ve never heard of it before is that it’s incredibly hard to find, and not because it has some major drawback that makes it unusable.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #CuttingCycles #DHEA #FatLoss #HarmMitigation #Health #ProTips #StubbornFat #WeightLoss #Yohimbine