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Adresa: Tiranë, Mjull-Bathore, rr.Dervish Shaba

Официальный телеграм-канал Посольства России в Албании 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
Адрес: г.Тирана, Мьюл-Баторе, ул.Дервиша Шабы
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⭐️ #OTD in 1944, Soviet troops launched the Baltic Offensive. The German command hoped to contain Soviet troops in the Baltic Region for at least a half a year but it only took the Red Army 71 days to liberate it.

🔻 German troops seized most of the Baltic Region in the summer of 1941. Relying on local collaborators, the Nazis established a tough occupational regime and carried out the mass murder of Jews, communists, Soviet workers and people considered the intelligentsia.

🔻 The large-scale operation allowed the Red Army to liberate much of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and created the conditions to push the Nazis out of East Prussia. Germany lost an important food base and a convenient bridgehead for a strike against the Soviet troops advancing in East Prussia.

#Victory77 #WeRemember
Forwarded from Russian Mission Vienna
🗓️ On October 9, 1920 Soviet diplomat Vladimir Erofeev was born

🔵 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the USSR to the International Organizations in Vienna from 1975 to 1979

🔵 Personal French translator for Joseph Stalin

🧐 #DYK? During his work in France Vladimir Erofeev held successful negotiations with the widow of Ivan Bunin on transferring to Moscow the 11 volumes of his works with personal revisions

🕯 Më 27 janar 1945, pasi kishin thyer heroikisht mbrojtjen gjermane, ushtarët e Ushtrisë së Kuqe çliruan të burgosurit e një prej kampeve më të tmerrshme të përqendrimit të krijuara ndonjëherë nga njeriu, një ferr i vërtetë në Tokë - Auschwitz.

🕯 Në kohën kur kampi i vdekjes u zbulua, atje kishte 7.5 mijë të burgosurit - kryesisht fëmijë dhe invalidë. Të gjithë të tjerë ose ishin paraprakisht asgjësuar nga nazistët ose ishin çuar në Gjermani (60 mijë të burgosurit).

Sipas vlerësimeve të ndryshme, më shumë se 1.1 milion njerëz u vranë në Auschwitz.

❗️ Në fund të vitit 1944, kur njësitë e Ushtrisë së Kuqe përparonin shpejtë në drejtim perëndimor, udhëheqja naziste, duke u përpjekur për të fshehur gjurmët e krimeve, urdhëroi likuidimin e Auschwitz-it. Sidoqoftë, nazistët nuk arritën të shpërbënin kampin dhe të shkatërronin të burgosurit e mbetur. "Kampi i vdekjes" u çlirua gjatë operacionit sulmues Vistula-Oder nga ushtarët e Ushtrisë së 60-të të Frontit të Parë Ukrainas. U shpëtuan rreth 7-7,5 mijë të burgosurit. Në betejat për çlirimin e qytetit të Auschwitz-it dhe kampit të përqendrimit të Auschwitz-it, humbën jetën 231 ushtarë sovjetikë.

🕯 Sot në mbarë botën shënohet Dita e Përkujtimit të Holokaustit. Në vitin 2005 Asambleja e Përgjithshme e OKB-së miratoi një rezolutë që shpallte 27 janarin, Ditën e çlirimit të kampit Auschwitz, si Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Përkujtimit në nderim të viktimave të Holokaustit.

#Holocaust #Auschwitz #SecondWorldWar #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay #RedArmy #WeRemember
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#Stalingrad80 #WeRemember

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. It is an outstanding example of courage, determination and readiness for self-sacrifice by all the peoples of the former USSR who thwarted the Nazis’ criminal and misanthropic plans and prevented a global catastrophe.

🌐 The feat of the Soviet soldiers evoked admiration around the world and enhanced our country’s international prestige. This is confirmed by the exhibition of documents from the Russian Foreign Policy Archive posted on the Foreign Ministry’s website.

📜 An excerpt from a cable by King George VI of Great Britain to Mikhail Kalinin, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, February 21, 1943:

“To mark the profound admiration felt by myself and the peoples of the British Empire, I have given commands for the preparation of a Sword of Honour, which it would give me pleasure to present to the city of Stalingrad.”

📜 From President Roosevelt’s message to Joseph Stalin, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR, February 5, 1943:

“The commanders and fighters of your armies at the front and the men and women who have supported them in factory and field have combined not only to cover with glory their country’s arms but to inspire by their example fresh determination among the United Nations to bend every energy to bring about the final defeat and unconditional surrender of the common enemy.”

👉 We invite you to read the entire set of the diplomatic correspondence which testifies to foreign officials’ admiration of the courage shown by the defenders of Stalingrad.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⭐️ On this day in 1945, over 400 Soviet prisoners of war daringly escaped from #Mauthausen concentration camp in Upper Austria. This rebellion was among the biggest in World War II history.

The largest groups of prisoners at the camp were citizens of the USSR, Poland and Hungary. Soviet POWs who were earlier suspected of resistance activities, were held under the most unbearable conditions in Block 20. The prisoners were beaten, often to death, for the slightest infraction.

On the night of February 3, 1945, 419 prisoners of “Death Block” made an escape. All local units of the SA, the Wehrmacht, the Gendarmerie as well as groups of volunteers joined in their hunt. Overall, 300 escapees were caught and only 57 of them were returned alive to the camp where they were subsequently brutally tortured to death.

Former Mauthausen prisoner Nikolai Parshin wrote after the war, “The prisoners of Death Block stood up against their henchmen and escaped from the hell on earth the Nazis had made. They died with honour as warriors should. And they are not gone, they are heroes that will remain eternally alive. The memory of them will live on in our hearts forever.”

🕯 The total number of prisoners in Mauthausen was 335,000 of which 122,000 were either executed or worked, tortured or starved to death. Over 32,000 of the dead were citizens of our country.

Among those who were savagely tortured to death by the Nazis was Lieutenant General Dmitry Karbyshev. The Nazis did their worst to get him to become a collaborator, as he was an outstanding commander and an unrivalled expert in fortifications, but they failed. Dmitry Karbyhev was 64 when he died.

#Victory77 #WeRemember #FacesOfVictory
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📝 On February 18 in 1945 Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky, outstanding Soviet general and commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), perished, long before his time.

🎖🎖 Two times Hero of the Soviet Union, the youngest ever general in the history of the Red Army, Chernyakhovsky contributed greatly to the liberation of Voronezh and Kursk from the Nazi invaders.

⚔️ At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was at command of the 28th Tank Division and the 18th Tank Corps in the Baltic region, which blunted the attacks of the enemy near Siauliai (Lithuania).

In 1944 at the age of 37 Chernyakhovsky was awarded two "Gold Stars" for bravery and liberation of Vitebsk, Minsk and Vilnius.

🕯 On February 23, 1945, Ivan Chernyakhovsky was supposed to receive the Marshal's rank but died from a wound received in shelling mere days before.

Chernyakhovsky hugely contributed to the liberation of Lithuania and Poland from the Nazis, yet these countries decided to forget the hero, take steps to tarnish his memory. A monument at the place of his death in Penzno (Poland) was removed by local authorities in 2015.

#FacesOfVictory #WeRemember
📆Më 22 qershor shënohen 82 vjet që nga fillimi i Luftës së Madhe Patriotike.

Ne kujtojmë tmerret e shkaktuara nga nazizmi dhe forcat që e gjithë bota duhej të përdorte për ta mposhtur atë. Përulemi para kujtimit të dëshmorëve të Luftës së Madhe Patriotike 🕯
📆June 22 marks 82 years since the start of the Great Patriotic War.

#WeRemember the horrors caused by Nazism and the forces the entire world had to employ to defeat it. We bow to the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War 🕯

#WW2 #Russia #war #nazism #June22 #horrors #victory #Россия #нацизм #22июня41 #победа
Sipas vlerësimeve të ndryshme, më shumë se 1.1 milion njerëz u vranë në Auschwitz.

❗️ Në fund të vitit 1944, kur njësitë e Ushtrisë së Kuqe përparonin shpejtë në drejtim perëndimor, udhëheqja naziste, duke u përpjekur për të fshehur gjurmët e krimeve, urdhëroi likuidimin e Auschwitz-it. Sidoqoftë, nazistët nuk arritën të shpërbënin kampin dhe të shkatërronin të burgosurit e mbetur. "Kampi i vdekjes" u çlirua gjatë operacionit sulmues Vistula-Oder nga ushtarët e Ushtrisë së 60-të të Frontit të Parë Ukrainas. U shpëtuan rreth 7-7,5 mijë të burgosurit. Në betejat për çlirimin e qytetit të Auschwitz-it dhe kampit të përqendrimit të Auschwitz-it, humbën jetën 231 ushtarë sovjetikë.

🕯 Sot në mbarë botën shënohet Dita e Përkujtimit të Holokaustit. Në vitin 2005 Asambleja e Përgjithshme e OKB-së miratoi një rezolutë që shpallte 27 janarin, Ditën e çlirimit të kampit Auschwitz, si Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Përkujtimit në nderim të viktimave të Holokaustit.

#Holocaust #Auschwitz #SecondWorldWar #RedArmy #WeRemember
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🕯 President of Russia Vladimir Putin is taking part in the events to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege.

The President laid flowers at the Landmark Stone monument at the Nevsky Pyatachok military-historical complex. From the first days of the siege, the Red Army fighters held back the superior enemy forces in that area, a small three-kilometre stretch of the frontline south of Leningrad, preventing the Nazis and their allies from approaching the city.

The President visited the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery, where he honoured the memory of the fallen Leningrad residents and defenders of the city by laying a wreath at the Motherland monument. About half a million people are buried in mass graves at the Piskarevskoye cemetery. The words of poet Olga Berggolts, ”No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten“ are carved on the memorial wall behind the Motherland monument.

Leningrad is the only city in world history with a population of several million people that was able to withstand almost 900 days of encirclement. The siege by Nazi Germany lasted 872 days from September 8, 1941, to January 27, 1944. The ring was broken on January 18, 1943, and on January 27, 1944, a ceremonial salute was fired to mark the end of the blockade.

By that time there were no more than 800,000 inhabitants left in the Northern Capital out of the three million who had lived in Leningrad and its suburbs before the siege.

#Victory79 #WeRemember
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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🕯 On the Day of Memory and Sorrow, President of Russia Vladimir Putin per a long-standing tradition laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The ceremony was attended by combat veterans, servicemen and graduates of military universities. Flowers to the Eternal Flame were also laid by Defense Minister Andrei Belousov.

#Victory79 #WeRemember #NoStatuteOfLimitations
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On 29 June 1941 the Battle for the Zapolyarye Polar Region began.

It lasted until 1 November 1944 and culminated in a decisive Red Army's victory over the Nazis and their cronies. The war theatre of the its initial part comprised the Murmansk region, Karelia, Barents, White and Kara Seas.

The Third Reich sought to capture the Kola Peninsula and Murmansk, the country's only ice-free port beyond the Arctic Circle, where the Northern Fleet of the USSR was stationed, at any cost. The German command's plan was to to break through the Soviet defence, deprive the USSR of access to the Arctic Ocean and advance to the east with Finland fighting side by side with the Nazis and pursuing its goal to occupy the Kola Peninsula and Soviet Karelia.

⚔️ Hitler threw Army "Norway" (97 thousand strong) to achieve this goals against the 14th Army of the Northern Front, a little over 50,000 people. The offensive of the united German-Finnish forces lasted a week, despite numerical advantage ultimately failed and stalled, not able to overcome the Red Army's resistance. They were forced to engage and retain defensive positions, while being bogged down in the Arctic for a prolonged period.

Yet the Nazis did not abandon attempts to if not capture Murmansk, then destroy it. Residential quarters were mercilessly bombed. All in all the Luftwaffe performed 792 air raids, having dropped 207 thousand bombs. To give this a perspective: by sheer density of air strikes Murmansk is second only to Stalingrad.

Finland's forced withdrawal from the war in autumn 1944 created favourable conditions for the Red Army to go on the offensive. In the course of the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation Soviet forces not only liberated the occupied areas of the Soviet Polar Regions but also provided invaluable assistance in the liberation of Norway.

⭐️ In total, more than 67 thousand Soviet soldiers perished in the battles at this war theatre. On December 5, 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR established the medal "For the Defence of the Soviet Polar Region", which was awarded to about 353 thousand people.

Contemporary Norwegian politician Just Lippe of the time wrote back in the day: "The Soviet army came to Norway not only as a military force, but also as a friend of the Norwegian people". In Oslo, Kirkenes, Budø, Elvenes and a number of other cities there are monuments to our soldiers with the inscription "Norway thanks you".

However, today, where the Soviet heroes selflessly & valiantly fought, including for the liberation of Norway, NATO troops regularly conduct anti-Russian military exercises and build-up military potential quite reminiscent of what the Third Reich did, while true pages of our common history are being torn apart and forgotten. That we won't allow ☝️ as #WeRemember

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 #OnThisDay in 1984, Hero of the Russian Federation, Air Force Major Roman Filipov was born.

At school, Roman Filipov dreamt of a career in the Air Force, following in his father’s footsteps. After completing his 11-year secondary education, he enrolled in the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School.

✈️ At the age of 18, he was assigned to the 187th Guards Air Assault Regiment based in the village of Chernigovka, the Primorye Territory. He quickly rose through the ranks, starting as a senior pilot and eventually becoming deputy air squadron commander at an assault air regiment of the Eastern Military District. He was then deployed to the Air Group of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria. Upon arrival, he took part in military operations as a flight commander, piloting Sukhoi Su-25SM ground-attack aircraft.

Roman Filipov was an ace Class 1 Pilot and frequently participated in Russia’s national Aviadarts exercises. His total flying time was 1,300 hours as he completed 80 combat sorties.

▪️ He perished in the line of duty in Syria on February 3, 2018, while returning to base after a fly-by over the Idlib de-escalation zone. His Su-25SM was shot down by terrorists using a portable surface-to-air missile system.

He tried to keep his plane airborne, diverting it from houses on the ground. Once he successfully accomplished this, he ejected from the aircraft. He was encircled by militants on the ground, conducted an unequal battle against the enemy, became severely injured, and, when the enemy forces approached him at minimum distance, exploded himself with a grenade, shouting: “This is for our guys!”.

🎖 Major Roman Filipov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for his heroism, courage and bravery in the performance of military duty.

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🏅 Today marks 80 years since the Red Army liberated Chisinau, the capital of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, on August 24, 1944, from the Nazi invaders.

During the strategic Jassy–Kishinev (Iași-Chisinau) offensive launched on August 20, the Red Army encircled and defeated a million-strong German-Romanian group covering the Balkan direction, completely liberating the territory of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic.

This offensive is considered to be one of the most successful ones during the Great Patriotic War. The soldiers liberated the entire territory of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic and went on to advance into Romania’s central regions, making it impossible for Bucharest to keep fighting alongside Nazi Germany.

Moldovans went to great lengths to help the Soviet forces. From May until August 1944, guerilla groups operating in Moldova killed over 11,000 enemy soldiers and officers, destroyed 25 enemy tanks and armoured vehicles, and derailed 13 military trains.

🎖 Based on the results of the offensive operation, 126 formations and units were awarded honorary titles, more than 140 soldiers and commanders were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and 6 Soviet soldiers became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

The soldiers who participated in the liberation of Chisinau, by the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of August 24, 1944, were commended, and in Moscow in honour of this event there was a salute with 24 artillery salvos from 324 guns.

📹 The Russian Military Historical Society

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🗓 83 years ago, on August 28, 1941, the Tallinn breakthrough of the Baltic Fleet of the USSR to Kronstadt – one of the largest and most complicated naval ops of the Soviet Navy during the Great Patriotic war – commenced.

▪️In the summer of 1941, the Nazi invaders began to break through into the territory of the Soviet Baltic republics. Early in August, the Germans launched Tallinn offensive. By the end of the month, the Red army forces, retreating under the onslaught of the superior enemy troops, were trapped on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland and cut off from the "mainland".

Under these circumstances, the Supreme High Command Headquarters of the USSR ordered to evacuate the main forces of the Baltic Fleet, the Red army's forces defending Tallinn, and the civilian population to Kronstadt.

⚓️ On the morning of August 28, an attempt to make a major breakthrough was launched: 225 ships and vessels left Tallinn with over 10,000 people on board.

The Nazis tried by all means to prevent the breakthrough of the convoy. Intensive fire from the enemy's coastal guns was directed at the Soviet ships. In the Gulf waters, the Germans and Finns set up several lines of minefields – more than 1,700 mines. “At the time of the breakthrough, the Gulf of Finland looked like a "dumpling soup" saturated with German mines," – that's how the participants of the breakthrough described their dire circumstances.

By August 30, the Baltic Fleet finally broke through to Kronstadt. Only 163 ships reached the destination. Over 15,000 people died during the operation, including more than 4,500 civilians.

☝️ Under such harsh conditions, the losses could have been much higher if not for the unprecedented heroism, bravery and mutual assistance of the Baltic Fleet crews who saved their comrades and selflessly returned fire from anti-aircraft guns and rifles.

The Baltic Fleet immediately joined the defence of Leningrad. The Soviet forces delivered by the fleet joined the ranks of the city's defenders.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On September 7, 1945, a military parade of the allied forces of the #USSR, US, UK and France took place in Berlin near the walls of the defeated Reichstag on Alexanderplatz Square, marking the end of #WWII.

The location of the parade – at the Brandenburg Gate, at the very heart of the German capital – was not chosen by chance. It was right here where the Battle of Berlin ended and the remnants of the Berlin group of German troops surrendered to the Red Army. Scheduled for September 7, the parade was timed to coincide with the victory over militaristic Japan.

Representatives of the allied powers responded positively to Moscow's proposal to hold a joint parade in Berlin. However, on the eve of the event, after the date and all the details had been agreed upon, the US, UK and France announced that instead of the commanders-in-chief – Eisenhower, Montgomery and Tassigny – they would send lower-ranking generals, who were already stationed in Germany, to the parade. By doing so, the allies tried to downplay the significance of the parde, which emphasized the decisive role of the Soviet Union in taking Berlin. At that time, no one doubted who bore the brunt of the storming of the capital of the Third Reich.

🇷🇺 The USSR carried out thorough preparations for the parade. The Soviet command attracted the most distinguished soldiers, sergeants, officers and generals who had shown unrivalled courage in taking Berlin and the main centers of the reich – the Reichstag and the Imperial Chancellery.

🎖On September 7 at 11 am, the Berlin allied parade commenced. It was received by the Commander of the Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany Georgy Zhukov. The parade was opened by the combined regiment of the 248th Rifle Division of the Red Army, led by Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel Georgy Lenev. The parade was closed by a column of the Soviet armor, with the latest heavy tanks IS-3 ("Joseph Stalin") marching.

💬 In his welcoming speech to the parade participants, Marshal Zhukov paid tribute to the exploits of the Soviet and Allied forces in the struggle for victory over Nazi Germany:

"Fighting friends, comrades in arms, soldiers, officers and generals... <...> The Second World War ended with a decisive and powerful strike from the great allied powers. Our victory is a triumph of an unprecedented military partnership of democratic states.

From now on, people <...> will be eternally grateful to the great nations of America, England, the Soviet Union, the French Republic and China, to their valiant soldiers who, in the difficult time of military trials, gave each other helping hands, united to win a victory over a common enemy, to win the long-awaited peace on Earth."

#Victory79 #WeRemember #WeWereAllies
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