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Официальный телеграм-канал Посольства России в Албании 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
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#OTD in 1949 NATO was formed.

In the early 1990s we were promised NO eastward expansion. Yet, by 2022... 5 waves of enlargement, 14 new member states, bases & military infrastructure right on Russia's borders.

"Defensive", they say.
👉 Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan...
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📅 #OTD in 1798, Alexander #Gorchakov was born - a great diplomat, legendary Foreign Minister & statesman of the 19th century.

🔹 Having headed the Foreign Ministry in 1856, he set a goal to rewrite the results of the Crimean war. He wanted to reestablish control over the Black Sea and Bessarabia “without spending money and without shedding a drop of Russian blood.”

🔹 Using his diplomatic skills, Gorchakov managed to prevent Austria from entering the Franco-Prussian war, which brought a complete victory to Prussia. Having won the support of this new empire, Russia announced that it would no longer fulfil the obligations of the Paris Congress and not a single European power dared contradict this.

💬 “Russia is not angry, it is focusing.” This famous phrase is attributed to Gorchakov. He created favourable conditions for the reforms that allowed Russia to make an economic leap in the last third of the 19th century.
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⭐️ #OTD in 1944, Soviet troops launched the Baltic Offensive. The German command hoped to contain Soviet troops in the Baltic Region for at least a half a year but it only took the Red Army 71 days to liberate it.

🔻 German troops seized most of the Baltic Region in the summer of 1941. Relying on local collaborators, the Nazis established a tough occupational regime and carried out the mass murder of Jews, communists, Soviet workers and people considered the intelligentsia.

🔻 The large-scale operation allowed the Red Army to liberate much of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and created the conditions to push the Nazis out of East Prussia. Germany lost an important food base and a convenient bridgehead for a strike against the Soviet troops advancing in East Prussia.

#Victory77 #WeRemember
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#OTD in 1815 the #HolyAlliance was formed in Paris by Alexander I of Russia, Francis I of Austria, and Frederick William III of Prussia - following the victory of the Coalition in the Napoleonic Wars.

✍️ It was eventually signed by all European rulers except the Prince Regent of Britain, the Ottoman sultan, and the Pope.

☝️ The principal aim of the Alliance was to make every effort to prevent the revolutionary influence.

✝️ Its main purpose - promoting Christian principles in the affairs of nations

🤝 The Union organized four Congresses to work out the principle of intervention into the European countries home affairs.
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 #OTD in 2000, Russia and India signed the Declaration on Strategic Partnership.

👉 The document took #RussiaIndia traditionally friendly relations to a new level characterized by coordinated approaches towards addressing major global and regional issues.
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⚓️#OTD in 1827, allied forces from Russia, Britain & France decisively defeated Ottoman forces in an epic naval battle in Navarino Bay, Ionian Sea.

The victory led to 🇬🇷Greece finally gaining independence.
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🌐 Yevgeny Primakov, a prominent Soviet and Russian statesman, Foreign Minister of Russia in 1996-1998, was born #OTD in 1929.

Primakov’s arrival at Smolenskaya Square became a turning point in the foreign policy of our state, the start of the restoration of Russia’s positions on the international arena.

He foresaw the appearance of new centres of economic growth and political influence in the world and, in this sense, predicted the realities of multipolarity. He established the Russia-India-China format, which became the prototype of BRICS, the true embodiment of multipolar diplomacy.

❗️ On March 24, 1999, during his flight to the United States, Yevgeny Primakov found out that NATO countries launched air strikes on Yugoslavia. He immediately turned his plane around and returned to Moscow. That legendary U-turn over the Atlantic became a symbol of revision of relations with the West towards pragmatism and realism, and Russia’s transition to a multi-vector foreign policy.

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⚔️ #OTD in 1944, the Battle for the Soviet North concluded with the victory of the #RedArmy over the Nazis.

🔹 Threat of German arms supplies through Murmansk eliminated.
🔹 Nazis expelled from the Soviet North.
🔹 North of Norway liberated from the Nazi invaders.

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🗓 #OTD 210 years ago, on November 26, 1812, the last major battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 between the Russian army and the retreating army of Napoleon began on the Berezina River (the right tributary of the Dnieper). The Russian commanders’ plan was to cut off the enemy’s retreat.

The plan included launching a simultaneous and decisive offensive with all forces deployed on the flanks of the main Russian army in order to defeat the troops guarding Napoleon’s rear and cut off his retreat to the west. At the same time, the main Russian army group led by Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov was to pursue the Grande Armée of the Emperor of France Napoleon from the east.

⚔️ By the end of the three-day battle, Napoleon realised that his artillery and supply train were beyond saving. Less than half of the 85,000-90,000 men were eventually transported to the right bank of the Berezina. Russian troops surrounded the French General Louis Partouneaux’s division (some 4,000 men) in the vicinity of Borisov and forced them to surrender. In total, according to historians, the losses of the French army reached ~50,000 men, including those who drowned in the river, died in the stampede at the crossings, froze to death and were taken prisoner.

The Battle of Berezina broke the Emperor of France. Less than two weeks after the battle ended, Napoleon abandoned his guard and fled to Paris. Only a few dozen thousands of the 500,000 strong army that invaded Russia in June 1812 managed to leave our country six months later.

❗️ It was after Berezina that the French realised the scale of their defeat in Russia. The elimination of what Napoleon once called his “grand” army shocked the people of France so deeply that the expression “C'est la Bérézina” (this is Berezina) became idiomatic in the French language to denoting a complete failure, collapse, or catastrophe. No less important were the impressions of the survivors, that radically changed how other Europeans perceived that war.
⭐️ #OTD in 1943, Operation #Ring commenced – the last part of the epic Battle of Stalingrad.

The Red Army encircled the remaining Axis forces, making 24 Nazi generals surrender. The deadliest battle in history resulted in a decisive Soviet victory.
⭐️ Today marks 8️⃣0️⃣ years of the feat of Alexander #Matrosov.

#OTD in 1943, the 19-year-old blocked a machine-gun with his body, allowing his comrades to expel Nazi invaders from several settlements near #Pskov.

His feat was repeated by 400+ Soviet soldiers.

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✈️ #OTD in 1937, three Soviet aviators set off on the legendary non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver via the North Pole. The crew – commander Valery Chkalov, co-pilot Georgy Baidukov and navigator Alexander Belyakov – pursued an ambitious goal: to connect the continents along the shortest route, across the Arctic Ocean, for the first time in history.

🧊 Soviet aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev developed the ANT-25, a single-engine aircraft with an especially wide wingspan, specifically for this endeavour and for other long-haul flights. Due to this design, the plane could take more fuel, and had a better capability to glide.

🧊 The flight took a total of 63 hours and 16 minutes. The Arctic weather with its low temperatures gave the crew the greatest trouble. The ice from the cockpit windows had to be cut off by hand with a sheath knife. Because of the clouds, the crew had to either pilot the plane blindly or change course, and overspent about 300 litres of fuel.

🧊 Initially, the crew planned to land in San Francisco, but due to excessive fuel consumption, it was decided to land in Vancouver. They failed to break the world flight range record, but in less than a month this was achieved by another Soviet crew under the command of Mikhail Gromov.

🧊 Despite this, Valery Chkalov and his crew's flight became a major event in the history of world aviation. It showcased Soviet achievement in advanced aircraft construction, and proved to the whole world the exceptional professionalism and courage of Soviet aviators.

🤝 The feat of the three pilots was widely covered by the press, both in the Soviet Union and in America. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt personally received the crew in the Oval Office of the White House. The transpolar flight contributed to the establishment of friendly relations between the two countries, and paved the way for fruitful cooperation between the USSR and the United States during World War II.
🇷🇺 Më 27 qershor 1954, në Institutin e A.I.Leipunsky të Fizikës dhe Energjisë në qytetin e Obninsk-ut (qarku i Kaluga-s) u lançua termocentrali i parë bërthamor në botë. Nga kjo datë, filloi numërimi i historisë së energjisë bërthamore.

Nisja e suksesshme e termocentralit të parë bërthamor shkaktoi zhurmё e bujё ndërkombëtare dhe u bë një kthesë nga programet thjesht ushtarake në përdorimin paqësor të energjisë atomike.

Termocentrali bërthamor nё Obninsk funksionoi me sukses për gati 48 vjet - 18 vjet më shumë se sa ishte planifikuar. Reaktori i tij u mbyll në vitin 2002.

Mё pas në bazë të kёtij termocentrali bërthamor u krijua një muze i energjisë atomike.

#Russia #technologies #atom #NPP #history #OTD #Россия #технологии #атом #АЭС #история
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📅 #OTD in 1943, the Allies leaders representing the USSR, the United States, and the United Kingdom opened their first World War II-era conference.

🇷🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧 From November 28 to December 1, 1943, the Big Three — Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars Joseph Stalin, President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill — gathered in Tehran to discuss key strategic matters for the Allies with a special focus on opening the Second Front in Europe.

The meeting took place against the backdrop of the Red Army’s strategic advances in the summer and autumn of 1943, which helped convince the Western leaders of the inevitable defeat of the Third Reich and the need to outline a post-war framework for Europe.

In Tehran, the leaders reached a preliminary agreement on the Polish border, tracing it along the so-called Curzon Line of 1920 in the east and along the River Oder in the west, which meant that territories of western Ukraine and Belarus were rightfully recognized as parts of the USSR.

🤝 To sum up the conference proceedings, the Leaders issued the Declaration of the Three Powers, stating that they had concerted their plans for the destruction of the German forces and reached complete agreement as to the scope and timing of the operations to be undertaken from the east, west and south. In the declaration, they also expressed their determination to work together in war and in the peace that [would] follow.

📄 From the document: “We came here with hope and determination. We leave here, friends in fact, in spirit and in purpose.”

On November 29, at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran, Churchill presented Stalin, with the Sword of Stalingrad, a ceremonial longsword forged by command of King of Great Britain George VI as a token of homage to the courage and heroism the Soviet people in general and the defenders of Stalingrad in particular.
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🗓️ #OTD in 1945 the Red Army began its assault on the Nazi stronghold, the Reichstag as the final part of the Berlin Offensive.

☝️ The days of the Nazis were numbered, they would soon answer for their crimes. Victory was nigh

🇷🇺 Më 27 qershor 1954, në Institutin e A.I.Leipunsky të Fizikës dhe Energjisë në qytetin e Obninsk-ut (qarku i Kaluga-s) u lançua termocentrali i parë bërthamor në botë. Nga kjo datë, filloi numërimi i historisë së energjisë bërthamore.

Nisja e suksesshme e termocentralit të parë bërthamor shkaktoi zhurmё e bujё ndërkombëtare dhe u bë një kthesë nga programet thjesht ushtarake në përdorimin paqësor të energjisë atomike.

Termocentrali bërthamor nё Obninsk funksionoi me sukses për gati 48 vjet - 18 vjet më shumë se sa ishte planifikuar. Reaktori i tij u mbyll në vitin 2002.

Mё pas në bazë të kёtij termocentrali bërthamor u krijua një muze i energjisë atomike.

#Russia #technologies #atom #NPP #history #OTD #Россия #технологии #атом #АЭС #история
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🗓 On 29 June 1941 the Battle for the Zapolyarye Polar Region began.

It lasted until 1 November 1944 and culminated in a decisive Red Army's victory over the Nazis and their cronies. The war theatre of the its initial part comprised the Murmansk region, Karelia, Barents, White and Kara Seas.

The Third Reich sought to capture the Kola Peninsula and Murmansk, the country's only ice-free port beyond the Arctic Circle, where the Northern Fleet of the USSR was stationed, at any cost. The German command's plan was to to break through the Soviet defence, deprive the USSR of access to the Arctic Ocean and advance to the east with Finland fighting side by side with the Nazis and pursuing its goal to occupy the Kola Peninsula and Soviet Karelia.

⚔️ Hitler threw Army "Norway" (97 thousand strong) to achieve this goals against the 14th Army of the Northern Front, a little over 50,000 people. The offensive of the united German-Finnish forces lasted a week, despite numerical advantage ultimately failed and stalled, not able to overcome the Red Army's resistance. They were forced to engage and retain defensive positions, while being bogged down in the Arctic for a prolonged period.

Yet the Nazis did not abandon attempts to if not capture Murmansk, then destroy it. Residential quarters were mercilessly bombed. All in all the Luftwaffe performed 792 air raids, having dropped 207 thousand bombs. To give this a perspective: by sheer density of air strikes Murmansk is second only to Stalingrad.

Finland's forced withdrawal from the war in autumn 1944 created favourable conditions for the Red Army to go on the offensive. In the course of the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation Soviet forces not only liberated the occupied areas of the Soviet Polar Regions but also provided invaluable assistance in the liberation of Norway.

⭐️ In total, more than 67 thousand Soviet soldiers perished in the battles at this war theatre. On December 5, 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR established the medal "For the Defence of the Soviet Polar Region", which was awarded to about 353 thousand people.

Contemporary Norwegian politician Just Lippe of the time wrote back in the day: "The Soviet army came to Norway not only as a military force, but also as a friend of the Norwegian people". In Oslo, Kirkenes, Budø, Elvenes and a number of other cities there are monuments to our soldiers with the inscription "Norway thanks you".

However, today, where the Soviet heroes selflessly & valiantly fought, including for the liberation of Norway, NATO troops regularly conduct anti-Russian military exercises and build-up military potential quite reminiscent of what the Third Reich did, while true pages of our common history are being torn apart and forgotten. That we won't allow ☝️ as #WeRemember

🇷🇺🇧🇾 Sot, #Bjellorusia, një shtet me të cilin Rusia është e lidhur nga miqësia vëllazërore shumëshekullore dhe lidhjet e ndihmës reciproke, festohet Ditën e Pavarësisë.

🎖 Gjatë Luftës së Madhe Patriotike, duke luftuar krah për krah, popujt tanë dhanë një kontribut vendimtar në Fitoren mbi nazizmin.

🇷🇺🤝🇧🇾 Rusia dhe Bjellorusia vazhdojnë të kapërcejnë së bashku sfida serioze dhe të mbrojnë interesat e tyre në arenën ndërkombëtare. Bashkëpunimi i ngushtë kryhet në çështjet e ushtarake dhe ushtarako-teknike, duke promovuar sigurinë kolektive.

🤝 Ne përgëzojmë kombin vëllazëror bjellorus për festën kombëtar!

#Belarus #Russia #IndependenceDay #OTD