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Ju ftojmë të ndiqni paradën ushtarake të fitorës mbi nazifashizmin në Sheshin e Kuq të Moskës, e cila filloi sot në orën 10 të mëngjesit (ora e Moskës).

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🎤 Gëzuar Ditën e Fitores së Madhe ju uron edhe këngëtarja jonë Aljona Vashçenko!
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🇷🇺🇦🇱 Në Ditën e Fitores në Luftën e Madhe Patriotike, punonjësit e Ambasadës së Rusisë në Shqipëri, si dhe bashkatdhetarët tanë iu bashkuan nismës "Regjimenti i Pavdekshëm" në formatin online, duke ndarë fotografi arkivore të të afërmve të tyre që mbrojtën atdheun tonë nga pushtuesit nazistë gjatë luftës.

Kujtim i përjetshëm për ata që vdiqën për Atdheun! Bëma juaj është e pavdekshme!
🇷🇺🇦🇱 В День Победы в Великой Отечественной войны сотрудники Посольства России в Албании, а также наши соотечественники присоединились к акции «Бессмертный полк» в формате онлайн, поделившись архивными фотографиями своих родственников, защищавших нашу Родину от немецко-фашистских захватчиков в годы войны.

Вечная память погибшим за Родину! Ваш подвиг бессмертен!

#Victory79 #9may #Победа79 #9мая #VictoryDay #LuftaeMadhePatriotike #Rusia #WW2 #ДеньПобеды79 #Russia
✍️ Me rastin e Ditës së Fitores Ambasada e Rusisë në Shqipëri përgatiti artikullin "Pa të drejtë për rilindje: 79 vjet të Fitores së Madhe ndaj nazizmit" kushtuar 79-vjetorit të Ditës së Fitores së Madhe nё Luftёn e Madhe Patriotike.

📍 Pika kryesore:

🔹Më 9 maj 1945, shtatëdhjetë e nëntë vjet më parë, në strofkën e tij, në Berlin u përmbys nazizmi gjerman. Duke kujtuar këtë datë, ne jo vetëm nderojmë brezin e fitimtarëve, por edhe përpiqemi të nxjerrim mësime nga e kaluara historike.

☝️ Pikёrisht Bashkimi Sovjetik dhe Ushtria e Kuqe e dhanё kontributin kryesor dhe vendimtar në shkatërrimin e nazizmit. Në betejat për çlirimin e Atdheut të tyre dhe një sërë vendesh evropiane humbën jetën 27 milionë qytetarë sovjetikë.

🔹Është për të ardhur keq që në tekstet e historisë në shumë vende të Evropës së sotme, SHBA-ve, Kanadasë këta të rënë nuk përmenden, ndërsa Bashkimi Sovjetik nuk përfshihet në vendet e koalicionit antihitlerian. Kjo është ulje dhe poshtërim i atyre që dhanë jetën për çlirimin e njerëzimit nga murtaja naziste!

❗️ Ne folëm për faktin që është e papranueshme të lihen në harresë dhe të rishkruhen mësimet e luftës më të tmerrshme në historinë e njerëzimit, pasi kjo sigurisht që do të çonte në përsëritjen e tragjedisë. Siç e shohim sot, për fat të keq, parashikimet e Rusisë u bënë realitet.

🇪🇺 Evropa, e cila më shumë se të gjithë vuajti nga Hitleri, duket sikur është kthyer tetëdhjetë vjet pas: fashistët ndodhen në kulmin e lavdisë, diskriminimi dhe vrasjet masive sipas tiparit kombëtar, gjuhësor, fetar konsiderohen normë, ndërsa në stepat ukrainase veprojnë luftëtarë dhe automjete të blinduara me simbolikën e njësive SS, të ndaluara me vendim të Tribunalit të Nurembergut.

🇷🇺🇦🇱 Dita e Fitores është një festë e përbashkët për Rusinë dhe Shqipërinë, e cila gjithashtu ka qenë pjesë e koalicionit antihitlerian. Në luftë kundër nazifashizmit humbën jetën 28 mijë patriotë shqiptarë. Ne nuk e harrojmë këtë kontribut të shqiptarëve në luftën e përbashkët kundër murtajës naziste të shekullit XX.

🔗 Lexoni plotësisht:
✍️ По случаю праздника Дня Победы Посольство России в Албании подготовило статью "Без права на возрождение: 79 лет Великой Победе над нацизмом", посвященную 79-й годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

📍 Основные тезисы:

🔹9 мая 1945 г., семьдесят девять лет назад, в своём логове, в Берлине, был повержен германский нацизм. Отмечая эту дату, мы не только отдаем дань памяти поколению победителей, но и пытаемся извлечь уроки из исторического прошлого.

🔹Главное, что предопределило величайшую трагедию в истории человечества, - это государственный эгоизм, трусость, потакание набиравшему силу агрессору, а ещё - слабость Лиги наций.

☝️ Именно Советский Союз и Красная Армия внесли решающий вклад в разгром нацизма. В боях за освобождение территории своей Родины и ряда стран Европы погибли 27 млн советских граждан.

🔹Печально, что в учебниках по истории во многих странах сегодняшней Европы, США, Канады эти жертвы не упоминаются, а СССР не относят к странам антигитлеровской коалиции. Это низость и подлость по отношению к памяти тех, кто отдал жизни за освобождение человечества от коричневой чумы!

❗️ Мы говорили о том, что уроки самой страшной бойни в истории человечества предавать забвению и переписыванию недопустимо, поскольку это обязательно приведёт к повторению трагедии. Как видим сегодня, предвидение России, увы, сбылось.

🇪🇺 Европа, более всех пострадавшая от Гитлера, будто вернулась на восемь десятилетий назад: фашисты находятся в зените славы, дискриминация и массовые убийства по национальному, языковому, религиозному признаку считаются нормой, а в украинских степях орудуют боевики и бронетехника с символикой частей СС, запрещённых решением Нюрнбергского трибунала.

🇷🇺🇦🇱 День Победы – общий праздник для России и Албании, которая также являлась участником антигитлеровской коалиции. В борьбе с нацифашизмом погибли 28 тыс. албанских патриотов. Помним об этом вкладе албанцев в общее дело борьбы с коричневой чумой ХХ века.

🔗 Читайте полностью:

#Victory79 #9may #Победа79 #9мая #VictoryDay #LuftaeMadhePatriotike #Rusia #WW2 #ДеньПобеды79 #Russia
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📸 #PhotoOfTheDay

The main #VictoryParade

📍 Red Square, Moscow
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8️⃣0️⃣ years ago, the Red Army launched its Crimean offensive, liberating German-occupied Sevastopol, the symbol of Russian naval glory and the main base of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1941–1942, the city sustained a 250-day long siege, pinning down a considerable German and Romanian force. Prior to taking Sevastopol by assault, the enemy concentrated the largest artillery group of all used in that war. Had Sevastopol failed to resist for so long, the enemy could have reached the Volga and the Caucasus much earlier, something that would have changed the course of the war.

Red Army troops fought heroically on Mount Sapun, Armoured Turret Battery-30, at the foot of the MacKenzie Heights… Occasionally, they had to attack the enemy with their bare hands, for artillery ammunition was in short supply, the supply lines were disrupted, and ships were sunk by the Germans.

▪️ In June 1942, the last defenders of Sevastopol had to leave the city. During the German occupation, nearly 27,000 local civilians were killed and another 45,000 rounded up and sent for slave labour in Germany.

🌟 The mission to liberate the Crimea and Sevastopol was entrusted to the 4th Ukrainian Front commanded by Army General Fyodor Tolbukhin and the Separate Coastal Army commanded by Army General Andrey Yeryomenko. Launching attacks from the north and the east, they drove the enemy from the key cities in the peninsula within days. On May 9, 1944, Sevastopol was liberated following a four-day assault, with the German and Romanian troops chucked into the sea.

The enemy spent 250 days trying to seize the city, whereas the Red Army did the job within just one week in May 1944.

🎖 Sevastopol was among the first to be awarded the title of Hero City. This happened on May 8, 1965. In December 1942, the medal For the Defence of Sevastopol was instituted, with over 52,000 people decorated with it by the mid-1990s.

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Shikoni paradën ushtarake të fitorës mbi nazifashizmin në Sheshin e Kuq të Moskës:

Смотрите Парад победы на Красной площади в Москве:
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🎙️ Gëzuar Ditën e Fitores së Madhe ju uron edhe recituesja jonë Zoya Nemytykh!
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Në Moskë u zhvillua një shfaqje fishekzjarresh për nder të 79-vjetorit të Fitores në Luftën e Madhe Patriotike. Njerëzit po bërtasin "Rusia".
В Москве состоялся праздничный салют в честь 79-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Люди скандируют "Россия".
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✍️ President Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants and guests of the 15th International Economic Forum “Russia – Islamic World: #KazanForum,” underway in Kazan (May 10, 2024)

💬 Russia values its traditionally friendly ties with Muslim countries. We highly appreciate their desire to pursue an independent foreign policy and increase their role in international affairs.

Together, we stand for the formation of a democratic multipolar world order, based on the rule of law and principles of justice, free from any form of dictatorship and discrimination. Of course, we are also committed to expanding mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas, from trade and investment to sports and tourism.

☝️ We believe the next meeting of the Russia – Islamic World Strategic Vision Working Group, organised together with representatives of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, is of great importance. It is also important that Russia’s interaction with this authoritative international association on current issues of the regional and global agenda is progressing.

I believe that the work of the Forum will be meaningful and constructive as always and will be held in a spirit of openness and trust. It will serve to further promote the friendship and creative partnership between our countries and peoples.

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🎬 From Berlin to Maidan: 80 years on — Nazism gaining notoriety in Ukraine — an RT Doc Film.

Synopsis: In 1945 the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany and put an end to the Nazi atrocities at the cost of 27 million lives of the Soviet people. 80 years later, the same nationalist ideas the Soviet people had been fighting against is starting to spread across Ukraine.

The main ideas of the Third Reich are now relevant in Ukraine: killing of civilians, militarisation of society and radical policy imposed by nationalists. Besides that, history books in Ukraine are being rewritten, with nationalist leaders Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich being made new role models, while the monuments of WWII heroes are being demolished. Decades later, is history repeating itself again?

The authors of the film, talking about the Great Patriotic War, draw parallels with the current events in Ukraine. Now, at the places of those old battles, when the Red Army liberated Ukraine from Hitler, hostilities are taking place again. The grandchildren of the Soviet soldiers who defeated German fascism in 1945 have to fight with its new followers, whose hero is Bandera. Historians, political scientists and journalists share their opinions on the reasons that led to the war 80 years ago and on the current situation in Ukraine.
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🌐 Në të gjithë botën, diplomatë rusë, bashkatdhetarë dhe miq të vendit tonë bënë homazhe për heronjtë e Luftës së Madhe Patriotike dhe bëmën e tyre të pavdekshme.

📹 Në videon tonë tregohet për atë se si festohej #DitaeFitores larg shtëpisë.

🌐 По всему миру российские дипломаты, соотечественники и друзья нашей страны отдали дань памяти героям Великой Отечественной войны и их бессмертному подвигу.

📹 О том, как праздновали #ДеньПобеды вдали от дома, в нашем ролике.

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🗓 On May 11, 1939, Soviet Union and Mongolia fended off militarist Japan invasion, securing victory at the Khalkhin Gol River.
In 1936, the Japanese government adopted the Fundamental Principles of National Policy, which outlined plans for the full conquest of China and subsequent military offensives into Mongolia and the Soviet Union.
To execute its expansionist strategies, Japan sought support from Nazi Germany, solidifying their alliance with the signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact on November 25, 1936.
🤝 Considering the possibility of a Japanese attack on the Mongolian People’s Republic and the use of its territory as a launching pad for aggression against the USSR, the Soviet and Mongolian governments signed a Protocol of Mutual Assistance on March 12, 1936.
On July 7, 1937, Japan initiated a full-scale war against China. This further complicated the relations between Moscow and Tokyo, leading to heightened tensions, which boiled over in 1938 into an armed conflict along the Soviet-Manchurian border near Lake Khasan.

⚔️ The Khalkhin Gol River conflict erupted when Japanese troops entered the area and opened fire at the Mongolian border guards. The Red Army swiftly intervened to support their Mongolian allies.
Japan’s invasion of Mongolia was also driven by a desire for retaliation following the unsuccessful confrontation at Lake Khasan. It was also a strategy to compel the Soviet Union to withdraw support for China.
📄 In collaboration with the Mongolian forces, the Red Army successfully repelled the Japanese invasion and by late August, expelled them from Mongolian territory. On September 16, an agreement was reached between the Soviet Union, the Mongolian People’s Republic, and Japan to cease hostilities.
❗️ The victory of the USSR and their Mongolian allies carried a long-term influence on the dynamics of World War II. The Red Army’s triumph at Khalkhin Gol compelled the Japanese to abandon their plans for a major assault on the USSR.

⚡️ Комментарий официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой в связи с попытками киевского режима омрачить празднование 10-летия Дня республики в ДНР и ЛНР (11 мая 2024 года).

💬 11 мая исполнилось 10 лет со дня проведения в ДНР и ЛНР исторического референдума о будущем двух республик. На этом плебисците большинство голосовавших в тогдашних Донецкой и Луганской областях Украины высказались за самоопределение регионов. Поводом стало несогласие людей с националистической политикой киевского режима, пришедшего к власти в стране в результате антиконституционного вооруженного госпереворота. За суверенитет высказалось большинство участников плебисцитов: в ЛНР – 96,2% и ДНР – 89,7%. По этому случаю установлены праздничные даты: 11 мая – День республики отмечается в ДНР, 12 мая – в ЛНР.

На Украине, где как огня боятся гласа народа, эти референдумы всегда вызывали обречённые раздражение и ярость. Поэтому к юбилею бандеровцы при поддержке США и ведомой ими западной фаланги цинично приурочили целую серию варварских террористических атак против мирного населения и гражданской инфраструктуры в республиках российского Донбасса.

• Поздно вечером 10 мая ВСУ обстреляли г.Ровеньки в ЛНР. По предварительным данным, были использованы недавно поставленные американцами Киеву дальнобойные ракеты ATACMS. Удар пришелся по нефтебазе, на которой произошел масштабный пожар. Повреждены расположенные поблизости жилые дома. Имеются жертвы. Среди пострадавших есть ребенок.

• 11 мая, в день юбилея ДНР, украинские неонацисты обстреляли город Донецк из американских ракет HIMARS. В результате прямого попадания по ресторану «Парадиз» в Кировском районе погибли три человека, еще восемь ранены, в т.ч. 12-летняя девочка.

• Удары наносились и по другим районам города. Взрывы прогремели недалеко от недавно открытого в регионе перинатального центра и в кафе, у которого собирались участники автопробега, посвященного Дню республики. К счастью, никто из находившихся там людей не пострадал.

Следственный комитет России оперативно начал расследование этого преступления. Все причастные и ответственные за эту и другие террористические атаки на территории нашей страны понесут неотвратимое наказание.

Мы восхищаемся мужеством и стойкостью дончан и луганчан, которых не смогли сломить засевшие пока в Киеве укронацисты. Сегодня ДНР и ЛНР являются неотъемлемой частью нашей общей Родины – Российской Федерации. Благодаря поддержке всей страны, всего нашего народа в республиках полным ходом идет масштабное восстановление разрушенного войной хозяйства, реализуются востребованные программы, направленные на укрепление экономики и социальной сферы, повышение качества жизни людей.

❗️ Убеждены, что как бы ни пытался режим Зеленского в бессильной злобе воспрепятствовать нашему курсу на восстановление исторической справедливости, ничего у него не получится. Все вместе вернем долгожданный мир и решим самые сложные задачи. Победа будет за нами!