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Forwarded from Readovka World
German NTV accidentally filmed a tank with a swastika

This footage strongly annoyed the German and they started twitting that "now you see: there are "NO" Nazis in Ukraine". Some even noted that "these must be Hindus."

In Germany, social media users turned to the politicians and asked if they really want the tanks provided to Ukraine to drive around with swastikas painted on them.

"When even NTV can no longer hide the truth. Why does Scholz support German Nazis and fascists in Ukraine?" another user tweeted.

The original video was taken from NTV's Twitter homepage and was even televised.
Media is too big
*Warning: the footage is not blurred and shows quite clearly Ukraine's terrorism of Donetsk today, killing at least five in a very central area of the city, where there are no military targets, only Donetsk civilians.

This comes just 3 days after Ukraine shelled a western district of Donetsk, killing 13 civilians, including 2 children. That scene was horrific, body parts everywhere, bodies torn in half.

Two days before that, Ukraine shelled the heart of Donetsk, killing four civilians.

Ukraine is using western weapons in slaughtering the civilians of Donbass.

Warning: the footage is not blurred and shows quite clearly Ukraine's terrorism of Donetsk today.

Pure Ukrainian terrorism.
Forwarded from Imagined Realities
We’re delighted to share the complete recording of our live conversation on Youtube with Dr Vandana Shiva, at Y3K: Building New Earth which took place in Mumbai, a few weeks ago.

The recording includes audience questions and bytes from the community about what they loved about the discussion and the film too! We have also uploaded the same video on Odyssey, in case there are any issues with Youtube.

Topics covered in the conversation range from love and interconnectedness, the Great Reset, colonialism and imperialism, surveillance capitalism, Indian culture and heritage, holistic health and wellness, philanthrocapitalism, financialisation of nature, regenerative solutions for humanity, quantum physics and spirituality and more.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy the conversation, and find value in sharing it with friends, family, colleagues and others in the spirit of encouraging curiosity, conversations and collective learning.

Khrisha & Team Dysco
Media is too big

Demonstration titled: "War & Pandemic: Same Strategy of Control" on 21st September 2022

Organised by:

(The seven-color peace flag used in Italy is not to be confused with the similar six-color gay pride flag, which does not have azure, and has the colors in the opposite order with red at the top.)
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Dr Peter McCullough testifies under oath that mRNA injections are killing children. Two teenage boys died due to injection confirmed by autopsies. Dr McCullough declares that all mRNA injections should stop immediately and be pulled from the market before more children die.
Health professionals: Join our child vaccine plea to the new PM By
Dr Ros Jones

"Now we have a new Prime Minister and are presenting a letter directly to 10 Downing Street on Monday appealing to her to pause the vaccine for healthy under-18s. I am now calling on all concerned doctors, scientists and health professionals to add their signature to it."
Jordan Peterson talked about a totalitarian society as one in which everybody lies. Piers Morgan tried to pin this on Putin, while he himself was lying. Peterson rectified it by indicating that cancel culture is the sign of a totalitarian society, and it is rampant in the West.

So let's call out the lies. Starting with this one:

Putin DID NOT threaten offensive nuclear war as his remarks in the West are being spun

"But said Russia would defend its own territory with nuclear weapons if necessary. It isn’t known what level of Ukrainian attack against what Russia would now consider its own territory would be needed to bring about such a response."
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Moderna's CMO Believes Spikes from the mRNA Vaccine Get to the Heart
Are People Going to Accuse the Manufacturer of Spreading Misinformation?
Dr. Byram W. Bridle

A senior reporter for Yahoo Finance published an article on June 7, 2022. Here is a very notable quote taken directly from the article…

Moderna's chief medical officer Dr. Paul Burton, in a separate interview Tuesday with Yahoo Finance, said the risk of myocarditis could have to do with an interaction with the spike protein — which plays a role in the basis of all Covid vaccines — and heart muscle cells.

"We know so much more about myocarditis today than we did a year ago. I do believe that it is the spike protein....that either causes a little bit of direct damage to the heart, or antibodies that are produced that react with the heart cells," Burton said.

Moderna knows so much more about the myocarditis caused by their COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ by virtue of having experimented with it for a year in the context of a global rollout....


#covid19 #Moderna #vaccine_dangers #myocarditis
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards

A 2012 article published by Child Health Safety has resurfaced. The article detailed a paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher, Lucija Tomljenovic, who dug up the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, is a research scientist with the Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Colombia, Canada. She has extensive experience investigating the safety of vaccine adjuvants.

As Food Freedom News’ Andrew Baker noted in an article the following year, the secret official documents show that government experts have:

1. Known the vaccines don’t work.
2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent.
3. Known they are a hazard to children.
4. Colluded to lie to the public.
5. Worked to prevent safety studies.
6. “Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US,” Baker wrote....

In summary, the transcripts of the JCVI/DH meetings from the period from 1983 to 2010 appear to show that:

1) Instead of reacting appropriately by re-examining existing vaccination policies when safety concerns over specific vaccines were identified by their own investigations, the JCVI either a) took no action, b) skewed or selectively removed unfavourable safety data from public reports and c) made intensive efforts to reassure both the public and the authorities in the safety of respective vaccines;

2) Significantly restricted contraindication to vaccination criteria in order to increase vaccination rates despite outstanding and unresolved safety issues;

3) On multiple occasions requested from vaccine manufacturers to make specific amendments to their data sheets, when these were in conflict with JCVI’s official advices on immunisations;

4) Persistently relied on methodologically dubious studies, while dismissing independent research, to promote vaccine policies;

5) Persistently and categorically downplayed safety concerns while over-inflating vaccine benefits;

6) Promoted and elaborated a plan for introducing new vaccines of questionable efficacy and safety into the routine paediatric schedule, on the assumption that the licenses would eventually be granted;

7) Actively discouraged research on vaccine safety issues;

8) Deliberately took advantage of parents’ trust and lack of relevant knowledge on vaccinations in order to promote a scientifically unsupported immunisation program which could put certain children at risk of severe long-term neurological damage....


#UK #coverup #vaccine_dangers
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
"The kind of planning and thinking it takes to have done what has happened are people who would worship Satan."
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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🇷🇺🇻🇦 Sergey #Lavrov had a meeting with Secretary of State of the Holy See Cardinal Pietro Parolin on the #UNGA77 Session.

▫️ The Minister made clear the reasons for the ongoing crisis in relations between Russia and the West, which is the result of NATO’s crusade to destroy Russia and split the world. The steps taken by Russia are designed to ensure independence and security, as well as to counter the United States’ hegemonic aspirations to control all global processes.

▫️ Sergey Lavrov explained that the forthcoming referendums in the DPR and the LPR, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, are fully consistent with international law and serve to ensure the legitimate rights of the residents of these territories to self-determination and to building their life in accordance with their own civilisational, cultural and religious traditions.

🤝 The parties noted the productive nature of the ongoing Russian-Vatican state-to-state and church-to-church dialogue at the high and highest levels.
Forwarded from NBD Europe official

Excess mortality hits +16% highest 2022 value so far amounting to around 53 000 additional deaths in July this year compared with the monthly averages for 2016-2019.

Excess mortality in the EU climbed to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May. The excess mortality rate was +3% in July 2020 (10 000 excess deaths) and +6% in July 2021 (21 000 excess deaths). Based on the available information, some of the mortality increase in July 2022 may be due to the heatwaves.

Excess mortality continued to vary across the EU Member States, with 8 Member States recording values above the EU average. The highest rates in July 2022 were recorded in Spain (+37%) and Cyprus (+33%). Greece followed with +31%. Meanwhile, only Latvia (-0.5%) registered no excess deaths.

The EU registered earlier major peaks in excess deaths in April 2020 (+25%), November 2020 (+40%), April 2021 (+21%) and November 2021 (+27%).
This is particularly dark. Worth a read especially because of that.
Sorry not to have a more optimistic slant.
Best wishes

(Nuclear) conflict is geoengineering
Very interesting. Johnny Vedmore is a new name to me. Fascinating piece of investigative journalism. Kudos.
Best wishes

"There is a small group of elite British scientists who have been busy manipulating the Covid-19 crisis to benefit a hidden agenda. These core players at the centre of creating authoritarian control structures under the guise of Covid response have major connections to the Wellcome Trust, an ostensibly “philanthropic” endeavour known for funding medical research. These individual’s efforts began long before the Covid era and even include first engineering the creation of the modern day Wellcome Trust as a by-product of the birth of the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. This team of men are responsible for key components of global Covid-19 response, the infamous proximal origin paper, the implementation of the entire UK vaccine roll-out and so much more. Yet, barely anyone knows a single name of “the Wellcome Five.”
Robin Monotti + Cory Morningstar
Framed as altruistic imperatives, SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goal's) are, in reality, nothing more than emerging markets to save the global capitalist system. The economic system is being transformed, rebooted, digitized, and privatized (blended finance…
UHC2030: The United Nations’ Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare

September 21, 2022:

"In our continuing series exploring sustainable development and the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we turn our attention to SDG 3 which promises to “ensure healthy lives.” Once again, when we scrutinise this promise it is empty. Through the 2030 Agenda for Universal Health Coverage (UHC2030) it seems that debt-based neocolonialism and oppressive global governance by a global public-private partnership are the real goals."
This is dynamite. Funnily enough, I remember these events but had no idea of their significance at the time.
The Wellcome Trust was formed in 1995 by sale of shares in Wellcome Research Labs (& other trading names for its pharmaceutical products, such as Burroughs Wellcome in the US) to Glaxo. Glaxo was the size it was more or less on the back of its histamine H2 blocker, Zantac (now redundant, because Australian researchers discovered that gastric ulcers were caused by a bacterium, offering a curative path instead of permanent symptom treatment).
We used to call their huge R&D base at Stevenage “the house that Zantac built”.
Look at what they did & still do with that massive endowment.
Note that Farrar was friends with Fauci right back to the 1980s. I guess that Farrar had ambition to create a structure equally important to UK science as was Fauci’s NIAID /NIH.
Wellcome Trust has enormous heft in UK research & influence on most UK universities.