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Forwarded from Luna
Mark Crispin Miller, who's a legit opponent to the jabs and the Great Reset, said that Vietnam ended not because of protests, but because the body count of soldiers was too big to ignore. He thinks the jab deaths will be so numerous that, like Vietnam, they will be impossible to ignore, and might bring down the whole evil agenda.
"Deaths due to an irregular heartbeat are likely to be one of the reasons more people than usual have been dying this year - with the number well above average so far.

The number of deaths registered in England and Wales due to cardiac arrhythmias was more than usual for much of the first half of 2022, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Deaths in this category had the second highest excess mortality figures in March and April, up from being the eighth highest in February and the fourth highest in January.
Excess deaths, or extra deaths, are the number of deaths that are above the long-term average for a particular week or month of the year.

There were 234 excess deaths due to an irregular heartbeat registered in March and 138 in April.

In both months this was the second highest number of excess deaths by cause, behind only those due to "ill-defined conditions"..
Global Excess Mortality Rates — Where’s the Investigation?

Are scientists and the media deliberately overlooking COVID-19 vaccines as a possible factor in global excess mortality rates?

"We have previously pointed to official data in 2021 that shows a temporal association between the apparent rises in “excess mortality” among different age groups and the time each was exposed to COVID-19 “genetic vaccines” (here and here).

These data were in plain sight in the public domain, being based on official data from the nearly 30 mainly European countries carried on the euroMOMO portal.

Now, a year on, it’s nigh on impossible to hide the fact that in many industrialized countries that went full swing into intense control measures, from lockdownsmasks, genetic surveillance and “genetic vaccines,” people are dying at unexpectedly high rates.

The jabs or boosters may be a factor — but so may a bunch of other things, such as not gaining timely and proper medical attention, psychosocial stress and deprivation, along with a gamut of other potential co-factors.

The current apparent excesses in deaths over those that would have been expected is especially unusual given they have occurred during the northern hemisphere summer when deaths are normally at their lowest — and it is difficult to apportion blame to an invisible virus that on all accounts has lost virulence in its current guise.

According to The Guardian, even the U.K. Health Security Department argues summer heatwaves only explained around 7% of the excess mortality in July in England and Wales.

We have to ask ourselves what’s really going on."
Forwarded from UkraineNaziWatch
BBC: Zelensky's bodyguards are neo-nazis, 2022

Well, there will be no usual quote, since the BBC didn't say anything particular...
It just showed 😁 though. See the President's bodyguard at 28th second.

The patch is manufactured by a Ukrainian company with a telling name "R3ICH" (its non operational website) and is called "Operator Skull".

Strictly speaking this is not a 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf patch, but .... well...
▫️the manufacturer's name (a reference to 3rd Reich);
▫️the skull (a reference to "SS totenkopf")
▫️on the "operator" helmet there is a "white key on the black" image (top right edge) which is The 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler insignia.

P.S. As I say:
Isolated cases of nazism can't be taken as a proof, but a stream of such reports ... must be closely regarded.

This event under normal circumstances would have been no more than a local scandal, but it's not a sole event ... read the rest of this channel.
Forwarded from UkraineNaziWatch
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Is it that hard to make a video without Ukraine nazi being captured on the film? C'mon, people! It can't be that hard, right?

other instances of the same kind:

▫️GettyImages: Not a photo without a ukraine nazi in sight
▫️Not an article without a nazi insignia on Ukraine soldier (this, that one also this, yep this one too)
▫️Newsweek: Armed Forces of Ukraine makes a post featuring photos of neo-nazis, 2022
▫️TVN24 „Wstajesz i wiesz” (Poland). 39th day of Russia's treacherous invasion of Ukraine, 03/04/2022
▫️President's Instagram: Another Ukraine president's post and another batch of nazis being elevated to heroes of Ukraine status, 2022

Can some one, please, stop this?!
▫️The Ukraine President's post commemorating the ww2 Victory Day with a Ukraine soldier wearing totenkopf, 2022

An advice: Western media need to use AI post processing of all video/photo to catch all neo-nazis insignias before airing the materials to the public. No sane human can do so much checking and editing! 🤣

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As if it was not enough for the German government to (once again) support Nazism, this time in Ukraine, Italian "leftist" media is now calling "heroes" the Nazis of the Azov battalion.

Conformism to media narratives allowed Nazism to triumph in Germany and Fascism to triumph in Italy. The same conformism is still there in both countries. This mass formation needs to be broken. Everyone needs to speak out about the rampant Nazism is Ukraine's army (and intelligence agencies, and police).

Title reads:

""Heroes" of Azovstal freed.."

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Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
'This Is a Signal': People With Jobs Are, All of a Sudden, Becoming Disabled at Alarming Rates

General Population:
6.6% rate of change in disability.

Employed Population: 22.6% rate of change in disability.

And what's the key variable that differentiates employed people from the general population over the past year and a half? VACCINE MANDATES!

Which leads us to the only logical conclusion: these jabs, on a clear and convincing basis, are primarily responsible for this sudden spike in disability.

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If we are to survive as a nation, we must end Liz Truss’s “Ukraine First” priority and replace it with a “UK First policy !”

"New Prime Minister Liz Truss has just announced a continuation of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s policies on Ukraine. She has doubled military aid to President Zelensky’s government to £4.6 Bn which takes the total Ukraine aid commitment to £7Bn in less than a year. In contrast the annual bill for the UK presence in Afghanistan was £1Bn.

The Rail and Tube budgets have been slashed by £4Bn, which have been a major factor in the strike in that sector. Major public projects are being postponed, such as new NHS hospitals, and there is a general fear of cuts to local and national government services. It is clear that the pursuing of the government’s proxy war in Ukraine has become their new priority, over and above everything else.

There might have been some minute excuse that Boris Johnson’s slap dash headline grabbing premiership did not comprehend the consequences on the country of poorly thought out Ukraine policies. However, with Liz Truss, there is no such excuse, both she and other Tory leader contender, admitted at the final public hustings meeting, that they expected the public to be prepared to suffer for their Ukraine policy."
Forwarded from Readovka World
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Prime Minister Liz Truss’s speech to the UN General Assembly: "And that’s why — at this crucial moment in the conflict — I pledge that we will sustain or increase our military support to Ukraine, for as long as it takes. New UK weapons are arriving in Ukraine as I speak – including more MLRS rockets. We will not rest until Ukraine prevails."
Forwarded from Readovka World
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Brutal footage from the center of Donetsk — Ukrainian shell destroyed a bus, with dead bodies lying next to it, 18+

On the eve of the referendum, which is to be held tomorrow, including in the DPR, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have tightened the shelling of Donetsk. Since the morning, Kyiv has been striking civilian areas of the city — in the Voroshylovskyi District there are many dead.

Officially, the number of casualties has not yet been reported. Eyewitnesses specify that the attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces is still going on. The number of casualties and wounded is increasing.
Forwarded from Bethany
This is why the destruction of Christianity in the West - which started explicitly in earnest in the early 20th century (look into the Lucis Trust as well as Marxism, eugenics, and other movements) - was necessary for controlling the population through fear. This was so clear with covid - not just the weaponisation of fear of death in the non-Christian parts of the population but the internal subversion of almost all brands of Christianity so that congregations were persuaded to put safety in this world above God's constant reminders to 'be not afraid ' and the basic tenet of faith that this life is only a precursor to eternal life with God (or in the other place).
The post above is referring to the words of the Christian market trader in Donetsk, under attack by (neopagan) Nazis backed by the Western oligarchy. Yes this is a religious war between Christianity and Paganism (an alliance of Nazism & Transhuamanism in this case), there is no better way to describe the bigger spiritual picture to all that is happening.
Media is too big
Since the US deep state used its proxies in Kiev to attack Donbass in 2014, it was clear the endgame was a bigger war to destroy Europe. In Russia some could see it as far back as 2016, if not before. This is the late populist-liberal politician Zhirinovsky calling it 6 years ago.

I called it one year ago:
