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Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
So, while the CDC definitively states that “The smallpox vaccine is safe,” they then exclude huge segments of the population, leaving very few people for whom it might be safe. The list of people at greater risk also includes people with a “family history of heart problems.” Do any of us know even a single person who doesn’t fit that into that category?


#covid19 #vaccine_dangers #adverse_reactions #smallpox
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Pfizer’s Own Informed Consent Documents Undermine FDA and CDC’s Cries of “Safe and Effective”

Pfizer’s own informed consent documents, recently obtained by ICAN, show it discloses potential concerns, including myocarditis, original antigenic sin, and birth defects, while the FDA & CDC whitewash these concerns to declare these products are safe and effective.

ICAN has now obtained the materials used by the Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital in conducting its studies of the Pfizer booster vaccine, including in children. The documents prepared in consultation with Pfizer tell us a lot about how Pfizer understands the risks of its products.

Pfizer is clearly worried about the risks of myocarditis (heart inflammation) in kids. Pfizer’s own informed consent documents reveal that the risk of myocarditis may be as high as 1 in 1,000 (see page 4).

But the FDA and CDC blithely ignored this risk in approving the Pfizer mRNA shot in kids. Only after rushing this product through the approval process did the CDC begrudgingly admit that “Myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported, especially in adolescents and young adult males within several days after COVID-19 vaccination.”

Pfizer is also aware of the possibility of original antigenic sin and pathogenic priming (unwanted immune responses that leave one worse off in response to a virus than if one had done nothing). Pfizer warns parents of clinical trial participants that “it cannot yet be ruled out that the study vaccine could make a later COVID-19 illness more severe” (emphasis added). The FDA and CDC go to great lengths to hide that information while proclaiming “safe and effective” over and over again like a mantra.

Pfizer appears very worried about the potential of the teratogenesis (harm to a developing fetus) and even possibly mutagenesis (harm to DNA). So even though this is a trial in children, Pfizer disclosed to the parents of these children that “the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on sperm, a pregnancy, a fetus, or a nursing child are not known.”

But then Pfizer goes even further to state that:

—“If your daughter is pregnant, planning to become pregnant or is breast feeding a baby, she cannot be in the study as there may be risks to the unborn baby or nursing baby.Nobody knows what these risks are right now.”

—“If your daughter becomes pregnant, she will have to leave the study.”

—“If your child is a boy, and he thinks he may have gotten a girl pregnant, he or you must tell your child’s study doctor immediately. The study doctor may ask for information about the pregnancy and the birth of the baby. The study doctor may share this information with others who are working on this study.”

—“If your son is taking part in this study, he is not allowed to donate sperm for at least 28 days after his last vaccination.”

Let’s just pause to acknowledge just how deeply unsettling this language is. But it just goes to show that Pfizer wanted to make sure that they had no data at all on pregnancy outcomes. ...


#covid19 #Pfizer #informed_consent #ethics #vaccine_dangers
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
TODAY: UK Office of National Statistics. Excess deaths up 18%. 38% are attributed to COVID.
62% unexplained. The only explanation for the rest is vaccine damage.
Meryl Nass

According to the official government statistics, excess deaths for the week ending July 22 were up 18.1% above historical data. It is claimed that 40% “involve” COVID. 60% of the excess deaths (935 deaths that week) did not involve COVID. We are not told what their causes of death were.

For the prior 18 week period, we are told that all of the excess deaths, which were 11% above historical norms, “involved” COVID....

If England and Wales continue to have 18% excess deaths over the next year, they will have unexpectedly lost 87,360 people—a deadly pandemic of the undiagnosed! Where are the autopsies? When were they vaccinated? Is it true that the boosters seem to be particularly deadly?


#covid19 #UK #statistics #excess_deaths #vaccine_dangers #vaccine_deaths
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

Dr. Theresa Long, medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate.

Dr. Long also testified that the data is showing that deaths of military members from the vaccines exceed deaths from COVID-19 itself.

The DoD downplayed Dr. Long’s conclusions, saying the increase in vaccine injuries was caused by a “glitch in the database.”

During the all-day hearing, Liberty Counsel presented compelling testimony from the Navy Commander of a surface warship and three military flight surgeons, Lt. Col. Peter Chambers, Lt. Col. Teresa Long and Col. (Ret.) Stewart Tankersley, M.D. In contrast, the DOD declined to present witnesses.

Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver said in an interview with the Blaze’s Daniel Horowitz that there have been three hearings in this case, and the DoD has not yet offered a single witness. Instead of witnesses, the government “sends these declarations,” Staver explained. He said the judge has urged them to bring live witnesses to court so they can be cross examined, but they just refuse to do it. “So they send these declarations that some JAG attorney writes, and somebody in the military signs off on them.”

Staver said that the information the DoD has been presenting in court is “outdated, wrong, and would really be subject to dismantling under cross examination.” He added that cross examinations of his witnesses have only made their case stronger. “So they really don’t have anything to cross examine our witnesses with,” he said.

Staver told Horowitz that Judge Merryday has chastised the DoD lawyers during the hearings, telling them they have “a frail case,” and are “acting as though they are above the law.”

Dr. Theresa Long, a flight surgeon who holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is specially trained in the DMED, gave emotional testimony on March 10.

She and two other flight surgeons reviewed DMED last year and made some stunning discoveries about the high incidence of apparent vaccine injuries among members of the military.

According to the whistleblowers, certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.

Dr. Long testified that she was contacted by high level officer the night before the hearing, and told not to discuss her findings regarding the explosive military medical data in court. The whistleblower reportedly said she felt threatened after she tried to get her superiors to address the findings, “fearing for her life and for the safety of her children.”...


#covid19 #USA #military #vaccine_dangers #adverse_reactions #myocarditis #vaccine_resistance #hero
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Media is too big

Hilary Butler in VAXXED 2:

💉Damage as early and often as possible.
💉Deny the damage.
💉Denigrate the damaged when they complain.
💉Describe the parents of damaged children as deluded.
💉Demonize the parents.
💉Divide the society.

The aim: force everyone to be vaccinated, thus eliminating the control group to hide the damage.

#vaccine_dangers #demonization #censorship
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Moderna's CMO Believes Spikes from the mRNA Vaccine Get to the Heart
Are People Going to Accuse the Manufacturer of Spreading Misinformation?
Dr. Byram W. Bridle

A senior reporter for Yahoo Finance published an article on June 7, 2022. Here is a very notable quote taken directly from the article…

Moderna's chief medical officer Dr. Paul Burton, in a separate interview Tuesday with Yahoo Finance, said the risk of myocarditis could have to do with an interaction with the spike protein — which plays a role in the basis of all Covid vaccines — and heart muscle cells.

"We know so much more about myocarditis today than we did a year ago. I do believe that it is the spike protein....that either causes a little bit of direct damage to the heart, or antibodies that are produced that react with the heart cells," Burton said.

Moderna knows so much more about the myocarditis caused by their COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ by virtue of having experimented with it for a year in the context of a global rollout....


#covid19 #Moderna #vaccine_dangers #myocarditis
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards

A 2012 article published by Child Health Safety has resurfaced. The article detailed a paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher, Lucija Tomljenovic, who dug up the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, is a research scientist with the Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Colombia, Canada. She has extensive experience investigating the safety of vaccine adjuvants.

As Food Freedom News’ Andrew Baker noted in an article the following year, the secret official documents show that government experts have:

1. Known the vaccines don’t work.
2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent.
3. Known they are a hazard to children.
4. Colluded to lie to the public.
5. Worked to prevent safety studies.
6. “Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US,” Baker wrote....

In summary, the transcripts of the JCVI/DH meetings from the period from 1983 to 2010 appear to show that:

1) Instead of reacting appropriately by re-examining existing vaccination policies when safety concerns over specific vaccines were identified by their own investigations, the JCVI either a) took no action, b) skewed or selectively removed unfavourable safety data from public reports and c) made intensive efforts to reassure both the public and the authorities in the safety of respective vaccines;

2) Significantly restricted contraindication to vaccination criteria in order to increase vaccination rates despite outstanding and unresolved safety issues;

3) On multiple occasions requested from vaccine manufacturers to make specific amendments to their data sheets, when these were in conflict with JCVI’s official advices on immunisations;

4) Persistently relied on methodologically dubious studies, while dismissing independent research, to promote vaccine policies;

5) Persistently and categorically downplayed safety concerns while over-inflating vaccine benefits;

6) Promoted and elaborated a plan for introducing new vaccines of questionable efficacy and safety into the routine paediatric schedule, on the assumption that the licenses would eventually be granted;

7) Actively discouraged research on vaccine safety issues;

8) Deliberately took advantage of parents’ trust and lack of relevant knowledge on vaccinations in order to promote a scientifically unsupported immunisation program which could put certain children at risk of severe long-term neurological damage....


#UK #coverup #vaccine_dangers