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FINLAND "Truckers for freedom arrive in Helsinki.

The workers not the politicians will set you free. And it’s a beautiful thing." [Bernie's Tweets, Twitter]

#FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom2020 #COVID19
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Responds to Critics of His Positions Regarding COVID Tyranny and Ukraine

It seems simplistic to dismiss everything with the accusation of “conspiracy theory” against those who denounce the plots instead of those who plot them, especially when the conspiracy is admitted by its own architects....

Of course it is very strange that, in the face of a series of facts agreed on both by doctors and scientists (with regard to criticism of the experimental serum) and by political scientists and experts in international strategy (with regard to the present Russian-Ukrainian crisis), these two friends and colleagues – De Mattei and Weigel – are undertaking a joint action against me, not because of what I say – they are careful not to refute anything I have said by debating the facts or producing clear evidence – but simply deciding ex cathedra that since I do not share their positions on the pandemic or the Ukrainian conflict, I must be silenced without appeal, because of an alleged duty of respect towards “their” truth....

The ideological continuity between the pandemic farce and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis continues to emerge, beyond the evidence of the events and statements of the subjects involved, in the fact that the ultimate perpetrators of both are the same, all attributable to the globalist cabal of the World Economic Forum....


#covid19 #Ukraine #Vigano #critical_thinking #censorship #fear_mongering
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
So, while the CDC definitively states that “The smallpox vaccine is safe,” they then exclude huge segments of the population, leaving very few people for whom it might be safe. The list of people at greater risk also includes people with a “family history of heart problems.” Do any of us know even a single person who doesn’t fit that into that category?


#covid19 #vaccine_dangers #adverse_reactions #smallpox
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Pfizer’s Own Informed Consent Documents Undermine FDA and CDC’s Cries of “Safe and Effective”

Pfizer’s own informed consent documents, recently obtained by ICAN, show it discloses potential concerns, including myocarditis, original antigenic sin, and birth defects, while the FDA & CDC whitewash these concerns to declare these products are safe and effective.

ICAN has now obtained the materials used by the Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital in conducting its studies of the Pfizer booster vaccine, including in children. The documents prepared in consultation with Pfizer tell us a lot about how Pfizer understands the risks of its products.

Pfizer is clearly worried about the risks of myocarditis (heart inflammation) in kids. Pfizer’s own informed consent documents reveal that the risk of myocarditis may be as high as 1 in 1,000 (see page 4).

But the FDA and CDC blithely ignored this risk in approving the Pfizer mRNA shot in kids. Only after rushing this product through the approval process did the CDC begrudgingly admit that “Myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported, especially in adolescents and young adult males within several days after COVID-19 vaccination.”

Pfizer is also aware of the possibility of original antigenic sin and pathogenic priming (unwanted immune responses that leave one worse off in response to a virus than if one had done nothing). Pfizer warns parents of clinical trial participants that “it cannot yet be ruled out that the study vaccine could make a later COVID-19 illness more severe” (emphasis added). The FDA and CDC go to great lengths to hide that information while proclaiming “safe and effective” over and over again like a mantra.

Pfizer appears very worried about the potential of the teratogenesis (harm to a developing fetus) and even possibly mutagenesis (harm to DNA). So even though this is a trial in children, Pfizer disclosed to the parents of these children that “the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on sperm, a pregnancy, a fetus, or a nursing child are not known.”

But then Pfizer goes even further to state that:

—“If your daughter is pregnant, planning to become pregnant or is breast feeding a baby, she cannot be in the study as there may be risks to the unborn baby or nursing baby.Nobody knows what these risks are right now.”

—“If your daughter becomes pregnant, she will have to leave the study.”

—“If your child is a boy, and he thinks he may have gotten a girl pregnant, he or you must tell your child’s study doctor immediately. The study doctor may ask for information about the pregnancy and the birth of the baby. The study doctor may share this information with others who are working on this study.”

—“If your son is taking part in this study, he is not allowed to donate sperm for at least 28 days after his last vaccination.”

Let’s just pause to acknowledge just how deeply unsettling this language is. But it just goes to show that Pfizer wanted to make sure that they had no data at all on pregnancy outcomes. ...


#covid19 #Pfizer #informed_consent #ethics #vaccine_dangers
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Nuremberg, 1947

The first people gassed by the Nazis were not Jews in concentration camps (that came later), but disabled patients in psychiatric hospitals, murdered under the Third Reich’s “T4 Euthanasia Program.” Each of these death warrants was signed by a German physician. Even after the lethal regime turned its attention on Jews and other ethnic minorities, they continued to deploy quasi-public health justifications: Recall that the Jews were routinely demonized by the Nazis as “spreaders of disease.” ...

This principle [Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code] was further developed in the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association, the Belmont Report commissioned by the U.S. Federal Government in the 1970s, and subsequently codified under the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations in the “Common Rule,” the law governing human-subjects research in the United States.

Fast forward to 2020. In the face of the novel coronavirus, and the fears generated by media propaganda, the principle of free and informed consent was once again abandoned. The most egregious, but by no means the only, example was vaccine mandates enacted while the vaccines were still under emergency-use authorization, and, thus, by our federal government’s own definition, “experimental.”

How and why was the bulwark of 20th-century medical ethics abandoned so quickly, and with so little opposition from the medical and scientific establishment? What were the immediate effects? What will be the long-term, consequences of the shift back to a crass utilitarian ethic governing science, medicine, and public health during a pandemic?


#covid19 #Nuremberg2 #ethics #informed_consent #crimes_against_humanity #Nazis #eugenics
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If @BorisJohnson won't rule out another #lockdown, he won't rule out #VaccinePassports

£212m for
@SercoGroup Test & Trace for two years

£2.46m for the maintenance of the
#NHS #COVID19 app

£18m to 'deliver a Covid Pass 'live service' incl. operational management
🇬🇷 #GREECE: All #COVID19 related entry requirements for *all arrivals* to be lifted from 2nd May

Indoor masks ending from May 1st

No COVID-pass needed for hospitality

ℹ️ Travel advice set to be updated by the end of this month.
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
Covid Policy Tactics Were Borrowed from the Vietnam War


▶️ justifications for starting the War and the Lockdowns were similarly questionable
▶️ the stated mission was changed after intervention began
▶️ last far longer than governments had suggested in their original rollouts
▶️ dubious experts who were/are the faces and drivers of government policy
▶️ government officials misleadingly used fake statistics to advance their agendas
▶️ the government mistakenly relied on human confinement to eliminate elusive foes
▶️ the experts ignored the larger context of the challenges presented, thus causing vast, unnecessary collateral damage
▶️ governments failed to recognize the limits and costs of intervention
▶️ decision-makers unjustly and evilly shifted burdens from those who had already lived a long time to a younger generation who had the most vital life to lose
▶️ striving to fulfill such unrealistic pledges in these parallel situations cost many people dearly
▶️ zero tolerance
▶️ created economic winners and losers
▶️ the more affluent have been insulated from the suffering experienced by those who live hand to mouth
▶️ the government implemented technical solutions that were falsely touted as game-changers
▶️ governments also failed to consider the longer-term effects of their drastic interventions
▶️ government printed so much money that it will cause economy-distorting inflation that will stress individuals and families for decades
▶️ Partisan politics strongly tainted both the Vietnam and Coronavirus responses
▶️ Presidential history might repeat itself in the pandemic Era
▶️ Eventually, a consensus will emerge that the Coronavirus response was, like the Vietnam War, a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented


#covid19 #COIN #Vietnam #history #myth_making #lockdowns #Pandemicism
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
'No records' on church choirs spreading COVID
While Nova Scotia did not impose a mask mandate on singing or chanting by a performer or officiant during religious services during its wide-sweeping public health mandates, the province's chief medical officer of health had previously blamed 'faith gatherings' for a rise in coronavirus cases.

Nova Scotia's government has confirmed it has “no records” that singing in a choir at a faith gathering spreads COVID-19.

The lack of records turned up in response to the following Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act request:

Please provide all records that support that singing in a choir at a faith gathering spreads COVID-19.

And please provide all records on how many COVID-19 cases have been as a result of singing in a choir at a faith gathering. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 12/30/2021).

Here's how the province's Department of Health and Wellness responded:

After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2)(b) of the Act, that Health and Wellness does not have custody or control of records which would respond to your application.

Decisions related to public heath restrictions are based on publicly available national and international guidance as well as published literature.

I am unaware of a department or agency which would hold such records.

The Atlantic province's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Robert Strang, once blamed “several clusters of cases” on “several faith groups that participated recently in a single multi-day event.” ...


#covid19 #NovaScotia #Canada #demonization #myth_making
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
The Psychology of Mimetic Contagion

...I suggest that two accounts of social psychology—the mass formation theory of Matthias Desmet and the mimetic contagion theory of Rene Girard, help to answer this question. These two theories also go a long way toward explaining some of the more puzzling behaviors we saw emerge during the pandemic....

Individuals in the mass are impervious to rational argumentation, and respond instead to vivid visual images, including numbers and statistics presented in charts and graphs, and repetition of the messages central to the narrative. Desmet furthermore claims that—as in a hypnotized state where one can be insensitive to pain, allowing even for surgery without anesthesia—someone caught up in the process of mass formation becomes radically insensitive to other important values in life. All kinds of goods can be taken from him, including his freedom, and he takes little notice of these losses and harms....

In addition to the mass formation theory, the insights of Stanford Professor Rene Girard, one of the 20th Century’s greatest thinkers, on mimetic contagion and the scapegoating mechanism are helpful to understand this phenomenon. In many ways, this complements the mass formation account. Girard saw that we imitate not only one another’s behaviors, but one another’s desires. We end up wanting the same thing(s), e.g., “I need to be first in line for the vaccine, which will let me get my life back.”

This can lead to mimetic rivalry and increase social tension and conflict. The mechanism that societies use to resolve this conflict is scapegoating. The social tension (amplified during lockdowns and with the fear-based propaganda) is attributed to a person or class of person, with the proposal that if we can only rid ourselves of the [fill in the blank “unclean” member(s) of society] the social tension will resolve.

The banishment or destruction of the scapegoat (in this case, the unvaccinated) falsely promises to return society to a harmonious state and diffuse the threat of violent conflict. While scapegoating does relieve social tensions a bit, this is always only temporary. Mimetic rivalry continues, social tensions once again build, and another scapegoat must be identified (e.g., now the enemy is those who spread alleged disinformation). The cycle continues. ....


#covid19 #Pandemicism #mass_psychosis #hysteria #psychology #demonization
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
NHS boss orders hospitals to ditch ALL remaining Covid visiting restrictions - as she says 'no patient should have to be alone'
NHS boss told trusts to allow visits to boost patient mental health and recovery
Hospitals should return or pre-Covid policies 'or better' on inpatient visiting
It comes after dozens of hospitals still had limits on visiting last month

NHS hospitals have once again been told to scrap any patient visiting restrictions introduced during the Covid pandemic.

Amanda Pritchard, chief executive of NHS England, yesterday told trusts to allow visitors to boost patients' 'experience, mental health and recovery'.

In a letter sent to hospital bosses, she said all healthcare settings 'should now begin transitioning back towards their own pre-pandemic (or better) policies on inpatient visiting'.

Ms Pritchard added the 'default position' should be 'no patient having to be alone unless through their choice'. ...

Last month Queen Victoria Hospital in Sussex, Yeovil Hospital and St Bartholomew's in London came under fire for stringent visitor limits. MPs claimed the restrictions were illegal. ...

...Ms Pritchard told an NHS England meeting yesterday visitor guidelines should be implemented in full citing significant benefits.

She said: 'Allowing visitors, as well as loved ones accompanying those attended planned appointments, is really important to patient experience, mental health and recovery.

'Not to mention the benefit that clinicians can get from having the input and insight into their patient from those who know them best.

'As well as the value to patient care, this is about the core NHS values of compassion, of dignity and of respect.' ...

NHS trusts across England were told to 'return to pre-pandemic physical distancing in all areas'. ...


#covid19 #UK #NHS #restrictions #hospitals