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"Game plan for 30 years"
🎙Ambassador Andrei Kelin's interview to Mark Austin on Sky News (03.11.22)

Key points:

▪️The UK is in too deep in the conflict in Ukraine. Russia has the proof.

▪️Evidence of British participation in training Ukrainian troops for the attack against Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol has been presented to Ambassador Deborah Bronnert and the UK military attaché in Moscow.

▪️Dangerous UK actions lead to escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

▪️Russia has been trying to avoid a military conflict in Ukraine for eight years, calling upon Ukraine to implement the Minsk Agreements. Regrettably, our calls had been ignored.

▪️A nuclear war cannot be won and should never be fought. Russia strongly sticks to this statement. We will not use nuclear weapons in this conflict. They were developed for different aims.

▪️We need a negotiated outcome of the Ukrainian conflict, and Russia is not hiding from the talks, unlike Ukraine which legally made talks impossible now.

Watch in full:

#Russia #UK #Ukraine
👆Instead of peace-keeping and conflict prevention –​ CSDP​ missions'​ tasks​ set out in Article 42 of the​ Treaty on EU –​ #EUMAM​ Ukraine​ is aimed at escalation​ ​ under the #EU flag.​ Another step to enhance the EU involvement in the conflict in #Ukraine.
BBC Newsnight uses own incompetence as argument in interview with Ambassador Andrei Kelin, 22.11.22

Ambassador Andrei Kelin's key statements:

🔹 Day by day Ukraine is getting money and ammo from NATO countries and exhausting its human potential.

🔹 It was a great mistake for Ukraine to start a fight against Russians and Russian language. It will only bring disaster to Ukraine itself.

🔹 One of the purposes of the SMO is to protect the Russian-speaking population of Donbass from further attacks by Kiev. We need to stop these hostilities which started not in February but back in 2014.

🔹 Ukraine government is like a hamster in a wheel, constantly running after Western money and weapons.

🔹 For 8 years, the West chose not to see Kiev regime’s hostilities against the Russia-speaking population in the east. Meanwhile, those people were being discriminated, shelled and killed.

🔹 Russia cannot just leave because then the Russian-speaking population will once again be humiliated and killed by the Kiev regime. Recent video evidence of AFU mockery of residents and Ukrainian war crimes proves this once more.

🔹 The West should stop sending money and weapons to Kiev and think about Ukraine which has already lost a large part of its territory, economy and human potential. We may end up in a situation where it becomes just a blackhole without anything.

🔹 The Ukrainian legislation discriminating Russian speaking population, incl. forbidding Russian language, literature, media etc. “They’ve never said it to me” she replies. Maybe they would have if BBC found courage to report on Ukrainian atrocities in the last 8 years.

#Russia #UK #Ukraine #SMO #Donbass
Media is too big
🎙Watch the Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrei Kelin's interview to Victoria Derbyshire on BBC Newsnight, 22 November, 2022

The Ukrainian legislation discriminating Russian speaking population, incl. forbidding Russian language, literature, media etc. “They’ve never said it to me” she replies.

❗️Maybe they would have if BBC found courage to report on Ukrainian atrocities in the last 8 years.

#Russia #UK #Ukraine #SpecialMilitaryOperation #Donbass
Forwarded from Vanessa Beeley
Full thread: According to sources Samantha Power is exploiting #Syria earthquake tragedy to promote #WhiteHelmets & restore credibility of brand - a group affiliated with #AlQaeda, accused of multiple crimes by #Syrian people including organ trafficking (failed cover up by BBC Mayday Series)
This is because the #WhiteHelmets failed to achieve rebranding in #Ukraine. #OPCW IIT report failed to cover up WH role in staging events #Douma 2018 that led to accusations of "chemical weapon" use by #Syria - discredited by dissident inspectors & BBC producer Riam Dalati.
#WhiteHelmets are enemy of Syrian people. During their occupation alongside armed groups funded/armed by FUKUS/Israel/Saudis/Qatar/Turkey & dominated by #AlQaeda- Syrian civilians were tortured, executed, crucified, incarcerated, murdered, exploited & abused.
If #WhiteHelmets were genuinely neutral why don't they send bulldozers & other modern equipment [they have been receiving from West since 2013] to areas under government protection in #Syria? 80% of Syrian population. Meanwhile we see a tsunami of WH promo videos & images.
These photo shoots are made on top of the rubble under which Syrian civilians are very probably still trapped. You will not see the REAL Syria Civil Defence pausing for a photo opportunity.
#WhiteHelmets alongside #AlQaeda & Turkish-backed armed groups will receive "humanitarian aid" (Power is calling for opening of more border crossings) & probability is this aid will not be received by Syrian people in #Idlib - unless they pay a high price for it to armed groups.
There is a whole other #Syria beyond #Idlib borders but Power and #WhiteHelmets will disappear #Syrian people who have remained loyal to the country since 2011. WH have no right to declare a "state of emergency" in #Syria.
“We share values on sovereignty & self-determination”

Does this mean #UK & #Ukraine acknowledge & respect the choice made by people of #Crimea, #DPR, #LPR, #Kherson & #Zaporozhye regions to be with Russia, or will now keep calm and carry on with failed #doublestandards policy?
🎙Embassy Statement on plans to supply UK armaments with depleted uranium to Ukraine

▪️We consider the plans, officially confirmed by the UK Defence Ministry, to supply Ukraine ammunition with depleted uranium to be a step fraught with risks of further escalation of the conflict.

▪️UK weapons supplies to Kiev, especially of such a sensitive nature, would lead to aggravation of the situation.

▪️Radioactivity, high toxicity and carcinogenicity of such weapons are well-known.

👆Clearly the British have made the choice towards inflicting maximum damage and destruction to the population of the frontline regions.

▪️In general, this provides further evidence that Ukraine represents nothing more than testing ground for the UK in its stand-off with our country.

❗️We warn London against crossing another dangerous line in its maniacal desire to achieve “Russia’s defeat”.

🔗Read in full:

#Russia #UK #Ukraine #Uranium #WarCrimes
Forwarded from No 2 Nato
Media is too big
No2 Britain sending radioactive depleted uranium to Ukraine

NATO used radioactive depleted uranium in Yugoslavia resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocents.

Decades later people are still developing cancer because of it. Using it in Ukraine would result in mass death and suffering to its civilian population.

Stop the madness.

#Nato #Yugoslavia #Ukraine