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Forwarded from Graph Machine Learning
Simple scalable graph neural networks

Michael Bronstein continues a marathon of great blog posts on GML. In a new post he describes their recent work on scaling GNNs to large network. There is a good introduction to sampling-based methods (e.g. SAGE, GraphSAINT, ClusterGCN), which sample a subgraph of a large graph and then train GNN only on a subgraph.

Then, he describes that it can be beneficial just precompute r-hop matrices, A^r X, and use MLP on these features. This way, you use topology of your graph and you apply mini-batch training with MLP.

What's cool is that the algorithm is already available in pytorch-geometric as a transform, which is implemented via sparseTensor matrix multiplication.
mingpt – a minimal pytorch re-implementation of the openai generative pretrained transformer training
by karpathy

small, clean, interpretable and educational, as most of the currently available ones are a bit sprawling. this implementation is appropriately about 300 lines of code, including boilerplate and a totally unnecessary custom causal self-attention module. all that's going on is that a sequence of indices goes into a sequence of transformer blocks, and a probability distribution of the next index comes out.

with a bpe encoder, distributed training and maybe fp16 this implementation may be able to reproduce gpt-1/gpt-2 results, though they haven't tried $$$. gpt-3 is likely out of reach as his understanding is that it does not fit into gpu memory and requires a more careful model-parallel treatment.

#nlp #karpathy #gpt #torch