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The Sudanese Ministry of Energy and Oil announced today, Friday, the introduction of a new electrical system, to develop electrical networks and ensure their stability and quality of work.

The Ministry’s statement stated that workers in the sector were able to introduce the “SVC” system at the Sinkat Conversion Station and connect it to the national grid, which increases the transmission of electrical energy from the Atbara Station to Port Sudan by 25%.

The “SVC” system is one of the projects for the reconstruction and development of eastern Sudan, and it has an important role in ensuring the stability of electrical networks. This effort is part of the projects that were halted in April 2023 due to the war in the country.
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#Aroma_City #Electrical_Networks #Merowe_Station #Mohieddin_Naeem_Muhammad #Port_Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Ministry_of_Energy_and_Oil #SVC_System #Waqar_City
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Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, called for collective international efforts to save Sudan and prevent its collapse, during the African Peace and Security Council summit.

Aboul Gheit participated in the opening of the African Peace and Security Council summit dedicated to discussing developments in the situation in Sudan via Zoom technology, which was held today, Friday, under the chairmanship of President Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda and Chairman of the current session of the African Peace and Security Council.

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Executive Secretary of IGAD, Workni Qebeho, and the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
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#IGAD #Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #African_Peace_and_Security_Council_Summit #African_Union_Commission #Ahmed_Aboul_Gheit #El_Fasher #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Musa_Faki_Muhammad #Northern_Darfur_State #President_of_Uganda #Rapid_Support_Forces #Secretary_General_of_the_League_of_Arab_States #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Workni_Qebeho #Yori_Museveni
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The African Union stressed the importance of renewing commitment to the peace plan it first launched in May 2023, which consists of six key points to end the conflict.

The confirmation came in a statement issued after a virtual meeting chaired by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, where he called on the African Union to take bold measures to confront the worsening crisis.

The provisions of the African initiative include a permanent ceasefire, transforming Khartoum into a demilitarized capital, in addition to removing the forces of both sides of the fighting to assembly centers 50 kilometers away from the cities to reduce clashes.
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#African_Union #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Uganda #War_in_Sudan #Yori_Museveni
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The Bahri Thermal Station in Sudan, which contributes about 17% of the country’s electricity production, was exposed to a massive fire yesterday morning, Saturday, without any party claiming responsibility for the incident.

As a result of this fire, Sudan lost more than 70% of its electrical energy, which led to a power outage in most Khartoum neighborhoods and other areas.

The war in Sudan led to major destruction of infrastructure, as electrical power stations and oil refineries were severely damaged in less than a day of being targeted, raising fears of widespread impacts on the country.
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#Bahri_Thermal_Station #Energy_Crisis #Fires #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #War_in_Sudan
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More than 6,000 Sudanese refugees are living in tragic conditions in the “Olala” forests in the Amhara region, western Ethiopia, after fleeing the war in their country.

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Eyewitnesses confirmed in video clips spread on social media that they had not received any aid from humanitarian organizations or responsible authorities for 47 days, leaving them facing hunger, thirst and fear.

One of the preachers said in an emotional video that spread among Sudanese on social media: “For 47 days, no organization or responsible party came to us, and we live in the forest, and our number is no less than 6 thousand men, women, and children, without food or drinking water. We ask the world: Is there a difference between black and white and between colors and races? You should not differentiate between colors and races, because we are human beings.
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#Amhara #Ethiopia #Ethiopia_News #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Crisis #Sudanese_Refugees #Sudanese_War
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The Sudanese army carried out a military operation on its general command headquarters in Khartoum, in light of the escalation of bloody clashes with the Rapid Support Forces in several cities.

An army statement described the operation as “successful,” and it included providing important logistical support to the General Command headquarters. It came at a time when Sudan was witnessing violent clashes in the capital, Khartoum, and the cities of El Fasher in North Darfur and Al Foula in West Kordofan.

In a related context, clashes renewed in El Fasher, with artillery shelling affecting residential areas and the Saudi Hospital in the city, which led to the death of a pharmacist and the regional Ministry of Health announcing that the attack constituted an “international war crime.
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#Darfur #El_Fasher_City #Khartoum #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #War_in_Sudan
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Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has begun arranging for a meeting between the Sudanese army commander, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, to stop the ongoing war in Sudan.

The sources reported that Museveni succeeded in obtaining approval from both sides to hold the meeting before the end of this June, which is the date set by the international community to find solutions to the conflict in Sudan.

On the other hand, there were no official confirmations about the date of the meeting between representatives of the Coordination of Civilian Democratic Forces and the leaders of the Sudanese army, despite previous confirmations of the parties’ readiness for the meeting.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Uganda #Yori_Museveni
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The European Council imposed sanctions on six individuals in the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces for allegedly “engaging in activities that undermine the political transition process in the country.”

A statement issued by the council on Monday said: “On the RSF side, the new list includes Abdel Rahman Juma Barakallah, a general who commands the RSF in West Darfur and is responsible for committing atrocities and other violations. They also include the RSF’s financial advisor.” “In addition to a prominent tribal leader from the Mahamid clan associated with the Rapid Support Forces in West Darfur.
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#Al_Fasher #Darfur #European_Council #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army
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The Sudanese Rapid Support Forces announced yesterday, Monday, that they had completely captured the vital Jebel Muya area, which connects three main states in central and western Sudan.

The Jabal Muya area is located within a mountain range that passes through the borders of Sennar State, where three main roads meet that lead to the White Nile in the west, the Blue Nile in the south, and Gezira State in the north, making it an area of ​​great strategic importance.

Mount Moya is surrounded by the Sennar Reservoir, from which the main watercourses used to irrigate the Al-Jazeera agricultural project originate, which increases the importance of the area.

In addition, the Rapid Support Forces confirmed their control of the main road linking the city of Sennar to several major cities in White Nile State, which strengthens their strategic position in the region.
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#Jabal_Muya_area #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #War_in_Sudan
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The British newspaper “The Guardian” reported that British government officials tried to suppress criticism directed at the UAE and its alleged role in supplying weapons for rapid support in Sudan.

The newspaper pointed out that “allegations that Foreign Office officials are putting pressure on African diplomats to avoid criticizing the UAE over its alleged military support for the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces would increase scrutiny of the United Kingdom’s relationship with the Gulf state.”

Although the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office strongly denied these allegations, UN sanctions monitors described the accusations against the UAE of providing military support to the Rapid Support Forces as “credible.
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#Britain #David_Cameron #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Army #The_Guardian_newspaper #UAE #UN_Security_Council #United_Nations
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An official at the Central Bank of Sudan revealed that 121 bank and exchange branches in the capital, Khartoum, were completely looted and their buildings destroyed, and equipment, furniture, and a number of cars were looted.

The official explained to the “Sudan Tribune” website that about 367 ATM machines were completely destroyed in the three cities of the capital: Khartoum, Bahri, and Omdurman, noting that the relevant government agencies conducted a survey of the locations of the machines using the Google Maps application.

The official confirmed that there is a “major scarcity of liquidity amid plans to print banknotes abroad,” which has not yet been resolved by officials in the city of Port Sudan.
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#Abdullah_Al_Dardari #ATM #Bahri #Central_Bank_of_Sudan #Google_Maps #Khartoum #Mohamed_Esmat #Omdurman #Paris #Port_Sudan_City #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Economy #United_Nations
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The Tunisian judiciary issued a 10-year and 9-month prison sentence against a Sudanese soldier who was arrested after sneaking into the country through the Libyan border. He was accused of “planning to carry out a terrorist operation in Tunisia.”

The case file documents, according to local media, indicate that the accused “joined one of the terrorist organizations and trained in one of the organization’s training centers, and later sneaked into Tunisian territory surreptitiously until he was stopped by a specialized anti-terrorism unit in the Zarzis region, where his phone was seized, and by processing it, it was detected.” Pictures of him carrying firearms, military ammunition, and a rocket-propelled grenade.
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#Libya #Libya_News #Sudan #Sudan_News #Tunisia #Tunisia_News
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The latest data from the United Nations indicates that the ongoing conflict in Sudan has worsened the food security situation, with more than half of the population now suffering from severe food shortages.

The report, which was published yesterday, Thursday, stated that approximately 25.6 million people, out of the country’s total population of 48 million, are facing food crises of varying severity, including cases of real famine that threaten the lives of 755,000 people, and emergency situations affecting 8.5 million others.
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#Famine_In_Sudan #Food_Security #humanitarian_aid #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan_Sudan
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The Rapid Support Forces took control of the city of Sinja, Sennar State, southeastern Sudan, as violent clashes continued with the Sudanese army.

Military sources and eyewitnesses confirmed that the Rapid Support Forces took control of the city and established outposts inside it, while the sounds of bullets were constantly heard.

These clashes broke out in the strategic city of Sinja, which links the states of Sennar and Blue Nile, in the midst of the ongoing conflict in Sudan since mid-April 2023.

These clashes resulted in a large population displacement towards the south towards Blue Nile State, which is considered the only outlet available for the exit of civilians, with tense conditions in the city of Sennar, which is about 60 kilometers from Sinja.
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#Blue_Nile #Jabal_Muya #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sennar #Singa #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army
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The residential building for “Doctors Without Borders” employees in the Sudanese city of Omdurman was subjected to direct bombardment, according to what the Sudanese newspaper Al-Rakouba reported.

The newspaper reported that the team members were not harmed, but there were many injuries among other residents in the area, and the bombing caused damage to the upper floor of the building.

This incident comes in light of the continuing war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, which has led to a severe humanitarian crisis in Sudan since its outbreak in mid-April.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Al_Fasher #Doctors_Without_Borders #Jazira_State #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Omdurman #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Wad_Madani
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The Sudanese army commander, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, announced that the army will not submit to any blackmail or negotiation that reduces its prestige and will, stressing that any negotiation must meet the aspirations of the Sudanese people.

In his speech to the officers and soldiers of the Armed Forces in the Wadi Seidna Military Region, Al-Burhan explained that the army’s position is clear in refusing to negotiate with an enemy who violates the rights of citizens on a daily basis or with those who support this enemy.

Al-Burhan confirmed that the entire Sudanese people stand with the armed forces, with the exception of a “stray group.” He also sent a message to the mediators, asking them to urge the militias to leave the homes of citizens, indicating that the country will not accommodate them and the militias together, which means that one of them must leave.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Wadi_Seidna
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During his meeting with the Sudanese Foreign Minister, Hussein Awad Ali, the Special Representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and Africa Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, called for a solution to the Sudanese conflict, stressing the necessity of an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a national dialogue.

The statement published on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry said: “During the meeting, the main focus was on the development of the situation in Sudan, with an emphasis on the need to reach an early solution to the military and political crisis in this country.”

The statement continued: “At the same time, the Russian side affirmed its principled position in support of an urgent ceasefire and the establishment of a sustainable national dialogue in a way that serves to ensure the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Sudan.
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#Mikhail_Bogdanov #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army
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The head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council in Sudan, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, warned of the continued security crisis in the country, stressing that the war will not end without “purging Sudan of the Rapid Support Forces.”

Al-Burhan stressed the existence of a large conspiracy targeting the Sudanese state, citing the siege imposed on weapons and ammunition, which poses a major challenge to the Sudanese National Army.

He also explained that the Rapid Support Forces are working to destabilize the country, noting the presence of ISIS members fighting within its ranks, and speaking about incidents of purchasing individual debts and international positions that negatively affect the security situation in Sudan.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #War_in_Sudan
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Cairo is witnessing the opening of the Sudanese Political and Civil Forces Conference, which aims to bring together the concerned parties to confront the Sudanese crisis that has been ongoing since April 2023.

The opening session was chaired by the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Badr Abdelatty, in the presence of representatives of the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union, in addition to the League of Arab States and representatives of other countries with an interest in Sudanese affairs.

During the opening speech, Abdelatty stressed the necessity of reaching a solution that includes all parties without exception, stressing that the solution must start from within Sudan itself.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #African_Union #Badr_Abdelatty #Conference_of_Sudanese_Political_and_Civil_Forces #Egypt #European_Union #League_of_Arab_States #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan
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Sudanese political and civil forces stressed “the necessity of adhering to the Jeddah Declaration and considering the mechanisms for its implementation and development to keep pace with developments in the war.”

The Sudanese political and civil forces, which met in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, over two days, at the invitation of Egypt, under the slogan “Together to Stop the War,” appealed in its final statement to “countries and parties supporting the parties to the war with any form of direct or indirect support to stop igniting more From the fires of war in Sudan.
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#Cairo #Jeddah_Declaration #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Forces
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