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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday his country’s readiness for negotiations on Ukraine, without being accompanied by a cessation of fighting.

Lavrov said in an interview with Russian media: “We are ready for negotiations on Ukraine, but we will not stop hostilities during them,” adding: “The new reality on the ground must be taken into account.”

The Russian foreign minister stressed that his country prefers negotiations to war in Ukraine, pointing out that “the West poses a threat to Russian national security by pumping weapons to the Nazi regime in Kiev.”

Lavrov argued that the “Zelensky formula” should be rejected as the basis for resolving the Ukrainian conflict, and the basis on which Russia is ready to negotiate should be discussed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed in an article in the Chinese newspaper “Renmin Rebao” in March 2023 that “Russia is open to a political-diplomatic settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.”

Putin added, in his article, that “the future of the peace process in Ukraine depends only on the readiness to hold serious talks taking into account geopolitical realities.”

#Russia #Russia_news #Sergey_Lavrov #Ukraine #Vladimir_Putin #Zelensky
Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev announced the date of the first Russian-African Forum at the level of heads of foreign ministers in Sochi on November 11-12.

“A separate briefing from the ambassador-at-large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Oleg Ozerov, is being given to our African colleagues on the morning of April 24, which will highlight issues related to the implementation of the decisions of the Russia-Africa Summit and the preparation for the ministerial conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, scheduled for November 11-12 in Sochi,” Patrushev said at the opening of the international security meeting.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced the interdepartmental forum at the end of February this year, after talks with his Malian counterpart Abdoulaye Diop, and the minister of the West African state was also invited.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said at the Third International Youth Forum that Russia is building a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with Africa, an already rising continent.
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#Africa #Mikhail_Bogdanov #Nikolai_Patrushev #Oleg_Ozerov #Russia_news #Russia_Africa_Forum #Russian_Foreign_Minister #Russian_Security_Council #Sergey_Lavrov
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Chadian sources spoke on Sunday about an upcoming visit by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to the Chadian capital, N’Djamena.

France’s last military base on the African coast is located in N’Djamena after its withdrawal from other countries such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.

The sources reported that arrangements are being made to receive the Russian Foreign Minister next Wednesday, as Lavrov will be the first official at this level to visit Chad after the formation of his new government and the inauguration of the new president.

For its part, Russia offered assistance to the countries of the African continent in combating terrorism, and former Chadian Foreign Minister Mohamed Salih Nazif submitted a request to Moscow to submit specific proposals in this regard.
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#African_Security #Chad #Chad_News #Combating_Terrorism #N_Djamena #Russia #Russian_Foreign_Ministry #Sergey_Lavrov
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The Sudanese ambassador to Russia, Mohamed Siraj, confirmed that Khartoum is committed to building a Russian naval base in the Red Sea, noting that the problem lies only in “some procedural issues.”

Siraj explained in press statements that the base represents a “logistical support point” and that the agreement signed between the two countries requires them to implement the project.

The Sudanese ambassador indicated that this issue is being studied within the framework of bilateral relations between Sudan and Russia, expressing his hope that these relations will be further strengthened.

This came after the Russian ambassador to Khartoum, Andrei Chernovel, said that Sudan had not yet completed the procedures for ratifying the agreement to establish the naval base in Port Sudan on the Red Sea.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Andrei_Chernovol #Khartoum #Mohamed_Siraj #Red_Sea #Russia_news #Russian_Ambassador_in_Khartoum #Russian_Foreign_Minister #Russian_Naval_Base #Sergey_Lavrov #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Ambassador_to_Russia
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived yesterday, Monday, in Guinea, the first stop of his African tour aimed at strengthening Russian-African relations.

Lavrov’s visit is Lavrov’s first to Guinea since 2013, where he was received upon his arrival at Conakry Airport by his Guinean counterpart, Murisanda Kouyate.

According to the Guinean Foreign Ministry, the Russian minister will meet with the leader of the military junta, Mamadi Doumbouya, who has been in power since 2021.

TASS news agency also reported that Guinea will be a stop on Lavrov’s African tour, without specifying which countries he will visit.

While the Russian news agency Avrenzo reported that Lavrov will arrive in Chad tomorrow, Wednesday, and according to the same agency, Lavrov is expected to visit Burkina Faso.
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#Conakry_Airport #Guinea #Guinean_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Russia #Russia_news #Russian_African_Relations #Sergey_Lavrov #Vladimir_Putin
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced his country’s support for the initiative of Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso, which aims to organize an internal Libyan conference.


After a meeting with Sasso, who chairs a high-level committee on Libya in the African Union, Lavrov affirmed support for talks to reconcile the warring parties in Libya.

Lavrov attacked the West and its supposed targets in Ukraine and Libya during his visit to Congo, which comes as part of his African tour, according to Agence France-Presse.

Lavrov explained that what is happening in Libya is a tragedy, holding NATO and its members responsible for this. He added that the situation in Libya is similar to what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the West wanted to impose its version of democracy, stressing the importance of finding an approach that guarantees the re-establishment of the country.
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#Afghanistan #African_Union #Denis_Sassou_Nguesso #Iraq #Lavrov #Libya #Libya_News #National_Reconciliation_Conference #NATO #Russia #Russia_news #Russian_Foreign_Minister #Sergey_Lavrov #Sirte #Syria #Ukraine
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During a press conference at the conclusion of his visit to Burkina Faso, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced Russia’s plans to increase the number of military trainers in the country.

Lavrov said: “Russian trainers are working here (in Burkina Faso), and their number will increase later,” noting that Russia is also training members of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies in Burkina Faso and described this type of partnership as “specific and very advanced.”

Lavrov confirmed that Russia will supply Burkina Faso with additional military products to support its efforts to combat terrorism, explaining that Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunusbek Yevkurov recently visited Burkina Faso to enhance this cooperation.
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#Anti_Terrorism #Burkina_Faso_News #Congo #Guinea #Ibrahim_Traore #Karamoko_Jean_Marie_Traoré #Ouagadougou #Russia_news #Russian_Foreign_Minister #Sergey_Lavrov #Vladimir_Putin #Yunus_Bek_Yevkurov
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First Deputy Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, Fawzi Al-Nuwairi, discussed with the Russian Ambassador to Libya, Haider Aganin, ways to resolve the Libyan political crisis and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.


According to the Russian Embassy in Libya’s Facebook page, the meeting dealt with “the situation in the Libyan political process, and in particular unifying the efforts of the Libyans to find a solution to the political crisis.”

Bilateral parliamentary relations between Russia and Libya were discussed, in addition to cooperation in the economic and social fields, according to the embassy statement.

This meeting came a day after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced his country’s support for the initiative of Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso, which aims to organize an internal Libyan conference for national reconciliation.
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#African_Union #Brazzaville #Congo #Denis_Sassou_Nguesso #Fawzi_Al_Nuwairi #Haider_Aganin #Libya_News #Libyan_Political_Crisis #Russia_news #Russian_Ambassador_to_Libya #Russian_Embassy_in_Libya #Sergey_Lavrov
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, a range of important issues, focusing on the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza and ways to reach a settlement.

Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid explained that Shoukry reviewed during the meeting the Egyptian-Qatari mediation efforts aimed at achieving a truce that includes the exchange of prisoners and detainees, facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, with the ultimate goal of a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Strip.

Shoukry also welcomed Russia's proposal to hold a meeting between the foreign ministers of Russia and the five Arab countries to discuss ways to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people, support the political track and revive the peace process in accordance with international references.
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#Africa #Al_Aqsa_Flood #Egypt #Egyptian_Foreign_Minister #gaza #Palestine #Russia #Russian_Foreign_Minister #Sameh_Shoukry #Sergey_Lavrov
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The Ethiopian Foreign Minister, Tai Asqi Selassie, discussed with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, coordination of cooperation between Ethiopia and Russia in the UN Security Council and the “BRICS” group.

The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the discussions between the two sides focused on enhancing bilateral cooperation, especially in the fields of trade, economy, science, technology and humanitarian affairs.

The Ethiopian and Russian ministers also affirmed their commitment to deepening political dialogue and harmonizing their approaches in the United Nations and the “BRICS” group, specifically during Russia’s presidency of the group.
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#BRICS #Ethiopia #Russia #Security_Council #Sergey_Lavrov
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Moscow is constantly trying to exploit all available opportunities to extend a helping hand to African countries to help them shake off the dust of European and American colonialism, which has exhausted the country.


On the sidelines of the Security Council session devoted to the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with Al-Taher Al-Baour, the official in charge of managing the affairs of the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The media office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the outgoing “National Unity” government stated that during the meeting, ways of strengthening and developing bilateral relations were discussed in a way that serves common interests regarding issues and topics of common interest, and the possibility of activating joint committees was also discussed in a way that serves the interests of the two countries.
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#gaza #Libya #Libya_News #Middle_East #NATO #Palestine #Russia #Russia_news #Security_Council #Sergey_Lavrov #Taher_Al_Baour
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