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The Russian agency “RIA Novosti” reported that the European Union’s data for the month of February showed that France is the main buyer of Russian gas among the countries of the Union.

According to the data, Paris bought liquefied natural gas from Russia worth 322.3 million euros, an increase of 10% compared to January 2024.

Hungary became a leader in Russian gas imports last December. However, in February, Budapest cut its imports by a third, to 210 million euros, falling to second place after France.

Hungary and Spain imported Russian LNG for €118.3 million.

Overall, at the end of winter, the EU imported gas from Russia for 1.1 billion euros, paying 619.4 million for the supply of liquefied natural gas and 493.3 million for pipeline gas, the data showed.

#European_Union #France #Gas_Imports #Hungary #Natural_Gas #Russia #Russia_news #Spain
The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources announced that it will stop exporting liquefied natural gas starting from next May due to increased domestic consumption and to meet the needs of power plants.

The ministry is expected to start importing gas shipments if the country’s consumption exceeds 6.3 billion cubic feet per day.

The Egyptian Ministry of Electricity has started implementing load reduction schedules on the national electricity grid, after the end of the Ramadan month period and the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which will be applied from 11 am to 5 pm.

A source in the Ministry of Petroleum told “Al Arabiya BUSINESS” that the ministry exported nearly 80,000 tons of liquefied gas to Europe during March and April, which are the last shipments designated for export.

#Egypt #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Electricity #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Petroleum_and_Mineral_Resources #European_Union #Israel #Natural_Gas
Morocco and a British company have begun gas exploration in some areas after Algeria stopped renewing the contract to invest in the gas pipeline to supply Algerian gas to Spain through Moroccan territory.

The British company “SDX Energy” announced the start of gas production in a well bearing the code KSR-21 near the city of Kenitra, after the success of drilling experiments conducted last January, and was able to connect the well to the existing infrastructure, and the British company began investing gas fields discovered in the northwest of the country with the approval of the Moroccan government.

SDX Energy owns 75% of its Moroccan portfolio, which includes exploration licenses, concessions, and gas wells, while 25% remains for the competent Moroccan institution, the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Minerals.

The company was able to market gas to eight customers at contractual prices ranging from US$10 to US$12 per cubic foot.

The exploration licenses covered various areas in Morocco, including the central Sebou region and the West region, as well as a number of exploitation concessions containing production wells.
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#Algeria #Britain #Gas_Exploration #Morocco #Natural_Gas #United_Kingdom
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The Algerian Minister of Industry, Ali Aoun, announced that the volume of trade exchange between Algeria and the European Union amounted to $ 46.5 billion during the first 11 months of 2023.

This came during his speech at a seminar organized by the Delegation of the European Union in Algeria in cooperation with the Algerian Agency for Investment Promotion and said: “Algeria is living a new era and is committed to building bridges of cooperation with the European Union as a historic partner.”

“The association agreement between the two sides has made the European Union Algeria’s first trading partner for several years,” Aoun said, explaining that most European direct investments in Algeria are still concentrated in the hydrocarbon sector.
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#Algeria_News #Algerian_Investment_Promotion_Agency #Algerian_Minister_of_Industry #Algerian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Ali_Aoun #European_Union #Hydrocarbon_Sector #Natural_Gas #Trade_Exchange
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At the international forum “Going South: European Strategy for a New Era” in Sorrento, Italy, Algeria announced progress in projects to transport gas and hydrogen across borders.

During the conference, Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arqab, explained that the "Southern Corridor H2" project, which connects Algeria with Germany through Tunisia, Italy and Austria, aims to transport renewable hydrogen from Algeria and enhance its supplies within the European hydrogen market.

Arqab also affirmed Algeria's commitment to improving the trans-Saharan gas pipeline project, which runs from Nigeria to the northern coast of the Mediterranean, via Algeria and Niger.

In 2022, Algeria exported more than 4 billion cubic meters of natural gas, and its imports in the nine months of 2023 stabilized at 23 billion cubic meters, accounting for 20% of energy exports to Europe.

The international forum aims to discuss the growth prospects of southern Italy and the Mediterranean countries, and to build a platform for exchange and consultation on geopolitical, economic and social issues in the region.

#Germany #Algeria #Algerian_Ministry_of_Energy_and_Mines #Austria #Europe #Hydrogen #International_Forum_Towards_the_South #Italy #Mediterranean_Sea #Natural_Gas #Niger #Nigeria #Sorrento #Tunisia
The French energy company “Total Energies” and the Austrian utility company “Verbund” are considering producing green hydrogen in Tunisia, to export it via pipeline to Europe.

The project aims to produce 200,000 tons of green hydrogen annually during its first phase, taking advantage of the energy generated by large wind and solar farms on land, while using desalinated seawater in the production process.

The produced hydrogen will be exported via the “SoutH2 Corridor”, is a hydrogen pipeline project that connects North Africa to Europe, passing through Italy, Austria and Germany.

The project is expected to become operational by 2030, when more than 70% of the reused pipelines will be used.
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#Australia #Austria #Chile #David_Corcia #Europe #Fossil_Fuels #France #Green_Hydrogen #Italy #Natural_Gas #Seawater_Sweetened #Solar_Energy #Total_Energies #Tunisia_News #Verbund #Windfarms
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Algerian Energy Minister Mohamed Arkab announced on Wednesday that the state-owned company Sonatrach has made 8 important oil and gas discoveries since the beginning of this year.

This announcement came during an interview by the minister with Algerian official television, where he indicated that these discoveries were made in completely new locations, the most prominent of which were in the states of Bashar, Ain Salah, Illizi, Djanet and Ouargla.

Arkab stressed that these discoveries will significantly enhance proven national reserves of hydrocarbons, especially natural gas.
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#Ain_Salah_Province #Algeria_News #Algerian_Minister_of_Energy #Bashar_Province #Chevron_Company #Djanet_Province #Eni_Company #Equinor_Company #Illizi_Province #Mohamed_Arkab #Natural_Gas #Occidental_Company #Oil_and_Gas #Ouargla_Province #Sonatrach_Company
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Abdel Ghafour Al-Hajjawi, a Moroccan government official, announced that his country intends to launch a tender to build a floating liquefied natural gas terminal in the western Mediterranean port of Nador in northeastern Morocco.

Al-Hajwi said, in a presentation, that the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development expects to achieve the financial closure of the project during the next year, with the construction, operation and commercial operations phase starting in 2026.

Nador, a deep-water port, is being built in the western Mediterranean and is expected to have a capacity of 3.5 million containers.

Last March, 4 ministries and 4 institutions in Morocco signed a protocol of agreement with the aim of completing the gas infrastructure development program in the country.
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#Abdel_Ghafour_El_Hajjoui #Floating_Gas_Terminal #Maghreb_European_Pipeline #Moroccan_Government_Official #Morocco_News #Nador_Port #Natural_Gas #Tender #Western_Mediterranean
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Algeria maintained its position as the largest gas exporter to Spain for the sixth month in a row, ahead of the United States and Russia.

According to data from the natural gas operator in Spain, “Ena Gas,” Algeria’s natural gas exports last May amounted to 10,267 gigawatts per hour, representing 36.3% of Spain’s total gas imports during this month.

Algeria topped the list of gas suppliers to Spain during the first five months of this year, with a percentage of 36.1%, ahead of Russia 22.5% and the United States 19.4%.

Spain’s imports of American liquefied gas fell to third place by 18.2%, falling to 5.29 terawatt hours, compared to 8.01 terawatt hours in February 2024, and 11.01 terawatt hours in March 2023.
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#Algeria_News #Algerian_Gas #Equatorial_Guinea #European_Union #Gas_Exporting_Countries_Forum #Libya #Natural_Gas #Russia #Spain_News #United_States_of_America
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Abu Qir Fertilizers and Chemical Industries Company has been facing major challenges recently, as it announced the suspension of its three factories due to the interruption of natural gas supplies.

This announcement came as a result of the hot weather wave that caused an unprecedented increase in energy consumption, in addition to the interruption of some regional gas supply sources, which negatively affected the gas network’s reserves.

The company explained in its statement that it had taken the decision to stop the factories in order to protect them from damage that may result from the difficult operational conditions that the network is currently going through, and work is scheduled to resume as soon as the network’s operational conditions improve.
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#Cairo #Egypt #Egypt_News #Natural_Gas
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The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources announced its intention to begin actual commercial operation of the “Hog Galleon” liquefied gas regasification ship next week.

The ship, which was chartered by the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) from the Norwegian company Hoge, will begin gasifying the first imported shipment of liquefied gas to feed the national gas grid.

The ship “Hog Galleon” will arrive at the port of Ain Sokhna on June 13, and its trial operation began at the beginning of this week and will continue until late June.

The ship gasifies the first shipment of liquefied gas that was contracted from the global spot market, which arrived in Egypt in the middle of this month. The ship gasifies the shipment and pumps it into the national gas network.
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#EGAS #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Petroleum #Egyptian_Natural_Gas_Holding #Liquefied_Gas #Natural_Gas
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Morocco and Turkey signed two agreements in the fields of energy and mining aimed at “improving bilateral relations in various energy fields and implementing joint projects.”

This came during an official visit by the Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alp Arslan Bayraktar, to Morocco, and the signing took place in the capital, Rabat, in the presence of officials from the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Minerals, the National Office of Electricity and Potable Water, the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy, and the Agency. Moroccan Energy Efficiency Institute, and the Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies.
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#Alp_Arslan_Bayraktar #Artificial_Intelligence #Energy_Sector #Green_Hydrogen #Leila_Benali #Mining #Morocco #Natural_Gas #Renewable_Energies #Turkey
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The Algerian Minister of Energy, Mohamed Arkab, announced today, Sunday, the signing of an important agreement, soon, between the “Sonatrach” and “Sonelgaz” groups and international partners to implement a marine electric line linking Algeria to Europe.

The minister confirmed that preparations are underway to sign contracts, noting that this historic project will enable Algeria to export traditional electricity generated from natural gas and electricity generated from alternative and renewable sources.

A statement by the Algerian Ministry of Energy explained that the minister received, during his visit to the electrical system management institution, explanations about the details of the work of the national electrical system command center and the quality of its equipment.
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#Algeria #Algerian_Minister_of_Energy #Algerian_Sonelgaz_Company #Europe #Marine_Electric_Line #Natural_Gas #Renewable_Energies #Sonatrach_Company
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