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A family in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq found an unexpected surprise, as they found inside a bag left by an unidentified man a sum of money worth 400,000 Iraqi dinars, which dates back to the past three decades.

According to reports, a masked man knocked on the door of a house in the city of Sulaymaniyah, handed over the bag containing the money to a woman from the family, and then left without revealing his identity or saying a word.

The family had discovered inside the bag a sealed envelope containing an apology letter in Kurdish, where the thief mentioned in the letter the details of the incident and asked the family to forgive him for his previous act.
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#Dinar #Apology #Iraq #Kurdistan #Sulaymaniyah #Theft_Incident
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The Egyptian city of Al-Maasara prosecutor began investigating five defendants in a horrific crime, in which they threw a child from the fifth floor after he resisted them during an attempt to rob his father’s house.

Al-Maasara Police Department investigation officers received a signal from Qasr Al-Aini Hospital stating that a 14-year-old child had been received with fractures and internal bleeding.

The police immediately went to the hospital to examine the case and confirm the circumstances. During the investigation, it became clear that the child was present in the house during the robbery attempt, and when he tried to resist the thieves, they threw him from the fifth floor.

The authorities launched intensive investigations into the incident to uncover its details and were able to arrest the accused after codifying the necessary procedures.
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#Al_Maasara #Crime #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Police #Egyptian_Public_Prosecution #Theft_Incident
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