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Russian President’s Assistant Nikolai Patrushev said that Washington and London are seeking to revive Nazi ideology in Europe under the slogan of “freedom and democracy” and direct it again against Russia.

This came in his article published in the “National Defense” magazine, where Patrushev pointed out that the West had not completed the eradication of Nazism from Europe, as the Allied countries agreed at the Yalta Conference in Crimea in 1945.

Patrushev added: “The official and shadow leaders in the United States and Britain returned to their previous support for fascist and Nazi ideology in Europe under the slogans of freedom and democracy.”

Patrushev stressed that “Nazism was revived with the approval of the United States and Britain, and it is being used again against our country.
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#Britain #Europe #Fascism #London #Nazism #Nikolai_Patrushev #Russia_news #Russian_Presidential_Assistant #Ukraine #USA #Washington #Yalta_Conference
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The British newspaper “The Guardian” reported that British government officials tried to suppress criticism directed at the UAE and its alleged role in supplying weapons for rapid support in Sudan.

The newspaper pointed out that “allegations that Foreign Office officials are putting pressure on African diplomats to avoid criticizing the UAE over its alleged military support for the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces would increase scrutiny of the United Kingdom’s relationship with the Gulf state.”

Although the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office strongly denied these allegations, UN sanctions monitors described the accusations against the UAE of providing military support to the Rapid Support Forces as “credible.
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#Britain #David_Cameron #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Army #The_Guardian_newspaper #UAE #UN_Security_Council #United_Nations
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British reformist leader, Nigel Farage, accused his country of supporting the emergence of the terrorist organization ISIS through its participation in the military intervention in Libya in 2011.

The British newspaper “Daily Express” reported in a report that Farage described David Cameron’s decision to go to war as “complete madness.”

Farage said in his statements: “Before the war in Libya, ISIS did not even exist. We helped create it and we were complete fools when it came to these things.”
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#Britain #David_Cameron #ISIS #Libya #Mediterranean #Nigel_Farage #Terrorism
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Irish writer Liz Weir, who uses a wheelchair due to heart problems, was exposed to a painful situation after she was left on the tarmac at the airport, and the plane belonging to the British company “EasyJet” took off without her.

The incident occurred during a short flight from Northern Ireland to Edinburgh and raised a wave of criticism and questions about the efficiency of safety procedures and supervision of passengers with special needs.

Liz Ware was on her way to attend an important event, and she found herself deprived of the flight after the plane’s door closed and moved off the runway without the crew noticing her presence and another passenger in a wheelchair. Airport employees tried to attract the pilot’s attention, but to no avail.
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#Airlines #Airport #Aviation #Britain #Disabled #Ireland #Lease_Ware #Runway #Takeoff #United_Kingdom
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A Russian military source reported that Russian experts were able to uncover the secrets of the European “Storm Shadow” missile, which was seized by Russian forces.

The source explained that this knowledge will help determine the appropriate methods for shooting down this type of missile and how to construct the necessary fortifications to prevent it and achieve “zero” performance.

The source indicated that Russian experts will be able to develop effective countermeasures against models of these missile weapons.

The warhead of this missile is cylindrical in shape, approximately half a meter long and of the same diameter, with an internal concavity.

The source added that revealing the depth of the fortifications capable of being penetrated will help determine the nature and method of building the fortifications necessary to prevent it.
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#Britain #France #Kiev #Moscow #Russia #Storm_Shadow_missile #Ukraine
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Rwanda announced that the “controversial migrant agreement concluded with the United Kingdom and abandoned by the new government” does not require the return of funds sent.

The United Kingdom has informed the Rwandan authorities that it will cancel the immigration agreement signed between the two countries, which aims to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing the English Channel in small boats to live in the United Kingdom.

The migration agreement, signed in April 2022, stipulates that migrants and asylum seekers who arrive in the United Kingdom via the English Channel will be deported to Rwanda, where their asylum applications will be processed.

So far, London has paid £240 million (€280 million) to Kigali since former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the plan two years ago.
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#Boris_Johnson #Britain #Migration_Agreement #Rwanda #Rwanda_News
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French media reported, citing local authorities, that 4 people died while trying to cross the English Channel from France to Britain on Thursday and Friday.

Reports stated that the French Coast Guard was able to rescue 63 others after a migrant boat sank in the English Channel.

A French Coast Guard spokesman said that they are still collecting confirmed information about the sinking accident, indicating that he cannot provide further details at the present time.

The French Maritime Police explained that a patrol boat headed to the site of the accident after receiving a report of the sinking of the boat, where a helicopter recovered 4 bodies from the water and the rest were rescued.

This incident comes as migrants continue to attempt to cross the English Channel in search of a better life in Britain, despite the great risks they face during the sea journey.
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#Boat_Sinking #Britain #English_Channel #France #Illegal_Immigration #Immigration_to_Europe
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British Development Minister Annalize Dodds announced the United Kingdom’s contribution of two million pounds ($2.6 million) to support Sudanese refugees fleeing violence.

Dodds said that this funding came for the humanitarian response in the Kufra region in eastern Libya, where the United Nations estimates that up to 45,000 Sudanese refugees are in urgent need of support.

In a statement carried by the British News Agency, Dodds affirmed the United Kingdom’s commitment to providing life-saving assistance to children and the most vulnerable groups as they flee violence in Sudan.

She indicated that this support will work alongside international partners to provide the necessary water, health services, sanitation and hygiene for these displaced refugees.
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#Annalize_Dodds #Britain #Infidels #Libya #Sudan #Sudanese_Refugees #United_Kingdom #United_Nations
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The British government has warned its citizens wishing to travel to Morocco of the dangers of popular demonstrations and their impact on their security.

A warning letter issued by the British Foreign Office said: “Protests and demonstrations may occur across the country, especially in major cities, often without warning.”

The ministry explained, “These events are closely monitored by law enforcement authorities.” While authorized demonstrations are generally peaceful, unauthorized demonstrations may sometimes lead to clashes between demonstrators and police.”

The letter stressed that such gatherings “may lead to disruption of travel in the affected areas,” calling on British nationals to avoid political gatherings and demonstrations and to follow local information and instructions from security officials.
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#Britain #British_Foreign_Office #demonstrations #gaza #Israel #Morocco #National_Council_for_Human_Rights #Palestine #Rabat
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The British Foreign Office has issued a new warning to British citizens who are in Morocco or who plan to visit it soon.

Morocco is considered a favorite destination for Britons to spend holidays, but this is the second warning of its kind within six months and comes due to potential risks.

The Ministry recommended that British citizens avoid participating in political demonstrations that may erupt suddenly and sometimes get out of control.

The Ministry warned of the danger of terrorism, noting that places frequented by tourists and foreigners may be targeted. Therefore, the Ministry called for caution in tourist areas and places of public gatherings.
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#Britain #British_Foreign_Office #Fraud #Morocco #political_demonstrations #Terrorism #Tourism_in_Morocco
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