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According to Spanish press reports, improved relations between France and Morocco have prompted Paris to agree to deliver a number of French-made Mirage fighter jets to Morocco.

Espanyol reported that the United Arab Emirates plans to deliver 30 Mirage 2000-9 fighter jets to Morocco, subject to France’s approval.

The move comes as part of a deal signed by Abu Dhabi in 2021 to purchase 80 French-made Dassault Rafale fighters, which are expected to replace the UAE’s current Mirage fleet.

According to reports, the UAE is expected to provide Mirage fighter jets to Morocco once it receives the Rafale fighters in the coming years.
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#abu_dhabi #Algeria #France #French_fighters #French_Foreign_Minister #Kingdom_of_Morocco #Moroccan_Foreign_Minister #Morocco #Nasser_Bourita #Paris #Stéphane_Séjourné #United_Arab_Emirates
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The UN Security Council decided to hold an emergency session at ten in the morning next Monday, to discuss the recent developments between Sudan and the UAE.

This decision came against the backdrop of Sudan’s permanent representative to the United Nations requesting a special meeting to discuss what he described as “the Emirati aggression against Sudan.”

In a speech to the President of the Security Council, Sudan’s representative Ambassador Al-Harith Idris condemned what he described as the “aggressive behavior of the UAE”, considering that the UAE’s support for the Sudanese Rapid Support Militia constitutes a “flagrant violation” of the UN Charter.

For its part, the UAE expressed concern about the escalation of tensions in Sudan and called for immediate measures to ease the situation and avoid the country sliding into levels of instability.

The UAE also appealed to the international community to strengthen the international humanitarian response and provide assistance to those in need in Sudan and neighboring countries.
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#Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #United_Arab_Emirates #United_Nations #United_Nations_Security_Council
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The report issued by the Commonwealth of States in cooperation with the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) showed that Tunisia is first among the Maghreb countries in developing young people and achieving their sustainable development goals.

Tunisia advanced to 63rd place in the Global Youth Development Index 2023, while the Kingdom of Morocco ranked second in the Maghreb and 62nd globally, followed by Libya in third place in the Maghreb and 68th globally.

Algeria ranked fourth in the Maghreb and 102nd globally, while Mauritania closed the Maghreb list in fifth place in the Maghreb and 130th globally.

#Algeria #Algeria_News #Central_African_Republic #Commonwealth_of_Nations #Global_Youth_Development_Index #Libya #Libya_News #Morocco #Morocco_News #North_Africa #Saudi_Arabia #Singapore #Tunisia #Tunisia_News #United_Arab_Emirates
“Fitch” Ratings has revised its outlook for Egypt’s sovereign rating from “stable” to “positive”.

In a recent report, the agency revealed that its decision came against the backdrop of “significantly reduced near-term external financing risks” due to the Ras Al Hikma deal with the UAE, the transition to a flexible exchange rate policy, and the tightening of monetary policy.

Additional financing from international financial institutions for Egypt and the return of non-resident inflows into the domestic debt market have helped.

The Central Bank of Egypt’s decision to increase interest rates by 600 basis points on March 6 indicates the Egyptian authorities’ seriousness in addressing economic challenges.

The investment in Ras El Hikma underscores the strength of the financial support provided by the GCC countries to Egypt and is confident that exchange rate flexibility will be more sustainable than in the past.

Fitch expects inflation to remain around 30% until the end of 2024, which will keep real interest rates in Egypt close to positive levels.
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#Central_Bank_of_Egypt #Economic_Inflation #Egypt_News #Egyptian_economy #Fitch_Credit_Rating_Agency #Ras_El_Hekma_Project #United_Arab_Emirates
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Algeria has threatened to halt gas deliveries to Spain’s “Naturgy” if the latter decides to sell its shares to another company, Reuters reports.

The threats come amid media reports that Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA) is in negotiations to acquire a full share of “Naturgy”, Spain’s largest natural gas company.

“Naturgy” has a significant stake in the main gas pipeline between Spain and Algeria, in addition to key contracts with Algeria’s “Sonatrach” for gas supply.

The company has also signed contracts for the supply or payment of a fine until 2032 with Algeria, reflecting the importance of relations between the two countries in the field of energy.

For its part, “Naturgy” denied participating in any negotiations on the sale of its shares, stressing that it is committed to the current contracts with Algeria.
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#abu_dhabi #Algeria #Algeria_News #Algerian_Gas #Gas #Naturgy #Spain #United_Arab_Emirates
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Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE’s foreign minister, has expressed his country’s categorical rejection of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposal for the UAE’s participation in a civilian administration of the Gaza Strip.

The UAE foreign minister, in remarks published on the “X” platform, said that the UAE condemns everything Netanyahu said because it does not involve any legitimacy that entitles him to call for such a step.

He added that the UAE strongly supports the formation of an independent Palestinian government that expresses the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people, and is characterized by integrity, efficiency, and independence.

He also affirmed the UAE's readiness to provide all forms of support to the future Palestinian government, expressing his hope that this government will contribute to achieving stability and peace in the region.

In an interview with American talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw, Netanyahu spoke about his vision for Gaza's future, noting the need for "some kind of civilian government" by Gazans "who are not committed to destroying us."

Netanyahu said this could be done with the help of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and other countries he believes "want to see stability and peace."

It is noteworthy that the UAE and Israel signed a peace agreement on August 13, 2020, and according to the agreement, the UAE recognizes Israel as a state, as the current cooperation between the two countries includes key areas such as the logistical, air, tourism, cultural, educational, medical, scientific research sector, and the telecommunications sector.

#Abdullah_bin_Zayed_Al_Nahyan #Benjamin_Netanyahu #Gaza_Strip #Israel #Palestine #Saudi_Arabia #United_Arab_Emirates
The Egyptian government announced the implementation of the receipt of the second installment of the “Ras Al-Hekma” deal, which amounts to $ 14 billion, received from the UAE side.

The Egyptian Prime Minister, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, stressed that this step contributes to increasing dollar resources in the country.

The Egyptian government has also begun cooperating with the UAE side in the procedures for waiving the value of a USD 6 billion deposit with the aim of converting its value into Egyptian pounds, in accordance with the investment partnership agreement for the development of Ras El Hekma City between the two countries.

The Prime Minister pointed out in a statement to the Council that the economic conditions are going very well, and stressed the importance of continuing this approach, in accordance with the state's plan for structural reform of the Egyptian economy, which includes setting a ceiling on public spending and making room for the private sector.

In a related context, Madbouly explained that he communicates periodically with Hassan Abdullah, the governor of the Central Bank, pointing to the great confidence of Egyptians abroad, which has been translated into a steady increase in remittances, and an increase in the waiver of the dollar at the banking system and various exchange offices in light of the decline of the parallel market.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Central_Bank #Egyptian_Construction_Sector #Egyptian_economy #Ras_Al_Hekma_City #UAE_Investments_in_Egypt #United_Arab_Emirates
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The Central Agency for Mobilization and Statistics announced that the volume of trade exchange between Egypt and Arab countries amounted to $ 26 billion during 2023 compared to $ 29.5 billion during 2022.

In a statement, the agency stated that the value of Egyptian exports to Arab countries amounted to $ 13.6 billion during 2023 compared to $ 12.5 billion during 2022.

He added that Saudi Arabia came at the top of the list of the highest Arab countries importing from Egypt during 2023, with the value of Egypt’s exports amounting to $ 2.7 billion, followed by the UAE with $ 2.2 billion, Libya with about $ 1.8 billion, Sudan with about $ 984.4 million, and Algeria with $ 850.3 million.

On the most important commodity groups exported to Arab countries during 2023, the agency indicated that “vegetables and fruits” were exported with a value of $ 1.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Libya #Qatar #Saudi_Arabia #Sudan #United_Arab_Emirates
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Remittances from Egyptians working in Saudi Arabia and the UAE accounted for about 72.7% of the total remittances of Egyptians from the Arab countries during the fiscal year 2022/2023.

These recent data were released by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt.

The data showed that Saudi Arabia topped the list of countries sending remittances from Egyptians with a value of $ 8.3 billion, representing more than 58% of the total remittances received from Arab countries.

The UAE came in second place with remittances of $2.1 billion, equivalent to about 14.6 percent of the total.

Kuwait came in third place with remittances of $2 billion, accounting for 14% of total remittances, followed by Qatar in fourth place with $940.6 million, representing about 6.5%.

Jordan came in fifth place with remittances of $415.3 million, or 2.9%.
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#economic_news #Egypt #Egypt_Economy #Egypt_News #Saudi_Arabia #United_Arab_Emirates
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Sudan welcomed Egypt’s announcement regarding its intention to host a conference of all Sudanese civil political forces, at the end of June 2024.

In a statement, the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed the confidence of the Sudanese government and people in Egypt and its leadership, as it is “most keen on Sudan’s security, peace and stability, because that is Egypt’s security, peace and stability.”

The statement pointed out that “Egypt is best able to help reach a comprehensive national consensus among the Sudanese to resolve the current crisis,” stressing that “the Egyptian role in this regard is required and welcomed.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry’s statement appreciated the Egyptian position, which stresses the importance of “respecting the sovereignty, unity and integrity of Sudan’s territories, not interfering in its internal affairs, and preserving the state and its institutions,” and that the goal of the conference should be to reach a purely Sudanese vision, based on the fact that the crisis is “essentially a Sudanese issue.”
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#Cairo #Chad #Darfur #Egypt #Egypt_News #Khartoum #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Foreign_Ministry #Um_Jars_Airport #United_Arab_Emirates
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The Security Council session in New York yesterday, Tuesday, witnessed a sharp debate between representatives of Sudan and the UAE over responsibility for fueling the conflict in Sudan.

Sudan’s representative to the United Nations, Al-Harith Idris, renewed his accusation of the UAE of supporting “rapid support,” claiming that his country’s government has evidence of this.

On the other hand, the UAE representative to the United Nations, Mohammed Abu Shehab, described the Sudanese representative’s accusations as “ridiculous,” pointing out that the Sudanese ambassador represents the Sudanese army, which is one of the parties to the conflict, pointing out that the UAE provides humanitarian support to Sudan.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Emirates_News #Emirates_Representative_to_the_United_Nations #Mohamed_Abu_Shihab #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #New_York #Rapid_Support_Forces #Security_Council #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Crisis #United_Arab_Emirates
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The UAE quadrupled its imports of Russian oil derivatives in 2023, reaching a record level of $971.4 million, compared to $237.8 million in 2022.

The UAE increased coal imports from Russia by 1.7 times, reaching a value of $75.3 million.

Total trade exchange between Russia and the UAE in 2023 increased by 3.5% to reach $11.2 billion, a new record level.

The two countries covered their trade exchange with the Russian ruble and the UAE dirham, which enhances economic cooperation between them.

The year 2022 also recorded trade exchange between Russia and the United Arab Emirates at a record level, growing by 68%, equivalent to $9 billion, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov.
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#Russia #Russian_Gas #Russian_Oil #Russian_Emirati_Relations #Trade_Exchange #United_Arab_Emirates
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