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A young man and a girl in Qena governorate committed suicide last Friday after eating poisonous grains, after their parents refused to marry them.

Investigations revealed that the young people “Sharif. A” is 24 years old, and the girl “Malak” 23 years old, and a report of the incident was written, and was referred to the Criminal Investigation Department to intensify efforts and uncover the circumstances of the incident.

The yield pill is used as an insecticide and is relied on in Egypt due to its low price, and dozens of Arab countries have banned its use after causing an increase in child mortality as a result of accidental ingestion.

It is noteworthy that a study prepared by the Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment at the Egyptian Ministry of Health showed that 29.2% of secondary school students suffer from psychological problems, and 21.
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#Criminal_Investigation #Egypt #Grain_pills #Marriage #Qena_Governorate #Suicide
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A young man died after setting himself on fire following a dispute with security forces in the governorate of Kairouan in central Tunisia, his family confirmed yesterday, Friday.

Mansour Salami stated that his 22-year-old son, Yassin, set himself on fire last Tuesday after intervening to resolve a dispute near a police station in the Bouhajla agricultural area.

Salami explained that the police threatened to arrest his son, saying: ‘The police decided to arrest my son when he tried to intervene, and as a result, he protested by bringing gasoline and pouring it on himself and setting himself on fire.’

Salami added that the authorities informed him last Thursday morning of his son’s death in the hospital due to severe burns in the capital, Tunis, noting that he would protest to demand justice.
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#Kairouan_Governorate #Mansour_Salami #Mohamed_Bouazizi #Nizar_Issaoui #Poverty #Sfax_Governorate #Suicide #Tunisia #Tunisian_Police
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Israeli media revealed the suicide of 50 survivors of the Nova music festival, which was attacked on October 7

Guy Ben-Chamoun, one of the survivors, said the severe trauma they suffered after the incident led some to commit suicide.

During the session, which was held to discuss the bureaucratic obstacles facing survivors in obtaining the necessary support, he noted that many of them suffer difficulties in continuing their daily lives.

The session, moderated by Yesh Atid party Mickey Levy, addressed the urgent need to facilitate treatment and assistance for survivors, who find themselves trapped by frustrating administrative complications.
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#Al_Aqsa_Flood #Israel #Israeli_Police #Mickey_Levi #Nova_Music_Festival #Palestine #Psychological_Shocks #Suicide
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The city of Nasiriyah, the capital of southern Iraq’s Dhi Qar province, recorded two suicides on Monday, raising concerns about the growing phenomenon in the region.

A security source explained that the district of Souq al-Shuyoukh in the south of the province recorded two suicides, one of which was a 15-year-old man, who hanged himself inside his home in the military district area, which led to his death on the spot.

The source added that the second case belongs to another young man who tried to injure himself, but his family managed to save him and transfer him to the hospital.

The source revealed that the two young men committed suicide in grief for their friend, who committed suicide two days ago in the same area.
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#City_of_Nasiriyah #Dhi_Qar #Grief #Incidents #Iraq #Suicide
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A horrific crime has rocked Iraq’s Basra province, where a father killed his entire family and then committed suicide.

“In an unfortunate criminal incident, a father killed his entire family of 12 with a rifle and then committed suicide in the area of the staff houses in the Shatt al-Arab district in Basra province,” said Brigadier General Miqdad Miri, spokesman for the Iraqi Interior Ministry and the Security Media Cell.

“Preliminary information indicates that this incident was the result of financial matters,” Miri said.

Miri confirmed that the Basra Governorate Police Command has launched an investigation into the incident, in order to reach more details about the horrific crime that shook the country.

#Basra_Governorate #Iraq #Iraq_News #Iraqi_Interior_Ministry #Miqdad_Meeri #Murder #Suicide
On Monday evening, human rights bodies called for an investigation into the suicide of a schoolgirl who threw herself from the top of a cliff on the beach in the city of Safi (central-western Morocco).

The girl committed suicide after she was caught cheating on the first day of the baccalaureate (high school) exams, in which about 500,000 students participate.

The head of the “National Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Morocco” (a non-governmental organization), Abderrahim Hanami, called for a thorough investigation to be opened into the suicide of the 17-year-old student.

He urged the Public Prosecution and the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports to reveal the reasons and arrange responsibilities, describing the incident as “unfortunate” and leaving a strong shock in the city and the country.
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#Girl_Suicide #Investigation #Morocco #Morocco_News #National_Association_for_the_Defense_of_Human_Rights_in_Morocco #Secondary_School_Exams #Sorry #Suicide_Incident
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A lawyer in the city of Belqas, Dakahlia Governorate, in Egypt, tragically ended his life by taking poisonous pills after a ruling was issued to imprison him for two years in a case related to the dissipation of a “trust receipt.”

This happened inside the courtroom, where the lawyer was attending the ruling session. As soon as the judge announced the ruling, the lawyer pulled out a toxic substance that he had brought with him inside his bag and swallowed it, which led to him falling unconscious on the floor of the courtroom.

He was immediately transferred to the hospital, where doctors tried hard to save his life, but to no avail, as he breathed his last due to the toxins he had ingested.
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#Belqas_City #Dakahlia_Governorate #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Judiciary #Suicide
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The head of the National Human Rights Commission in Libya, Ahmed Hamza, stated that the statistics of the outgoing National Unity Government regarding the rise in suicide cases reflect a worrying escalation of this phenomenon in the country.


Hamza’s statements came after a statistic conducted by the Ministry of the Interior of the Unity Government, ending the term under the rule of Abdul Hamid Al-Dbeibeh.

Hamza pointed out, in statements to France 24, that this phenomenon is noticeably worsening, while the relevant authorities remain unconcerned and are not taking serious steps to address it, despite its clarity on the ground and its noticeable increase in recent years.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #Ahmed_Hamza #Interim_National_Unity_Government #Libya #Libyan_Ministry_of_Interior #National_Human_Rights_Committee_of_Libya #Suicide
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An Egyptian man named “AF” committed suicide inside the “Torre del Gallo” prison in Milan, Italy, after he was detained on charges of sexually assaulting an 89-year-old elderly woman who suffers from a cognitive disability.

The incident dates back to last September, when the victim was going to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, and on her return, she met the accused, who offered to help her return home.

After they arrived home, the victim offered to wait for the accused and serve him a meal as an expression of her thanks for his chivalry, but he surprised her by sexually assaulting her, torturing her for more than an hour, and stealing her money.

Italian security investigations showed that biological samples at the crime scene matched the DNA of the accused, which led to his arrest on charges of sexual assault and theft.
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#Egypt #Italian_Prosecutor #Italy #Milan #Monza_Court #Rape #Suicide #Torre_del_Gallo_Prison
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