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Laser engraving specialist. Space exploration enthusiast. A fan of Mordin Solus. Opinions are my own. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey
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Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, Alexander Gorbunov and Alexey Zubritsky worked out survival skills in the winter forest. During this training, they have to find a safe place, help a "wounded" crew member, build 2 types of shelters, make a signal fire and move to the rescue helicopter. https://t.me/GagarinCosmonautTrainingCenter/1760
Aaaaand... the second round! Rumors say, a leak appeared in the #ProgressMS21 which should be deorbited on February 18. The situation, according to the former head of Roscosmos PR service Dmitry Strugovets, is quite similar to the accident with Soyuz MS-22.
1. There is a leak in the external radiator cooling loop of #ProgressMS21.
2. The hatch to the ship has been immediately closed.
3. The crew is in no danger.
4. RSC Energia calls a meeting to decide what to do next.
5. The launch of Soyuz MS-23 will be postponed.
And now there is a reason to believe that the cause of the #SoyuzMS22 accident was not a micrometeorite.
All the conversions with the ISS are now being held on the private channels, to prevent the speculations.
So, it is the cooling system.
Forwarded from ТАСС
Разгерметизации контура грузового корабля "Прогресс МС-21" могла произойти в системе регулирования, но уверенности в этом пока нет, заявил исполнительный директор Роскосмоса по пилотируемым космическим программам Сергей Крикалев в интервью телеканалу "Звезда".

"По моей информации, косвенной, по телефону, это система терморегулирования, но пока нет уверенности", — сказал он.
(For my Russian speaking friends) Вспомнили тут с друзьями рекламу банка Империал, поностальгировали. А у вас какой ролик любимый? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-7j2YKig_I
Yuri Borisov:
1. An emergency commission has been set up, to consider all options for the causes of the depressurization of #ProgressMS21.
2. The causes of the incidents with Soyuz MS-22 and Progress MS-21 may be different.
4. #SoyuzMS23 will be launched not later than March 10.
And finally! Here is an official photo taken by Canadarm, of the hole in the radiator of #SoyuzMS22
Roscosmos reported that today Canadarm will take photos and make video footage of the #ProgressMS21 service module. According to them, the arm is being currently moved to the damaged cargo ship. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8444
Rumors say, the preparation for the launch of #SoyuzMS23 has been resumed on Baikonur. The inspection (without disassembling) of the radiator didn't show any defects. The ship is already fueled, and this operation is irreversible. The final decision on the launch, according to the sources, will be made after analyzing the photos taken today by Canadarm. Highly likely, #SoyuzMS23 will be launched before the End of February.
(📸 by Roscosmos, taken on Feb. 10)
Sources say, the rollout of the rocket with #SoyuzMS23 will be highly likely scheduled for February 21, and the launch - for February 24. The final decision will be made tomorrow. Not the best choice for a launch date, IMHO.
The new assembly stand for #Angara rockets is waiting for testing on Vostochny cosmodrome. It’s a revolver-type device, similar to the one used on Baikonur for Protons.
#SoyuzMS23 was rolled inside its payload fairing today on Baikonur. The official launch date hasn't been published yet, but the sources say, it will be February 24.