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The final decision on the fate of #SoyuzMS22 will not be made on December 27, reported TASS referring to Roscosmos. https://tass.ru/kosmos/16691929
Sergey Krikalev said, the final decision will be made next year. There will be a meeting tomorrow where reports of technical specialists will be made, and it will be decided what to do next and how to change the flight program. He also said that the decision on the next cross-flight (seat exchange between NASA and Roscosmos) will be made depending on the fate of #SoyuzMS22. https://ria.ru/20221226/soyuz-1841481772.html
Roscosmos shared the summary of the meeting regarding #SoyuzMS22: https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8000
1. Leak in the radiator occurred due to external mechanical damage.
2. Decisions on further actions, as well as on possible changes to the flight program will be made in January 2023.
Rumors say, some decisions regarding #SoyuzMS22 will be made on January 10. I'm not sure it will be a final decision.
Roscosmos: a meeting of the Council of Chief Designers took place today to discuss the flight program of the Russian segment of the ISS regarding the technical condition of #SoyuzMS22. Tomorrow, State Commission will take a decision about its fate. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8091
Official news from Roscosmos: #SoyuzMS22 should return to Earth without a crew. The launch of #SoyuzMS23 is on February 20, 2023 in automatic mode. The expedition of Sergei Prokopiev, Dmitry Petelin and Francisco Rubio is being extended. They will return to Earth on Soyuz MS-23. https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/8095
Great thread by Marcia. She collects all the the important information from the NASA-Roscosmos media teleconference regarding #SoyuzMS22 and its crew: https://twitter.com/SpcPlcyOnline/status/1613174198842658819
Roscosmos shared the following measures they will take to be sure, the MS-22 crew will stay safe before the #SoyuzMS23 arrival. On January 17-18, Rubio's seat (presumably, only the lodgment) will be moved to Crew Dragon. In case of an emergency, Francisco Rubio will return to Earth on Crew Dragon, while Prokopiev and Petelin will use #SoyuzMS22 to get back home. When MS-23 arrives, Rubio's seat will be moved there, so all three crew members can return on Soyuz ship.
Today, Frank Rubio's lodgment (the replaceable part of the Soyuz seat, made custom for every crew member) was moved to Crew Dragon - so in case of an emergency he wouldn't have to leave ISS on the damaged #SoyuzMS22. When #SoyuzMS23 arrives, all three lodgments will be moved there.
And now there is a reason to believe that the cause of the #SoyuzMS22 accident was not a micrometeorite.
And finally! Here is an official photo taken by Canadarm, of the hole in the radiator of #SoyuzMS22
Today, the cosmonauts with a help of RSC Energia specialists will provide the thermal tests of #SoyuzMS22 before it's upcoming landing in an automatic mode, which will presumably happen on March 28.
Roscosmos announced the thermal test of #SoyuzMS22 which lost coolant agent in the external contour due to the damage of the radiator, but they shared no details. Izvestia talked to their sources in space industry and found out what will happen today. https://iz.ru/1483063/olga-kolentcova/bolnomu-korabliu-kosmonavty-otrabotaiut-spusk-na-avariinom-soiuze-ms-22
The test will begin today at 12:10 UTC and supposed to be finished at 17:15 UTC. During the test, Sergei Prokopiev and Dmitry Petelin will take their places in #SoyuzMS22 wearing their Sokol spacesuits. Andrei Fedyaev will take Frank Rubio’s seat (without a spacesuit). They will turn on the ship’s systems and simulate the return from orbit which usually takes about 5 hours. The main goal will be to check how much the previously damaged ship will heat up and whether it can be used for emergency evacuation from the ISS in case of any incident. The experiment can be interrupted by Mission Control in following cases:
- due to the physical condition of the crew;
- if the temperature in the descent module reaches 31° C at 95% humidity;
- at 40° C in the service module;
- at 45° C heating of the main computer.
Roscosmos reported that the thermal test of #SoyuzMS22 has been finished. The results will be analyzed by RSC Energia specialists.
Some news about the Russian ISS segment’s program.
1. On today’s meeting of the State Commission, it was decided to return the #SoyuzMS22 to Earth on March 28 with 218 kg of cargo, including the results of scientific experiments and station equipment.
2. After the undocking of Soyuz MS-22, the number of the long-term expedition will change from 68 to 69. Once again, it will change after the undocking of Soyuz MS-23 in the second half of 2023 - from 69 to 70.
3. The State Commission approved the updated flight program of the Russian segment in 2023. On April 6, it is planned to relocate #SoyuzMS23 from the #Poisk module to #Prichal. Sergei Prokopiev will fly it in manual mode, Dmitry Petelin and Francisco Rubio will be onboard.
4. The redocking of #SoyuzMS23 is necessary to ensure the safety of spacewalks under the Russian program from the Poisk module. In spring and summer 2023, several spacewalks are planned for Sergei Prokopiev and Dmitry Petelin.
Roscosmos presented a new emblem of #SoyuzMS22 which will return to Earth on March 28 in automatic mode. They haven't told yet if the undocking and landing will be streamed, but I hope they will do it.
Don’t miss the undocking and landing of #SoyuzMS22 today! The stream of undocking begins at 09:45 UTC: https://www.youtube.com/live/3dZiIQ6V2oA. At 11:20 UTC, the stream of the landing will begin: https://www.youtube.com/live/JgP_zEou9Mk?feature=share
Temperature in #SoyuzMS22 which landed yesterday in Kazakhstan was more comfortable than in the worst scenario calculated by Roscosmos specialists, said Sergei Krikalev. How hot it was in the ship during the descent, will be known after analyzing different parts of the ship. https://tass.ru/kosmos/17387207
Roscosmos specialists dismantle autonomous recording devices of the #SoyuzMS22 descent capsule for further decryption and analysis of stored data on the functioning of the ship's systems during flight and landing - reported Roscosmos. I'm curious if they will publish the results.