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人民有顛覆暴政的自由 People have the #freedom to subvert tyranny.

Designer: IG @kokdamon
#humanrights #StandWithHK #StandWithMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance #StandWithThailand #SAVE47 #HK47

獄牆隔絕人與社會的連繫。我入獄一個多月裏,發生了很多大事, 47+12+9+數不清的1。我只能從無表情的報章得知這些「發生了」但缺乏生命力的資訊,沒有網絡熱度和留言,沒有朋友為此事產生共通的情感,我未能為這種社會共感的哀傷而哀傷。這無形牆壁比物理牆壁更清晰地告訴自己坐緊監。




一同呼吸 共命運

Post by #被捕人士收信部 / TG @youarenotalonehk_mailbox
#劉家棟 #無形牆壁 #在囚手足 #社工 #毋忘手足 #save47 #荔枝角 #朱凱迪 #壁屋 #寫信師
This Saturday (9 Oct) in Bargate #Southampton, #HongKongers will organise a rally to support the 47 pro-democracy activists who were charged under the so-called “National Security Law”, come to join us and #StandWithHongKong #save47 #NSL47

Twitter @sotonswhk

#UK #集會 #初選大搜捕 #Support47 #國安法 #顛覆國家政權 #法治已死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓
Hong Kong Watch is formally launching a social media campaign encouraging people to mark the LegCo election that will take place on December19th 2021, by sharing a photo with the hashtag #ReleaseMyCandidate.

With this campaign, hope to send a message to the international community that these rigged elections do not reflect the voice of the Hong Kong people and to again call for the release of the 47 pro-democracy activists and 35+ primaries candidates who have been jailed for over 300days.

Please feel free tagging us in your posts and we’ll retweet / share.
👉🏻example: twitter.com/hk_watch/status/1470428393057488903
👉🏻our fb/ig: @hongkongwatchorg

#save47 #初選大搜捕 #Support47 #國安法 #顛覆國家政權 #法治已死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓
Don't forget CCP’s arrest of 47 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong 1 year ago. This is a major step for CCP to eradicate freedom of Hong Kong. Many of the activists are still in custody, without bail.

#FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners #FreeHongKong #Save47 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #毋忘手足 #在囚手足
消息指李卓人何俊仁獄中確診 均無病徵
#獨媒 報導: https://bit.ly/3sEVpbg


#李卓人 #何俊仁 #確診 #save47 #初選案 #NSL