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Cash payout of HK$10,000 to HK residents, Chinese netizens recommend proof of “patriotic thought” as a requirement

(26 Feb) The financial Secretary has revealed in a speech to the legislative council of hong kong planning to pay permanent residents whose age are over 18 HK$10,000 each. This has stirred up heat from Chinese social media as they believed the money used by the Hong Kong government was given by the Chinese Central Government. Most of the commenters expressed envy, jealousy and even hate. They expressed the hardships that they endured due to the coronavirus outbreak as the nation continues to grind to a screeching halt as more than 20 million people are still confined in their homes.

Some netizens even proposed that the lump sum payment should only be made when the recipient has demonstrated their patriotic spirit with acts like singing the Chinese national anthem in full. The thing is that most Chinese mainlanders do not understand that Hong Kong is fiscally independent of the Chinese government, thus the money used for the scheme comes from Hong Kong taxpayers, not Chinese taxpayers.

Furthermore, as the cash payout scheme only benefits Hong Kong permanent residents, some non-permanet residents are complaining that they do not benefit even though they pay their fair share of taxes. Miss Zhao took to social media to show her discontent, posting:” The Hong Kong government is giving out money to permanent residents, but we non-permanent taxpayers are not benefited, even though the outbreak affects us all equally.” She also pointed out that the government had not taken into consideration about minority groups stating a policy Macau has recently announced to hand out cash payouts whether or not an individual is a permanent or non-permanent resident.

Judging from the reactions of Chinese social media, Chinese propaganda has been working hard to spread misinformation, deepening the already deep divide between Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Source: China HKET

#ChinesePropaganda #CashPayout #Macca #Nationalism

Devastated! Chou Tzuyu donates 50 million KRW to South Korea for epidemic prevention, Chinese netizens complain "she did not donate a single penny to China"

Editor's Note: Chou Tzuyu was accused of supporting Taiwanese independence for waving a Taiwanese flag in 2016 and was forced to apologise to continue working in the entertainment industry. For the donation incident, she later clarified that she had also donated money to China when she made the donation to Korea.

(29 Feb)South Korean news reported that many Korean celebrities recently donated money to control the Wuhan coronavirus. Chou Tzuyu, a Taiwanese singer from the South Korean girl band TWICE, donated 50 million KRW to charity to purchase medical supplies. She said, "I wish everyone good health." TWICE's management company, JYP Entertainment, also donated 50 million KRW, "we hope to benefit frontline medical workers."

After Tzuyu's donation was announced, many South Korean netizens left happy comments: "Tzuyu's face and heart are beautiful", "Tzuyu is an angel", and "Tzuyu has a beautiful soul". Some commented, "Taiwan No.1".

However, her act of kindness also started trending on Weibo. Some Chinese netizens were dissatisfied that she "donated to South Korea but not China", and "she did not donate a single penny to China".

Source: Newtalk news

#ChouTzuyu #Taiwanese #Korea #Nationalism #Coronavirus

Be "Tolerate" to Sun Yang

(14 Mar) Recently, the Pro-Beijing camp and the Hong Kong police have both tried to open up the international battleline, justifying the regime's violation of human rights and condoning indiscriminate violence.

After the visit to the United States by several members from the Executive Council (ExCo), Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee said that the US has little chance of sanctions. However, almost at the same time, the State Department released a report about human rights, criticizing Hong Kong police for using excessive force and interfering with the freedom of assembly. Whether the sanctions are awaiting in the future or not, everyone remembers that after Regina Ip's visit to the US last year, she also publicly stated that the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" would not be passed too soon, which the Act passed two months later.

//the so-called "police violence" is a weapon to discredit and defame the police... but Kwok did not explain why the police did not do what they should do on 21 July

//the public to be tolerant of the police because they are under pressure.

//In China, Sun Yang's incident was read as the whole world slandering Sun and framing China, and the dignity of the entire nation shall go all in to fight for the "right" judgment... the swimming "giant baby" has become an "abandoned baby".

Full translation:

Source: Stand News

#sanctions #HumanRights #21July #31Aug #FreedomOfAssembly #PoilceBrutality #IndependentInquiry #SunYang #Nationalism
Youtube Censorship: Coronavirus related videos yellow tagged, same for CCP forbidden topics 2/2

Many Youtubers avoid to demonetize videos mentioning Wuhan Coronavirus after their video are marked with "yellow tags", even for videos educating people about Covid19 and personal hygiene. Most of them agree that such censorships only make pandemic worse.

Don, ex-organizer of Google, claimed that most of the managers in charge of Chinese department in Youtube are mainland Chinese. So, they are more alerted to the words forbidden by the Chinese Communist party, such as Independant of Tibet. They are particularly strict on videos of these topics. He said that he has been picking on by others as he post a poster of "Five demands, not one less" in his office.

Source: Demosisto Twitter

#Youtube #Google #Kowtow #Censorship #FreedomOfSpeech #CCP #Coronavirus #YellowTag #HongKongProtest #Nationalism
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Rome in the Wee Wee

(2 Mar) A world with one more cyber-community of hundreds of millions of people suffering from collective mental illness is a nasty thing.

Symptoms of a mental patient: reading out many imaginary stuff out of what should have been a simple question, and then ranting hysterically.

For example, a Chinese swimmer named Sun Yang was banned from competition for eight years after the International Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that he had taken drugs illegally.

//A smart nation should not have pledged the dignity of 1.3 billion people on such trivial matter, and insisted that the Western rules crowd out or discriminate Chinese, or that the international swimming organizations were bribed by the U.S. empire out of jealousy towards China's rise and prosperity.//

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading
Be “Tolerate” to Sun Yang

#SunYang #Nationalism #Chinese #ChinesePropaganda #Discrimination

Chinese woman resentful of Sydney clinic's phrasing "Wuhan Pneumonia", argued with staff, "If you earn our money, don't disgrace us."

(26 Mar) Under the pseudonym Linda, a Chinese woman wrote on the Chinese news website Sydney Today. She claimed that she had an appointment with cardiologist Dr Clement Wong at Sydney Specialists Centre in Hurstville on 24 Mar. Four days before the checkup, she received a message from the clinic. Besides asking Linda to confirm her appointment, the clinic reminded her that "due to the recent Wuhan pneumonia outbreak, patients must wear a mask before entering the clinic". Caught by surprise, Linda was furious when she saw the words “Wuhan pneumonia”.

When she saw the words "Wuhan pneumonia", Linda said, "I was so angry my heart rate went up so I just cancelled my appointment." She also replied to the message, "Amend your message. This disease is called corona virus Covid-19 [sic], not Wuhan pneumonia." She did not expect the response, "This pneumonia originated in Wuhan, it is known as Wuhan pneumonia in Chinese." Linda lambasted the clinic as "unprofessional", and angrily replied, "You have your business in Hurstville with Chinese clientele. If you are biased or want to be divisive, please go to a more remote area so you don't have to receive Chinese clients, earn our money nor disgrace us, you ignoramus!"

When the local press called Sydney Specialists to inquire about the message's usage of "Wuhan pneumonia", a female staff member replied, "It isn't? What is the problem?" She later commented indignantly in English, "If you want to challenge me on this, go ahead!" She also emphasised, "I am very busy and have no time to talk about this." When the reporter asked to speak with Dr Wong, she hung up. Subsequent calls went straight to voicemail.

Dr Clement Wong graduated from the University of New South Wales. In 2013, he earned his master's degree in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of Newcastle. In 2010, he completed cardiologist training at the Prince of Wales and St George Hospital. Soon after, he obtained his doctorate in Lipidology at the University of Sydney. From 2015 to 2017, he completed interventional cardiology procedures and research at the Ottawa Heart Institute in Canada.

"Wuhan pneumonia" has many names. In mainland China, it is "Novel Coronavirus". The WHO calls it "COVID-19". Yet, veteran publisher and writer Ngan Shun-kau affirmed in an article that, after taking everything into consideration, the disease should be named "Wuhan pneumonia". He declared that the epidemic was not merely a virus, but "about compassion and sin, love and hate, history and memories". The name should serve as a reminder to the world of the cover-up by the CCP, the suffering and sacrifice of Wuhan citizens, and the people who did not give up despite the massive uncertainties that lie ahead. He also stated that he would continue to use the name “Wuhan Pneumonia”.

Source: Apple Daily

#Australia #Nationalism #WuhanPneumonia #NameOfVirus

Taiwan will donate 10 million pieces of masks. Chinese netizens: will write "donated by China" on all donations

(1 Apr) Taiwan prepared their pandemic prevention materials in advance and will donate 10 million pieces of masks to countries with severe pandemic outbreak. Moreover, many countries would like to cooperate with Taiwan.  Taiwan is currently cooperating with the United States and the Czech Republic, and also exchanging pandemic prevention materials with the United States and Australia.  In addition, Taiwan will also provide assistance to countries with diplomatic relationships to obtain medical supplies through local purchase.

Tsai Ing-wen emphasized that Taiwan must not stand on the side and is ready to provide assistance to the international community in three aspects: masks, drugs and technology.  The premise for such cooperation is that Taiwan has "strong power" and the government has the "capacity" and willing to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of the international community.  "To show everyone that not only Taiwan can help but Taiwan is helping."

This news was reposted on Weibo and many Chinese netizens commented that "donation is made by China Taiwan anyways", "all donations are made by China", "should comment "from China Taiwan" on all tweets about Taiwan donating to any country", "International: thanks China", "agree Taiwan province to provide foreign aid", "these are China Taiwan (donation), of course donation from China and can donate as much as we want", "all credits go to China".

Source: Stand News, Setn

#TaiwanHelps #Taiwan #Donation #Mask #Nationalism

If your voice is not in harmony with China’s official tone, you would be attacked in a “cultural revolution-style” even if you are a mainlander.
Chinese student Nova Hui commented on Weibo that Chinese are “miserable wretches”, “country haters” and “returning to the country like prisoners”, and she “is not going to be the small potato of the country” and “doesn’t want to go back at all”. These comments were slammed by netizens, criticizing that she was ungrateful and has forgotten her roots. She was also doxed.
Nova later issued an apology, emphasizing that she “loves her motherland and compatriots”. She admitted that she neglected the feelings of her compatriots, and shouldn’t have provoked them with extremist opinions. However, Nova revealed to her friend that she apologized for the sake of downplaying the situation, and believed that “it’ll be fine after three days”. Netizens thought her apology was insincere, and Nova’s Weibo account was subsequently deleted.
Chinese visiting scholar Wending Mai earlier sent an apology email to her American colleagues for the spread of COVID-19, due to the delayed actions by China. “As a Chinese, I feel sorry about the coronavirus which comes from China has spreaded out, from an epidemic to a pandemic that brings so many inconveniences to you, and even endanger people’s lives”, he wrote. “Chinese governemnt’s cover-up and WHO’s delayed response are also disappointing causes that also contribute to the spread. United States is a great country. I believe U.S. will survive and thrive. And I hope everything goes well soon.” He continued.
In fact, before the ‘Wending Mai email’ incident, a Chinese student studying in the US, Zhihao Kong, posted an ‘apology video’ on Twitter to apologize to COVID-19 patients, and said that “China regime and Chinese people are guilty for the surge of the pandemic”.
Wending Mai’s action begets wumaos and “little pinks” to turn out in full strength, attacking him in a “cultural revolution-style”

Source: Apple Daily, (02-Apr)

#Nationalism #Apology #WendingMai #US #NovaHui #Coronavirus

Apologize for saying the term “Wuhan Pneumonia”

[fwd] A Chinese overseas student in New Zealand was slammed by purely mentioning the term “Wuhan pneumonia” in a WeChat group. Friends argued that Wuhan sacrificed a lot… But isn’t the virus originated in Wuhan? Why must he apologise?
Image content:
At the same time, please don’t forget the Americans, Italians, Spanish, and all other foreigners who died from Wuhan pneumonia
Are you still having to call it Wuhan pneumonia?
COVID 19 then
I even thought for a moment whether you were being sarcastic or not
Leo, what do you mean by everyone who died from Wuhan pneumonia? Are you being ambiguous? There is an official name for it, what’s wrong with you? You’re poisoned
Leo, please apologise
“Leo: COVID 19 then” This sounds quite insincere. Please explain.
As someone from Wuhan, things have been miserable in Wuhan this year. The words ‘Wuhan pneumonia’ sound especially harsh to me
Wuhan really sacrificed a lot
How long has be been out of touch with the society?
Alex, same
Ya, the news have been saying covid 19 everyday. How can those words still come out of your brain
You got to be responsible for what you said. If you don’t apologise, everyone will be watching you
I’m from Wuhan as well, but not because I need to voice out for Wuhan. This incident is like how Trump said ‘Chinese Virus’, no one can tolerate that. The virus has a name, covid 19, what’s your purpose for calling it Wuhan pneumonia?
+1 Maybe to him, the air’s fresher and the moon’s brighter abroad
Just one sentence, then… that’s brilliant
If he doesn’t apologise today, no one is allowed to change the subject
Calm down, come out and explain. The 490 of us should all tag him.
Just kick him out
For people who say ‘Wuhan pneumonia’ and ‘Chinese virus’, I’m curious about what they’re thinking, especially when they’re Chinese

Source: Facebook

Further reading:
Outbreak in Wuhan shows that lessons from seventeen years ago are forgotten

#NewZealand #WeChat #Nationalism #NameOfVirus #WuhanPneumonia #ChineseVirus

Chinese manufacturer threatened to sell fake infrared thermometers to harm the Americans but later apologised for it's “patriotic act”

(30 Mar) The quality of the Chinese made medical supplies are in great doubt. Days ago, some Chinese manufacturers claimed to manufacture fake infrared thermometers and sell them to the United States, so the Americans cannot test their temperate accurately. The manufacturer said that they did it out of “patriotism”. Researchers found that in the last few months, the Chinese government has stirred up many public opinions, and nationalism has become part of the preventive measures. Some mainland Chinese residents said that many businessmen cashed in on the pandemic and made huge amount of money during the suffering of the nation. They took advantage of the epidemic, and that many medical supplies are fake with bad qualities.

//Many countries have found quality issues in the medical supplies from China.

//Through shifting the blame or speaking about nationalism, it resolves some pressure for the authority. “

I believe the authority pushes theses nationalistic thoughts among citizens, and it actually boosted the world’s distrust and suspicion on China. The “made in China” tag, the sincerity of donating face masks, etc, all these diplomatic moves have casted doubts on China's purposes.

//there are many other medical supplies without any certifications.

Full translation:

Source: Rfa

Further reading:
Thermometer Only Gives Reading Below 37°C, Thai Police Arrest Chinese Smugglers of Fake Thermometer and COVID19 Test Kits

#Patriotism #Nationalism #Masks #InfraredThermometer #Holland #Fake #MedicalSupplies #ZhangXuandong #MotherYangCongeeRestaurant

Rumours Guangdong is banning zombies and plagues on online games. Warning the players who 'promote the secession of their motherland'.
(13 Apr)An article published yesterday by Mainland we media, You Xi Pu Tao (meaning Game Grape), claimed that they have received a publisher's document on March, which collated a series of requirements on game regulations from Mainland authorities. The article quoted multiple informed sources confirming that the document came from Guangdong, and it contained more details compared to the meeting minutes of gaming companies in regions such as Shanghai and Beijing.
The article pointed out that it could be foreseen from the new requirements that the toughest wave of gaming regulations in history is potentially coming. Out of all the requirements, the most concerning ones are the operators requested not to promote the "global server" function in the game, and remove this function immediately if necessary; Anything relating to COVID-19 such as corpses and plagues is not allowed in the game. At the same time, it must be ensured that there is no inappropriate speech in game’s chats, names and public user systems; "Undesirable inducements" such as money worship and encouraging love with several people at the same time, etc. are prohibited in the game name or game content.
The document also reported on the recent situation of the gaming industry, alleging that some "separatists" had used online gaming platforms, character costumes, chat systems, trade union games, etc. to instigate and establish related organizations. Some players used the "map creation" and "map editing" functions to edit the boundaries of the game world and "promote the secession of their motherland".
In addition, there are inconsistencies between the content of the online version and the declared version in some games. For example, in the case of a recent palace drama game, the Publishing Bureau of the CCP Publicity Department recently withdrew its approved version, the game was taken off the shelf, and the publisher was criticized. There are also online games with 'unhealthy' names, such as promoting the social values of money worship and using 'unhealthy' terms such as "kill", "die", "ghost" and "demon".

Source: Apple Daily News

Further reading:
Animal Crossing taken down from TaoBao without any heads up
Joshua Wong claims he will keeping playing despite receiving death threats


#Guangdong #Cersorship #Games #CCP #Nationalism #ChinesePropaganda

Milk Tea Alliance Takes on China's Little Pinks in Meme War

A row erupted after online supporters of the Chinese Communist Party, known as Little Pinks, took issue with a tweet from Thai actor Vachirawat Cheevaari (known as Bright), who seemed to imply Hong Kong was a separate country from China, and very quickly his girlfriend Weeraya Sukaram also drew down further Little Pink ire, as she has once commented that she dressed more like a "Taiwanese" after being told she looked like a "cute Chinese girl". Soon "Little Pink" started trolling Thai users, Thai users expressed their dissatisfacation with what Chinese did through online altercation in return. "Little Pink" who need to use a banned VPN to evade their own government's Great Firewall of censorship can only reply "ni ma sile(NMSL), meaning "your mother is dead."

Social media users from Taiwan and Hong Kong have also taken part in the online altercation on Twitter afterwards to fight against China's "Little Pink" nationalists. In a loose confederation of Twitterati known as the "Milk Tea Alliance", users from Thailand, Hong Kong and democratic Taiwan fought back with a string of memes - the hashtag #nnevvy, Weeraya's Twitter username. Most netizens from "Milk Tea Alliance" are impressed by Thai users' hillarious creativity and emotion management. The alliance was soon joined by users from Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea and India. Seems like there is pent-up anti-China feeling from different countries.

Chinese current affairs commentator Jin Shan said China's education system trains everyone to think the same thing, which means its students typically lack the habit of independent thought. Yet, Chinese communist party could only control their citizens' mind but not everyone in the world.

Full Story: Rfa, (15-Apr)

#Thailand #Taiwan #MemeWar #Bright #MilkTeaAlliance #Nationalism #Twitter #CCP #LittlePink

Chinese doctor suggests nutritious foods for children’s breakfast instead of congee; Chinese netizens: “unpatriotic and a western worshipper”

(24 Apr) Doctor Zhang Wenhong, Director of the Department of Infections of the Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai, suggested that children should have nutritious and high protein foods for their breakfast instead of congee to fight against COVID-19. However, he was criticized by Chinese netizens as “unpatriotic and a western worshipper”.

He explained that nutritious and high protein food, such as milk and eggs, is good for children’s immune systems. Despite being criticized by many Chinese netizens, Zhang stood firm elaborating that protein is essential for the human immune system as it helps create antibodies to fight the virus. He also added that children should also take Vitamin C supplements.

Chinese netizens reacted aggressively to Zhang’s speech, “what is the issue of having congee as breakfast? This is a traditional food for the Chinese, why are you saying it is not nutritious?”

Full translation:

Source: Citizen News

#chauvinsim #CCP #ZhangWenhong #Chinesepropaganda #Congee #WesternWorshipper #patriotism #Nationalism #Fangfang
How should we reflect upon the pandemic's spread?

by Ip Iam-chong

• French Scholar Jon Solomon petitioned for the University of Hong Kong to investigate Yuen Kwok-yung and David Lung for their article’s claim that “the Wuhan New Coronavirus is a product of the inferior culture of the Chinese". The author believes an investigation by the University would be harmful

• The author compared this discourse with that of a debate between Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben and fellow scholars Jean-Luc Nancy and Anastasia Berg over the pandemic lockdown


#IpIamChong #Academia #JonSoloman #Nationalism #YuenKwokYung #DavidLung

Japanese Director "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", Seiji Mizushima, supports Hong Kong in Twitter; Netizens in China requested banning all his movies in China

(18 May) Seiji Mizushima, a famous Japanese Anime director of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", sent out a tweet to support Hongkongers yesterday in his official personal account. After that, many Chinese netizens criticized his tweet and requested Chinese authorities to ban all his movies in China.

Seiji posted on Twitter yesterday and mentioned, "Hong Kong is a wonderful place. I love it. I support democracy and the passing of the five demands in Hong Kong so that my Hong Kong friends and Chinese friends can live without any further pain in their hearts."

Another well-known Japanese Anime director, Tsutomu Mizushima, had a related post to support democracy in Hong Kong yesterday. He said outright, "we're not allowed to badmouth our sponsor China".

After Seiji shared his post shortly, a lot of Chinese netizens left messages on that tweet to criticize his speech and requested authority banning all Seiji's movies in China for discharging their discontent. Some netizens reprimanded Seiji was brainless, and his behaviour was foolhardy.

Source: Unwire HK

#SeijiMizushima #Japanese #China #GlobalSupport #Amine #Nationalism #SharpPower #TsutomuMizushima
#OpinionArticle #LeeYee

This is China - Lee Yee

Lee Yee, a veteran journalist and commentator on politics in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, delves into the issue of a prevalent Chinese sentiment towards foreigners - one of mistrust and suspicion. With facts distorted or concealed by government propaganda and information censorship, a vast majority of Chinese citizens are often misguided and misinformed. This has led to an enslavement of the mind from which few are able to escape.

Full translation:

#Nationalism #Coronavirus #Japan #ChinesePropaganda #US #Pandemic

Image source: Internet

Thai Actor, Bright, Apologizes to China Over His Girlfriend’s Twitter Scandal

//“So pretty, looks just like a Chinese girl.”... “What style is this?” Weeraya responded, “Taiwanese girl.” This prompted a Twitter war between Chinese and Thai netizens as many Chinese netizens felt offended and disrespected by Weeraya’s actions. Chinese netizens on Weibo also started campaigns to boycott Bright and subbing teams vowed to stop subbing his series, “2gether: The Series”, which was really popular in China at the time.

//Bright remained silent on the issue until June 20. He uploaded a video on Weibo and apologized to China... had started out the video apologizing for his own mistake first... was sorry for “mistakenly referring to Taiwan as a country in a travel show” he hosted talking about Thailand and Taiwan... he was only introducing tourist destinations and wasn’t trying to impose any political agendas.

//When asked why he stayed silent on the accusations of insulting China and the Chinese people, Bright apologized and explained that he thinks it was a misunderstanding. He respects China and each person. He has never thought about insulting any race. Bright also apologized...

//Bright also expressed that he has Chinese heritage and definitely wouldn’t look down on Chinese people or ethnic Chinese. Lastly, Bright expressed his apologies in Chinese: “Hello everyone, I am Bright. I am sorry to China. I am sorry to you all.” Unfortunately, many Chinese netizens didn’t accept his apology. They left a lot of comments telling him to “get lost!” There were a minority of fans who left supporting comments.

//Watch the video here: https://www.weibo.com/tv/v/J7yEfvGLX?fid=1034:4518014322671659

Further reading:
Milk Tea Alliance Takes on China's Little Pinks in Meme War

Full Article: 38jiejie, (20-Jun)

#SorryToChina #Kowtow #Thailand #Bright #Twitter #MemeWar #SharpPower #Taiwan #Nationalism

Billie Eilish accused of supporting "Hong Kong independence" for speaking out. Sparking anger from Chinese netizens, posts quickly taken down

(16 Jun) In the hopes of sharing experiences with those facing the police in the Black Lives Matter movement, Billie Eilish shared posts by Hong Kong netizens of their local tactics against "police brutality" and how Hong Kong protesters dealt with tear gas fired by the police.

Meanwhile, Billie's elder brother, Finneas, shared an infographic comparing the Hong Kong Police Force with American police.

This caused a wave of backlash on the internet in China with accusations of Billie Eilish supporting "Hong Kong independence". At the same time, after notifying Billie and her family through their Chinese PR team, Billie Eilish's and Finneas' Instagram accounts were temporarily suspended and they deleted their Hong Kong-related posts before the 24-hour expiration period.

In her links supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, a link supporting "Stand With Hong Kong" was also found in Billie Eilish's Instagram account.

Clicking Hong Kong's link leads to a page with the "Black Bauhinia" flag and many topics that clearly explain what happened from June last year to June this year, Hong Kong's history, "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law.

It also reported on the barbaric acts of the Hong Kong Police Force, what China is doing to Hong Kong and how to help Hong Kong from abroad.

All this "evidence" infuriated Chinese netizens. This April, Billie Eilish became the first foreigner to be featured in China's version of Vogue Magazine in 15 years.

She was originally supposed to hold a concert in China in the latter half of this year but it was postponed due to the epidemic. It is unknown whether not she can enter China in the future.

Source: Gimmepop

#BLM #PoliceBrutality #SelfCensorship #BillieEilish #HongKongProtest #VOGUE #Nationalism

In echo of Mao era, China's schools in book-cleansing drive

//As schools reopened in China after the COVID-19 outbreak, they have thrown themselves into a nationwide exercise to remove books deemed politically incorrect, deepening Chinese President Xi Jinping’s push to instil patriotism and ideological purity in the education system.

//A directive from the Ministry of Education last October called on elementary and middle schools to clear out books from their libraries including “illegal” and “inappropriate” works. Now teachers have removed books from schools in at least 30 of mainland China’s 33 provinces and municipalities, according to a Reuters review of social media posts, publicly available school and local government documents, and interviews with teachers.

//Censorship in China has been intensifying under Xi, but analysts say this is the first national campaign aimed at libraries in decades. It comes as government employees in Hong Kong last week removed books by pro-democracy activists from public libraries to see whether they violate a new national security law.

//The ministry directive did not list titles, but said illegal books are those “that damage the unity of the country, sovereignty or its territory; books that upset society’s order and damage societal stability; books that violate the Party’s guidelines and policies, smear or defame the Party, the country’s leaders and heroes.”

Full article: Reuters, (09-Jul)

#Censorship #BookCleansing #China #Xi #patriotism #Nationalism
Hong Kong's “National Education Calendar” suggests discussing #ChineseCommunistParty development and watching three "patriotic anti-Japanese" films a year

In a letter to all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Education Bureau (#EDB) "strongly recommended" schools to "fully and systematically" implement learning activities for #NationalSecurityEducation.

The bureau attached a calendar of "important dates" on the national education curriculum, as well as suggested learning activities for each. These recommendations include watching patriotic or anti-Japanese war movies on three memorial dates related to the anti-Japanese war; holding memorial ceremonies on "mourning day for Nanjing Massacre Victims"; celebrating the "102nd Anniversary of the founding of the #CCP" with discussions on the Party's development, etc.

The EDB had also made it mandatory for all primary and secondary schools to fly the Chinese flag on all school days, as well as to hold a weekly flag-raising ceremony, complete with singing the Chinese national anthem. Secretary of Education Christine Choi says that, as the youth is the future pillars of society, schools must instill in students the concept of the nation, as well as national identity and pride, in order to develop them into a new generation of "knowledgeable, responsible youths who love the country and love Hong Kong".

[Editor's notes: Many China-produced television dramas and films about fighting the Japanese during World War 2 are characterized by their nationalistic nature. They are also known for "over-the-top violence and implausible plot events." For more information, check out this report by Hong Kong Free Press:

Patriotic comedies? Japanese author compiles an encyclopaedia of Chinese anti-Japan dramas
https://hongkongfp.com/2018/05/06/patriotic-comedies-japanese-author-compiles-encyclopaedia-chinese-anti-japan-dramas/ ]

Source: In-Media HK #Aug02

#Education #EducationBureau #NationalSecurityLaw #AntiJapan #Brainwashing #Nationalism