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Will the donated medical supplies ever be able to reach those who need them in China? 1/3

A: A batch of supplies was just intercepted by the fire fighters.
A: I even talked to the logistic company for half a day.
B: ?
B: They robbed the supplies?
A: No. A friend sent over the medical supplies.
A: Cars couldn’t come in without permit.
B: What is meant by “intercepted ”?
B: ?
B: Too strange.
A: As soon as the supplies arrived at Wuhan, they were intercepted by the fire fighters.
A: Fire fighters need them as well
A: But we have already contacted the hospitals (for the medical supplies).

Source: Wechat
#MedicalSupplies #Donation #Wuhan
Will the donated medical supplies ever be able to reach those who need them in China? 2/3

Image 1:
'Yesterday, I helped to coordinate the medical supplies to be transported to the hospitals. Before the traffic police was clearly sure whether we could be discharged according to the new restriction of vehicles in Wuhan (editor’s note: since 26 Jan, Wuhan has implemented a 'restriction of vehicles', banning all means of transport except for the permitted logistical vehicles), a friend of mine had sent all the supplies to the hospital hurriedly.

After completing the task, I quit the group. Later I found out they (group members) had a fight. The supplies were all taken by the cadres. The medical practitioners could not get anything.

What I could do is just to ask the related people for this matter to move on after lodging a complaint. After complaining, we should reserve our strength for something else. I realised later on that it was not the only case. I have attached some screencaps, showing someone who had also encountered similar issues, and I don't know them.

I have asked my friend to report on this case already. I speak up because I hope there would be an improvement on the overall planning and the distribution of supplies. The collaboration among the people should be just a matter of expediency. I hope these chaotic situations are just temporary before heading to the right track. It is understood that the senior staff members do have a need on the supplies, but we would like to put the frontline medical practitioners as our first priority. If the management do not set a good example, things might be fallen into the "Tacitus Trap", which would be a big trouble.'

'The protective suits of our hospital had been expired. The seniors said it’s okay, the expired suits could still be used.

Comment: It is very common. Also, some doctors would wear adult nappies to prevent the need of changing protective suits after going to the toilet. I have seen donations of nappies to the doctors. It is hard to imagine how the female doctors could survive through their menstruation.

Comment: Yes, I heard that some stocks were from 2003 when SARS happened.”

Source: Weibo

#Donation #MedicalSupplies #Bureaucracy
Will the donated medical supplies ever be able to reach those who need them in China? 3/3

Image 2:
'That’s sick. On the registration form of the "collection of masks of different departments", the number of masks taken by the administration departments is much higher than that of the clinical departments. Some people from the executive departments even complained in IM groups that they were denied for requests to get extra masks for their families. And often seen in such groups are some photos with management members wearing N95 masks when visiting the doctors and nurses in the hospitals in surgical masks only. Shame on them.

Comment: Bureaucracy is such a monster.

Comment: Haha. Don't know if I ask people at Douban (a Chinese social platform) to donate masks to hospitals whether there will any response. I'd better not ask, as I have no clue how many of the donated masks could be used by the frontline staff of the hospital.

Comment: It’s a structural problem ”

Image 3:
'It is the same for Wuhan Hospital No.5. Individual donation is not allowed. Those who receive donations privately would be permanently suspended. All the donations of preventive supplies were taken by the hospital, but nothing was disseminated to any the frontline medical practitioners. I am so angry, together with my friends, we have reported the case.

Comment: That’s the most terrifying issue. The so-called "improvement" is just to "forbid doctors to receive donations individually, otheriwse there shall be punishment". However, the doctors couldn’t receive any supplies eventually. How could it be?

Comment: Then they should accept the donated protective gears. If the hospital dare to suspend the doctors, there would be nobody to work anymore.'

Source: Weibo

#Donation #MedicalSupplies #Bureaucracy
One possible way the donated masks might have gone in China

Images: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16610

Picture 1
ChowChow : If you need N95 mask and can’t find that, you can let me know and I can help with your own consumption.
Person A : Miss Chow, do you sell masks?
Person A : @ChowChow How much is it?
ChowChow : 260 RMB for 10 masks including shipping cost.
Person A : Thanks. Will let you know if I need to buy.

Picture 2
ChowChow : Do I know you?
Person B : You or your family is working in government organization.
Person B : Those masks are allocated and donated by government.
ChowChow : None of your business.
Person B : You sell them
ChowChow : None of your business.
ChowChow : None of your business.
Person B : Shit! Need to dig you out.
Person B : Shameless.
Chow Chow : None of your business.

Picture 3
[image showing boxes of masks]
ChowChow : Government warehouse for donation.
Person C : Thank you!

Picture 4
White label with “Zongrun Ecological Construction Group (棕潤生態建設集團) Donation” are stuck on each of the box

Source: Wechat
Reference: https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2020_02_02_534158.shtml?s=zwyxgtjdt

#Masks #MedicalSupplies #Donation #Selfishness #WuhanCoronavirus
One possible way the donated masks might have gone in China

Read full story:

#FaceMask #Donation #ThisIsChina

Mainland Chinese’s views on Red Cross in China

Netizen 1: ‘Don't think that donating supplies can stop me from getting money.’
Netizen 2: A series of actions.
Netizen 3: What does it mean??? People in Shuoguang donated the vegetables for nothing in return. How could the Red Cross ‘sell’ them to Wuhan?
Netizen 4: How ‘impressive’ is the Red Cross. People in Shuoguang donate supplies. People in Wuhan buy them. And the Red Cross gets all the profit. How impressive.

@Global Times: [Thank you people in Shuoguang! #350 tons of vegetables donated by Shuoguang have arrived at Wuhan# ] On the 29th of January, in Hubei Wuhan, 350 tons of vegetables donated by Shandong Weifang Shuoguang have arrived at Wuhan. It is learned that the 350 tons of vegetables will be sold to Wuhan citizens at a price lower than the market price. Profit derived will be donated to the Red Cross. The vegetables have arrived at Wuhan at noon and will be available for purchase in the afternoon. The vegetables will be at Wuhan people’s dining table in the evening.

Source: Internet

#RedCross #Donation

Taiwan will donate 10 million pieces of masks. Chinese netizens: will write "donated by China" on all donations

(1 Apr) Taiwan prepared their pandemic prevention materials in advance and will donate 10 million pieces of masks to countries with severe pandemic outbreak. Moreover, many countries would like to cooperate with Taiwan.  Taiwan is currently cooperating with the United States and the Czech Republic, and also exchanging pandemic prevention materials with the United States and Australia.  In addition, Taiwan will also provide assistance to countries with diplomatic relationships to obtain medical supplies through local purchase.

Tsai Ing-wen emphasized that Taiwan must not stand on the side and is ready to provide assistance to the international community in three aspects: masks, drugs and technology.  The premise for such cooperation is that Taiwan has "strong power" and the government has the "capacity" and willing to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of the international community.  "To show everyone that not only Taiwan can help but Taiwan is helping."

This news was reposted on Weibo and many Chinese netizens commented that "donation is made by China Taiwan anyways", "all donations are made by China", "should comment "from China Taiwan" on all tweets about Taiwan donating to any country", "International: thanks China", "agree Taiwan province to provide foreign aid", "these are China Taiwan (donation), of course donation from China and can donate as much as we want", "all credits go to China".

Source: Stand News, Setn

#TaiwanHelps #Taiwan #Donation #Mask #Nationalism

China Isn’t Helping Italy. It’s Waging Information Warfare

//Italy is an ideal outpost for China’s wide-reaching propaganda effort to cover up its own responsibility for the global spread of the new coronavirus, all the while presenting itself as a compassionate power aiding Western countries in need.

//The government has been pursuing a two-pronged strategy that carefully combines sending medical supplies to assert its relevance in a leaderless world—call it mask diplomacy—while at the same time spreading conspiracy theories to conceal the true origin of the virus. In this “global battle of narratives,”

//it’s also led by a government coalition that includes the Five Star Movement, a Euroskeptic and increasingly pro-Chinese party that has for years relentlessly promoted a stronger relationship with Beijing while downplaying the traditional trans-Atlantic alliance and fueling suspicion toward NATO

//Recently, China’s state media outlets suggested the new coronavirus originated in Italy, not in Wuhan, by shrewdly twisting the words of the Italian physician Giuseppe Remuzzi

//it was part of a commercial deal formalized a few days before in a phone call between the foreign ministers of China and Italy, Luigi di Maio and Wang Yi. Italy was buying medical equipment from China, but the government took advantage of a parallel donation made by China’s Red Cross to make it look like an instance of its “politics of generosity.”

//selectively praising China’s generous efforts while downplaying the belated solidarity coming from EU members

//If the Chinese government knew [about the virus] and didn’t tell it publicly, it committed a crime against humanity

//The Five Star Movement has long been a hotbed for conspiracy theories and fake news

//France and Germany combined have now donated more masks to Italy than China, and Austria contributed 1.6 million more. German hospitals are taking care of some patients from Italy, while France donated 200,000 protective suits.

Source: FP, (31-Mar)

Further reading:
Italy is ranked as the country with the most rapid spread of Covid-19 outside of China.

#Italy #China #ChinesePropaganda #France #Germany #Austria #Masks #Donation #OneBeltOneRoad #MaskDiplomacy
Taiwan is a true friend for Europe and the World
Stephane Corcuff, a scholar at the Lyon School of Political Science in France, posted a video on Facebook on the 8 April, emphasizing that Taiwan unconditionally donates masks to European countries without diplomatic relations and is a true friend of Europe. He called on the government to give a helping hand to Taiwan, not to let her to face China's suppression alone.


Further reading:
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro calls WHO chief one of China's 'proxies' at the UN

#France #Taiwan #Masks #Donation #China #CCP #Deal #Pandemic #Friend #Europe

German Government Spokespersons’s Reponse to Taiwan’s Mask Donation

//German government spokespersons unable to say Thank You to Taiwan for donating 1 mio. masks. Shameful.//

Für Taiwans 1-Mio-Masken-Spende sagt Regierungssprecher Seibert nicht nur nicht Danke, er bringt nicht mal das Wort "Taiwan" über die Lippen.
Das ist eine Steilvorlage für Bundestagsabgeordnete (und Medien), die das auch peinlich finden.


TaiwanReporter, (15-Apr)

#Germany #Taiwan #Masks #Donation

Evidence of two American companies aiding China

(04 May)While China has continually denied receiving any aid from the US to fight against COVID-19, evidence shows that IBM and Boeing donated resources as early as late January this year.

In an official statement on Weibo on 30 Jan, IBM declared a donation of 2 million RMB (US$280,000) to relevant organizations in China in support of efforts to combat COVID-19. It also made claims on ensuring the health and safety of its employees, clients, and the wider community. The company paid tribute to frontline medical personnel and offered words of encouragement to China and, specifically, Wuhan.

Outside of China, IBM has extended a helping hand to Latin America, Europe, South Korea, and the US in the form of data analytics to expedite the search for a cure, provide local information of confirmed cases and facilitate education from home.

On 29 Jan, Boeing announced a donation of 250,000 medical-grade respiratory masks to local health officials in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, and Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province. An additional 25,000 masks were provided to employees working in the region to date. The company stated that it prioritized the health and well-being of its employees and their families.

"Our thoughts continue to be with all those in China dealing with the health impacts related to the coronavirus," said Boeing President and CEO Dave Calhoun. "Through our donation, it is our hope that we can help limit the spread of this virus and ease the burden on local aid workers and medical personnel."

Sources: US Chamber Foundation,
Boeing Media Room, Sina Finance

#MedicialSupplies #Donation #China #US #IBM #Boeing
Suspected for Receiving $3M from CCP, University of Pennsylvania Failed to Explain the Donor's background

#UniversityOfPennsylvania #Pennsylvania #CCP #China #Donation #Corruption

Source: Apple Daily #Aug4

Read more
Suspected for Receiving $3M from CCP, University of Pennsylvania Failed to Explain the Donor's background

The University of Pennsylvania, a member of the Ivy League, was accused that a donation from an unknown party of US$3M, may include the Chinese Communist Government. Washington Free Beacon, a political news website by the conservatives, reported on 3rd August "The amount of donation was from a mysterious shell corporation in Hong Kong which its boss was involved in a government official corruption case in Shanghai, resulting in resignation. Besides, he has a close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. The donation implies that China is paying an effort in interfering with the Academies in the US."

In the past few years, the University of Pennsylvania received a large number of foreign funds, which the majority was from China. From March 2017 to the end of last year (2019), the University received presents and contracts of US$61M involved. Among the large amount, cash donation owned a significant portion of US$19M.

#UniversityOfPennsylvania #Pennsylvania #CCP #China #Donation #Corruption

Source: Apple Daily #Aug4
