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#FreeJimmyLai #US
U.S. Government and Senators Condemn Chinese Communist Party Government for Further Eroding Hongkongers' Freedom

The vice-president of the United State Mike Pence, State Secretary Mike Pompeo and senators including Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney have voiced support for Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai, after Lai, his two sons and 4 management executives from Next Media were arrested by the Hong Kong Police.

Using #FreeJimmyLai as a hashtag, Pence reiterated his support for Lai and "all freedom loving people of Hong Kong", while Pompeo pointed out that the arrests are "further proof that the CCP has eviscerated Hong Kong’s freedoms and eroded the rights of its people."

Source: Stand News #Aug11
Twitter: Mike Pence; Mike Pompeo

Further Reading:
Hong Kong Arrests Jimmy Lai, Media Mogul, Under National Security Law


Japanese Netizens Show Concern Over the Arrest of Hong Kong Pro-democracy Activist Agnes Chow
#FreeAgnes #Japan #GlobalSupport #NationalSecurityLaw
Japanese Netizens Show Concern Over the Arrest of Hong Kong Pro-democracy Activist Agnes Chow

23-year-old Agnes Chow, former member of the now-disbanded Demosisto and former spokeperson of Scholarism, was arrested at her home by the Hong Kong police for alleged National Security Law violation in the evening of August 10, 2020.

Chow was nicknamed the "Goddess of Democracy" by Japanese media. Not only that her arrest was extensive covered by many Japanese news outlets, #FreeAgnes has become the top search on Twitter in Japan.

Meanwhile, the arrests of former Scholarism member Lee Chong-chak and "Hong Kong Story" member Lee Yu-hin are worth equal attention.

Source: Raby Chan; Terry Lazy Class; Stand News #Aug10

Watch Video of Chow's Arrest on Japan's Mainichi Shimbun:
#NationalSecurityLaw #WhiteTerror #Arrests

Arrests under the National Security Law

A quick recap of people arrested for violating the National Security Law since it’s implementation in July 2020.

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Arrests under the National Security Law

3 people were arrested for possession of HK Independence Flags and Republic of China Flag on 1 July

Source: https://bit.ly/2PGJ2XH


4 former members of Student Localism group including convener Tony Chung Hon-Lam were arrested on 29 July

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/29/hong-kong-student-activists-arrested-under-new-security-law


5 Pan-democratic legislators and 1 former student leader were informed that they will be arrested for memorial over 4th June 1989 vigil.

Source: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1542240-20200806.htm


Jimmy Lai, his two sons and 4 other Apple Daily executives were arrested on 10 August for charges related to the violation of the National Security Law.

Related articles:
https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24063 ; https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24069


Agnes Chow, former member of the now disbanded Demosisto group, was also arrested on August 10 for inciting subversion of the state under the National Security Law.

Related articles: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24090


Former Scholarism member Lee Chong-chak and "Hong Kong Story" member Lee Yu-hin were also arrested on August 10 on suspicion of violating thd national security law.

Related article: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24095

#JimmyLai #AgnesChow #Demosisto #Scholarism #NationalSecurityLaw #StudentLocalism #AppleDaily #NextMedia #PoliticalSuppression
#WhiteTerror #JimmyLai #AppleDaily
Barrister Lawrence Lau: "Collective Punishment: We All Could Be Jimmy Lai"

Source: Lawrence Lau Wai-chung's Facebook #Aug10

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#OpinionArticle #WhiteTerror
Barrister Lawrence Lau: "Collective Punishment: We All Could Be Jimmy Lai"

//The day has finally come. Next Digital's Jimmy Lai was arrested for "colluding with foreign powers" - if he hadn't broken any laws before, they have now made one up for him. Ever since the National Security Law was passed on July 1, Lai was asked again and again whether he would leave the city. Again and again he said no; he would walk with Hongkongers, because Hong Kong is his home.

In this new age of One Country One System, what does "colluding with foreign powers" even include? Holding a conference with foreign academics? Using American eggs in your restaurant? There are no clear answers. What counts as "colluding with foreign powers" is entirely up to those up there, and them alone; it's collusion if they say so. This is the absurdity of the National Security Law: it runs completely contrary to what the modern world expects from the rule of law, that is, the letters of the law must clearly spell out its intents and requirements to the public, so that people can take care not to break it.

Two hundred Blue Berets marching into Apple Daily's offices seemed like a scene straight out of history movies, from Korea's Gwangju Uprising 40 years ago. In 1980, the military government stormed into a newspaper office and made indiscriminate arrests, trying to silence the news of their violent crackdown on the city. After the gunfire ceased, the government thought they had finally secured Gwangju for themselves; what they never imagined was that it spurred thousands of angry citizens onto the streets, ultimately leading to the democratization of Korea.

40 years later, we live in an age where information flows hundreds of times faster than in Gwangju, yet this totalitarian government is still trying to crack down on press freedom and stifle information flow in an attempt to keep us from the truth. Either they are stupid, or they no longer fear the consequences of their actions! If that is the case, then neither should they fear international sanctions. The treacherous acts of the Hong Kong Communists and evil police force have long been in plain sight of the international community. Government officials would be wise start buying plane tickets for their children studying abroad; just like Carrie Lam's son, they better hurry back to Hong Kong, and bask in the glory of China's Greater Bay Area - for the rest of their lives!//

Source: Lawrence Lau Wai-chung's Facebook #Aug10
#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #NextMedia #Gwangju #Korea
#OpinionArticle #WhiteTerror #FreeSpeech
Yesterday Taiwan, Today HongKong: “They can shoot, but we can write”

Source: Island Nation #Aug10

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#OpinionArticle #WhiteTerror #FreeSpeech
Yesterday Taiwan, Today HongKong: “They can shoot, but we can write”

//The arrest of Jimmy Lai and other senior staff of Next Media this morning might have reminded some of a scene from a Taiwan drama, Island Nation, which followed the road to democracy in Taiwan. In one of the episodes, Taiwan Police openly stepped into the office of a newspaper company. They refused to show the search warrant, and one even pointed at his gun and said, “This, is our search warrant”.

The media’s “fourth power” plays a crucial role in a democratic society. Media that is fair and objective can help citizens understand political issues, and balance the power between the government and citizens, which is why rulers oftenly see them as the “troublemakers”.

What used to be just a plot of a story has happened in real-life in Hong Kong today. It is unquestionable that Hong Kong has fallen back to the times of white terror and materiality. Despite of that, when we look back at the democratic movements in East Asia countries such as Taiwan and Korea, their history always makes one want to pray that everyone can stay strong until the dawn breaks.//

Source: Island Nation's Facebook #Aug10
#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression
#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState #FailedState #PressFreedom

National Security Law: Hong Kong Police Arrest Ten People

At a press briefing late on 10 August, the Hong Kong Police Force said a total of nine men and one woman had been arrested throughout the day, four on suspicion of colluding with foreign forces, four on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, and two on suspicion of both offences.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SP) in the National Security Office, Lee Kwan Wah, said that the arrestees, aged between 23 to 72, have allegedly violated the National Security Law, and some senior officers of the media have allegedly been involved in a conspiracy of fraud, in using the factory at a low cost. They were also accused of rallying foreign countries to sanction Hong Kong government senior officers.

The arrestees included media tycoon Jimmy Lai and former Demosisto activist Agnes Chow.

Sources: Stand News, Apple Daily, RTHK #Aug10

Read more for how HK Police Force legitimizes the operation
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#Whiteterror #FailedState #PoliceState
Are police officers allowed to read news materials during raid?

Lee Kwan-wah, superintendent of the Force's new National Security Department, argued that his colleagues took a different approach that they would only glance through documents and stop reading for news materials

He pointed out that officers were briefed ahead of time to confirm whether documents were news material to ensure actual news materials will not be taken or tampered with.

Lee described it as a sincere act of wanting to ensure that no stone was left unturned and that their actions to verify the nature of those documents.

When being asked, on what grounds were the police allowed to "glance through documents", Lee skimped and said that they needed to know whether it belonged to the companies under investigation so glancing through letterhead of the documents is neccessary.

Source: Stand News; InMedia #Aug10
#PressFreedom #AppleDaily

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#Freedomofpress #PoliceState
Why is the Police Allowed to Filter Media Agencies, allowing only the "well-known" ones to enter Police cordon line, while rejecting Reuters and AP?

Kwok Ka Chuen, Chief Superintendent of the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB), said that the arrangements today were meant to allow journalists from outside the cordon line to enter the cordoned area, in order to allow some journalists to get better views to provide coverage.

A Cable TV reporter asked during the raid this morning why only a few news agencies were allowed in, and the officer replied that those agencies were "well known".

The reporter asked Kwok why RTHK, the government-funded network, and even Reuters and Associated Press were apparently not well-known enough to be allowed in? They also asked for a reason behind why the police only held a 'Facebook Live' broadcast, instead of a proper press conference, where the media could ask questions and clarify their doubts. Kwok responded to none of the questions.

Kwok mentioned that PPRB officers were assisting journalists on site, and that the new arrangements gave frontline commanders much more confidence.

He stated that they had to ensure that reporters were not being an obstruction to the officers carrying out their duties, and at the same time, being more open and transparent with what the police were doing.

He argued that 15 media agencies were allowed in, and asked, "Hasn't that increased our transparency?"

Source: Stand News #Aug10

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#Freedomofpress #PoliceState
Will an organisation violate the national security law by merely sharing a post on social media that carrys "We burn together" banner?

Without disclosing name of the organisation, Lee Kwan-wah, replied that the concerning international organization not only posted social media but has also made real, physical actions resulting in the sanction of Hong Kong government senior officers.

Lee claimed that the two males and one female whom were arrested in today's (10 August 2020) operations were very obviously involved in whatever that they were accused of.

According to Lee, there was substantial proof that one of the senior officer of the media agency in question had transferred money to an overseas organisation.

A Stand News journalist asked which article of the NSL had the female arrestee violated. At this stage, Lee said that the arrest was under categorized under Article 29 of the NSL, but she may be charged for other related offences at a later stage.

When the journalist asked if he was worried about the sanction, Lee replied that he was just doing his job.

Source: Stand News #Aug10

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#Freedomofpress #PoliceState
According to Cable News, the search warrant presented by the police today did not include news material.

In response, Steve Li, superintendent of the Force's National Security Department, said that they entered the second floor, where news and editorial sections are located, as it is the arrestee's office.

He reiterated that the seized materials were “signed off by multiple parties”, and that the process was fair and transparent. With regards to the police obstructing reporters at the scene from filming, he said that Apple Daily had immediately applied for an injunction. It was to their own disadvantage as the force already had pictures of the exhibits.

Source: Stand News #Aug10
#Essay #WhiteTerror

If one day, this is the situation at a prison in Hong Kong, what will it mean?

Prisoner 1 is a lecturer at a university.
Because he had taught the history of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre,
He was charged with spreading fake news maliciously and sentenced to two years.

Prisoner 2 is a doctor.
Because he had been a first-aider in the protest,
He was charged with riot and sentenced to three years.

Prisoner 3 is a fireman.
Because he helped lift up a youngster in the protest,
He was charged with riot and sentenced to five years.

Prisoner 4 is a journalist.
Because he covering the news at a protest,
He was charged with assault on a police officer with a camera and sentenced to three years.

Prisoner 5 is a social worker.
Because he had persuaded the police to slow down while they charged forward,
He was charged with resisting police in the execution of their lawful duties and sentenced to one year.

Prisoner 6 is a pastor.
Because he had preached about justice and caring the society in the church,
He was charged with inciting subversion of state power and sentenced to eight years.

In reality, an unarmed social worker was accused of resisting police in the execution of their lawful duties on 27 July 2019. He held his staff card before the police at the defensive line and persuaded the police to slow down to avoid an accidental stampede. He was convicted for the crime on 17 June and sentenced to one year today. (https://reurl.cc/5lNx46)

Will there be a day when prisons or detention quarters in Hong Kong become gathering places for the most kind-hearted people?

If that day comes, what does it mean?
Judicial inequity? Not only that…
The death of rule of law? Not only that…
Erosion of democracy? Not only that…
It will mean world class evil has invaded everyone of us.

We know from this past year that many kind-hearted and innocent people were detained or sentenced.
These kind-hearted people in Hong Kong have to suffer persecution because they were standing up to injustice. They are no different from human rights lawyers who investigate the truth about jerry-built projects and poisonous milk powder.

If we still choose to be silent today, what we are scared of the most will happen soon.
To protect the future of Hongkongers, we cannot turn a blind eye.

Born amidst calamity, we have a certain responsibility.
Hope we can think seriously together.
Why did God place us in today’s Hong Kong?
What is the God’s intention?
And is there more we can do?

Source: Crop Circle.HK, Facebook