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Chinese Media Global Times Defames Hong Kong Pro-democracy Activists

(24 May) A Belizean man named Lee Henley Hu Xiang was sent to Guangzhou People's Procuratorate on suspicion of "financing activities that jeopardise national security".

The Chinese state-run Global Times implicated him with former Legislative Council member ["Long Hair"] Leung Kwok-hung and Alex Chow Wing-hong, the former secretary-general of the Hong Kong Federation of Students.

The newspaper claimed that the photos confirmed "the enemies' hands have long since overstepped ... our bottom line". The legislation of Hong Kong's National Security Law would crack down on funds coming from "financiers supporting Hong Kong independence" as it has reached a stage where it "must not be delayed, its annulment cannot stand".

The National People's Congress would review the bill's draft and bypass the Legislative Council to enact the National Security Law. Chinese state-run media continually promoted the bill's legislation over the last few days. On 23 May, a commentary on Global Times referenced "two deplorable photos to prove that implementing legislation for national security in Hong Kong must not be delayed!" The essay opened with how its enactment would incite opinions of "serious concern" both within and outside its borders. From top to bottom, the entire country would "overwhelmingly" support it.

Although the piece did not provide any evidence to show that external bodies instigated the "chaotic situation" in Hong Kong, it insisted that the two photos were proof of its funding through foreign capital.

The two photos appeared to be taken secretly and were not accompanied by details of time and location. Chow was referred to as a "Hong Kong independence lackey". The article branded him as the same as Demosistō's Joshua Wong, a "leading figure" advocating for Hong Kong independence in Hong Kong's younger generation. "Long Hair" Leung was presented as an oppositional "radical extremist" and a part of the "older generation" that "disrupted Hong Kong". Responding to Apple Daily's query, Leung said that he only met Lee by chance and did not have much recollection of the incident or when it happened. He asked Global Times to do better research before impugning others. Chow confronted the absurdity of discussing anti-government strategy in public.

The article alleged that Lee used the cover of being an affluent representative of a US company to frenetically profit off of China and sponsor activities to "disrupt Hong Kong". That he met the two Hongkongers incriminated his close ties with "Hong Kong independence" activities.

Although Lee was captured, an effective legal mechanism to crack down on "foreign sponsors of Hong Kong independence" was still lacking because the National Security Law had yet to be enacted. There was no way to handle actions that "clearly seek to divide the country" and "endanger national security" until then.

Source: Stand News

#GlobalTimes #ChinesePropaganda #AlexChow #LongHair #NationalSecurityLaw #Defame
#Smearing #CCPControl #FakeNews
The Hong Kong-America Centre Shuts Sown its Offices After Being Smeared by China-Controlled Media

Since the end of 2019, China-owned newspaper Ta Kung Pao and Global Times have been tirelessly reprimanding the Hong Kong-America Centre for being "lavishly backed with US fund" and “manipulating the University General Studies” via the Fulbright Program, one renowned academic exchange program led by the Center. The Center was also said to be “infiltrated” by “anti-China forces” and was acused of "brainwashing youngsters and subverting China".

Academia, however, pointed out that the Center has been driving academic exchange and coordination. The closure of the Center is a loss to both Hong Kong and China.

Apple Daily has looked into the accusations made by the CCP-controlled mouthpieces and found gaps:

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The Hong Kong-America Centre was funded by several heavy-weight organisations, including the Ford Foundation, the Henry Luce Foundation, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the East-West Centre. Among them, NDI allocated $524,000 to the Center from 2013 - 2018 under a “Young Female Leader Advocacy” program.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Based on the Center’s Financial Statement, around 30-40% of the Center’s fund in the past 5 years came primarily from local universities averaging over hundreds of thousands a year. The remaining 60% came from the surplus of the Center’s operating projects, among which was connected to NDI. From 2014 – 2017, a total fund amounted $285,000 was received from NDI, after deducting expenses, a balance of $117,000 was recorded.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The “Women’s Training Camp” organised for Mainland female leaders was funded and led by NDI.

The program invited former Commercial Radio Station Chief, Wong Wing to talk about leadership capabilities and PR tactics, which was actually intended to encourage candidates to learn from the Middle-East women to stand against their governments and subvert China.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
When being asked, Wong Wing clarified that he was invited to talk about the media landscape in Hong Kong and his work experience only.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The Centre “routinely organizes anti-China brain-washing activities”, such as “Let’s Talk: Youth Summit on Hong Kong Elections” which was organised on the eve of the Umbrella Movement in 2014.

The program invited Anson Chan and Joseph Cheng as speakers and discussed “negotiating strategy for mass protest activities”, sowing seed for youngsters to aspire universal suffrage as the ultimate goal in a protest activity.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Responding to the paper’s inquiries, both Joseph Cheng and Eric Heikkila, a Professor of International Public Policy at the University of Southern California, expressed that “I cannot recall a single incident or activity that I would in any way described as ‘anti-China’”.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
From 2006 – 2012, the US Consulate arranged 25 US academia to Hong Kong via the Fulbright Program.

The HK-America Center was the bridge connecting the academia to 8 universities in Hong Kong. They were involved in designing and teaching General Studies, in other words, "manipulating the curriculum" of the city’s higher education program.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Wong Wai-Ho, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration said that the Center’s role was to facilitate academic exchange, involving in the coordination works between the US consulate and universities.

Editor’s note:
The Hong Kong-America Center was set up in early 2000 to advance educational exchanges between China and the United States over the bridge of Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug28

#PoliticalOppression #Education #Academia
#Fulbright #ExchangeProgram
#HKAmericaCentre #TaKungPao #GlobalTimes
Global Times Chief Editor: China to Sanction US Officials and Affiliated Companies for Visiting Taiwan

Speaking of senior US officials visiting Taiwan, chief editor of the state-owned Chinese tabloid Global Times Hu Xijin said Beijing authorities have sanctions in store for them and American companies with which they have ties.

The US health and human services secretary Alex Azar visited Taiwan last month. He became the first US cabinet member to do so in six years. According to the Global Times, Taiwan media have recently reported that the Taiwan authorities are actively bringing about a visit by the US commerce secretary John Ross and may even invite the Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith Krach.

“Based on what I know, China will sanction senior US officials who visit Taiwan, and American companies which they have ties with,” said Hu on Twitter. “They will never be allowed to enter Chinese mainland and US companies they have ties with will also lose Chinese mainland market.”

Source: Stand News #Sep09

#China #US #GlobalTimes #HuXijin #Sanction #Taiwan #AlexAzar #JohnRoss #KeithKrach

Chinese State Media Claims PLA’s Exercises in Taiwan Strait “Drills for Actual Combat”, Warns of Fighters and Missiles over Taiwan If US State Secretary Pays Visit

As the US undersecretary of state Keith Krach visited Taiwan, China has responded with military actions with the eastern theatre command of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) immediately beginning drills for actual combat near the Taiwan Strait. In an editorial published on 19 September, the Chinese state-run tabloid Global Times said this exercise was “no longer a warning” but “a drill for an actual conquest of Taiwan.” The exercise, it said, showed that the PLA was capable of organizing military actions against Taiwan within a very short period of time. “Though being a drill, it is more like an actual operation,” it said. It continued by saying that the PLA was “gaining experience for the conquest” through multiple exercises and that all it needed was a political reason to turn these exercises into an “actual battle,” “wiping off everything that has to do with the Taiwan independence movement.” The editorial warned Taiwan and the US not to see China as bluffing. If being foolhardy is what Taiwan and the US continue to be indulged in, it said, “war must be at the end of the road.”

The Global Times’s editor-in-chief Hu Xijin also shared his thoughts on China’s “national strategy” in a Weibo post. Being the world second-largest economy and a nuclear power, he said, China was “not an easy one to mess with.” This made China’s peaceful rise possible, he continued, but that did not mean it would shy away from war. Where China was left with no choice but to go to war, he wrote, direct conflict with the US should be avoided as far as possible, though “a particular lapdog that always joins America in provoking China and has crossed the line can use a good round of beating.” And if the US military went too far, said Hu, China “must be willing to fight and be good at it” and "must have the war near the coast of Chinese.”

Source: Stand News #Sep19

#US #Taiwan #China #KeithKrach #HuXijin #GlobalTimes #PLA #Military #Drill

China Bans Two Anti-China Australian Scholars from Entry, but the Co-Authors of The Silence Invasion said They Did Not Apply for a Chinese Visa

The Chinese state media, Global Times, quoted from the officials that China had already banned two Australian scholars from entering the country, presumably in response to the action from Australia in early September (Sept 9), when Australia cancelled the visas of two Chinese scholars.

The two banned scholars are Clive Hamilton and Alex Joske, a Professor of Ethics of Charles Sturt University and a researcher of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) respectively.

Clive Hamilton has been actively criticizing Chinese political infiltration of Australia. Besides, in 2018, he published The Silent Invasion, investigating Chinese influence on Australia.

Alex Joske, who grew up in Beijing and speaks fluent Mandarin, specializes his study on the Chinese military and the overseas penetration work from CCP. He also assisted in writing Silent Invasion and often addresses about the Chinese government's infiltration of local universities in Australia.

Source: Stand News #Sept24


#SilenceInvasion #GlobalTimes #China #Australia #CliveHamilton #AlexJoske
"Not a Bad Thing to Keep Outstanding Talents in China," said Hu Xijin after the US Immigration Ban towards CCP Members

On Oct. 2, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued policy guidance, that makes immigration application inadmissible to anyone who is, or has been a member of Communist Party or any other totalitarian party. Hu Xijin, the Chief Editor of Global Times, a tabloid backed by CCP, posted on Twitter that the decision of the U.S. has "taken out" the illusion of many people as most of the Chinese outstanding talents are CCP members. "Not bad", he wrote. He added that the interests of non-CCP members on immigrating to the U.S. had a significant decrease nowadays.

The U.S. was only reiterating the policy, that Chapter 3 of the original Policy Manual already have the immigration requirements and the corresponding procedures for the totalitarian party members. According to the Policy Manual, if totalitarian party members would like to immigrate, they have to prove themselves that they are the exceptions and waivers with evidence, and they do not pose a threat to the national safety in the US.

#China #US #CCP #Totalitarian #Immigration #HuXijin #GlobalTimes #USCIS #USChinaRelation

Source: Stand News #Oct04

U.S. Politicians Blasted China to Launch a Biological Attack to President Trump, Interfering the Upcoming Election

When the news of a diagnosis of COVID-19 on Trump became public, many Chinese netizens described as a National Day gift, since he has been accusing China of inadequate effort to fight the pandemic in recent months, resulting in a global outbreak. However, the CCP and its official media rather kept a low profile. Numerous U.S. politicians pointed their fingers at China and said that the CCP intervened in the U.S. election through the pandemic. "China Have to be responsible for spreading the virus to our president..."

Some U.S. politicians began firing at China in the wake of the diagnosis on Trump. Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler, on Twitter on Friday (9 October), blasted "Remember: China gave the virus to our president... We must hold them accountable”. Trump Campaign Fundraiser, Blair Brandt, said, "The Chinese Communist Party has biologically attacked our President". A member of the House Intelligence and Counterterrorism Subcommittee, Mark Walker, from the Republican Party, said, "Is it fair to make the assessment that China has now officially interfered with our election?”

Donald Trump has recently been accusing China of causing the pandemic. During the first presidential election TV debate at the end of last month, he also pointed out that "COVID-19 is China’s fault, it should have never happened," and even called it "China Virus". Therefore, when the Trumps were diagnosed, many Chinese netizens triumphed as retribution for Trump for criticizing China. Some even called the news a "National Day gift" and said, "Trump is in trouble, praise from all sides", mocking that "the virus has finally found its best host". Some netizens even thought "the debate does not need to be held anymore! Just give way to Biden!”. Hu Xijin, the editor-in-chief of Chinese official media Global Times, also stated the diagnosis on Trumps was made to “pay the price” for taking the epidemic lightly, but he deleted the post shortly afterwards.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct04


#DonaldTrump #USPresidentialElection2020 #COVID19 #KellyLoeffler #BlairBrandt #MarkWalker #ChinaVirus #GlobalTimes #CCPinterference #HuXijin
#ChinaLogic #FailedState

Refused to show press ID, a man who claimed to be #GlobalTimes reporter said: “Wearing press vest will keep me safe.”

Read more
#ChinaLogic #FailedState

Refused to show press ID, a man who claimed to be
#GlobalTimes reporter said: “Wearing press vest will keep me safe.”

During one of the pro-democracy rallies at the Hong Kong International Airport last year, Fu Guo-hao wore a reflective press vest but refused to show his press credential. He was hemmed in by protesters at the scene. The agitated crowd suspected he was a fake reporter. They later found an “I love HK Police” T-shirt in his backpack, which triggered a round of interrogation where Fu challenged the crowd to “fight him” and “hit him”. He was allegedly assaulted.

Testifying at a hearing on October 21, Fu explained that at the time of the incident, he had been working for Global Times web media in Beijing for about a year. His main responsibility was editorial, although from time to time, he was also tasked to carry out reporting assignments. He did not see it necessary to apply for an official ID as the distinction between reporter and editor is not well defined in China.

Fu carried on saying before he was sent off to the Airport for filming, he asked his colleague for a Global Times work pass which could be used as an alternative documentation to prove his identity at times of emergency. Fu also said that his colleague gave him a green reflective vest with “Press” printed on it, which he put on believing that it could keep him safe.

Source: Stand News #Oct22

BTS Supporters Counterattack after Chinese Netizens Sniped BTS,
Zhao Lijian Tried to Calm them Down along with the Deletion of the Provocative Report by Global Times

South Korean K-pop boy band BangTan Sonyeondan (BTS) has gained an award for their efforts to promote South Korea-US relations. However, their award-winning speech, relevant to the Korean War, caused dissatisfaction among Chinese netizens and being sniped, such as claiming not to buy the endorsed products. BTS supporters, on the other hand, fought back on social networking sites. A netizen said, “thanks to the 50 Cent Army and the Little Pink, Korea has become anti-communist now!" Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian then showed kindness, saying that "promoting friendship should be our (China and Korea) common pursuit". The Global Times also deleted its reports criticizing BTS. The Director of the Military Affairs Department of South Korea, Moo Jung-woo, responded yesterday (13 October) that the accusations made by Chinese netizens were "uncomfortable." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea also stated that it would remain concerned about the situation.

Earlier, BTS gained the “James A. Van Fleet Award”. A member mentioned in their speeches that "we will always remember the painful history of our two countries and the countless sacrifices made by men and women". As a result, the Chinese netizens criticized BTS for not respecting the Chinese martyrs and not understanding the history of the anti-American war effort.

Global Times published a report on Monday (12 October), stating that "we cannot tolerate anything that involves our national dignity”. Chinese netizens urged not to purchase any BTS-endorsed product. Subsequently, a South Korean company Samsung removed the BTS-endorsed products from its Chinese online stores, and a manufacturer Hyundai and a sports brand FILA also removed BTS-relevant posts from their Chinese social media pages.

Source: Stand News #Oct14


#BTS #SouthKorea #Kpop #ChineseForeignMinistry #ZhaoLiJian #ChineseNetizens #GlobalTimes #China #JamesAVanFleetAward #Samsung #Hyundai #FILA
Chinese Agents Sued for Pursuing Dissidents in US, Beijing Mouthpiece Defends Hunt as Lawful Effort Against Corruption

Eight individuals, including seven people of Chinese origin, were charged by the US Department of Justice on 28 October with pursuing and forcing the return of Chinese dissidents in America in an effort known as “Operation Fox Hunt.” According to the US authorities, the defendants were engaged in locating the homes and whereabouts of their targets and their families. In one case, the target’s elderly father was forcibly taken from China to the US as a threat. In another instance, a note was posted at the target’s residence, saying that the target’s wife and children would be fine as long as he was willing to return to China and serve 10 years in prison.

Following the announcement of the charges, the state-run Chinese tabloid Global Times and its editor-in-chief Hu Xijin claimed that the “foxes” in question were “economic criminals” and that the pursuit was an anti-corruption effort. They criticized the US for coveting the money these criminals had brought with them and having no wish for their return to China. They further claimed that those involved in the operation had always abided by the law and that the prosecution was a “political attack.”

Source: Stand News #Oct29

#US #China #GlobalTimes #HuXijin #Dissident #OperationFoxHunt #Espionage

The U.S. is Entering a Very Unusual Transition Period, said China state-owned media editor

The editor-in-chief of the China state-owned media Global Times, Hu Xijin, believes that the United States will enter a very unusual transition period and that China needs to develop ties with Biden's team, while not provoking Trump.

Hu said in a social media post that the U.S. is going into the most turbulent and uncertain transition period, and China must have bottom-line thinking, preparing for uncertainties. He added that China must develop contacts with Biden's team to explore the possibility of getting rid of the U.S.-China relation of extreme turmoil.

He further said that since Trump does not accept the election results, it is easier for him to vent all of the anger outside the U.S. than internally. The Chinese government should be conscious to avoid directing resentments over the defeat of the election in the Sino-U.S. relation. He suggested Chinese people should respect Trump himself, and there is no need to step on him or mock him.

Source: RTHK #Nov08


#USPresidentialElection #Trump #Biden #HuXijin #USChinaRelation #US #China #SinoUSrelation #GlobalTimes
Twitter Bans Trump but Condones China's Propaganda, Netizens Say

Twitter announced on Friday (January 8) that it has permanently blocked Donald Trump's personal account (@realDonaldTrump) with the concerns of the risks of further incitement to violence. The practice has aroused heated debate among netizens, many of whom say that banning speech is a common tactic used by the Chinese Communist Party, criticizing Silicon Valley for turning into the Chinese Communist Party. Twitter has not seen any major action even when Chinese official media and Foreign Ministry spokesperson use the platform to make propaganda or even send out fake news.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying posted a short video about COVID-19 on her Twitter account (@SpokespersonCHN) on Friday (January 8), saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words. Fighting #COVID19, a memory that will not be forgotten.” The video was viewed more than 7,000 times in just two hours, with more than 300 people giving Like and more than 50 comments. Most of the comments praised China for its greatness, happiness for its people and rejuvenation for its nation. Some even thanked China for "leading the world" in the fight against the virus. But Twitter does not put on the fact-check tag in the feed.

Another Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, became notorious last May when his Twitter account (@zlj517) cited a report from the official media Global Times that the U.S. military brought the COVID-19 into China. Twitter added a fact-check tag to it without deleting the post or the Global Times report. In last December, Zhao further antagonized China-Australia relation by uploading a fake picture of an Australian soldier. But his Twitter account is still up and running.

Source: Apple Daily #Jan09


#Twitter #TwitterCensorship #PoliticalCensorshipinUS #USPresident #DonaldTrump #ChinesePropaganda #CCPPropaganda #ChineseForeignMinistry #HuaChunying #ZhaoLijian #COVID19 #GlobalTimes
Mainland China Re-examines Mobile Apps and Bans New User Registration; The Global Times: US-listed Science and Technology Enterprises Need Stricter Supervision

China Cyber Security Review Office announced on 5th July that due to the risk of national security and public benefits, they are reviewing the network safety to “Full Delivery”, “Truck Gang” and “Boss Appointment”. During the review period, those three apps will ban new registration. The announcement stated that it was based on the “National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Network Security Law of the People’s Republic of China” to prevent risks from expanding. This action targets the Chinese technological enterprises listed in the United States after the mainland government requested “DiDi Travels" being delisted on 4th July.

The Internet Information Office also announced on 4th July that another mobile app “DiDi” has a serious violation of laws and regulations on collecting and using personal information. The office notified the app store to remove an app from DiDi Technology Co. Ltd based on the “Network Security Law of the People’s Republic of China” regulation. The office also requested that the Company strictly follows the legal requirements and refers to the relevant national standards to seriously rectify the existing problems, effectively protecting the personal information security of users.

Source: Stand News #Jul05


#China #Network #SecurityLaw #NationalSecurity #Risk #UnitedStates #PersonalInformation #GlobalTimes #MobileApps #Regulations #TruckGang
CCTV Again Questions the US Having "an Ulterior Motive" for Joining Wuhan Military World in 2019 Without Seeking Gold

With more than 200 million COVID-19 infections, the whole world is trying to trace the source of the pandemic. While some in the US have suspected the virus was the leakage from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China continues to wage a public opinion war, questioning the US to be the source of the virus. Following 25 million signatures collected by the Chinese tabloid Global Times, accusing US Fort Detrick laboratory of leaking the virus, official China media CCTV published another article on the 11th on the "Wuhan Military World theory", which proposed that a US athlete joining the game to be the "patient zero" and had transmitted the virus to China.

However, foreign media, such as CNN, has dismissed this claim. China-labelled "Patient zero" Maatje Benassi said that she has never been diagnosed in COVID-19 but has become a talking point of Chinese netizens, with her home address posted on the internet. "It's like waking up from a bad dream going into a nightmare day after day", she said.

Source: Stand News #Aug12


#COVID19 #WuhanMilitaryWorld #WuhanInstituteOfVirology #FortDetrick #PatientZero #MaatjeBenassi #GlobalTimes #CCTV #CNN #China #US
CCP Mouthpiece Warns Against "Sinophobia" as Ukraine Hits Back at Chinese Insults

As the world voices support for #Ukraine, Chinese netizens have poked fun at the situation, suggesting that the war be prolonged and the more attractive ones among Ukraine’s women be “imported” into #China. The remarks have caused anger among Ukrainians, and Chinese students in Ukraine are reportedly trying to pass for Japanese. In defence of the Chinese netizenry, #HuXijin, now a special commentator for the Chinese state tabloid #GlobalTimes, wrote that it is completely Ukraine’s fault if Sinophobia breaks out in the country, asking rhetorically “where in the world Internet [discussions] are thoroughly rational”.

In a Weibo post published on 27 February, Hu says that the Chinese people are generally very friendly to Ukraine and wish Ukrainians peace. But while acknowledging that Chinese netizens need to be reminded to stay calm and refrain from triggering other communities, Hu says “it mustn’t be accepted as a reason for the foreign world to take revenge on Chinese expats”.

“It is a crime for anyone to persecute the Chinese citizens in Ukraine,” he adds, “and it’s nothing short of making himself an enemy of the People’s Republic of China. It definitely won’t end well for [him].”

Source: Apple Daily Taiwan #Feb27

China State Media Demonizes its Netizens' #StandWithUkraine Effort

Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, Chinese-language comments supporting the aggression and deriding Ukrainian women were made by #LittlePink and opinion leaders on various social media platforms in China. Other Chinese-speaking netizens, who were appalled at these comments and behaviors, began translating them into other languages and posting them online for the world to see.

Calling themselves "The Great Translation Movement", the volunteer translators soon caught the attention of international media - as well as China's own propaganda machine.

Global Times, a tabloid owned by the Chinese Communist Party, condemned these volunteer translation efforts for painting China in a negative light. In a Weibo post on March 17, 2022, The Party mouthpiece called the translations an "evil force", inciting Anti-China hate on the Internet and endangering China as a whole. It also accused the participants to be supported by "foreign, anti-China forces", suggesting that they lacked "normal morals" and could not bear to see China's successful development - and its "temporary problems".

See also: Chinese in Ukraine Are Trying to Pass for Japanese as Anger Grows over Pro-Invasion Comments by ‘Little Pink’

Source: Global Times Weibo, The Great Translation Movement Twitter #Mar17

#Regime #GlobalTimes #Propaganda #TheGreatTranslationMovement
#SouthKorea’s Intelligence Agency Has Joined NATO’s Cyber Defense Unit; #China Isn’t Happy

//On Thursday, May 5, 2022, South Korea’s spy agency became the first in Asia to join #NATO’s Cyber Defense Group in a move that risks inflaming tensions with regional superpower China.

In response, #HuXiJin, the strident editor of Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) mouthpiece The #GlobalTimes, tweeted that the move was an affront to Beijing and even lays the groundwork for war in Asia. “If South Korea takes a path of turning hostile against its neighbors, the end of this path could be a #Ukraine,” he wrote.

Despite hosting some of the world’s top tech companies, like #LG and #Samsung, South Korea has been a surprising laggard regarding cybercrime and only launched a National Cybersecurity Strategy under the #MoonJaeIn administration in 2018.

This is despite South Korea being the principle target of increasingly frequent cyberattacks from across the DMZ. A crack squad of 6,800 North Korean agents are engaged in fraud, blackmail and online gambling that together generate some $860 million annually, according to the Korea Institute of Liberal Democracy in Seoul. Many attacks originate from inside China.//

Source: Time #May6

#Cyberattack #Seoul #Beijing #ChinaThreat