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#Academia #University #CCP #ChinesePropaganda #ConfuciusInstitute
Universities in Germany Closing Confucius Institutes to Avoid Exposure to CCP Propaganda

Source: Apple Daily #Jul27

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#Academia #University #CCP #ChinesePropaganda #ConfuciusInstitute
Universities in Germany Closing Confucius Institutes to Avoid Exposure to CCP Propaganda
Universities in Hamburg and other locations in Germany are closing their Confucius Institutes to avoid propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from spreading in their campuses.  The German parliament also has plans on discussing the much-disputed issue of Confucius Institutes in the coming session.  However, most of the universities operating Confucius Institutes are still sitting on the fence. 
German national daily newspaper Die Welt has reported that the University of Hamburg has decided to terminate their collaboration with Confucius Institute by the end of this year to minimise the risk of “political influence and information leakage”. 
University of Hamburg is not the first university to shut down its Confucius Institute in Germany.  In 2016, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf terminated its agreement with the Office of Chinese Language Council International, which was responsible for the operation of Confucius Institute, over worries that the political doctrine of the CCP would influence the school.  Also worried about manipulation from the CCP, University of Bonn is now re-evaluating the presence of Confucius Institutes on its campus. 
19 Confucius Institutes are currently operating in Germany.  In recent years, more voices from the political and academic sectors have expressed their suspicion over Confucius Institutes working as CCP’s propaganda machine under the façade of promoting Chinese culture and language.  In a reply to an inquiry last year from parliament members, the German government has pointed out that the Office of Chinese Language Council International operates under the Publicity Department of the CCP.
Source:  Apple Daily  #Jul27
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#AcademicFreedom #1C1S #Censorship #WhiteTerror
Lingnan University's Rejects Professorship Substantiation, Shocks Department Head

Professor Tejaswini Niranjana, Head of Department of Cultural Studies at the Hong Kong Lingnan University was shocked by the University's refusal to substantiate Dr. Ip Iam-Chong's professorship, as Ip has been performing well in all aspects.

Professor Niranjana responded to Stand News as follows:

"1. The Department is shocked and disappointed by the decisions made so far on Dr. Ip’s case. The relevant Department Committee and the Head of Department have all along supported Dr Ip‘s substantiation, on the basis of his consistently high standard performance at the University in all the three areas of personnel appraisal, namely, teaching, research and service.

2. The Department believes that the rationale offered for the decision is not conducive to good staff morale under the current environment."

Editor's Note: Pro-democracy activist in exile, Nathan Law, who was allegedly 'wanted' by the Hong Kong police for security law violation, was an alumni of the Department.

Source: Stand News #Aug3
#Academia #IpIamChong #CulturalStudies #LingnanUniversity #LingU #TejaswiniNiranjana
#AcademicFreedom #WhiteTerror #Academia #University

The End of Academic Freedom in Hong Kong: Purge of Educators and Scholars

In recent weeks, a number of educators and scholars who were deemed to have crossed the Chinese Communist Party’s red line were pressured to resign, dismissed or terminated from their positions.

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#AcademicFreedom #WhiteTerror #Academia #University

The End of Academic Freedom in Hong Kong: Purge of Educators and Scholars

Law professor Benny Tai was fired from the University of Hong Kong while social worker Bottle Shiu’s contract was not renewed by Hong Kong Baptist University.

Source: Stand News #Jul27 #Jul28, (https://bit.ly/2EQiAZr ; https://bit.ly/30ulyLK)

Related article:


Dr. Ip Iam-chong, assistant professsor in Cultural Studies at Hong Kong Lingnan University and founder of InMediaHK, was rejected in his professorship substantiation. His employment was reduced to a one-year contract.

Source: Ming Pao #Aug2 ; Stand News #Aug3

Related Article:


An American professor's contract was not renewed.

Source: InMedia #Jul18

Related article:


Po Kok Primary School teacher Mok Tak-wai was forced to copy and sign a pre-written resignation letter while awaiting trial relating to the Anti-ELAB movement.

Source: Apple Daily #Jul30


Further reading:
Teacher shot in the eye during demonstration did not get his contract renewed by school

School principal resigned amidst white terror and growing political oppression

Teacher who created political cartoon fired
#Smearing #CCPControl #FakeNews
The Hong Kong-America Centre Shuts Sown its Offices After Being Smeared by China-Controlled Media

Since the end of 2019, China-owned newspaper Ta Kung Pao and Global Times have been tirelessly reprimanding the Hong Kong-America Centre for being "lavishly backed with US fund" and “manipulating the University General Studies” via the Fulbright Program, one renowned academic exchange program led by the Center. The Center was also said to be “infiltrated” by “anti-China forces” and was acused of "brainwashing youngsters and subverting China".

Academia, however, pointed out that the Center has been driving academic exchange and coordination. The closure of the Center is a loss to both Hong Kong and China.

Apple Daily has looked into the accusations made by the CCP-controlled mouthpieces and found gaps:

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The Hong Kong-America Centre was funded by several heavy-weight organisations, including the Ford Foundation, the Henry Luce Foundation, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the East-West Centre. Among them, NDI allocated $524,000 to the Center from 2013 - 2018 under a “Young Female Leader Advocacy” program.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Based on the Center’s Financial Statement, around 30-40% of the Center’s fund in the past 5 years came primarily from local universities averaging over hundreds of thousands a year. The remaining 60% came from the surplus of the Center’s operating projects, among which was connected to NDI. From 2014 – 2017, a total fund amounted $285,000 was received from NDI, after deducting expenses, a balance of $117,000 was recorded.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The “Women’s Training Camp” organised for Mainland female leaders was funded and led by NDI.

The program invited former Commercial Radio Station Chief, Wong Wing to talk about leadership capabilities and PR tactics, which was actually intended to encourage candidates to learn from the Middle-East women to stand against their governments and subvert China.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
When being asked, Wong Wing clarified that he was invited to talk about the media landscape in Hong Kong and his work experience only.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
The Centre “routinely organizes anti-China brain-washing activities”, such as “Let’s Talk: Youth Summit on Hong Kong Elections” which was organised on the eve of the Umbrella Movement in 2014.

The program invited Anson Chan and Joseph Cheng as speakers and discussed “negotiating strategy for mass protest activities”, sowing seed for youngsters to aspire universal suffrage as the ultimate goal in a protest activity.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Responding to the paper’s inquiries, both Joseph Cheng and Eric Heikkila, a Professor of International Public Policy at the University of Southern California, expressed that “I cannot recall a single incident or activity that I would in any way described as ‘anti-China’”.

- Ta Kung Pao’s accusation:
From 2006 – 2012, the US Consulate arranged 25 US academia to Hong Kong via the Fulbright Program.

The HK-America Center was the bridge connecting the academia to 8 universities in Hong Kong. They were involved in designing and teaching General Studies, in other words, "manipulating the curriculum" of the city’s higher education program.

- Apple Daily’s findings:
Wong Wai-Ho, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration said that the Center’s role was to facilitate academic exchange, involving in the coordination works between the US consulate and universities.

Editor’s note:
The Hong Kong-America Center was set up in early 2000 to advance educational exchanges between China and the United States over the bridge of Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug28

#PoliticalOppression #Education #Academia
#Fulbright #ExchangeProgram
#HKAmericaCentre #TaKungPao #GlobalTimes
#Academia #University
HK Government Covid-19 adviser will leave University of Hong Kong after failing to get a contract renewal : sources

The 65-year-old professor, Keiji Fukuda, is one of the experts advising the SAR government on Covid-19 and a former top figure at the World Health Organization. He has frequently discussed the city’s pandemic situation in global media appearances.

Local media reported that Fukuda's contract renewal application passed the university's academic review, but was rejected by the president and vice-chancellor, Zhang Xiang, for not fulfilling the requirement of having a top academic achievement. HKU spokesman declined commenting on the case, citing personal privacy issues.

A fellow adviser and Chinese University respiratory medicine expert, David Hui Shu-cheong said, “it will be Hong Kong's loss when government epidemic adviser Keiji Fukuda leaves.”

Source: RTHK; The Standard; #Oct8
#PoliticalOppression #Pandemic #HKU #KeijiFukuda
#HKU Student union: Appointment of Chinese Academics as University's Pro-vice-president is a “Black-box Operation”

Along with several pto-democracy lawmakers, President of the Hong Kong University Students' Union, Yip Zi-lam held a press conference on October 26, 2020.

Yip comdemned the appointment of the university’s pro-vice-presidents as a “black-box operation” which lacked transparency to the stakeholders.

Yip pointed out that both candidates were closely connected to China and the arrangement is detrimental to the University’s autonomy.

In fact, one of the candidates is reportedly a Chinese Communist Party member:

The Students' Union called for a petition. As at 8pm on October 26, 2,100 signatures were collected from the University’s staff members, students and alumni.

Source: Stand News #Oct26

#Collusion #University #Academia
#FailedState #Education
"National Security Law Guru" Becomes Dean of Law Faculty at Hong Kong’s oldest University

In late evening of October 27, the university Council of HKU approved appointment of the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law Fu Hualing, to be the faculty’s dean.

It was reportedly that Fu took part in a dean-elect forum and met with students last week. The Chairman of Law Association, Oscar Wong refused to confirm the appointment, citing confidentiality as a reason. He only said that Fu listened to students’ needs and was willing to discuss with students about setting up a Lennon Wall on the ground floor of the Faculty of Law during his term as the Acting Dean.

Fu Hualing comes from mainland China and is specialised in human rights law.

He has been teaching at the University of Hong Kong for over 20 years. When the National Security Law (#NSL) for Hong Kong was implemented on 1 July 2020, Fu received several press interviews making him gained the nickname, “NSL guru”.

Fu graduated from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in 1983 and continued his studies in Canada. In 1993, he obtained a Doctor of Laws degree at the Osgoode Hall Law School of York University. He took office as Acting Dean of HKU’s Faculty of Law in 2019.

Source: Apple Daily

#University #Academia

Also see

New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism
#Censorship #University #Academia
Now TV News Segment Removed Because News Chief “Personally Thinks it was Inappropriate”

Source: Stand News #Oct26

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#Censorship #University #Academia
Now TV News Segment Removed Because News Chief “Personally Thinks it was Inappropriate”

A Now TV news segment was ordered to be removed by News Chief Bill Chan, claiming that he “personally thinks it was inappropriate”. The now-removed clip showed Ip Kin-yuen, a legislative councilor of the education sector expressing concerns about Max Shen, allegedly a Communist Party member, being nominated to be the vice-chancellor at the University of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) issued a statement saying that the removal of news segments is rare, and it is concerning whether the NowTV is self-censoring since the news report touched upon the topic of Max Shen’s status as a Communist Party member.

HKJA urged NowTV Chan to further explain and clarify his measures on handling this news segment in order to allay any public concern.

Source: Stand News #Oct26

Also see

New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism
#Cronyism #FailedState #SpecialTreatment
Vice-president Newly appointed to City University is the founder of Government's "appointed" COVID-19 testing lab

The City University of Hong Kong (#CityU) appointed Michael Yang Meng-su, the chair professor of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, as the University’s new vice-president.

Yang, however, was identified as one of the founding members of #Prenetics, one of the Government’s "appointed" COVID-19 testing laboratory without any public tender.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct23

#Collusion #University #Academia
#University #Totalitarian
#HKU President Proposes to Appoint Deans Directly; Students' Union: "Co-Governance Must Not Be Violated"

It has been reported that the Council of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will alter the appointment process of the deans. Originally, university deans sre selected by democratically elected staff members and students. With the reported new proposal, the new deans would be appointed by the University President directly.

The Faculty Societies of HKU Students' Union (#HKUSU) released a joint statement in response to the Council's proposed amendment on the Dean Recruitment Guidelines. The Students' Union calls this decision "reckless", and urged that it be utterly rejected.

The statement also emphasizes that the principle of co-governance must not be violated: A university co-governed by both students and the staff can prevent the management from getting out of touch with the staff and students. Should the university proceed to confer disproportionate authority on the president, the student union will put up resistance and ensure that a fair and just system could be maintained.

Source: Stand News #Nov8
#Power #Dean #Academia
#Mainlandization #Sinicization
#Poll: 64% Respondents Consider #HKU's Appointment of Mainland Professors as Vice-Presidents as Against Principle of Fairness

The governing council of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) appointed two professors from mainland China, Max Shen Zuojan and Gong Peng, as vice-presidents. Shen is suspected to be a Communist Party member but the council clarified that the allegations are found to be unsubstantiated.

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#PORI) has interviewed 5,767 Hong Kong citizens in November 2020. The survey asked the question: 'The University of Hong Kong recently appointed two scholars from Tsinghua University, Max Shen and Peng Gong, as Vice-Presidents. How much do you consider the appointment to comply with, or not comply with, the principle of fairness?'.

89% of the pro-democracy respondents said the appointment did not comply with the principle of fairness. A total of 64% of respondents, pro-democracy or otherwise, considered the appointment 'not quite comply', ' very much not comply' and 'entirely not comply' with the principle.

Dr. Chan King-ming, associate professor at the School of Life Sciences of Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and the former chairman of the Teacher's Association of CUHK, said that this appointment clearly shows the mainlandization and Sinicization of HKU.

Chan added that when he was the union chief a few years ago, a number of his colleagues at CUHK complained the use of Mandarin during meetings, 'it is now mainlandization, not globalization.'

Chan mentioned that since many mainland Chinese scholars had returned to China from the US, Hong Kong had become one of their preferred destinations. He worried that these scholars are being intentionally installed in different universities and organizations in Hong Kong. He added that HKU's appointment this time was related to the earlier change in the governance structure, such as the direct interventions occurring in the governing council and the Court. Such things had actually happened 15 years ago at the university.'

Chan also criticized that this appointment had already posed threats to academic freedom and institutional autonomy, and noted that the issue of resource allocation was involved here as a number of scholars had been invited to work in mainland China, especially the Greater Bay Area.

Regarding the National Security Law, Chan remarked that chilling effect had already been brought by the reporting hotline set up by the Police's National Security Department, and 'Cultural Revolution 2.0' had come. Some students had begun self-censoring as they changed the names of their online accounts.

Source: InMedia #Nov6

#AcademicFreedom #University #Academia #CCPControl #CulturalRevolution
#AcademicFreedom #University
Cultural Revolution 2.0: China-run Newspapers Slam HKUST Professor for Breaching National Security Law

The Education Sector and academia in Hong Kong have been targeted by the pro-Beijing forces and Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) mouthpiece.

The CCP-loyal Wen Wei Po and Tai Kung Pao have published a series of reports which slammed Dr. Lee Ching-kwan, a professor of sociology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (#HKUST), for her speech delivered in an online forum held by Hong Kong Democracy Council (#HKDC) in May 2020.

The CCP-owned newspaper accused Lee of "advocating Hong Kong Independence" and "violating the national security law".

Organizedby HKDC on May 26, the discussion topic of the forum was: "Is this the end of the 'One Country Two Systems'?".

The speakers included the former leaders of now-disbanded Demosistō Nathan Law Kwun-chung and Joshua Wong Chi-fung, as well as Benny Tai Yiu-ting, who is a former law professor of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU).

The video of the online forum was deleted on the Facebook page of the HKDC. According to the video spread by the Beijing-loyal presses, Lee said in English, "I think it helps not to think Hong Kong as a Chinese city. We don't belong to China...I don't think. We belong to the world."

Lee Ching-kwan was the Dr. Chung Sze-yuen Professor of Social Science at HKUST and the sociology professor of University of California, Los Angeles.

Source: Stand News #Nov20

#Censorship #Academia #UCLA #Professor #LeeChingKwan #CulturalRevolution
#Academia #Censorship #Discrimination
Academic Organization Bars Taiwanese Scholar from Attending Event Due to his Taiwanese Nationality

A Taiwanese scholar was rejected by the ICTP's winter school of Quantitative Systems Biology (http://indico.ictp.it/event/9131/overview?fbclid=IwAR0wrp8d0AJVZriQcMMBpqxaIW2K3IBoTjqdSwDt7HNNNIGJz4a0T72Ppxw) due to his Taiwanese nationality.

According to the affected scholar, the organizer of th event told him a "new United Nations' rule" since 2019 that "Taiwanese are not allowed to attend any event under UNESCO". The reason is that "Taiwan is not a member state of the UN".

Source: Chih-fu Yeh's Facebook #Nov30

#UN #ICTP #Taiwan
Chinese Professor Lists "Reporting Crime to the Natioanl Security Bureau" in her CV

Wei Li works as an assistant professor at the Department of Politics and Administration of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) in Hong Kong. Her controversial behaviour has been reported by the media since the Anti-ELAB Movement in 2019.

Previously, Li has made comments against the pro-democracy protests. She, for instance, criticised students protesting against the #NationalSecurityLaw as "wasting time, shortening life span".

Li also openly mentioned her "consumption" of the food offerings from the pro-democracy protesters to the deceased. In a Facebook group, Li claimed to have taken the food away from the altar set up by protesters, arousing the discontent in the community.

Recently, she mentioned in her academic CV on the university's webpage that she has been reporting "law-breaking incidents" and advicing the National Security Police Department.

In January 2021, a video went viral on the Internet, capturing a 39-year-old woman argueing with a MTR staff after she was caught using a senior transport card. It was reported that Wei Li was that woman.

#WeiLi #NationalSecurityLaw #FoodOffering #Academia #SeniorOctopus

Source: Stand News #Jun30