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An Interview With Pro-democracy Japanese Photographer Michiko Kiseki

Earlier, a reporter from HKGolden, nicknamed “Weapon Guy”, interviewed a Japanese photographer who came to Hong Kong to cover the anti-extradition demonstrations. The interview was conducted largely in English.

Source: HKGolden
#Jan3 #Interview #Japan #GlobalSupport
“He Seemed Unafraid, So We Ripped His Goggles Off,” Police Defended Act of Pepper-spraying Lawmaker

On #Jan1 after the New Year March, over 400 citizens were arrested. At the intersection between Hennessey Road and Jardine’s Bazaar, Pan-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui was pleading the police to show restraint during their operation when an officer twice ripped his goggles off before pepper-spraying him.

On yesterday's press conference (#Jan2), senior superintendent Kon Wing-Cheung defended the act, saying that Hui had been deliberately provoking the officer and refusing to leave when asked, describing Hui as engaging in “passive resistance”. “We warned him that we would be using pepper spray. Perhaps emboldened by the fact that he was wearing goggles, he seemed unafraid, so we ripped his goggles off to make the dispersion more effective,” he explained the act. “He was unwilling to go, not even listening to our orders.”

Civic Party legislator and barrister Alvin Yeung pointed out that the act might have amounted to an assault.

Source: RTHK, Stand News

Editor's Note:
On New Year Day, the police claimed that they would use force on civilians if the police themselves were frightened. On January 3, police 'explained' that as lawmaker Ted Hui was "unafraid" of the threat posed by the police, the police took away Hui's goggles by force and pepper-sprayed him in the face. The two incidents reveal how the police weaponize fear.

#Jan3 #PoliceLies #PoliceState
SARS in Retrospect (2003)

Back in 2003, China News Service reported on 11 February that cases of atypical pneumonia were found in Guangdong Province. The Director of the Hong Kong Department of Health, Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun, stated that the Hong Kong Government had issued a letter of enquiry to the Department of Health at Guangdong Province on this matter and had been awaiting investigation results.

At the time, she said that Hong Kong had entered the peak flu season, but the number of flu cases were similar to previous years; as for pneumonia, there were signs of decline from the year before. At the same time, she urged Hong Kong citizens not to panic, and advised people to pay attention to personal hygiene.

The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Yeoh Eng-kiong, said on 10 February 2003 that the Bureau had contacted the Mainland for more detailed information. He also said it was now the flu season. Generally speaking, elderly or children are more likely to have complications when they catch the flu, and their mortality rate from flu-related illness is typically higher. However, it was not known whether a special type of virus had developed. The Bureau had promised to contact the Mainland offices and ascertain the need to take further measures.

According to a report from Guangdong Province, there was an outbreak of 305 cases of atypical pneumonia in the local area, causing 5 deaths and infecting 105 medical staff .

On the evening of 10 February 2003, the Guangdong Provincial Government revealed that overnight meetings were held to discuss the outbreak. In the end, officials of the Guangdong Provincial Government concluded that this disease was not as serious as rumoured; that it could be controlled and cured; and carried a low risk of mortality. Citizens were told not to worry.

#2Jan #SARs

As of Jan 3, One Fourth of Viral Pneumonia Cases in Wuhan, China are Severe Cases:
2 More Viral Pneumonia Cases Discovered in Hong Kong

According to Hong Kong's,Hospital Authority on Jan 3, two more people have been admitted to hospital in Hong Kong with a suspected mystery illness similar to SARS that has originated in Wuhan, China.

The two female patients, aged 12 and 41, have been to Wuhan in the past 14 days and reported fever and pneumonia symptoms.

They are now being treated in isolation in Princess Margaret Hospital and more tests are being conducted by the health authorities.

"The patients concerned are in stable condition. A preliminary investigation shows that both patients had not been to a wet market in Wuhan before the onset of symptoms," said chief infection control officer, Dr Raymond Lai, of the Hospital Authority.

In total, public hospitals have reported five such cases since December 31 and two of them have been discharged.

#SARS #Plague #Jan3

#firsthand #Jan3
VP of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Shares His Views on Stage, Raising Awareness on White Terror

2003 | Central Instant

Ip Kin-yuen, the Vice President of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union and legislator shared on stage that the teachers have been protecting their students. On the contrary, the Education Bureau is spreading white terror. The massive arrests in the past few months have put extreme amounts of pressure on the teachers, silencing them from sharing opinions in class or even on social media on this matter.

Ip reiterated, “It is time for all of us to hold each others hands and urge the government to change. By standing together in solidarity, we can make known to the Education Bureau what we actually want. We want freedom of speech. Safeguard our professionalism. Safeguard our students.”

Source: First Hand
#FirstHand #Central #Jan3

3 declarations Proposed by The Professional Teachers' Union

During the assembly yesterday (Jan 3), the Union announced 3 declarations:

1. In solidarity, education professionals should safeguard their professionalism, and not fear of alleged subversion
2. Legal and career supports for education professional would be further strengthened through crowdfunding
3. Autonomy in education would be relentlessly defended so that youths in Hong Kong would learn critical and independent thinking to distinguish between the right and wrong, black and white.
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Central #Jan3

The Professional Teachers' Union condemned Education Bureau for inciting White Terror Targeting Teaching Professionals

The Professional Teachers' Union, organizer of the “Safeguard Professionalism in Solidarity, Resist White Terror” assembly, pointed out that government's incompetence caused current chaotic situation in Hong Kong. However, evading from their responsibility, the Education Bureau attempted to trick the public to believe that "flawed education" was the root of the problem. They then started targeting at Liberal Studies, put pressure on school principals and even halted fund applications from schools.
Police Ordered Arrestees to change and unlock phones; Police Pushed Arrestees into Toilet Bowl

After arresting hundreds of civilians on the first day of 2020, police transported them to the North Point Police Station and crowded them into merely two cells.

All the arrested civilians were photographed and some were asked to change into the gray clothes and blue plastic sandals provided by the police.

One arrested civilian revealed that during the interrogation process at 3am, the police asked for the password of his mobile phone. He refused and the police threatened that "it will be necessary to unlock it." According to sources, some arrestees who were mentioned in the Eastern District Magistrates' Court on #Jan3 had their heads pushed into the toilet bowl by the police, after they refused to unlock their phone.

Source: Stand News
Police Arrested Civilian with Mental Illness and Accused them of "playing games” and “superfluous"

The Hong Kong Police Force website stated that "Mentally incapacitated persons (MIPs) are a vulnerable group of people who need care, respect and patience.” However, a complaint made by an arrested civilian reveals that the actual situation was different.

Ms. A, who had been suffering from mental illness for more than 20 years, was arrested by the police earlier. However, during detention, her request for taking medication and admission to hospital was rejected three times, even though she had shown her registration certificate for the disabled.

Police accused her of "playing games” and “superfluous” and making testimony "without the presence of an appropriate adult". Eventually, Ms. A delayed her medicine intake for more than 24 hours. She experienced anxiety, depression, and hand tremor. She needed a psychological counseling afterwards. Her doctor increased the dose for the second time after the incident.

Some lawyers alleged that the police had violated multiple codes and guidelines in the incident and ignored the rights of the MIPs.

Lawmaker Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung, who assisted the victim, said that he had not yet decided whether to file a complaint with the IPCC or the Complaints Against Police Office. He was not confident in the complaint mechanism. It was estimated that there were about 10 similar cases, but not everyone was willing to come forward to disclose the incident.

Source: Stand News #Jan3
Hong Kong Police Wear Chinese Nation Flag on Their Uniform

At “Lunch with You” on Friday (#Jan3) at Kwun Tong, riot police station nearby the Tsun Yip Street Playground were spotted wearing accessories such as the Chinese National Flag and sticker reading "Kick-ass Police” on their uniforms.

Editor's note: Personalizing the police uniform is not allowed; however, the Hong Kong Police could be seen from time to time wearing ornaments but not their identification pin on their outfit.

Source: Cupid News

#3Jan #KwunTong #LunchWithYou
#BringThemBack #Save12
Families of Jailed Hongkongers Attemp to Pay Visit to Chinese Prison Amidst Ambigious Rule Set Up by Chinese Authorities

Source: Apple Daily #Jan3

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#BringThemBack #Save12
Families of Jailed Hongkongers Attemp to Pay Visit to Chinese Prison Amidst Ambigious Rule Set Up by Chinese Authorities

On Dec 30, 2020, the Chinese court in Yantian, Shenzhen sentenced 10 pro-democracy Hongkongers to Chinese prison for seven months to three years. Another two Hongkongers, who were also captured and detained with the rest of the group since August 2020, were repatriated to Hong Kong, for they were under 18 of age. During their detention so far, the Chinese authorities have barred the 12 Hongkongers from having any external contacts including family and lawyers' visits.

Some detainees' families set off to Shenzhen on the morning of Jan 3, 2021, hoping to complete the quarantine isolation procedure and visit the prisoned as soon as possible.

However, the Justice Bureau of Shenzhen in China amended the visit arrangement in Dec 2020, by "temporarily suspending" the acceptance of foreign personnel on-site visits.

Ms. Chow Hang-tung, a barrister who has assisted the Hong Kong youths’ families, predicted that the families would be considered as foreign personnel, while concrete arrangements need to be further understood.

Former pro-democracy lawmaker Eddie Chu Hoi-dick, who has been supporting the 12 Hong Kong youths’ families, said that the family have departed and arrived in Shenzhen as of 5pm on Jan 3, 2021.

The “12 Hongkonger Concern Group” also stated on the same afternoon that three family members have arrived at Shenzhen and will undergo the 14-day quarantine period. They are going to seek for prison visit right after the first trial’s 10-day appeal period is over, and the judgement has taken effect.

Source: Apple Daily #Jan3


#Save12HKYouths #CCPRule #CCPCourt
Hong Kong Government Will Not Arrange nor Accompany Families to Visit Jailed Hongkongers in China

Source: Stand News #Jan3

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Hong Kong Government Will Not Arrange nor Accompany Families to Visit Jailed Hongkongers in China

12 pro-democracy Hongkongers have been detained in China for more than a hundred days since August 2020. On Dec 30, 2020, ten of them were sentenced by the Chinese court from 7 months to 3 years.

On Jan 3, 2021, three members from two families headed to Shenzhen, China, seeking to visit the jailed Hong Kong youths.

The Security Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government said on Jan 3, 2020 that they have contacted the Chinese authorities to understand the procedures. They claimed that the Hong Kong government would provide opinion and information, but would not arrange physical visit, nor accompany the relatives.

The 12 Hong Kong Youth Concern Group revealed that the mother of 19-year-old Kwok Tsz-lun and the mother and the aunt of 30-year-old Li Tsz-yin have arrived at Shenzhen to go through a 14-day quarantine.

Kwok Tsz-lun and Li Tsz-yin were both sentenced to 7 months in jail in China for "illegally crossing the border". Their families will try to contact different parties and seek possiblities to visit them.

Source: Stand News #Jan3

#Save12 #Save12HKYouths #SecurityBureau
#PressFreedom #RightoKnow
Journalist Unions Condemn HK Government for Limiting the Right to Know, As Press Briefing Goes Online Without Consultation

Source: Stand News #Jan3

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#PressFreedom #RightoKnow
Journalist Unions Condemn HK Government for Limiting the Right to Know, As Press Briefing Goes Online Without Consultation

On Jan 3, 2021, the Hong Kong government's Department of Health suddenly announced that, in order to "reduce risk of spreading the coronavirus", the daily COVID press briefing will be held as a live broadcast beginning on Jan 4, 2021. All questions by the press would only be accepted in written format.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association and 8 other press unions issued a statement later that evening, criticizing the government's intention to filter and avoid sensitive questions and infringe the journalists’ right to raise further questions and the public’s right to know.

The journalists' associations also demanded the government to revert the decision and hold the press briefing as the way it used to be.

In the statement, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA) together with other unions that represented Stand News, RTHK, hkCNews, Next Digital, Mingpao, the Independent Commentators Association, and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association criticised the government's unreasonable and sudden decision before consulting the press.

They worried that sensitive questions would be filtered and avoided from now on, further eroding the freedom of the press in Hong Kong.

Source: Stand News #Jan3

#FailedState #Coronavirus #PressBriefing #Whitewash
Nearly 90% of Hong Kong Students Have No Trust in the Government

Source: Apple Daily #Jan3

Nearly 90% of Hong Kong Students Have No Trust in the Government

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has interviewed 250 high school students in Hong Kong during the coronavirus outbreak in 2020. The project was funded by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office and the findings were published on Jan 3, 2021.

Results show that nearly 90% of the students have no confidence in the Hong Kong government. Some scholars directly pointed out that it is an alarm and urged the government to listen to the opinions of the youths.

Apple Daily has also interviewed a number of students and youths on the streets. They also criticized the government for rejecting public opinion, and believed that the government did not show goodwill to the young people.

They said to a large extent, the government had completely abandoned repairing the relationship with young people. As for whether the cracks could be mended, the interviewees frankly said: “I think it will never happen in the next eight to ten years”.

Form 6 students Kay and Yun stated that they do not support the government. In particular, Yun pointed out the government has ignored the demands of the citizens, and make them lose trust: “Have they ever reflected on their own problems? They only accuse us of violent acts, but how about themselves? They have never admitted their mistakes ever”.

When asked for the reason for their mistrust toward the government, Yun and Kay showed hesitation in expressing their views due to the concern over retribution: “are we really allowed to speak?” and “I’m afraid I cannot say in this way”.

The two youths directly stated that they are “afraid of bearing consequences”. They are also very sensitive to the government’s suppression in education, by indicating their pressure of taking the HKDSE, a public university entrance exam in Hong Kong. They said they would be cautious in expressing their stance when answering exam questions and will try to avoid sensitive issues. They denounced the government for politicizing education, and asked why the government cannot let students freely express opinions.

Source: Apple Daily #Jan3


#HongKongYouths #NextGeneration #HKDSE #Students #FailedState
Prosecution of #StandNews by HK Authorities Causes #CitizenNews to Close; Chief Editors: Do Not Give Up

On January 2, 2022, Hong Kong Citizen News annouced the closure of the indepedent news outlet starting from January 4, 2022.

On the morning of January 3, chief editor Daisy LEE Yuet Wah and chief writer Chris YEUNG Kin Hing explained their decision. Yeung in a broken voice mentioned the authorities' prosecution of Stand News management was one of the causes. Yeung said their priority is the safety of their journalists; however, Yeung himself will not stop writing.

Lee added that Citizen News has always been professional since its establishment in 2017, "we haven't changed." Lee asked young journalists not to give up and not to be affected by their decision.

Photo: #FirstHand
Source: HKCNews; InMedia #Jan3


#PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw #Media #PoliticalProsecution #WhiteTerror