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China first top-level biosafety laboratory operates in Wuhan since 2018; the BSL4 lab unable to identify the recent pneumonia

China has put its first level-four biosafety laboratory, which level four is the highest biosafety level, into operation, capable of conducting experiments with highly pathogenic microorganisms that can cause fatal diseases, such as Marburg, Variola, Nipah and Ebola.

It serves as the country's research and development center on prevention and control of infectious diseases, as a pathogen collection center and as the United Nations' reference laboratory for infectious diseases.

However, in the latest development of the mystery pneumonia in Wuhan, 44 citizens are infected, with 11(25%) of the patients in a serious condition. The virus is still unidentified.

#SARS #Plague #ChinaCrisis

Source : China Daily, RTHK
Wild game banned in Wuhan province

( Editor’s notes: “Wet market” is a colloquial term for farmer’s market that sells vegetables, seafood, and livestock. In China, the stalls can be very densely packed)

After a pneumonia outbreak, the sale of wild game was banned in all cities in Wuhan province. Many stalls in the wet markets of Wuhan are being investigated and forced to close. In the countryside, many farmer’s markets are still illegally sell wild chickens, ducks, and other wild animals. Vendors say the investigations have been tightened these 2 days. Wild rabbits can be killed on the spot but the rest must be taken away after killed and be frozen.

Qiyimen Fresh Market is a wet market near the train station in Hankou, Wuhan. Reporters found that the market has been cleaned before, however, the hygiene of the market is still undesirable. In the outdoor stalls at the end of the car park, many stallholders still killed fish on the spot and discarded parts on the floor.

The reporter also found that many stalls were empty. Locals said that wild animals were previously sold in this market but those stalls were closed because of the tightening inspections by the government lately. Nevertheless, rabbits and bullfrogs are still being found in the market. Stallholders kill rabbits on the spot and hang them up for sale. At the far side of the market, reporters found wild ducks and chickens were traded secretly as it was illegal. The ducks on sale were confirmed as wild-caught and the price was 200 RMB (approx. 30 USD) per duck after they stared at the reporter for a while. The reporter showed interest and proposed to select one. The other said, “It is not possible to show you the product but the wild game is real. All buyers here are regular customers.”

That man was stallholder for wild game in the lane as verified by stallholders nearby. They also mentioned that shop was forced to close because the state started to regulate the wild game market recently. The reporter asked that man what type of wild game he sold. He mentioned wild game can be found on request. After negotiation, the reporter bought a frozen wild-caught chicken at 65 RMB (approx. 9 USD). A customer in the market said, “medicine is usually used for these wild game caught by ordinary people. That’s why all wild game is dead when they are on sale. Moreover, handling wild-caught chicken is different from farmed chicken. The feather and skin of these wild-caught chickens are peeled off together.”

#SARS #Plague #ChinaCrisis
Source: MingPao (#3Jan)
What Mask to Wear during Pneumonia outbreak? Surgical Mask or N95 Mask?

The outbreak of an unknown pneumonia in Wuhan, China and suspected cases in Hong Kong have caused great concern among the Hong Kong public.

N95 masks, used by medical personnel during the SARS outbreak, is experiencing panic buying. What masks should an average citizen actually wear? Surgical masks or N95 masks?

Professor David SC HUI of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of CUHK cited a report last year by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), analysing the probability of medical personnel wearing N95 masks or surgical masks contracting influenza. Results had shown that 8.2% of medical personnel wearing N95 masks contracted influenza, while 7.2% of those wearing surgical masks contracted Influenza, indicating there is no significant difference in the effectiveness between the two.

Surgical Masks
Surgical masks are designed to prevent droplet transmission of diseases, and are suitable for unventilated environments like clinics and surgical theatres. However, it could not block particles with the radii smaller than 5μm, nor could it block any particulates or gases (including tear gas).

According to information from the Consumer Council, the three layers present in a typical surgical masks has three individual functions: the innermost layer retains moisture; the middle layer filters particles in the air; and the outermost layer resists water. However, surgical masks are disposable medical items with a maximum use time of 6 - 8 hours. The mask must also be replaced if it is broken, wet, or dirty.

.Block disease-transmitting droplets
. Retain moisture, filter particles, and resist water
. Could not block droplets with radii smaller than 5μm

N95 Masks
N95 masks are masks that abide to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's standards, which filters at least 95% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil aerosols.

However, N95 masks are designed to fit perfectly onto the face, which results in the user breathing in their own exhaled carbon dioxide. Thus long-time usage could cause headaches due to dilation of cerebral blood vessels. It is recommended that users should replace the mask after eight hours of usage.

.Filters at least 95% of airborne particles
.Not resistant to oil aerosols
.Long usage causes headaches

Exhalation valves are also present in some N95 masks, with the valve designed to be a single valve which reduces exhalation resistance, making it easier to breathe (exhale). However, the exhalation valve does not reduce inhalation resistance. Since air exhaled from the exhalation valve does not undergo filtration, wearers could still spread pathogens as though they have not wore a mask, thus masks with exhalation valves are not suitable for patients.

Source: Health Concept 健康概念; Consumer Council; Centers for Disease Control of Republic of China (Taiwan); "N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel, A Randomized Clinical Trial"

#4Jan #Pneumonia #Plague

Emergency Notice:
8 mystery pneumonia cases found in 5 days; Microbiologist warned for a surge during Chinese New Year

Government announced 3 new suspected mystery pneumonia case from Wuhan in China on Jan 4, making a total of 8 cases in the past 5 days, although none was considered severe.

Secretary for Food and Health Bureau, Sophia Chan, said the government has been vigilant and a series of measures would be put in place, including cutting down the visiting time in public hospital to reduce the flow of people. Staff might be sent to Wuhan to understand the situation, and amendments would be proposed to the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance, which required reporting of all concerning suspected cases.

Earlier today, the head of the University of Hong Kong's Centre for Infection, Ho Pak-leung, urged the Government to deploy all possible monitoring system at the city's borders, including the high-speed rail terminus for the new viral pneumonia from mainland.

Although Wuhan officials said that no evidence of human to human transmission had been found, Ho remained firm on his view that the virus could possibly pass from person to person. Ho hoped the mainlaid authority could release more information to help experts analyse the illness.

Ho also said, "so many infections in such a short period of time in Wuhan is worrying". The microbiologist, at the same time, warned for a surge in cases during Chinese New Year.

Emergency Notice:

What Mask to Wear during Pneumonia outbreak?

In #Singapore, Chinese girl with pneumonia warded, isolated after travel to Wuhan, China

Source RTHK #4Jan #Pneumonia #Plague
#SARS #Pneumonia #Plague
Hong Kong Government States That Reducing Flights or Trains to Wuhan, #China Is Not Necessary at This Stage

The pneumonia outbreak in China has aroused much public's concern; eight suspected cases (including a 4-year-old girl) were recorded in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung Kin-chung stated that it was not necessary to reduce the frequency of flights or Express Rail Link trains to Wuhan as the government has been on high alert and would keep closely in touch with the National Health Commission for any updates.

Source: Stand News #Jan4

8 mystery pneumonia cases found in 5 days; Microbiologist warned for a surge during Chinese New Year

In #Singapore, Chinese girl with pneumonia warded, isolated after travel to Wuhan, China
Wuhan Mystery Pneumonia Outbreak: Suspected Cases in Hong Kong Increased to 14

Secretary for Food and Health, Sophia Chan Siu-chee, stated that the Hospital Authority received another 6 admissions of patients who suffered from fever, upper respiratory tract infection and pneumonia after visiting Wuhan. The suspected infections has increased to a total of 14 cases. According to Chan Siu-chee, the 6 new patients are all in stable condition.

According to sources from the Commercial Radio Hong Kong, the new cases include 4 males and 2 females, with age ranges from 22 to 55. None of them have visited the wet markets in Wuhan.

8 mystery pneumonia cases found in 5 days; Microbiologist warned for a surge during Chinese New Year

Hong Kong Government States That Reducing Flights or Trains to Wuhan, #China Is Not Necessary at This Stage

Source: Stand News #Jan5 #SARS #Pneumonia #Plague
Updates on the Wuhan Pneumonia:

As of 5 Jan 18:00, there are a total of 16 cases of mystery new viral pneumonia, with symptoms of respiratory infection, fever and/or pneumonia. The youngest patient is a 2-year-old girl. 5 of them have been discharged.

The latest case was reported by a doctor from private clinic.

Source: RTHK

#Jan5 #ChinaPneumonia #SARS #Plague
8 Passengers from Wuhan to Taiwan Exhibit Fever amidst Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak

A total of eight passengers aboard eight different direct flights from Wuhan to Taiwan have developed fever since Dec. 31 amidst the mysterious pneumonia outbreak in the central Chinese city, according to Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Sunday (Jan. 5).

Amongst the 8 fever cases, 3 of them are being closely monitored by local health authorities. The CDC urge the public to maintain good hygiene and avoid contact with wildlife and poultry should they plan to visit Wuhan.

Wang Yuedan, a professor of immunology at the Peking University School of Basic Medical Sciences, has warned that the possibility of human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out and that the culprit could be a novel coronavirus.

#ChinaPneumonia #SARS #Plague #5Jan

Source: Taiwan News
5 more Wuhan Pneumonia Cases Reported Over 1 Day, Reaching a Total of 76 infected
in Hong Kong

On January 15, the Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong announced that 5 more patients were infected with Wuhan pneumonia from China. The patients exhibited symptoms such as fever and respiratory problems after visiting Wuhan. This brings the total number of people infected of 76.

Out of the 5, 2 of them are males and 3 of them are females. Their age ranges from 2 to 68. 3 cases were reported by the Hospital Authority, while the others were reported by the Port Health Division and a private doctor. All of them have been admitted to the hospital. 3 of them were tested positive for rhinovirus, enterovirus infection, H1N1 and H3N2. 1 person was tested negative for the respiratory system infectious agent quick test and for coronavirus. The last patient has not been tested positive for anything yet.

Source: RTHK
#Jan15 #SARS
A quick review of #SARS outbreak in 2003 in Hong Kong. Shouldn't the government learn from past history by making better and quicker respond to infectious disease after almost 2 decades?
Facebook post quoting Chinese netizens claiming Novel Coronavirus is part of US conspiracy

Origos (January 21)

“The most horrible thing isn’t the virus but idiocy, as I always say.”

From Weibo #1

#SARS United States#
2003 Gulf War—the US attacked Iraq—SARS;
2020 US-Iran conflict—the US attacked Iran—novel coronavirus; Hope it’s only a coincident!
#Dr. Nanshan Zhong confirmed human-to-human infection of novel coronavirus# According to rumours, Professor of Military Science Ai Yuejin expressed publicly that SARS in 2003 was the invention of CIA which targeted Chinese people. What about this novel coronavirus? #Novel coronavirus pneumonia included in notifiable diseases#”

From Weibo #2

“Wuhan virus won’t spread nationwide. Because Americans haven’t identified the genes of Northern and Eastern Chinese. What they had is only the genes of Southern Chinese people, as this demographic group is the majority of overseas Chinese, only whom Americans studied thoroughly. So there are a number of cases of this kind of virus in Hong Kong and Singapore instead. No worry for Native Northern Chinese and Shanghainese.”

From Weibo #3

“Imperialists are open to any base means! As long as it’s to the benefit of the empire. The germ warfare in the Korean War and Vietnam War is ironclad proof! “SARS” and coronavirus pneumonia today... is a germ war! We have no choice but fight back with bravery. Organise our strength, augment scientific innovation, and win this 'germ war’ with determination! No other causes except victory!”

From Weibo #4
“Novel Coronavirus broken out in Wuhan and the biological warfare by the US

As of today, Jan 21, 2020, the novel coronavirus in Wuhan has drawn worldwide attention. Zhong Nanshan, one of the country's best-known epidemiologists, confirmed that this coronavirus is very dangerous, can transmit through human interactions. And it has an incubation period of 2-3 months, so prevention is not easy. We shouldn’t forget that Wuhan was the host for the 7th Military World Games three months ago, it was a well-known global event. Thousands of athletes from the world came together in Wuhan during the 10-day event. Among them there were, of course, athletes from the epidemic-ridden Africa and the US, which has always wanted to wage biological war against China. The SARS virus rampaged through China in the early spring of 2003. When the source of the virus was being investigated, many clues pointed to the US, and the American conspiracy of committing biological warfare against China. How about the current Wuhan coronavirus – is this really biological warfare by the US? The timing, location, and crowd movement of this virus outbreak, along with a fierce situation in the China-US trade war seems suspiciously synchronised. Could we not analyse, integrate, reason, and confirm, and arrive at a sober conclusion?”

Editor’s note: In response to these conspiracy theories, the fact checking group AFP has refuted the claim that the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention created this novel coronavirus as a bioweapon to be used against China.

Sources : Facebook; AFP Fact Check
#SARS #ChinesePneumonia #FailedState
Former SARS Fighter Criticiszed HKSAR Government for not Learning from the Past Tragedy

Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of CUHK Leung Ping-chung, who fighted against SARS in 2003, pointed out that the government did not learn from the experience back then and make comprehensive plans before the epidemic attacked our city.

Leung stated, ”There had yet been the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, but only the Pearl River Delta 17 years ago. There were fewer ports in the Pearl River Delta, but the Delta resembled the current Greater Bay Area. Thus, it was advised that Hong Kong government should cooperate with the mainland to establish guidelines on joint efforts to intercept travellers and to fight against the epidemic, and such guidance will benefit everyone in the Pearl River Delta. However, for the moment, no such measure was implemented. Each government just goes on its own way.”

Source: NOW News #Feb23 #ChinesePneumonia
#NetizensVoice #Newspaper

Zhong Nanshan was Freudian slip to tell that there were a few SARS cases in past 17 years. According to the CDC in the US, there has been no more new case since 2004 — how many SARS cases did CCP conceal?

Image (CCTV interview):
CCTV Reporter: Will it be possible that the new coronavirus is like flu to exist in the long term?
Zhong Nanshan: In the past 17 years, some cases of SARS were found, but it didn’t widespread. Will COVID-19 exist in long term but just not break out? May be. The Control of outbreak is critical. I don’t think it will be like flu. Flu happens every year. This possibility is quite low.

Source: Facebook

#ZhongNanshan #SARS #CCP
#Interview #LiYi #LeeYee

83-year-old Li Yi: I don’t have long to live, but I believe Hong Kong young people have wisdom beyond imagination 1/6

Li Yi is 83 years old. According to him, he takes several medicines a day, for diabetes, for whatever ... and sleeping pills. He often said that he couldn't sleep well since he was young, but he still wrote five newspaper columns a week and did "one-minute reading" for RTHK. Li Yi reads all kinds of news online, and he is no less enthusiastic than younger people. There is a Thai helper who cooks and serves him. Other than that, his home is only a house full of books.

Li Yi's family is all in foreign countries and his late wife was buried in Canada, but he is still struggling in Hong Kong alone. Li Yi said that at this stage, he probably should be with family and write his own autobiography. "Of course I can still write if I leave Hong Kong." However, Li Yi cannot not let go of Hong Kong and leave. He states that ever since Hong Kong’s future problems in 1981, he has been "love Hong Kong" and since then "the feelings for China have been very weak."

Continue reading:

To be continued

Source: Stand News, (25-Feb)

#BasicLaw #TiananmenMassacre #Democracy #SinoBritishJointDeclaration #OneCountryTwoSystems #SARS

Hong Kong fares “slightly better” in coronavirus battle due to pro-democracy protests

While Japan and South Korea are stricken by the epidemic, Hong Kong's situation is, touch wood, not as bad. Surprisingly, we are doing better than Singapore, especially in light of the gross incompetence and deliberate acts of bad faith by Carrie Lam's administration. This is not due to "good luck", but cause and effect.

1. As mentioned many times, the Anti-ELAB movement has greatly reduced the influx of mainland Chinese tourists in the past six months. Despite Lam's refusal to close the border completely, the number of mainland Chinese tourists has dropped drastically towards the end of last year. We no longer saw frenzied shopping in preparation for the Lunar New Year. Even Sheung Shui, a district best known for its parallel traders*, was "liberated". One can imagine, if this year is like last year, Hong Kong's affliction was inevitable. (Some speculated that because Chinese tourists were turned away from Hong Kong to other places, the virus was spread to other countries instead.)

//people have no expectations towards any measures she proposes, choosing instead to think hard on self-help.

//Hongkongers have undoubtedly learnt our lesson. The government and the Hospital Authority are the only ones who learned nothing.

Continue reading:

Source: Facebook

Further reading:
Hong Kong Manages to Slow Down the Spread of COVID-19

#Coronavirus #SelfHelp #antiELAB #SARS #SharingEconomy #DistrictCouncillor #FailedState
#WuhanPneumonia #SARS
Hong Kong Microbiologist: HK Government should avoid a repeat of the 2003 Sars crisis

//Dr. Pak-leung Ho, the head of the University of Hong Kong's Centre For Infection has warned that the SAR must introduce a basket of measures to force people to keep their distance from each other – and by this weekend – or the city's public health system could collapse.

...He said that more than 10,000 doctors and nurses overseas have been infected with Covid-19 and at least 40 doctors have died.

Ho added that Hong Kong should not make the same mistakes some foreign countries have made and he is worried that the city will soon see a repeat of the 2003 Sars crisis.//

Source: RTHK #Mar26

The Hong Kong government may make use of the pretext of fighting virus to enforce Martial Law, Doctor Alfred WONG Yam Hong: tyranny and virus never relax

[Independent Media Report] Under the second wave of epidemic of Wuhan Coronavirus, professions warned that the Hong Kong medical system may collapse in a week’s time. Spokesman of the Citizens’ Press Conference worries the government will introduce Martial Law to suppress the anti-tyranny movement, by virtue of the justification for fighting virus, and in fact it is a good pretext to be used. Doctor Alfred WONG Yam Hong, physician of Tuen Mun Hospital and member of Médecins Inspirés, appeals Hong Kong people to minimize staying outdoor and uphold personal hygiene to avoid intensifying the epidemic. “Tyranny and virus have never relaxed, not even a single moment”, said Doctor WONG.

//Hong Kong people need to do their best to fight against the epidemic to avoid community outbreak, otherwise the government will make use of this to impose the Martial Law – this will definitely be an endless trouble.”

//“all my hopes are on Hong Kong people, but not any on the government.”

//Under the current trend, the number of confirmed cases would hit 1,000 in 5 days, substantially overloading the negative pressure wards.

Full translation:

Source: In Media HK, (26-Mar)

#SARS #Coronavirus #WongYamHong #MedicalPersonnel #N95 #Tyranny #YellowEconCircle