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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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👹 SATAN worshipper, reptilian🦎Jacob Rothschild has died at age 87.

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🇺🇸 At CPAC, 🇸🇻 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele decried "globalism" and warned about social and civilizational decline.
💥☝️Most people overlook a remark at min. 5:30.
He talks about the gangsters who had taken over the country and says in passing:

"Most of them even perform👺Satanic rituals."

Out of sheer shock, I googled whether he has Chabad connections too, like many other conservative hopefuls. Nope. Family comes from Palestine (Wikipedia) and he says he's a Christian. 😎

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🌎 [Chemtrails, Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification]
👹 SATAN [what an appropriate name!] (Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation)
The taboo of outdoor experimentation with sunlight blocking technologies are over. Driven by the fear of global warming and, in some cases, the possibility of a lucrative startup company, scientists are no longer concerned with public acceptance, oversight, or governance issues.
2024’s motto: JUST DO IT!

How did we get here and what’s Dr. Evil planning to experiment with this year? Let us explore the insanity of geoengineering experiments and their progress towards the dark side (pun intended).

🇩🇪 Das Tabu, im Freien mit Sonnenlicht blockierenden Technologien zu experimentieren, ist vorbei. Angetrieben von der Angst vor der 🌎 Erd'Erwärmung'🔥🥴 und in einigen Fällen von der Möglichkeit, ein lukratives Start-up-Unternehmen zu gründen, machen sich die Wissenschaftler keine Gedanken mehr über die öffentliche Akzeptanz, die Aufsicht oder Fragen der Verwaltung. Das Motto des Jahres 2024 lautet: JUST DO IT!

Wie sind wir hierher gekommen und was plant Dr. Evil in diesem Jahr für Experimente? Lassen Sie uns den Irrsinn der Geo-Engineering-Experimente und ihre Fortschritte in Richtung der dunklen Seite (Wortspiel beabsichtigt) erkunden.

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Actor Robert De Niro is starting to panic at the prospect of Donald Trump winning the Presidential election and is predicting that Trump will come looking for him. 🤮

[and now imagine, THIS Satanic pile of 💩SHIT was my favourite actor for DECADES! What a disgrace 💩🤮💩
...and before you misinterpret my lines, I am NOT Pro TRUMPET🎺 - just saying...]

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The Clintons have long considered Haiti to be their personal playground where they can indulge in their wildest fantasies with close friends from the global elite, according to Haitians who allege the Democrat power couple are involved in a Satanic cannibal club in which children are ritually abused and their flesh eaten.

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🪖War Pigs🐷 [RE-Upload]

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgement day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs at the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
oh lord yeah!

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Alandra Markman was born into a global Satanic cult and was ritually abused and tortured throughout his childhood.

Markman then turned whistleblower to the Satanic ritual abuse atrocities that he experienced at the hands of some of the world’s most powerful and famous people, including Jeffrey Epstein...

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🌎 Einer der wichtigsten satanischen Feiertage ist der 30. April – die Walpurgisnacht, Satans Geburtstag.
Passend dazu wurde am 30. April 1966 in San Francisco die „Church of Satan“ gegründet. Satanisten kennen vor allem eines: "Tu, was du willst, soll sein das ganze Gesetz". So kannte und lebte es auch der Gründer und erste Hohepriester der „Satanskirche“ Anton Szandor LaVey.
Wie unvorstellbar grausam und mörderisch dieses „Tu, was du willst, …“ ist, beschreiben die 50 Überlebenden satanisch ritueller Gewalt in dieser Dokumentation. Sehen und hören Sie selbst, damit der Satanismus nie mehr verherrlicht oder bagatellisiert wird! [🔞]

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🌎 One of the most important Satanic holidays is April 30 – Walpurgis Night, Satan‘s birthday.
Fittingly, the „Church of Satan“ was founded in San Francisco on April 30, 1966. Satanists, in particular, know one thing: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law“. This was known and practiced by founder and first high priest of the “Church of Satan“ Anton Szandor LaVey, among others.
How horrific and murderous this “Do what thou wilt, ... “ looks like in practice, is shown by 50 survivors of this Satanic-ritual violence in this documentary. See and hear for yourself in order that Satanism would never be glorified or trivialized again! [🔞]

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🇮🇪 Ireland's "queer" witch wants to win the Eurovision music contest with a song featuring a 👺Satanic ritual performance....

Honestly... W.T.F. is wrong with these folks... ANYONE???

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK... 😵‍💫
The first painted portrait of Charlie Boy looking like 👹 SATAN covered in demon blood in Hell, has been unveiled at Buckingham Palace.

🇩🇪 Das erste gemalte Porträt von König Charles III., der aussieht wie der mit Dämonenblut bedeckte Satan in der Hölle, wurde im Buckingham Palace enthüllt.

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🌎 [Cannibalism, Child Abuse, Child Sacrifice, Illuminati, Pedophilia, 👺Satanism]
👺Satanic ritual: Kesha performs a blood drinking ritual on stage during her song Cannibal...

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HOW OFTEN have I said that the ✝️ Catholic Church serves ✝️ SATAN 👹???

The conference took place from April 26 to 28, 2018, i.e. before the Covid PLANdemic and perfectly embedded in the already well-known simulation games such as "Event 201".

The religious world of "Christians" [Catholics are NOT Christians!] was sworn in to the "blessings" of ☤ Big Pharma under the slogan "How 'Science'🥴, Technology and 21st Century Medicine Will Impact Culture and Society".
The first such conferences took place in 2011, 2013 and 2016. Four of them under the patronage of Pope Franciscus👺Lucifericus, whose predecessor Benedict XVI resigned from office under dubious circumstances.

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✝️ Der Vatikan ist a VOLL Christlich, weiste..! Und verehrt NICHT Satan! 🤮 Der Vatikan hat Chelsea Clinton (Papa & Mama pädophile Massenmörder!), Dr. Fauci (Eugeniker), die New-Age-Persönlichkeit Deepak Chopra (Götzenanbeter) und die CEOs von Moderna und…
WIE OFT habe ich schon gesagt, dass die ✝️ Katholische Kirche ✝️ SATAN 👹 dient???

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Hannes Strasser:
Vatikan hält hochkarätige Tagung mit💉Impfstoff ☣️Biowaffen-Produzenten:
Redner bei dem virtuellen Austausch vom 6. bis 8. Mai [2021] sind unter anderem der US-amerikanische Infektionswissenschaftler Anthony Fauci und die Chefs der Impfstoff-Konzerne Pfizer und ☠️ MurdeRNA ☠️, Albert Bourla und Stéphane Bancel.

Wie der Vatikan am Donnerstag weiter bekanntgab, will sich Papst Franziskus👺Luzifericus zum Abschluss mit einer Video-Botschaft an die Teilnehmer wenden. Die Konferenz soll Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen, Ethiker, Religionsführer und Vertreter für Patientenrechte sowie Politiker und Philanthropen ins Gespräch bringen.

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W.T.F.? 🤨
🌎/🇺🇳 UN summoning SATAN 👹 on ‘World Invocation Day’? 🧐

...Since 1952, World Invocation Day has been observed every year on the day of the Gemini full moon. This year the day is being observed, 23 May. It is marked by the use of the Great Invocation.

So, who or what is the Lucis Trust invoking on 23 May? This shadowy group is undeniably calling forth Satan and the Antichrist to lead the world, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. But what is this group doing at the United Nations? 🤔


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🌎 [Anti-Chistian ✝️ Agenda]
Dominican actress, Massiel Taveras arriving at the Cannes Film Festival.

I bet you anything, if the image had been of SATAN 👹 instead of 🙏 Jesus, they would not have prevented her from displaying her cape.

Absolutely disgusting the way she was treated. 🤮

These 👺Satanic FUCKS are AFRAID; they know JUDGEMENT Day is nigh!

☝️There's a lot of space in the 🔥lake of fire🔥!
{just saying..!} 😉

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🇺🇸 Tucker Carlson interviews 🇸🇻 Nayib Bukele, the most popular elected leader in the world.

The photos above were captured in an El Salvadoran prison that houses the many MS-13 gang members arrested under President Nayib Bukele’s watch.

Since taking office in 2019, President Bukele has completely changed El Salvador, transforming it from the murder capital of the world to perhaps the safest country in the Western Hemisphere.

How did he do it? He prayed and asked 🙏🏻GOD for wisdom. Maybe other world leaders could learn from El Salvador’s success.

Tucker sat down with Bukele just days after being sworn in for a second term. They discuss MS-13 secret satanic roots, Donald Trump’s conviction, economics, and more.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
In short, it would be understood that the corrupt part of the civil authority -- the deep state -- and the corrupt part of ecclesiastical authority -- the deep church -- are two sides of the same coin, both instrumental to the establishment of the New World Order...

Faced with this bleak scenario of corruption and conflict of interest, it is indispensable that all those who are not subservient to the globalist plan unite in a compact and cohesive front, in order to defend their natural and religious rights, their own health and that of their loved ones, their freedom, and their goods.”

Everything that we know, discover, and understand about the global conspiracy currently unfolding shows us a tremendous reality that is also at the same time sharp and clearly-defined: there are two sides, the side of 🙏🏻GOD and the side of SATAN 👹, the side of the children of Light and the side of the children of darkness.

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"SATAN 👹 has a Part in Creating the World with🙏🏻GOD!"
You can NOT understand the World you're living in, without KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING this‼️

No Catholic will EVER tell you this!

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